divine talisman

Chapter 1381 Life and Death Instant [Part 2]

The Tomb of the Primordial Sword Master!

Seeing this line of ancient and majestic handwriting, Chen Xi immediately understood that the will of the Immortal King buried in this Tomb of the Immortal King must be this "Sword Master".

He took a deep breath, sacrificed the Purple Sky Immortal Sword, and entered the Wang Tomb in a flash.


The next moment, Chen Xi had already appeared on a grand and boundless platform.

The first thing that catches the eye is the sword!

All kinds of fairy swords are inserted all over the platform, like a forest of swords, there are no fewer than tens of thousands!

Every fairy sword is filled with a sharp and murderous aura, and that aura alone seems to tear and cut this piece of heaven and earth, which is extremely shocking.

In the center of the platform, an old man dressed in sackcloth sat cross-legged. He had a majestic figure. Even though he was sitting cross-legged, his waist was still as straight as a sharp sword. His beard and hair were messed up, making it difficult to see his face clearly.

Looking from a distance, Chen Xi only felt a stabbing pain in front of his eyes, as if he saw not a person, but a sword, a peerless sword hidden deep in the box that still exudes a terrifying and murderous aura!

Obviously, this person is the will of the Immortal King buried in this king's tomb, that is, the "Prime Ancient Sword Venerable".


Suddenly, the old man in sackcloth opened his eyes, his gaze tore through the void like lightning, and locked onto Chen Xi coldly.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt a chill all over his body, as if being stared at by a peerless and immemorial beast, every hair stood on end.

This gaze is really too compelling, like a real sharp blade, containing a terrifying sword intent, cutting the void into pieces, if an ordinary person is here, I am afraid that he will be obliterated by this gaze in an instant.

And Chen Xi was also feeling uncomfortable at the moment, even though he had already mastered the Sword God Realm's sword practice, when faced with this gaze, he still felt a rush of oppressive force.

This made him change color slightly.

But this feeling disappeared in just an instant, and the next moment, the old man in sackcloth stood up, with his hands behind his back, staring at Chen Xi indifferently.

"Holy Immortal Realm, the sword god's cultivation is not too bad, and the Yinxue Sword is enough to break it!"

The old man in sackcloth opened his mouth, his words clanging, like a knife like a sword, exuding a murderous aura, accompanied by his voice, with a clang, a fairy sword suddenly shot out from the "sword forest" far away from the platform and fell into his hand .

This sword is three feet and two inches long, and it is carved from ice and snow.

Immortal Sword Drinking Snow, Taiwu Rank Immortal Treasure!


With the fairy sword in his hand, the aura of the old man in sackcloth actually weakened a lot in an instant, and he could barely maintain the level of a half-step fairy king.

But even though his cultivation has become weaker, the chilling sword intent all over his body is becoming more and more fierce, and the whole person is like a sword god standing proudly in the world, looking at all directions and controlling the universe.

Feeling the terrifying aura coming from all directions, Chen Xi smiled wryly in his heart. As expected in the Jade Slip, the opponent in the Immortal King's Tomb has a cultivation base that is stronger than his own. If this is the case, what can he do? Can beat each other?

Half-step Immortal King!

Even if he is not a real fairy king, he is still enough to sweep any holy fairyland.

And the other party didn't just think that it was as simple as a half-step fairy king, but even his swordsmanship had reached the state of the sword god of "I only have the sword in my heart, and I can control the world".

Facing such an opponent, I am afraid that anyone who sees them will be discouraged.


The old man in sackcloth suddenly moved, a wisp of sword energy crossed the air, as if breaking the boundaries of time and space, bursting from the ancient times, it was extremely dazzling.

Chen Xi didn't even have time to react, he felt an indescribable pain rushing from his throat all over his body, and his soul seemed to be cut into countless pieces.

In an instant, the outcome was decided, and Chen Xi was "killed" on the spot!


In the next instant, Chen Xi fell into darkness.

"After a stick of incense, there will be a second test!"

A cold voice resounded in this dark space.

Chen Xi endured the severe pain all over his body, panting heavily, and crossed his knees in the darkness, his heart was filled with horror. The sword energy was so terrifying that he was completely powerless to parry.

If this was left outside, with just one blow, he would surely die!

Fortunately, this is within the Immortal King's Tomb. The so-called "Immortal" does not refer to the old man in sackcloth, but refers to the disciples who entered the King's Tomb. After thousands of trials and opportunities, they will not be truly obliterated .

"It's terrible, it's really terrible!"

While Chen Xi was running his cultivation with all his strength, resisting the severe pain that surged all over his body, he was quickly thinking about the strategy against the enemy in his mind.

There is only one stick of incense to restore it!

After a stick of incense, the second assessment is about to begin, how could Chen Xi dare to waste time?But in the face of such a terrifying existence as the Sword Venerable, how should he contend with it?


It's so hard!

Chen Xi racked his brains and couldn't think of an excellent strategy.

This made his face more serious, and he finally understood the horror of the Immortal King's Tomb, and also understood why there are so few disciples who have been recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance since ancient times.

This first test alone may make it impossible for most people to pass.

"What should I do?"

Chen Xi took a few deep breaths again and again, trying to keep himself calm, and that sword aura reappeared in his mind inadvertently, like a flash of a startled rainbow.

That wisp of sword energy was too amazing, fierce to the extreme, so pure and clean, as if it didn't contain a trace of fireworks, but it had an earth-shattering terrifying aura.

It's a pity, because Chen Xi was "killed" too quickly, there was no time to lock and capture the true meaning of the opponent's sword energy.

So at this moment, I can think of it in my mind, it is just a dazzling and amazing sword energy, but I can't get a glimpse of its essential mystery.

"The second test begins!"

Unknowingly, the time of a stick of incense passed in a hurry, and that cold voice sounded again in this dark space.


Before Chen Xi could react, his whole body appeared on that platform again.

Then, he saw the "Sword Forest" again, and the majestic sword venerable standing in the center of the sword forest, dressed in sackcloth and with disheveled beard and hair.


This time, Chen Xi almost subconsciously sacrificed the Purple Vault of Immortal Sword, fully operating all his cultivations, and his whole body was filled with divine brilliance, blazing so great, resplendent and resplendent.


A wisp of sword energy burst out from Chen Xi's palm, like a shimmering purple streamer, enveloping the terrifying aura of the "Sword God" realm, and within it surged wisps of the aura of the Five Elements that hadn't been fully integrated.

When the sword came out, the heaven and the earth were shocked, and tens of thousands of fairy swords around the platform trembled.

This sword is definitely the strongest sword that Chen Xi has displayed after he advanced to the Holy Immortal Realm.

"The swordsman is king, if you fiddle with the sword in haste, you will lose its rhyme!"

Facing this sword, the old man in sackcloth yelled loudly, but he did not see any movement. A wisp of sword energy slashed away, like a king coming, invincible. With a bang, Chen Xi's sword energy was easily crushed. .

Moreover, the momentum remained undiminished, and Chen Xi was "killed" again!

That peerless gaze is like the supreme master who controls ten thousand swords!

A sharp pain that tore at the soul surged through his body again. Without exception, Chen Xi entered that dark space for the second time, and couldn't help letting out a painful groan.

This feeling was really tormenting, like thousands of sharp knives cutting through the whole body, making Chen Xi tremble all over, and his handsome face twisted.

"Damn! How can the strength of this sword venerable be so terrifying!"

In the dark space, Chen Xi roared in a low voice. Even though he knew that this kind of "killing" would not really kill people, when he really experienced that kind of life-and-death separation, he still felt a great terror uncontrollably. .

That is the fear of life and death, the greatest terror in the world!

That kind of feeling was no less than being reincarnated between life and death. Compared to the pain suffered by the physical body, the horror of this instant of life and death chilled Chen Xi the most.

Yes, even if he reached the realm of the Holy Immortal, when dealing with life and death, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel fear, and he couldn't really get rid of fear of life and death.

And in today's Three Realms, only the Immortal King Realm can truly control life and death, because life and death are originally one of the three supreme laws!

"If this continues, before the thousand trials are over, I'm afraid I'll collapse..."

It took a long time before Chen Xi was out of breath to calm down his emotions, and he frowned in deep thought. Before he came, he had heard that among the disciples who had entered the Tomb of the Immortal King in history, there were also some disciples who were unable to resolve that kind of anger during the assessment. The horror between life and death, and finally the heart of Dao collapsed and went mad.

The result of that is that the whole person's way of cultivating immortality is completely abolished!

"Life and death, terror, trials... Maybe, only when you are not afraid of life and death, can you truly compete with each other..."

Vaguely, Chen Xi vaguely understood the purpose of this kind of test, but when he understood it, he was very clear about how difficult it was to truly fear life and death.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it too much. I don't believe that within a thousand times, the Venerable Sword cannot be defeated!" Finally, Chen Xi abandoned all distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to think about the way of the sword that the Venerable Sword used with all his heart.

It was only an incense stick of time before the third assessment, and under the stimulation of this life-and-death horror, Chen Xi's entire potential seemed to be fully stimulated, and the unprecedented clarity in his mind, in this state, he quickly captured There was a trace of breath in the way of swordsmanship performed by the sword venerable.

But it's just breath.

What he needs is not these, but the mysteries of the Sword Master's swordsmanship.

Only by mastering its mysteries can we find the way to break it!

When he really focused on a certain thing, time would speed up, but this time, Chen Xi didn't feel any sense of urgency or depression.

Perhaps it was because he couldn't care about anything at this moment, he opened up his mind and focused on capturing and pondering the opponent's kendo aura, unaware of the passage of time...


ps: Tonight’s third update will be released tomorrow afternoon, Kawenka’s vomit, I have no clue~

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