divine talisman

Chapter 1384 Immortal Nether Realm [Part 3]

After Chen Xi broke through the Tomb of the Immortal King where Venerable Sword was located, several disciples were also removed from the Tomb of the Undying King.

It was Ji Xuanbing, Ao Zhanbei, and Zhao Mengli.

The three of them were removed almost at the same time, so when they saw the other two, they all smiled wryly at each other.

Yes, they failed, failed to beat their opponents within a thousand times.

"This Immortal King's Tomb is too terrifying. My opponent is a senior from the Phoenix Clan. Although his strength has been suppressed to the Holy Immortal Realm, it is impossible for me to be his opponent."

Zhao Mengli still has lingering fears in her heart. Being killed a thousand times in a row is no less than a thousand life-and-death alternations. The feeling of terror cannot be dispelled in a short time.

Not only him, but also Ji Xuanbing and Ao Zhanbei.

Not everyone can detect life and death without fear.

Perhaps this has something to do with their growth experience. They are either the heirs of the Ji family, one of the seven great families in ancient times, or the descendants of the real phoenix of the Huang family, or the descendants of the dragon world. , deeply favored by the elders of many clans.

All these seemed to be good things, but compared to Chen Xi, he lacked too much experience.

But in comparison, their performance is already extremely good, especially after experiencing a thousand times of life and death, it will definitely benefit them for a lifetime.

"Actually, I was defeated by the horror between life and death. If I were given another chance, I would be able to defeat the opponent." Ji Xuanbing sighed with emotion, palpitations, but also a trace of unwillingness.

While speaking, he suddenly discovered that the true law of the Buddha had also been removed.

However, compared to the three of them, Buddha's son Zhenlu has a calm face, and even a holy Buddha's light like glass is shining from his brows.

"Are you... going to advance?"

Ji Xuanbing said in surprise.

Zhao Mengli and Ao Zhanbei were also keenly aware of this point, and they couldn't help being amazed. They didn't expect that after this time of tempering, the true law of Buddha had faint signs of advancing to the holy fairyland.

"Occasionally, I have a feeling, but unfortunately, although I have found out life and death, I can't defeat my opponent on the Kongshi Dao..."

Fozi Zhenlu smiled, although what he said was a pity, his expression was calm and breezy.

"It seems that only a few of us failed this time. Chen Xi and the others seem to have passed through the Tomb of the Immortal King and entered the area where the Coffin of the Immortal Underworld is located..."

Zhao Mengli glanced at the tombs of the Immortal King standing in the starry sky with her clear eyes, and a complex look appeared on her expression.

"Sigh, don't compare yourself with that freak Chen Xi, there's no way to compare."

Ji Xuanbing curled her lips, and immediately asked, "There is still a lot of time before the deadline to return to the Daohuang Ancient Land, do you want to go to another area?"

"Right on my mind."

Zhenlu, the son of Buddha, agreed first, but he was very clear that there was not only the area where the emperor passed on the inheritance of the emperor, but also hundreds of other areas in the ancient land of the emperor, each of which contained various opportunities and blessings.

Now that it's hard to get in once, naturally we can't miss this opportunity in vain.

"Okay, but I plan to go to the 'Blood Phoenix Domain' first. I heard from my ancestors that there are many opportunities in it that are inextricably related to my Phoenix Clan."

Zhao Mengli said slowly.

"I'm also going to the 'Dragon Blood Battlefield'."

Ao Zhanbei, who had been silent at the side, suddenly spoke, but was ignored by Ji Xuanbing and others.

There's no way, the relationship between them is not good, it's okay to barely talk, but if they want to act together, no one is willing.

Seeing this, Ao Zhanbei smiled awkwardly, cupped his fists and said, "Everyone, then I will take my leave first."

After all, he dodges away.

"This guy's temperament does seem to have changed a lot..." Ji Xuanbing said thoughtfully.

Zhao Mengli and Fozi Zhenlu were noncommittal.

"Let's go, I'll help you go to the Blood Phoenix Realm first."

Seeing this, Ji Xuanbing said with a smile.

For this, Buddha's son Zhenlu had no objection, and the three of them also left in a flash.


"Fortunately, there are a total of six people who have entered the Immortal Nether Realm this time, and perhaps one of them will be able to obtain the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance."

Outside the Daohuang Ancient Land, Hua Jiankong opened his mouth and introduced the situation to Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu.

Those six people were Chen Xi, Ye Tang, Ling Qingwu, Nie Xingzhen, Gu Yueru, and Zhong Lixun, but Hua Jiankong discovered that the three of Nie Xingzhen joined forces after entering the Immortal Realm.

On the other hand, Ling Qingwu was still walking alone, while Chen Xi and Ye Tang joined together.

This is not good.

The Realm of Immortal Nether is the place where the coffin of Immortal Nether is buried. Although Hua Jiankong has never entered it, as the envoy who presides over all the actions of the Dao Emperor Ancient Land this time, he has already understood the situation in various regions. .

Therefore, he is very clear that if he wants to pass the assessment of the Immortal Nether Realm, it is extremely dangerous to be alone, not because of insufficient strength, but because the environment is too special. Only by cooperating with each other can we have more hope of passing it.


This is a boundless world.

On the land, there is a barren land, and there are ancient statues with strange shapes. There are immortals, demons, Buddhas, and even some statues of ghosts and ghosts. They are all different in strange shapes.

Looking around, it is like a sea of ​​statues, with no end in sight.


Above the sky, two figures galloped through the air.

One has a handsome face, with a dusty temperament, and the other has a rough, free and easy face, they are Chen Xi and Ye Tang.

After passing the examination of the Immortal King Tomb, Chen Xi appeared in this world, and then saw Ye Tang who appeared here almost at the same time.

As a result, the two naturally chose to go together.

"According to the jade slips, this place should be the periphery of the Immortal Nether Realm. If you pass through this area, you can reach the core of the Immortal Nether Realm. The Immortal Underworld Blood Soil, and the Immortal Underworld's coffin is buried in the Immortal Underworld's blood. In the soil."

Chen Xi quickly said, "I heard that the test there is even more difficult to deal with than the Immortal King's Tomb. I don't know if it's true or not."

"Hehe, I heard that the coffin of the underworld is an ancient sacred object. Unfortunately, it was only half-sacrificed, and it was destroyed by the catastrophe of the heavens. Later, it was taken away by the emperor and placed here."

Ye Tang laughed.


Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. It was the first time he had heard of this rumor. An immemorial fetish was only half-sacrificed, yet it actually brought about catastrophe. It was too astonishing.

And as soon as the word "Heaven's Way" was mentioned, Chen Xi couldn't help but think of the "Heaven's Punishment Eye" he had seen in the Conferred God Realm, and wondered in his heart, could it be that this fairy coffin was also "Heaven's Punishment" The Eye" destroyed it?

"Haha, I don't know if it's true or not, but this coffin of the underworld is said to be able to bury nine heavens and ten earths, and can confine the two realms of the underworld. It's ridiculous to think about it. It's just a half-finished divine object. How can we confine the two worlds of the immortal and the underworld? Not to mention the coffin of the underworld, or the divine axe of the supreme supreme god of chaos, Pangu, I am afraid that it will not be able to do this step."

Ye Tang laughed out loud.

Chen Xi couldn't help laughing. This rumor was indeed too ridiculous. If it was true, how could it be possible for the Dao Emperor to entrust it here, and he was afraid that it would have been completely destroyed by the Dao of Heaven.

After all, today's Three Realms are constructed from the human world, the underworld, and the fairy world. Once there is a force that threatens the immortal and underworld, it is afraid that it will be wiped out by the laws of heaven that maintain the power of the three worlds.

"However, this test should not be underestimated. I heard that there are not only extremely powerful opponents, but also many ancient restrictions. It is extremely dangerous. If you make a mistake, you will be removed, and you will never see the inheritance of the Dao Emperor."

Ye Tang frowned, his voice became solemn.

"Do your best."

Chen Xi, however, smiled casually. After experiencing life and death trials in the Tomb of the Immortal King, his mentality has undergone a great transformation. Only with persistence in his heart can he not be afraid of life and death. Be unruffled.

Right now, his state of mind is at a level of "no rules".

Ye Tang was stunned, and glanced at Chen Xi, keenly aware of the changes in Chen Xi's aura, round, clean, and impeccable, and it seemed more unfathomable than before.

After a cup of tea.

A smear of blood entered Chen Xi and Ye Tang's field of vision.

It was a blood-colored world. On the sky, thick blood-colored clouds rolled, and on the ground, there was a thick side of blood-colored soil. The whole world seemed to have been soaked in blood, exuding a palpitating sense of blood. breath.

Immortal Blood Soil!

Chen Xi and Ye Tang stopped walking abruptly, their brows were vigilant.

Because after arriving here, it means that the real test and danger are about to begin.


However, before they could take any action, there was a terrifying wave of fighting in the blood-colored world in the distance, which was mixed with the infiltrating voice similar to the shout of gods and demons.

Those fluctuations are extremely huge, as if a large-scale war is breaking out.

Chen Xi and Ye Tang immediately exchanged a look, without any hesitation, they teleported away out of thin air.





A series of figures like tides criss-cross between the sky and the earth, there are ghost soldiers riding huge skeletons, ghost-eyed ghost-fired ghost soldiers, fierce demons with bloody wings and ferocious heads, and some are covered in stiff flesh and blood, with dark faces. The sluggish ancient bronze corpse...

Similarly, there are also immortals who operate various fairy treasures, gods and demons who display various supernatural powers, and there are even some powerful puppets and mechanism beasts!

Looking from a distance, the figure as vast as a thousand troops and horses seems to contain all kinds of strong men in the two worlds of immortals and ghosts, and the methods they use are all extremely terrifying.

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you might be mistaken for entering the real battlefield between the fairy world and the underworld.

However, these armies from the Immortal and Underworld Realms are currently besieging a figure.

Her hair is like a waterfall, her figure is graceful, and she is full of billions of divine brilliance, like a goddess shrouded in the moonlight, walking in the army, crushing a bloody road made of flesh and bones wherever she passes.

That woman is Ling Qingwu!


ps: A hero saves the beauty?No need to guess, good night everyone, see you tomorrow~

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