divine talisman

Chapter 1380 The Tomb of the Immortal King [Part 1]


The void fluctuated for a while, and Chen Xi's figure came out of it in a bit of embarrassment. When he raised his eyes, he realized that he had come to a strange world.

Between the sky and the earth, ice and snow fluttered, pure white, and gusts of cold wind whizzed, biting like a knife.

This is obviously an ice field, with no end in sight.

"I think this is the wind and snow region in the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land..."

Chen Xi murmured, according to the records in the jade slips Chi Cangsheng gave him, the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land was the place where the Dao Emperor lived and practiced Taoism back then, and it formed a world of its own within it, and this snowy area was the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land An initial piece of land.

The so-called initial land means that from this ice and snow plain, you can enter other areas of the Dao Emperor's ancient land.

There are hundreds of these areas in total, and each area is like a small world, with different opportunities and blessed lands in it.

Of course, since there are opportunities and blessings, it is also accompanied by trials and tribulations, and only the disciples who pass can get the benefits.

This is different from other secret realms. Other secret realms are full of dangers and catastrophes, but the existence of Daohuang Ancient Land is specially prepared for the trials and sharpening of Daohuang Academy disciples. The good news is that it won't be that easy either.

In short, Daohuang Ancient Land can be called a place of trials full of opportunities and challenges, specially prepared for the disciples of Daohuang Academy.


Following Chen Xi's arrival, circles of fluctuations appeared in the nearby void, and the figures of Ye Tang, Fozi Zhenlu, Zhao Mengli, Ji Xuanbing and other nine disciples emerged.

"This is the Wind and Snow Region?"

"Let's go, there's only one month left, don't let this opportunity go to waste."

"Where to go?"

"Undead King Tomb!"

As soon as Nie Xingzhen, Gu Yueru, Zhong Liluo and others appeared, they communicated in a hurry, and their figures flashed away to a very far distance.

Obviously, they had planned for a long time. The purpose of entering the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land this time was to gain the approval of the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land.


Just after Nie Xingzhen and the others left, Ling Qingwu, who was alone, also disappeared into the wind and snow in a flash, without any communication with others from the beginning to the end.

But now Chen Xi already understood that Ling Qingwu's temperament was just like this, not to mention withdrawn and aloof, she was just used to being alone.

"Where are you going?"

Chen Xi asked.

"Naturally, it is the Immortal King's Tomb."

Ye Tang, Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, and Zhao Mengli almost spoke in unison.

Chen Xi couldn't help smiling: "Then let's act together."

At the moment, the group of them started to take action, and they all flew away into the distance.

Only Ao Zhanbei was left standing there, hesitantly. Before he participated in this operation, he had already been ordered by the old antique from the Dragon Realm who lived in seclusion in the Buddhist scriptures to enter a place called " "Dragon Blood Battlefield" area.

However, he was also fascinated by the "Tomb of the Immortal King", and it was difficult to make a choice for a while.

After all, after passing through the Tomb of the Immortal King, there will be a chance to obtain the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance. I am afraid that no one will be tempted by such a great opportunity.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the Immortal King's Tomb first. If it is difficult to pass the test, then go to the Dragon's Blood Battlefield..." After struggling for a long time, Ao Zhanbei gritted his teeth and made a decision.


The Snowstorm Region is extremely vast, and there are hundreds of paths leading to other regions, and the Tomb of the Immortal King is one of them.

Before the ten disciples entered the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land, they all had a jade slip related to the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land in their hands, so after entering the Wind and Snow Region, they don't have to worry about not being able to find the specific location of the Immortal King's Tomb .

After almost a cup of tea, an ancient portal appeared in the ice and snow.

This portal appeared extremely abruptly, as if it was embedded in the void, and its interior was deep and deep, like a path leading to another world.

When Chen Xi and the others arrived, Nie Xingzhen and the others were long gone.

"Entering this portal is the Tomb of the Immortal King. It is rumored that when the Dao Emperor opened up this place, he collected the imprints of many fallen immortal kings from the ancient times, and incorporated them into the Supreme Restriction. Only then did such a secret realm be created."

Ye Tang sighed, and led the team into that portal first.


After entering the portal, Chen Xi only felt his vision change, and he actually appeared in a vast starry sky!

The starry sky is vast, dotted with billions of stars, shining with mysterious and dazzling luster.

What is shocking is that in this piece of starry sky, there are ancient tombs standing impressively!Every tomb is as tall as the sky, and the whole body is pitch black, exuding a desolate, ancient, and solemn atmosphere.

If it wasn't for being in the starry sky, Chen Xi almost thought he had broken into a messy graveyard!

However, these tombs are no different from what I have seen before. Each one spans hundreds of stars, tall and immeasurable, like a miracle. It is really hard to imagine why the Dao Emperor opened up such a place in the first place.

And according to the records on the jade slips, these are the Immortal King Tombs, with a total of [-] tombs, each of which is buried with the imprint of an immortal king who fell in ancient times!

The so-called imprint of the Immortal King is the will left behind when the Immortal King fell. This kind of will is supreme and powerful. Unless it is refined, it will not be wiped out even after eternity!

In the three thousand tombs of immortal kings in front of me, there are buried the imprints of the three thousand immortal kings collected by the Taoist emperor when he wandered around the ancient lands, and then they were integrated into a supreme restraint, which formed the grand scene in front of him.

"How supreme are the Immortal Kings? Who would have thought that so many Immortal Kings would fall in the ancient times. I really can't imagine how many supreme beings existed in this world in the ancient times."

Ji Xuanbing sighed with emotion, with a hint of shock in his expression.

The others were also similar to Ji Xuanbing. After witnessing such a scene, they couldn't calm down for a long time.

Only Chen Xi seemed much calmer, because after going through the actions in the Conferred God Realm, he already knew very well that there are gods above that Immortal King!

The Immortal King can only be called the Supreme of the Three Realms.

As for the gods, they can be called the Supreme of the Three Realms!

"Everyone, the [-] Immortal King Tombs represent the [-] Dao. Each of the King Tombs has an immortal king's will. If you want to be recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance, the first step is to choose an immortal king. Wang Zhong, enter it to accept the assessment, as long as you can pass, you can enter the area where the coffin of the underworld is placed!"

Ye Tang took a deep breath, and said with burning eyes, "I heard that there is only one opponent in the test in the Tomb of the Immortal King, and that is the opponent transformed by the will of the Immortal King inside. It is a bit higher, and it is even more difficult to pass.”

"That's right. I heard that in the assessment of the Immortal King's Tomb, you are only allowed to fail a thousand times. If you fail more than a thousand times, you will be sent out of the Wang's Tomb, and you will not be able to enter the next assessment level."

Ji Xuanbing said with a stern expression, "As we all know, every time the Dao Emperor's ancient land is opened, ten disciples enter it, and nine out of ten of these disciples came for the Dao Emperor's inheritance, but as far as I know, only these In the assessment of the Immortal King Tomb, nearly [-]% of the disciples are blocked from the door, and there are many situations where the entire army is wiped out."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became much more serious.

Chen Xi is also clear, although there are thousands of chances to enter the Tomb of the Immortal King to accept the assessment, but the opponent is extremely powerful and terrifying, if he cannot be defeated within a thousand chances, then he will be completely inherited from the Dao Emperor Missed.

"Thinking about it, Senior Brother Nie Xingzhen and the others have already started to enter the Immortal King's Tomb for assessment. It's not too late, let's start taking action too."

Zhao Mengli opened her red lips lightly, and said slowly, there was a faint look of expectation between her white brows, as if she couldn't help but be eager to try.

"Alright, I'll choose the fairy king's tomb that represents the 'Avenue of Swords'."

Ye Tang smiled casually, and with a flash of his figure, he left out of nowhere. Under the eyes of everyone, he came to a tomb of an immortal king in the depths of the starry sky, entered it without any hesitation, and disappeared.

The Way of the Sword!

Chen Xi's heart moved, and he swept away with his immortal consciousness, and he found that the tombs of immortal kings scattered all over the starry sky, each of them showed a different aura of the Great Dao, and none of them were the same.

"Hahaha, I also want to see how amazing the Immortal King's Tomb represents the Dao of 'Fire'."

Ji Xuanbing laughed loudly, and also dodged away.

"The Dao of Posuo, the Dao of King Ming, the Dao of Jialan, the Dao of Kongshi, the Dao of Andan, the Dao of Devadatta, the Dao of Jinpiluo...there are all the wonderful truths in the Buddhist world. If this is the case, I will choose the Dao of Kongshi."

The Buddha son Zhenlu pondered for a while, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and left in a hurry.

In an instant, only Chen Xi and Zhao Mengli were left in the field.

"What path do you plan to choose to accept the test?"

Seeing that Chen Xi was motionless, Zhao Mengli couldn't help asking.


Chen Xi replied casually, according to his original intention, he actually wanted to choose the Immortal King's Tomb that represented the "talisman way", because in this way, when accepting the test in it, it might be beneficial for him to open up the holy way of talisman .

But in this way, his strength will definitely be limited. After all, the strongest combat power he possesses today is still at the level of swordsmanship in the realm of "Sword God".

And his purpose of coming here to the Immortal King's Tomb is not to open up his own holy path of talismans, but to obtain the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance. In this way, he has to think twice whether he chooses the way of swordsmanship or the way of talismans as a means of fighting.

"Oh, then I'll go first."

Seeing this, Zhao Mengli turned around and left without hesitation.

"Forget it, let's choose the Tomb of the Immortal King, which represents the way of swordsmanship. As for opening up the holy way of talismans, there will be opportunities in the future..."

After a while, Chen Xi took a deep breath and made a decision. After sweeping his eyes across the star space, he saw an Immortal King Tomb representing the way of swordsmanship.

At that moment, his figure flickered and flickered in the starry sky a few times, and he arrived in front of the Immortal King's Tomb. Looking up, there were seven ancient and vigorous writings on it, "Tomb of the Venerable Sword of Immemorial Sword".

The handwriting flies like snakes and flies away, simple and majestic, and when viewed from a distance, a forceful aura rushes towards the face.


ps: At about 10 o'clock in the second update, there will be about 20 votes and it will be blown down again. Please ask for a monthly ticket~~

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