divine talisman

Chapter 1385 Breaking the Restriction [Part 1]

Those Xianming armies are densely packed, covering the sky and covering the earth like a tide, and their momentum is extremely terrifying.

Ling Qingwu was alone, her figure fluttering, walking casually among the mighty army, her whole body was filled with divine brilliance, as if entering a land of no one, invincible.

She didn't seem to be fighting, but she seemed to be strolling in the back garden of her own home. Wherever she passed, blood was splattered for nine days, and bones were piled up, easily crushing a road of blood.

Those scenes were extremely shocking.

The blood was all over the sky, and the evil spirit was boiling, but she, a woman, was like a green lotus in a troubled world, not stained with blood and smoke, and she was endowed with a peerless beauty, looking down on the world.

When Chen Xi and Ye Tang arrived here, they saw such a scene, and then they exchanged glances with each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Yes, neither of them expected that Ling Qingwu would stand out among the thousands of troops, and no one could beat her. You must know that the auras of the immortal army are extremely powerful, and at least they all have Da Luo Jingxiu. Because, there is no shortage of holy wonderlands.

But even under such circumstances, Ling Qingwu was still helpless, one could imagine how terrifying her strength had reached.

"Senior Sister Ling must have developed her own law of the holy way."

Chen Xi was thoughtful. He was also in the Holy Immortal Realm, so he could tell at a glance that Ling Qingwu's gestures and feet were filled with a majestic aura of the holy way, which made her fighting power extremely powerful.

"The law of the holy way? By the way, Junior Brother Chen Xi, have you ever achieved this step?"

Ye Tang couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's a lot worse."

Chen Xi shook his head. He has only merged the five elements' divine patterns to about [-]% now, not to mention opening up the laws of the holy way. At least he has to wait until all the other Da Luo's divine patterns have been fused.

However, he is equally confident that if Ling Qingwu were himself at this time, he could also easily do this step, because although there are many immortals and underworld troops, they cannot pose any threat to him at all simply by virtue of their superiority in numbers. .

"What are you two still doing in a daze, why don't you come over to help?"

Suddenly, Ling Qingwu's voice came from a distance, cold, deep, with a unique sonorous flavor.

Both Chen Xi and Ye Tang were taken aback. They never expected that with Ling Qingwu's temperament, they would take the initiative to ask for cooperation. This was indeed beyond their expectations.

"Senior Sister Ling wants to invite you, Junior Brother, I'd rather be obedient than respectful."

Ye Tang laughed loudly, and suddenly took out his four-foot-long cyan saber, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed into the vast battlefield in the distance.

"This guy……"

Chen Xi curled his lips. He didn't have any good feelings for Ling Qingwu, but he didn't have any bad feelings either. It was just because the other party was too difficult to get in touch with, so he kept keeping a respectful distance.

But I never thought that I would be invited by the other party to cooperate at this time.

Although he felt a little awkward in his heart, Chen Xi still jumped forward and fought side by side with the opponent.

The Xianming army in this world is indeed too large and densely packed, as if they can never be killed. It is not deterrent, but it is extremely troublesome.

"This is the first test in Xianming Blood Soil. If you want to pass it, you must find the exit, otherwise these enemies will never be killed."

Ling Qingwu frowned slightly. Obviously, the situation in front of her also made her feel a little headache. The fact is exactly the same. Ever since he entered this piece of fairy blood, he has been looking for the so-called "exit". I have never found it, I can only keep killing the enemy here, and keep looking...

If this situation continues, she is afraid that she will stop here, and will not be able to obtain the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance.

After hearing Ling Qingwu's introduction, Chen Xi and Ye Tang finally realized that these situations were never mentioned in the jade slips.

"Could it be that the exit was covered by some restriction?"

Ye Tang frowned while trying to kill the enemies in all directions.

"How difficult it is, you will know if you try it."

Chen Xi, however, let out a chuckle, and suddenly his figure leapt up out of thin air. At that moment, waves of spatial fluctuations like tidal waves surged out of his body, and spread in all directions.


Between the sky and the earth, every inch of space suddenly produces violent fluctuations, which fluctuate endlessly like tides, and produce roaring sounds like thunder.

It can be clearly seen that the Xianming army within a radius of [-] miles suddenly seems to have fallen into a quagmire, constantly struggling in the tide of space, but cannot escape, and many of them were even shocked to death on the spot by the power of space. .

In an instant, blood flowed like a river, and the sound of howling was everywhere.

"The law of space!"

Ling Qingwu's wonderful eyes widened immediately, and the shock between the delicate brows could no longer be suppressed.

"That's right, Junior Brother Chen Xi demonstrated such a method during the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy, but I didn't expect that compared to the past, his control over the power of space has obviously been greatly improved now. .”

Ye Tang sighed with a smile, Chen Xi's progress was so great that he deeply realized that the gap between himself and Chen Xi had become bigger and bigger unconsciously.


The space between heaven and earth fluctuates, rolling into undulating tides.

The immortal army fell into the power of the space tide one after another, their flesh and blood shattered and splashed into the sky, soaking the world into a deep red blood.

However, every time a strong immortal fell, one would reappear, so no matter how much Chen Xi killed, it was as if he was doing useless work.

But Chen Xi's purpose was not to kill the enemy, but to find an "exit", so he wouldn't be troubled by it.


Not long after, a strange fluctuation suddenly came from a distance, which caught Chen Xi's attention.

"There are obscure prohibition fluctuations there, and the exit must be there!"

Chen Xi's gaze was like lightning, and he suddenly locked on to a direction in the distance.

"I'm going to break it, you two will protect the law for me!"

When Ling Qingwu spoke, her figure flashed and disappeared in an instant. That kind of behavior style can be called crisp and refreshing, without a trace of sloppiness.

Chen Xi was stunned, and said, "Senior Brother Ye Tang, has Senior Sister Ling's temperament always been so vigorous?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go."

Ye Tang cursed with a smile.

Immediately, the two also hurried away.

hum ~ hum ~

Circles of obscure forbidden fluctuations spread across a blood-colored land like ripples.

In the center where fluctuations are restricted is an ancient altar, looming in the void. There was no shadow of an altar here before, and it was obviously forced to appear by Chen Xi's "space tide" force.

This altar is not big, only ten feet in range, and the whole body exudes a desolate and ancient atmosphere. Standing here alone, it looks extremely mysterious.

However, when a Dao altar appeared, the army of immortals in this world seemed to be enraged, and suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, rumbling towards this place.

That attitude of being fearless and fearless is even more fierce and terrifying than before.

Ling Qingwu was trying her best to break the restrictions around the altar. Seeing this, Chen Xi and Ye Tang didn't dare to be negligent, guarding her sides and fighting hard to kill the enemy.

"Damn! This restriction is filled with a trace of divine power, how can it be broken by the Holy Fairyland?"

After a while, Ling Qingwu raised her eyebrows, and there was a sullen look in her beautiful eyes. She couldn't help cursing in a low voice, raised her hand and slammed on the restriction, trying to use brute force Break the restriction.

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help sweating violently in his heart. This senior sister of his had such a calm, dusty temperament, like a goddess under the moon. Who would have thought that not only would she act swiftly and swiftly, but she would even have such a violent temper...

"Senior Sister Ling, do you need help?"

Ye Tang couldn't help asking.

"Need not!"

Ling Qingwu's words were sonorous and extremely decisive. When she was speaking, she suddenly cast a simple dark purple big seal in her hand, dripping into the sky, bursting with hundreds of millions of purple runes, releasing a terrifying and majestic momentum.


In an instant, Ling Qingwu sacrificed this seal and slammed it at the restriction hundreds of times. Every time he slammed it, it was like a thunder resounding between the sky and the earth. people.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help clicking his tongue again, it was too violent, and his senior sister could be said to be a woman who would not give way to a man, and her heroic spirit was overwhelming.

"The Seal of Breaking the Sky! Be good, I never thought that this seal would fall into the hands of Senior Sister Ling."

Ye Tang was also amazed, but he was marveling at the ancient dark purple seal that Ling Qingwu sacrificed. It is an ancient fairy treasure that is as famous as the Fantian seal, the hate sky seal, and the burning sky seal. It was famous in ancient times , Shock ancient and modern.

"It turns out that this is the Seal of Breaking Heaven. In terms of power, it is comparable to the Seal of Hatred in my hand..." Chen Xi suddenly realized that the Seal of Hatred in his hand was taken from a student of the Blighted Academy.

Originally, he planned to return the treasure to the other party during the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy, but he never thought that the other party's power had obviously been infiltrated by the Supreme Master, so Chen Xi would not return the treasure.

"Damn! Why not?"

After smashing it for a long time, seeing that the restraint was still motionless and showed no signs of damage, Ling Qingwu's eyebrows were twisted into a Sichuan character, coupled with her bright, peaceful and round face, it was not shockingly beautiful.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help pointing out: "Senior sister, try bombarding the sixth level of restriction No. 30, three feet to the left between the Xun position and the Kan position?"

What he was talking about was the layout of the formation in the restriction, and Ling Qingwu understood it as soon as she heard it, so she didn't care whether what Chen Xi said was true or not, and smashed it viciously with the Heaven Breaking Seal.


There was a shocking sound, like a volcanic eruption, and the restrictions around the entire Taoist altar shattered like glass, turned into powder, and disappeared.

And with the destruction of the restriction, the overwhelming army of immortals and underworlds who came to kill them froze at the same moment, as if they were frozen, and then turned into wisps of blood-colored smoke, floating between the sky and the earth.

In an instant, only the three of them and a solitary altar were left in the vast and boundless blood-colored world. The atmosphere was silent, and there were no more armies of immortals, no earth-shattering fighting sounds, and no more corpses. The sea... Only the sound of the wind whimpered in the air.


ps: The second update is around 10:[-].

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