divine talisman

Chapter 1382 All parties concerned [Part 2]

in dark space.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, with a wisdom-like luster shining between his brows.

And in his mind, he was trying his best to deduce the kendo aura of the old man in sackcloth.

Chen Xi, who has been immersed in the Dao of Talismans all year round, has definitely surpassed the scope of the great master of Dao of Talismans when it comes to the power of deduction. This also makes him stronger than other immortal cultivators when he deduces and recognizes everything around him.

Although it is not possible to achieve the level of "one thought, the sky and the earth cannot cover one's heart", but it has been able to reach the level of "seeing the subtlety and knowing the truth, and a grain of sand can spy on thousands of wonderful truths".

Just like right now, as he continued to deduce, a rudiment of sword energy gradually emerged in his mind. Although it was extremely vague, he had already grasped a trace of it.

This wisp of sword energy is the kendo exercised by the old man in sackcloth. Although it is only a trace, Chen Xi is confident that as he continues to perfect this wisp of sword energy, he will definitely have the opportunity to peep into its true mystery!

"The third test begins!"

In the dark space, that icy voice sounded again.


Chen Xi was completely awake, and appeared on that platform.

At this moment, his expression was calm, his whole body was moving silently, and it was running to the extreme, and his mind was clear and clear.

What fear, life and death, trials, what Dao Emperor's inheritance and approval...all have been discarded, and there is only one thought in my mind-to defeat the opponent!

On the opposite side, the old man in sackcloth had the same indifferent expression. When he saw Chen Xi appearing, he pointed the Immortal Sword of Drinking Snow in his hand. With such a simple and simple movement, a terrifying sword energy gushed out.


The void was shattered, the avenue was broken, the sword energy was calm, but there was an aura that would kill the world and nothing could stop it.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

That wisp of sword energy was reflected in Chen Xi's black eyes, echoed in his mind, and turned into a sharp arc like lightning, fleeting in a flash!


A soul-piercing pain surged through his body again, without exception, this time he was "killed" by a single blow again, re-tasting the great terror of the instant of life and death.

Then, he returned to the dark space with his whole body.

But this time he didn't cry out in pain, didn't get angry, didn't feel lost, and didn't feel reconciled.

As soon as he failed, he sat cross-legged, seemingly forgetting the severe pain in his body, and locked all his mind on the sword energy reflected in his mind for a moment.

This time, Chen Xi still couldn't lock on to that wisp of sword energy, but he observed the trajectory, aura, aura, and even a unique force of will of that wisp of sword energy more and more clearly!

It cheered him up.

The first sword made him fully understand the strength of his opponent.

The second sword made him realize instantly, and began to deduce a ray of aura in the opponent's sword way, allowing him to spy on a vague embryonic form of the opponent's sword aura.

And this third sword made him finally realize the more mysteries of that wisp of sword energy. Although it was still vague, this kind of progress was enough to make Chen Xi feel hopeful, and he would no longer be like before, because the opponent was too strong. Too strong and unwilling and angry.

Now, the only thing that makes Chen Xi palpitate is still the terror of being "killed" in an instant, the moment of life and death, reaching directly to the heart, even if he has the consciousness to resolve it, but he can't completely ignore it for a while.

After all, it's life and death!

And Chen Xi also clearly realized that when he was fearless in life and death, it might be the moment when he counterattacked.


"The fourth assessment begins."

"The fifth assessment begins."

"The tenth time..."

"No. 30 times..."


As time passed, Chen Xi was ruthlessly "killed" time and time again, experiencing life and death one after another in a very short period of time.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been tortured by this great terror between life and death and had a mental breakdown, but Chen Xi had already had a clear understanding of this, and he put all his attention on deducing the old man's swordsmanship. , the fear in his mind did not bring him much impact.

It's just that feeling, still like a bone stuck in the throat, hard to swallow.

"It turns out that his swordsmanship has reached the level of a sword god..."

"It turns out that the so-called sword heart is to move according to the heart. If you don't exceed the rules, there will be no rules. Only if you don't have rules, can you penetrate life and death and control the law... and this is the supreme truth of the sword god's perfection!"

"It turns out that the will can be used in such a way..."

Every time he goes through "life and death", Chen Xi gains a different understanding. Although small, when these small experiences accumulate together, they are enough to cause a qualitative transformation!

Right now, Chen Xi was waiting, waiting for this kind of transformation to come.


Outside the ancient land of the Taoist Emperor.

The gray-clothed and white-haired Hua Jiankong stands proudly on the top of Canggu Fairy Mountain, his eyes are deep and intimidating, as if he has seen through everything in the Dao Emperor's ancient land.

"Have they all entered the Tomb of the Immortal King?"

Two figures came through the air, they were Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu.


Hua Jiankong nodded.

"Oh, what kind of Wangzhong did those little guys choose?"

Wang Daolu asked curiously, after Chi Cangsheng retreated, he was in charge of all the affairs of the inner court, that is, acting as the dean of the inner court.

But obviously, his mind today is not in the inner courtyard, but in the ancient land of the Dao Emperor.

Not only him, many old antiques are watching this place silently, but they didn't appear here like Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu.

After all, the Dao Emperor's inheritance is buried in the Dao Emperor's ancient land, and the Dao Emperor is the founder of the entire academy, and his inheritance is of extraordinary significance to the entire academy.

"Ling Qingwu chose the Way of Wood."

"Nie Xingzhen chose the Dao of Wind."

"Gu Yueru chose the avenue of water."


Apart from Chen Xi and Ye Tang, Hua Jiankong quickly introduced everyone else's situation.

"That's right, these little guys are smart. Among the three thousand king tombs, the one that represents the five elements, yin and yang, and wind and thunder is the easiest to pass through."

Wang Daolu nodded appreciatively.

Zuoqiu Taiwu, who had been silent all this time, asked, "Where's Chen Xi?"

As soon as these words came out, Hua Jiankong, who had always looked indifferent and cold, suddenly turned his head and glanced at the other party.

And Wang Daolu also had a strange look on his face.

Regarding this, Zuoqiu Taiwu's expression remained the same, and no emotion could be seen on his extremely old face, but he knew very well in his heart that the reason why the other party reacted like this was that in today's fairy world, almost everyone Everyone knew that Zuo Qiukong died at the hands of Chen Xi.

And the downfall of Zuoqiu Linghong was also closely related to Chen Xi. It can be said that all the beings in the current fairy world have long regarded Chen Xi and the Zuoqiu clan as hostile existences.

Right now, as a member of the Zuoqiu Clan, he took the initiative to ask about Chen Xi, which would naturally arouse other people's thoughts.

"Chen Xi has entered the tomb of Venerable Sword." Hua Jiankong was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth to answer.


"Sword Venerable?"

"How can this kid be so stupid! That is the most dangerous level among the three thousand immortal kings. Since ancient times, no one has been able to pass it!"

"Originally, the old man thought that this son might be recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance for this test, but now it seems... something is not good."

"Don't be so pessimistic. Don't forget that many miracles have happened to this little guy. I'm looking forward to it. Can he open our eyes this time?"

As Hua Jiankong's voice fell, not only Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu, but even the void in all directions, there were voices of thoughts chatting.

Obviously, those are old antiques in the academy, and they have been silently watching this place.

"Sword Master...it's really tricky."

Wang Daolu frowned, but his eyes glanced at Hua Jiankong intentionally or unintentionally. He knew very well that Hua Jiankong also chose to enter the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, and chose the Venerable Sword as his opponent, but failed in the end.

"Not only is it difficult, he is the only fairy king among the three thousand kings who has set foot in the realm of the sword emperor. When I fought against him with the cultivation base of the great master of swordsmanship, he was defeated by him, and he was completely inherited from the emperor. Missed."

Hua Jiankong spoke calmly, unable to hear any emotional fluctuations, "But it was precisely because of that experience that after I returned from the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, I stepped into the realm of the sword god in one fell swoop."

Seeing that he actually took the initiative to admit this past incident, both Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu were startled slightly, thinking that this guy is a sword idiot, even he is no match for Venerable Sword, let alone Chen Xi?

"That Ye Tang is not bad either. He chose the Lord of the Sword Realm as his opponent. No matter whether he succeeds or not, when he returns from the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, he may be able to make another breakthrough in the Dao of the Sword."

Hua Jiankong suddenly spoke again, causing those old antiques who were paying attention to this place to be amazed again.

But obviously, compared to the confrontation between Ye Tang and the master of the sword domain, the old antiques are obviously more interested in Chen Xi's performance.

"How many times has this kid failed?"

Wang Daolu couldn't help asking.

"370 times."

Hua Jiankong was silent for a moment, and then said a number.

"More than 300 times, it's okay, it's okay, there is still a chance..."

Wang Daolu murmured.

"Ling Qingwu has passed the test of Wang Tomb and entered the area where the Coffin of Immortal Underworld is located." Hua Jiankong didn't say anything, but the moment he opened his mouth, he shocked the audience and caused an uproar.

"This little girl is really amazing. Aunt Jiang has taken in a good apprentice."

"I heard that this little girl has advanced to the Holy Immortal Realm, and I don't know how strong or weak she is compared to that Chen Xi."

"Perhaps this time it is really possible for her to be recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance."

"It's too early to say. The coffin of the fairy world is densely covered with many supreme restrictions. It is said that it can be buried for nine days and ten places. It is very difficult for her alone to pass."

"That's right. Back then when the dean passed through the coffin of the underworld, he also cooperated with the old phoenix and the blue dragon to reach the blood pool of the past life. It was a bit difficult to rely on the strength of one person alone."

Regarding all of this, Hua Jiankong turned a deaf ear to it, his mind was placed in the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land, and he has been paying attention to the changes of each disciple.

Especially Chen Xi, who was watched by him almost all the time.

He was looking forward to it, that Chen Xi could do what he hadn't done back then.


ps: before 2 o'clock in the second update, around 10 o'clock in the third update.

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