divine talisman

Chapter 1386 Comet Tunnel [Part 2]

Ling Qingwu stared at the Taoist altar in front of her in a daze, and it took a while to react, and said in surprise: "Is it really possible?"

She was only focused on breaking the restriction just now, and it was only at this moment that she realized that Chen Xi's pointing just now was aimed at the vital point, allowing her to break the restriction in front of her in one fell swoop.

When she thought of how hard she had worked so hard before, but she was still unable to shake the restriction, and compared with the current situation, she couldn't help being extremely surprised.

Ye Tang also glanced at Chen Xi strangely.

Chen Xi smiled, but didn't say much.

He had noticed before that the restriction surrounding the Taoist altar in front of him was indeed filled with a ray of divine aura as Ling Qingwu said, but it was by no means indestructible.

Not to mention relying on the Eye of Divine Truth, but relying on his power of deduction as the grand master of Talisman, he can accurately find the location of this forbidden formation.

After all, no matter how powerful this restriction was, it was obviously much worse than the restrictions of the gods he had seen in the Domain of the Conferred Gods.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier? Did you deliberately want to make a fool of me?" Ling Qingwu gave Chen Xi a sideways look rather angrily.

"No way, I thought you could easily solve such a simple restriction, senior sister. Who would have thought..." Chen Xi looked helpless, and at the end, he immediately shut up, because Ling Qingwu's expression became more and more obvious. The more embarrassing and annoyed, like a cat about to explode.

"Okay, let's see if there is an exit from this altar." Seeing this, Ye Tang quickly smoothed things over and turned his attention to the altar in front of him.

"It shouldn't be wrong, let's go up, if my guess is right, this altar should be an ancient teleportation formation." Sure enough, Ling Qingwu's attention was diverted all of a sudden, and he looked at the ancient altar. He went straight up.


As soon as Ling Qingwu's figure stepped onto the altar, a wave of fluctuation spread.

Seeing this, Chen Xi and Ye Tang quickly followed suit.

In an instant, the three of them just felt their figures lighten up and disappeared on the ancient altar.


This is a burning starry sky.

Hundreds of millions of stars are burning fiercely, illuminating the entire sky.

Those kinds of scenes, abnormal conditions, are like stars and volcanoes erupting, turning the entire universe into a sea of ​​flames, and the waves of fire are rushing and dazzling.

And in the center of this starry sky like a sea of ​​flames, there is a winding road.

The road is composed of individual floating meteorites, and each meteorite is flying and spinning, forming an extremely unstable path that can't be seen at a glance, just like a sky road.


Burning comets fell from the depths of the starry sky one after another, drawing gorgeous arcs, and the friction caused the void to produce violent roaring sounds. Extremely human.

This piece of starry sky is called "Field of Flowing Fire".

And the path across the starry sky is called "Comet Tunnel".

Each of the meteorites that make up the Comet Tunnel is covered with a layer of restriction, and there are as many as [-] meteorites in total, known as the "Three Thousands of Restrictions".

This is the second test of the Immortal Nether Realm. The disciples who enter it can enter the real coffin of the Immortal Underworld only if they safely pass through the comet corridor.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, in the depths of the comet tunnel, there are three figures advancing step by step, but they are struggling, extremely difficult, and even retreat from time to time.

Because around them, densely falling comets are constantly rushing towards them. The power of each comet is comparable to the strongest blow from the Holy Immortal Realm, and it is extremely terrifying.

And under their feet, the floating meteorites are constantly changing positions, and the meteorites are shrouded in restrictions. If they can't be cracked, they can't move forward at all.

In other words, there are at least three dangers in this comet tunnel, one is the attack of the falling comet, the other is the meteorite constantly changing its direction under the feet, and the third is the severe restriction shrouded on the meteorite.

Under such circumstances, it is conceivable how difficult it is to pass through this comet tunnel.

If she is here alone, there is no way to pass, because she not only has to dodge the comet attack, but also pays attention to the changing position of the meteorite under her feet all the time, and also breaks the restriction on the meteorite in front of her. The disciples in Huanggudi's test may not be able to do all of this.

"The first thousand 300 yuan meteorite, we are only halfway to success, we must hold on!"

On the corridor of comets, Nie Xingzhen reminded in a deep voice, letting Gu Yueru and Zhongli beside him relax.

Nie Xingzhen had long gray-brown hair, and his appearance was quite elegant, but at this moment, his expression was dignified, covered with layers of thick divine brilliance, and he kept using the fairy sword in his hand to resist the coming comet.

"Brother Nie, don't worry, I'm fine."

Zhong Liluo licked his lips, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. Fighting against the falling comet made him feel a lot of pressure, but the more pressure he had, the more excited he was, and his temperament was quite war-loving.

"Restriction is becoming more and more difficult... If this continues, the consequences will be disastrous."

Gu Yueru, who was walking in the front, frowned, with a look of worry on her face. She was wearing an indigo blue dress with a simple and elegant demeanor, but at this moment her cheeks were slightly pale, and there was an unconcealable exhaustion between her brows.

Among them, Gu Yueru is responsible for breaking the restrictions. Although she doesn't need to use her hands, she consumes a lot of mental energy. Up to now, she has broken [-] terrifying restrictions, and her mental strength has also been greatly affected. consume.

"Take your time, step forward step by step, and you will always succeed."

After a moment of silence, Nie Xingzhen said, "Junior Brother Zhongli, let's take care of yourself and try to buy more time for Junior Sister Gu."

Zhong Liluo nodded.

Gu Yueru glanced at Nie Xingzhen gratefully, took a deep breath, stopped talking, and continued to concentrate on breaking the restriction.


At this moment, Nie Xingzhen frowned, slammed down the three comets with a sword, and then said: "They are also here."

"It's Ling Qingwu and them."

Zhong Liluo also noticed the other party at this time, and couldn't help but feel tighter, "I heard that there are at most three people who can be recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance. Originally, I thought that Ling Qingwu would act alone, and I didn't regard him as a competitor. Who would have thought that she would actually act together with Ye Tang and Chen Xi."

While speaking, he waved the two knives in his hands, chopping the falling comets into pieces one by one.

"You're right. Since ancient times, there are only three places at most who have been recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance. For example, the current dean, Lao Huang and Canglong of the Sutra Library are the existences who were recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance back then."

Nie Xingzhen said casually, "Even so, there's no need to worry about Ling Qingwu and the others. We've already reached halfway through the Comet Corridor, and they're destined to be pulled behind us."

Zhong Liluo nodded.

As veteran disciples of the inner court, the three of them are ranked No. 5, No. [-], and No. [-] on the Dou Tian Sheng Ranking, so they won't be too afraid of Ling Qingwu, Chen Xi, and Ye Tang.

After all, they also knew that Ling Qingwu, like that Chen Xi, had just reached the holy fairyland, and that Ye Tang was still a great Luo Xiu, even if these three cooperated together, it would be impossible for them to compete with them.

What's more, there is Gu Yueru beside them. Long ago, she was already a grand master of Fu Dao, and the only old antique Buping in the School of Masters who has the attainment of "God of Fu"!

With her in charge of cracking the multiple restrictions on the "Comet Tunnel", they didn't worry at all that they would be overtaken by Chen Xi and the others.


"Is this the Comet Tunnel?"

Chen Xi couldn't help being amazed when he saw the blazing starry sky and a corridor like a "road to heaven" across the center of the starry sky.

Such a grand scene can be called a miracle!

"Look, Nie Xingzhen and the others have already arrived in the middle of the Comet Tunnel, we must hurry up, although we are not life and death enemies, but for the succession of the Dao Emperor, the two of us have already become a competitive relationship, we can't hold back. "

Ye Tang stared into the distance and spoke in a deep voice.

Compared to Nie Xingzhen and the others, Ye Tang was also like a freshman, just like the relationship between him and Chen Xi now. When Ye Tang first entered the Dao Emperor Academy, Nie Xingzhen and the others were already Fengyun disciples in the inner court.

Facing such an opponent, Ye Tang couldn't help but feel a little pressure at the moment.

But Ling Qingwu didn't care at all, and said casually: "Go, I will break the ban in front, and you will protect me."

With that said, she will act.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Xi hurriedly stopped her: "Senior Sister Ling, let me break the ban."

He also knew that there were [-] meteorites in the comet tunnel, each with different restrictions, known as the "Three Thousands of Restrictions", and it was extremely difficult to pass through.

Under such circumstances, he didn't dare to let Ling Qingwu break the ban. There was no other way, Chen Xi couldn't help but worry about the other party's performance in the Immortal Underworld Blood Soil just now.

Ling Qingwu glanced at Chen Xi: "Do you think I can't do it?"

"Senior Sister misunderstood, I just did a little research on the restriction, and I feel that I can share some of it for Senior Sister."

Chen Xi explained earnestly. Ling Qingwu spoke straight to the point. Chen Xi already knew what to say, so he wouldn't be unhappy because of it.

"Yes, let Junior Brother Chen Xi come."

Ye Tang had heard that even the Nine Wonderful Tripods of the Danzangyuan were restored by Chen Xi, and many old antiques of the Danzangyuan highly respected Chen Xi's talisman attainments, so Chen Xi will undoubtedly break the ban now. is the best choice.

As for Ling Qingwu... To be honest, if she were to break the ban, Ye Tang would also be a little worried, worried that the other party would use the Heaven Breaking Seal again and bombard her indiscriminately.

Ling Qingwu is not a dictatorial person, seeing this, she immediately nodded and said: "That's fine."

Chen Xi and Ye Tang exchanged a look, and they both laughed.

Ling Qingwu cast a sideways glance at Chen Xi, and said, "However, if you can't let us surpass Nie Xingzhen and the others..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Chen Xi, who patted her chest and assured: "Senior sister, don't worry, I will definitely do my best."

Interrupted by Chen Xi, Ling Qingwu glared at Chen Xi angrily, "I hope you can do it, I don't want to lose to Gu Yueru!"


ps: gone tonight, tomorrow 3~

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