divine talisman

Chapter 1387 Going up step by step [Part 1]

Gu Yueru?

Chen Xi keenly noticed that there seemed to be some unusual connections between Ling Qingwu and Gu Yueru, fighting openly and secretly?Or is there a grudge against each other?

Without any further delay, Chen Xi took the lead and leaped across the void.

Ye Tang and Ling Qingwu followed closely behind.

In an instant, the group of them had arrived in front of the first meteorite in the "Comet Corridor".


On the meteorite, there are palpitating forbidden fluctuations, the breath is like a raging ocean, filled with the power of the holy way of water, and there is even a faint breath of divinity.

After arriving here, Chen Xi seemed to have turned into another person. His handsome face was already filled with serenity and concentration, and billions of mysterious runes were reflected in his pair of deep black eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to have the spirit of a grand master of talisman, with a wise, deep, calm, and meticulous temperament in every gesture.

The comets that kept falling and whizzing from the starry sky, and the meteorites that kept moving, were all ignored by him, because at this moment in his eyes - there was only prohibition!


Almost at the same time, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang keenly noticed the change in Chen Xi's temperament, as if he had transformed from a peerless sword god into a grand master of Talisman who controlled the power of deduction in an instant.

This completely different temperament made the two of them gain some confidence in Chen Xi for no reason.


But soon, they couldn't think about it anymore, because not long after they arrived here, dazzling comets pierced the sky, rushing towards them with an aura that almost destroyed the world!

Each of these comets is as huge as a majestic mountain, with a terrifying momentum, no less than a full-strength blow from the Holy Immortal Realm. They keep rushing one after another, giving people a great psychological pressure.


Ling Qingwu's method is very simple. She casts out the Sky-breaking Seal that is filled with dark purple divine light, and collides with it fiercely in the air. Every time it hits, it can smash a comet into pieces, pulverize it, and smash it to the extreme.

Compared with Ling Qingwu, Ye Tang's approach is much more ingenious. He exerts his power to reach the level of "Sword God", instead of confronting those comets head-on, but forms a viscous traction force that pulls the comets together. Its attack was lightly dismantled, and then dragged the comet to gallop towards the other side.

This is the same principle as "leveraging strength to fight strength" and "moving flowers and trees". Without confrontation, all kinds of attacks can be resolved invisibly.

This is something that can't be helped. After all, Ye Tang is only in the realm of Daluo, not the realm of Saint Immortal. It is not easy to be able to achieve this step with his superb Dao of the sword.

In this way, when compared with Ling Qingwu, he is obviously inferior. After all, one is to destroy the dead from the front, and the other is to use skillful energy from the side, and the effects achieved are completely different.

But even so, they are at least enough to get a foothold on this comet tunnel, and whether they can pass through this place smoothly depends on Chen Xi.

"The law of the holy way of water, [-] ways are equivalent to the prohibition of the master level of talisman Taoism, and the divine breath is filled in the eyes of the formation. If you want to break it..."

The eyes of divine truth between the brows opened and closed, wisps of deep black light emerged, and in his mind, the power of supreme deduction was fully activated, allowing Chen Xi to peep into all the mysteries of the first meteorite in front of him in an instant.


The next moment, he lightly pointed with his hand, and a ray of terrifying sword energy shot out, piercing a certain position on the first meteorite, producing a roaring and concussive sound.

For a split second, the meteorite stopped suddenly, and the restraining power pervading it also fell silent.

"So fast?"

"Amazing, Junior Brother Chen Xi!"

Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang were startled, and they spoke in unison, their expressions hard to hide their astonishment.

"This is just the simplest restriction, let's go."

Chen Xi smiled, and the three of them simultaneously stepped on the first meteorite in the comet corridor.


As soon as the three of them stood firm, three wisps of holy aura suddenly poured into the bodies of the three of them.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt that there was a faint sign of a breakthrough in his fusion of the five elements' divine patterns!

"Sure enough, every time you break through a restriction on this comet tunnel, you will get a certain gift of holy dao breath. I didn't expect it to be true."

A gleam of joy appeared on the corners of Ling Qingwu's lips, obviously, she also realized the benefits of that breath of the holy way.

"Haha, the breath of the holy way I got is stored in my body, just waiting to advance to the holy fairyland, it will definitely be of great benefit to the fusion of my own Da Luo divine pattern!"

Ye Tang also laughed out loud. He originally thought that it would be difficult for him to obtain any benefits in the realm of Daluo. Who would have thought that he would be able to obtain such rewards?

"I don't know how much holy way breath I can get after passing through this comet tunnel..." A look of expectation flashed between Chen Xi's brows.

He was still having a headache on how to quickly integrate the various Daluo divine patterns he had mastered, but this opportunity in front of him was like nectar from the sky, which made him extremely happy.

Not only Chen Xi was looking forward to it, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang were also looking forward to it.

Next, without the slightest hesitation, Chen Xi began to investigate the mysterious restrictions pervading the second meteorite.

And Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang also raised their spirits to resist and resolve the comets that kept flying from the universe.


This burning starry sky is magnificent and dazzling.

There are constantly gorgeous comets falling from the depths of the universe, howling and tearing apart the void, and rushing on the corridor like the "Road to Heaven".

And the 3000-yuan meteorites that make up the corridor are like floating stone slabs, no matter how they change, they always appear in the form of a path, which is extremely mysterious.

I don't know why the Taoist Emperor opened up such an area and laid such a mysterious "heavenly road".

Perhaps, all of this is just for testing, for Chen Xi to test those disciples who want to be recognized by his inheritance.

Or maybe, there is another mystery in it, but it is no longer something that disciples like Chen Xi can figure it out.

Outside the ancient land of the Taoist Emperor.

Seeing Hua Jiankong's silence for a long time, Wang Daolu couldn't help asking: "How is the situation inside? Is there any chance among the six of them to be recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance?"

Hua Jiankong shook his head: "Nie Xingzhen and the others are too far ahead and have already reached the one thousand three hundred and first meteorite, while Chen Xi and the others have just stepped on the comet tunnel, so they can't see anything yet."

Wang Daolu was stunned: "It's obvious that Nie Xingzhen and the others have the upper hand, why can't they see anything?"

Hua Jiankong said: "Gu Yueru's teacher is Bu Ping, who has attainments in the realm of 'God Rune', but Chen Xi is also not bad, and even surpasses it."

Wang Daolu was thoughtful: "This is indeed true."

"Is there any reason for it?"

Zuoqiu Taiwu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

"Back then when the Nine Wonders Treasure Cauldron was damaged, I asked the girl Gu Yueru to come and repair it, but unfortunately she couldn't do anything, but Chen Xi had only just entered the academy at that time, and he successfully restored the Nine Wonders Treasure Cauldron in one fell swoop. It can be deduced which one is higher in terms of talisman attainment between him and that girl."

The one who answered him was the idea of ​​an old antique who had been paying attention to this place, and it was Shen Haoran, the dean of the Buddhist scriptures institute.

Zuoqiu Taiwu suddenly fell into silence, but complex emotions welled up in his heart. It seems that this little guy is indeed, as the family said, bound to have some connection with Shenyan Mountain. Otherwise, how could he possibly have Such an amazing talisman attainment?

Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace... If he can get the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance, wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this, inexplicably, Zuoqiu Taiwu felt a touch of irritability in his heart, he immediately shook his head, discarded all distracting thoughts, and stopped thinking about it.

Almost at the same time, Hua Jiankong glanced at the other party inadvertently, and remained silent.


On the second meteorite.

Filled with the power of the holy way of fire, densely covered with [-] roads, which is equivalent to the prohibition of the master of talisman Taoism, three strands of divine breath guard the eyes of the formation in the direction of heaven, earth and man, if you want to break it...

On the third meteorite.

Filled with the power of the Holy Way of the Golden Walk, densely covered with [-] Dao Talismans and Dao Grandmaster Restrictions... If you want to break it...

On the fourth meteorite.

Filled with the power of the holy way of wood... If you want to break it...


In the following period of time, under the leadership of Chen Xi, the group of them moved forward step by step, breaking the restrictions on one meteorite after another, under the leadership of Chen Xi, they reached the first stage in almost a short cup of tea time. One hundred and one meteorites!

To Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang, it seemed that they had never stopped from the beginning to the end. Every time they stepped on a meteorite, Chen Xi had already broken the restriction on the next meteorite, which made them secretly shocked.

And the further they went, the more shock they felt in their hearts, and the gaze that looked at Chen Xi in front of them also became weird. It was impossible to imagine how far this guy's talisman cultivation had reached. It seemed that it was very important for him to break these restrictions. It's as easy as drinking water.

You must know that these restrictions were all placed by the Taoist emperor of the ancient times. There are a total of [-]. The so-called three thousand restrictions cannot be broken by brute force. When the grand master came, he definitely couldn't be as relaxed as Chen Xi!

Apart from being shocked, the two were also quite excited.

Because during this process, every time they stepped on a meteorite, they could gain a ray of the holy way. Until now, Ling Qingwu felt that what he had gained during this cup of tea was equivalent to his ten years of hard work!

As far as Ye Tang was concerned, this kind of harvest also made him very pleasantly surprised. He had a free and easy temperament, but when his cultivation level fell behind that of Chen Xi and Ling Qingwu, he still couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

But now he is very confident that after returning from the Dao Emperor's ancient land this time, his cultivation is destined to undergo an earth-shaking transformation!

And Chen Xi... within this cup of tea kung fu, he finally completely fused the Five Elements Divine Runes, turning them into a part of the Holy Way of Talismans that he hadn't created yet!

It is conceivable that when he passed through this tunnel of comets, what he gained was not inferior to that of Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang.


ps: Asking for a monthly pass, only 2 votes short, and I was blown out of the 11th place~~ There are too many monthly tickets tonight, and I stayed up all night to get 4 changes. Brothers and sisters, please help~~ The last 2 days of the end of the month, if you have a monthly pass, hurry up and smash it right~~

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