divine talisman

Chapter 1378 Smashing Sword [Part 1]

Star value hall, bidding platform.

This is a platform covering hundreds of feet, covered with layers of divine restrictions.

When Chen Xi and Qingye arrived, they saw all kinds of fairy treasures, rare treasures, fairy materials, and fairy medicines floating above the platform... The precious light was overflowing, and the colors were colorful, truly gorgeous.

Looking carefully, all the treasures are covered in a transparent bubble, releasing a dreamy luster.

Chen Xi keenly noticed that although the various treasures floating on this platform were of different grades, all of them were indeed rare, extremely rare.

Qing Ye pointed to the platform, and introduced: "Senior brother Chen Xi, every treasure on this place can be bid for, the rules are very simple, when you choose a treasure, use your immortal sense to poke into the bubble and mark yourself When the bidding time is over, the highest bidder will get this treasure."

"At that time, the disciples in the star value hall will make a special trip to deliver the fairy treasure to the successful bidder, and the redemption of the star value will not need to be so troublesome, and the exchange will be realized directly in the Purple Ribbon Star."

"Oh, by the way, those bubbles covering the surface of each treasure, called Baoguang Mask, are all a kind of divine restraint, which can prevent others from coveting and stealing. Lay it out yourself."

Speaking of this, Aoba smiled and said: "Brother, if you want to bid again on the treasure in your hand, you only need to spend star points to get some treasure masks, and mark the bidding amount and bidding period."

When Chen Xi heard this, he was also secretly amazed in his heart. He tried to use his immortal sense to penetrate into one of the precious light masks, and a line of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

Xueling Ice Soul Root, a high-level rare immortal material.

Today's highest bid: 37 stars, each bid is no less than [-] stars.

Bidding period: one month, only eleven days left.

The owner of the treasure: Feng Bao, a disciple of the inner court.

"Interesting and interesting." Chen Xi smiled. This method is indeed novel, and it can fetch a good price for a rare treasure.

"How much star value is a precious mask?"

Chen Xi asked.

"One hundred stars, very cheap."

Aoba replied with a smile.

Chen Xi thought about it silently, and immediately he and Qing Ye came to the desk on the side of the platform. Behind the desk was an old man, and he was the one who kept the precious light mask.

"Senior, I need some precious light shields."

Chen Xi spoke.

"How many?"

The old man took a sip of the fairy tea and asked slowly.

"Five hundred."

Chen Xi replied casually.


The old man took a sip of tea and looked at Chen Xi in astonishment: "Five hundred?"

He has been in this position for many years, and he has never seen Chen Xi like this. He wants to buy [-] divine light shields as soon as he makes a move. Although each one is only worth [-] stars, these gadgets can be used except on the bidding platform. Buying too much is even worse than chicken ribs, and it is completely useless.

Chen Xi nodded.

The old man frowned. He obviously didn't recognize Chen Xi, so he couldn't help but remind him: "Young man, those who can get on the bidding platform are rare and precious fairy treasures. If you bid on some ordinary goods, you may suffer a big loss. , after all, [-]% of the star value will be taken away from every final bid."

Chen Xi smiled: "Senior, I have already understood all of this."

The old man wanted to remind him, but he heard someone beside him yelling, "Jiaoxi Liao, senior brother Chen Xi made a move, is it ordinary? Quickly take out the divine light mask, I will take a look later, what a treasure that senior brother Chen Xi has collected !"

Only then did the old man suddenly understand, and looked at Chen Xi in amazement: "So you are Chen Xi, young man is amazing."

As he said that, he flipped through it casually, and an extra jade box came out.

In the jade box are piled up a grain of light blue beads, the size of a grain of rice, and each one is round and shiny, exuding an aura of restraint.

This is the divine light mask, which seems to be the size of a grain of rice, but when it is embedded on the fairy treasure, it will form a bubble mask, which is quite magical.

Spending [-] star points, Chen Xi purchased [-] divine light shields, and immediately without any hesitation, inlaid these divine light shields one by one on the various rare fairy materials he carried, and then placed them on each fairy material. The star value and deadline of the bidding that have already been budgeted by him are marked one by one.

After doing all this, he went straight to the bidding stage.

At this time, a group of disciples and instructors near the bidding platform were already looking forward to it. They had just heard that Chen Xi had purchased five hundred divine light masks, so they were naturally looking forward to what kind of rare treasures he would bring out to bid for. .

One must know that the current Chen Xi's prestige in the academy is as high as the sky, and he seems to be the most dazzling star among the disciples of the academy. How can it be possible for the treasures produced by such peerless figures to be mediocre?

For all of this, Chen Xi laughed it off, threw five hundred divine light masks behind the bidding platform, and left straight away with Qingye.

"God! Chen Xi really took out five hundred treasures!"

"Hurry up, let me see what these treasures are and whether they are worth bidding."

"Hiss! The horn of the ancient ferocious beast Kui Niu! The pearl that transforms into a snake! The soul of the 梼杌!"

"Look here, darling, this is Bo Xun Jiushenghua in the foreign battlefield! Jade elephant skin bone! Dragon pattern skylight iron! You can't find such a rare treasure in the Three Realms!"

"Acheng, hurry up and inform Senior Brother Xue Yun that there is a bid for the Bingming Huihun San that he has been looking for for many years!"

"Hahaha, I was wondering whether to go to the battlefield outside the territory. I didn't expect to see bone scale cathode iron here! I'm going to order this fairy material!"


As soon as Chen Xi and Qingye left, an explosion erupted in front of the bidding platform, and bursts of exclamations and uproars erupted. Many people rushed out one after another and hurriedly notified other friends to come to the bidding platform, lest they be too late.

Even many disciples couldn't hold back any longer, and started bidding one after another, and the scene was extremely hot.

The reason is that the five hundred treasures that Chen Xi took out all came from the Boundless Sea and the battlefields outside the region. They are extremely difficult to find in the Three Realms, and each one of them is precious and rare, with extraordinary uses.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult not to attract attention.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it. Those rare immortal materials from the Boundless Sea were all collected by the Immortal King Weiyang for Chen Xi. With the knowledge and experience of the Immortal King, how could the various immortal materials selected be ordinary ones? ?

"Are these guys crazy?"

Seeing such a hot scene, the disciples and instructors in other parts of the Star Value Hall all frowned, but when they came to the bidding platform to take a look, they were shocked immediately, and many people were also ecstatic.

Of course, many people came here purely to watch the excitement.


"Senior brother Chen Xi, I see those fairy materials are very rare, how can you be willing to exchange them?"

After walking out of the star value hall, Aoba couldn't help asking.

"Those are not of much use to me, and it's useless to keep them on my body. As for the useful fairy materials, I won't make a move."

Chen Xi replied casually.

Qingye clicked her tongue. Those immortal materials that were incomparably rare in the eyes of outsiders turned out to be useless in the hands of Senior Brother Chen Xi. Then how extraordinary should the immortal materials in his collection be?

"Junior Brother Qingye, these are some immortal medicines and immortal materials that are quite suitable for cultivation in the Great Luo Realm, please accept them, I can't let you follow me for nothing."

Chen Xi took out a storage bag and handed it over directly, not allowing the other party to refuse it at all.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, I... I..."

Aoba was a little flattered, and Ai Ai didn't know what to say.

"If you want to accept it, just accept it, don't be polite to me."

Chen Xi patted him on the shoulder, and chuckled lightly. He knew very well that despite Qingye's shyness and introversion, the other party also grasped the secrets of space, so how could he be an ordinary person?

"Well, I listen to my brother."

Qingye nodded honestly, but secretly said in her heart, "Too bad, Master said that I would not be allowed to owe favors, but now how can I refuse? Fortunately, the other party is Senior Brother Chen Xi, so it doesn't matter if you owe him a favor... ..."

It turned out that Chi Cangsheng was very aware of his disciple's disposition. Although Qingye was shy and introverted, deep down he valued love and righteousness, and most of all valued affection, so he was stipulated that he should never owe favors unless it was absolutely necessary. Otherwise, with his temperament, he would have to work for others.

Unfortunately, what Chi Cangsheng didn't expect was that Qingye already owed Chen Xi a favor.

Of course, Chen Xi never thought about these things. In the final analysis, it was because of Qingye's temperament that he valued the word "friendship" the most.


After parting with Qingye, Chen Xi went straight back to the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion.

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as he returned, Chen Xi directly took out the Qingping sword. Without any hesitation, he continued to throw the Qingping sword with the seal of hate, making a deafening sound.

Looking carefully, Chen Xi's movement of waving the Hate Sky Seal seemed rough, but in fact he was extremely careful, and he didn't seem to intend to smash the Qingping Immortal Sword into pieces.

However, if this scene is seen by Aoba, his eyes will definitely fall out of shock. This is a treasure worth 3000 million stars. Comparable to the best immortal treasure of the Taiwu rank!

But now, this legendary fairy treasure was smashed by Chen Xi without mercy, and anyone would feel distressed.


After half a sound, there was a crackling sound.

Chen Xi stopped his hand immediately. At this time, he was already out of breath. There was no way he could do it. Although the Qingping Immortal Sword was seriously damaged, its power was comparable to that of the top-grade Taiwu Rank Immortal Treasure. It took him a lot of effort to achieve this step. .

Immediately, Chen Xi gathered his mind and stared at the past.

At this moment, the Qingping Immortal Sword had spider-like cracks on the surface of the three-foot-long sword.

However, Chen Xi's attention was not on this. At this moment, his mind was completely attracted by the ray of verdant luster escaping from the gap in the sword body.

That ray of blue light was pure, clear, and released a trace of divine luster.

In an instant, Chen Xi's eyes brightened, and his heart was extremely excited, "As expected, who would have thought that there is such a strange thing conceived within the Qingping Sword..."


ps: Unexpectedly, I just woke up today. With the help of my brothers and sisters, the ranking has returned to No.10. It's amazing!Originally, I worked too hard yesterday and planned to take a break today, but in this case, the goldfish can’t be bothered, so I will continue to code, temporarily update 2, and continue to update 3 tomorrow~

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