divine talisman

Chapter 1383 Fearless of life and death, but heartless [Part 2]

Is this the first time?

If I were outside, I'm afraid I would have died hundreds of times, right?


Amid the rapid panting, Chen Xi raised his head bewilderedly in the darkness, his face pale.

The pain all over his body has been numb, and the fear in his heart seems to have been replaced by wisps of sword energy.

Those sword qi were all left by the old man in hemp clothes. Each sword qi is different, but their aura, momentum, and even the unique will are exactly the same.

At this moment, Chen Xi didn't think about anything, because he had already reached the limit of his power of deduction, but in the end he still failed to comprehend the mystery of the wisps of sword energy.


I have obviously exhausted all the means, but why can't I?

If such barriers are insurmountable, why do they exist in the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, and why do the disciples of the academy be allowed to enter it to accept the test?

Is it because you are not strong enough?

No, since it is a test for disciples, there must be some restrictions, otherwise, it is impossible for me to die hundreds of times until now, and I can still continue to accept the test.

Why is that?

Chen Xi was dazed, sitting cross-legged in the darkness alone, his mind was blank.

At this moment, he really didn't have any thoughts, and his whole body seemed to be in a daze, unaware of the passage of time, and he didn't even pay attention to the test that was about to happen after a stick of incense.


However, in this blank state, a sword energy suddenly flashed in his mind, like a startled rainbow, dazzling and incomparable.

Then, the second sword aura, the third sword aura, the fourth sword aura...the sword auras flashed into my mind suddenly like schools of colorful fish, there were hundreds of them.

These sword qi are no longer what they used to be, they can’t be found at a glance, they are constantly shuttling, reflecting thousands of different trajectories, so mysterious, full of natural rhythms to be carved.

Soon, these sword qi and trajectories began to merge one by one, like drops of water merging, and in just a moment, there was only a wisp of sword qi left in my mind.

This ray of sword energy was clean, clear, calm, and ordinary, but when it quietly appeared in his mind, it made Chen Xi feel a perfect and invulnerable feeling.


The next moment, Chen Xi suddenly woke up from that blank state, and muttered in his lips: "This sword... this sword..."

Following the sound, a ray of light suddenly flashed in the depths of his black eyes, gradually diffused, gradually brightened, and finally filled his pupils like a blazing sun.

"It turns out that this is his way of the sword!"

In the darkness, a smile came from the bottom of Chen Xi's lips.

"The 570th third assessment begins!" That icy voice sounded again.



It was still the familiar platform, the familiar "Sword Forest" and the old man in sackcloth holding the Immortal Sword of Drinking Snow.

But at this moment, Chen Xi's state of mind was completely different from before.

He exudes a quiet and calm aura from the inside out, just like the Ziqiong sword in his hand at this moment, although it is not loud, it has a quiet power that cannot be underestimated.


The old man in sackcloth remained indifferent, raised his hand and slashed at him with a sword, understatement, turning decay into magic, whatever he wants, whatever he wants, whatever he wants!

This sword is still as powerful as before, seemingly unstoppable.

But this time, as if Chen Xi had expected it long ago, his figure flashed, and the Purple Vault of Immortal Sword suddenly pierced out!

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to have turned into another person, showing his sharpness, and every inch of his body released strands of terrifying sword intent. Looking from a distance, it seemed that his whole body had turned into a sword. The intention soars to the sky, disturbing the situation in all directions.


A roar resounded, and the aftermath spread throughout the platform. The unmatched sword energy swept away the thousands of fairy swords inserted on the platform, humming and trembling.


In the indifferent eyes of the old man in linen, a sword-like glow burst out, sweeping towards Chen Xi opposite.

At this time, Chen Xi was as calm as before.

If there is a third person present, they will definitely find that the sword intent aura in Chen Xi's body at this moment is almost comparable to that of the old man in sackcloth, and it is not inferior to the old man in court!

Almost at the same time—

Outside the Dao Emperor's ancient land, Hua Jiankong raised his eyebrows abruptly, and a look of surprise appeared on his calm and cold face at this moment.

"Sword God Perfect Realm!"

He whispered softly, and there was a flash of admiration and admiration in his eyes.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Daolu, Zuoqiu Taiwu, and even many old antiques who paid attention to this place were all shocked, and there was an uproar.



It's a pity that Chen Xi, who amazed all the old antiques, was "killed" again after blocking the sword of the old man in sackcloth, and returned to the dark space.

However, even though he only blocked the opponent's sword, this kind of progress was enough to cheer Chen Xi up, as if he had caught a glimmer of light and hope in the darkness.

Without hesitation, he continued to comprehend and deduce.

After a stick of incense.

He blocked the second sword of the old man in sackcloth!

In the next trials, apart from being tortured by the horror of life and death, Chen Xi spent all his time deducing and fighting.

Being "killed" again and again, in exchange for the result, he has been able to gradually adapt to the opponent's fighting rhythm, and the number of attacks blocked by the opponent has gradually increased.

No.13 sword!

No.19 sword!

No.30 Three Swords!


When the assessment reached the 39th time, Chen Xi was able to block [-] kendo attacks from the old man in sackcloth!

For example, Hua Jiankong was witnessing the whole process and had almost no time to pay attention to other disciples. During this process, he keenly noticed that the sword intent around Chen Xi became stronger, rounder, and fuller.

That is a sign of the sword god's perfection!

Back when Hua Jiankong was still in the Holy Immortal Realm, he had only just reached the threshold of the Sword God Realm, let alone reached the level of swordsmanship.

Even now, Hua Jiankong's swordsmanship cultivation base can only reach the level of perfection of the sword god!

And as far as he knows, most of the old antiques in the academy today have never touched this level at all. Even though their cultivation bases are all stronger than Chen Xi, but in this sword, they have long been defeated by Chen Xi. Xi surpassed!

"Right now, he only has to overcome the terror of life and death..."

Hua Jiankong keenly noticed that as long as Chen Xi could be completely fearless in life and death, it would be the moment for him to counterattack. But now, the number of trials has been reduced to less than two hundred. Can Chen Xi succeed?


Between life and death, there is great terror!

At this moment, Chen Xi was sitting cross-legged in the darkness, not deducing anything else, only two words were left in his mind - life and death.

The law of life and death is one of the three supreme laws of the fairy world, coexisting with time and space, and only the existence of the fairy king can perfectly control it.

In the final analysis, the so-called law of life and death is nothing more than rebirth and death, just like grass and trees, one withered and one withered, not the new life after reincarnation, but the real life and death.

There is life before there is death.

Just like darkness and light, if there is no darkness, the world will not know what light is.

If there is no meaning to life, there is no such thing as death.

Life and death are different from each other, but they are inseparable like human hands.

Like the Immortal King Realm, it can be almost eternal and not afraid of the invasion of time, because it has mastered the law of life and death.

In the face of such supreme power and supreme law, no one can give an accurate statement.

As for Chen Xi, he had been "killed" more than [-] times at this moment, as if he had gone through life and death one after another. Apart from the terror in his heart, he was thinking more about life and death.

"Life and death... life and death... between the heaven and the earth, whether it is the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, whether it is the mortal beings, how many people can face the matter of life and death without fear?"

"But in this world, is there really no one who is not afraid of death?"

"No, some people are not afraid of life and death in order to survive, and some people are not afraid of life and death in order to pursue the Dao. The reason why they are not afraid of life and death is because they have attachments in their hearts!"

"Only when one's heart is persistent can one become a weapon! Asked Xiuxian, why is it not the same to compete with the sky?"

Suddenly, Chen Xi somewhat understood that the current self could not break free from the shackles of the power of life and death, but there was a way to not be afraid of life and death!

That is obsession!

Obsession is not paranoia, not stubbornness, but a firm heart and persistent will!

In an instant, Chen Xi thought of too much, the parents he hadn't found, the hatred that hadn't been paid in blood, and the supreme avenue that he had been pursuing...

Everything has turned into an obsession in my heart!

"The 880th test begins!"

The icy voice sounded again, and Chen Xi had completely realized it.

On the platform, before the old man in sackcloth could make a move, he stabbed out with a sword!

This sword is plain and plain, as simple as after all the lead is gone, but it contains a courageous, fearless spirit.

Forget life and death, but do not know life and death!

Forget the horror, and there is no restraint in my heart!

Accompanied by the stabbing of the sword, a sword chant resounded on the entire platform, resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths, and all the thousands of fairy swords shattered at this moment!

Not only that, the sky, the ground, the platform, and even the sackclothed old man holding the Immortal Drinking Snow Sword on the opposite side all showed signs of breaking, collapsing, and destroying at this moment.


The moment a wisp of sword energy gushed out from Chen Xi's sword, everything in front of him collapsed!

When the sword comes out, everything is destroyed!


Outside the Dao Emperor's ancient land, Hua Jiankong, who is usually cold and indifferent, laughed out loud at this moment.

What worked?

Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu were startled for a moment, but they seemed to understand immediately. Qi Qi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but feel a little excitement in his heart: "Did Chen Xi break into Venerable Sword's king's tomb?"

"That's right, the eighth time at 880!"

Hua Jiankong answered sonorously, yes, Chen Xi finally did what he failed to do back then, and he was the first existence to break through the King's Tomb of the Sword Venerable since the Dao Emperor's ancient land stood up to now!


"That kid Chen Xi actually defeated Venerable Sword?"

"Oh boy, it's unbelievable!"

"I just said that this kid can't be judged by common sense at all. If one day he does things that are in order, it will be called abnormal!"

At this moment, the heaven and the earth also resounded with the voices of thought conversations of old antiques.

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