divine talisman

Chapter 1388 Tianxinluo Divine Pill [Part 2]

The starry sky is burning and the sea is raging.

On the path of comets that spanned the sea of ​​fire and starry sky, Chen Xi and the three of them stepped forward step by step. Around them, one after another camets were chopped off, shattered, and pulverized, bursting into billions of dazzling brilliance, one after another like The rain is truly gorgeous.

Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to all of this.

All his mind was focused on the heavy restrictions, he had no other distractions, he was meticulous, and his whole body exuded a solemn, calm, and deep temperament.

From a young age until now, the Dao of Talismans has been immersed in Chen Xi's bone marrow and has become a part of his life. Whether he started learning how to make Talismans when he was young, or started to get in touch with the Dao of Talismans after he obtained the Star Cave Mansion, those runes, trajectories, formations, etc. Maps, divine talismans... are influencing his path all the time.

Refining divine talismans, reconstructing the chaotic world in the body, traveling the talisman world...until entering the fairy world, cracking the first talisman of the seven prohibitions, living the inheritance of the infinite divine talisman, and practicing the swordsmanship of various supreme inheritances...

In that experience again and again, there is the shadow of Fu Dao.

Even, because of the deduction power of Talisman, it unknowingly affected Chen Xi's cognition of the entire Three Realms, which can be said to be of far-reaching significance.

Most importantly, Talisman Dao is a kind of supreme inheritance of Shenyan Mountain!

It can be said that although the current Chen Xi only has the cultivation base of the Saint Immortal Realm, in terms of talisman and dao attainments, even most of the old antiques in Daohuang Academy cannot match him!

This is a kind of talent, a kind of power of inheritance, and a kind of avenue that Chen Xi has been pursuing.

If not, how could he have decided to develop his own "Holy Way of Talismans" instead of "Holy Way of Sword", "Holy Way of Five Elements" and other powers of the Holy Way without even thinking about it?

It is also because of possessing such an extraordinary and unique attainment of talisman dao that Chen Xi can be so calm, calm and confident when facing the numerous restrictions on the Comet Tunnel.

Because these restrictions are to him, like a lockpicker to open a lock, a mechanism master to break each mechanism, and a master of magic to solve a problem... It's not too difficult.

At the very least, none of the restrictions encountered so far could make Chen Xi feel troublesome.

The two hundredth meteorite.

The three hundredth meteorite.

The four hundredth meteorite.


With the passage of time, Chen Xi and his group kept moving forward, and there was very little time for a pause. If they were to be described in eight words, they would be destructive and overwhelming.

And in the process, they also received gifts of the holy way again and again.

Especially when breaking the restriction on the [-]th meteorite, Chen Xi also integrated the "Wind and Thunder God Pattern" into the "Sacred Way of Talismans" in one fell swoop!

This level of efficiency can be described as against the sky.

One must know that Chen Xi had been in seclusion in the Star World for more than a year, and he had only merged the five elements' divine patterns to [-]%. The pattern is also integrated!

This level of efficiency, before Chen Xi would have dared to think about it.

But now, he obviously doesn't care about the excitement and joy of this, and his whole mind is focused on the restrictions shrouded in the meteorites from the beginning to the end.


"That's right, if you continue at this speed, within half a day, you'll be able to catch up with Nie Xingzhen..."

Outside the Daohuang Ancient Land, Hua Jiankong's eyes opened and closed, lightning flashed, and he quickly introduced to Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu all kinds of situations that happened on the comet tunnel.

Especially when they heard that Chen Xi and the others had reached the [-]th meteorite within three hours, all the old antiques couldn't help but feel a bit of shock in their hearts.

This kid is going against the sky!

In contrast, four people like Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, Ao Zhanbei, etc., are actually no one cares about them.

The reason is very simple. For old antiques like Hua Jiankong, the significance of the place where the Dao Emperor's inheritance is buried is too important, especially the power of the Dao Emperor's inheritance, which is related to too many aspects of the academy, so they can't help but pay attention to it.


"Brother Nie, look, they are almost approaching!"

On the 410th and [-]th meteorites in the Comet Corridor, Zhong Liluo casually glanced at them. When he saw that Chen Xi and the others had actually reached the [-]th meteorite, he was startled and quickly opened his mouth.


Nie Xingzhen, who was constantly shaking with comets one after another, was shocked, and immediately noticed this scene, her face suddenly became serious, "If I am not mistaken, it has only passed since they set foot on the comet tunnel. Three hours?"

"It should be so."

Zhong Liluo frowned, feeling a kind of pressure, and arrived at the [-]th meteorite in three hours, which was much faster than before.

Although there is still a difference of more than 900 meteorites between them, but according to the speed of Chen Xi and others, it will take less than half a day to catch up with them!

This is not what Zhong Liluo wants to see.

"Don't be impatient, the restrictions on the comet tunnel will become stronger as you go further, and the opponent's speed of breaking the restrictions will never be maintained at this level."

Nie Xingzhen glanced at Gu Yueru who was breaking the ban, and comforted her softly.

Because he found that Gu Yueru's pretty face was already pale at the moment, and he couldn't hide the tiredness between his brows at all. Under such circumstances, he didn't dare to let Gu Yueru be distracted by it.

"It's okay, I will do my best."

However, Gu Yueru had already noticed all of this, she smiled calmly, turned her palm over, and suddenly a round and bright pill appeared, and she swallowed it in one gulp.

In just a few breaths, the look of exhaustion between her brows was swept away, she was refreshed, and a blush appeared on her pale delicate face.

"Junior Sister Gu, what you swallowed was the 'Tianxin Luoshen Pill'"

Seeing this, Nie Xingzhen was not only unhappy, but frowned even more.

As far as he knows, this kind of elixir is really wonderful, it can replenish the exhausted mental energy to a perfect state in a short time, but the side effects are also huge, not only will affect the cultivation of the Dao Heart, but once the effect of the medicine is over, the whole person His consciousness will fall into a coma, ranging from three months to as long as a year, and he cannot wake up at all.

"Senior Brother Nie, don't worry, the Tianxin Luoshen Pill in my hand is enough to persist until we leave the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land."

Gu Yueru explained with a smile, and continued to devote herself to breaking the ban.

Nie Xingzhen sighed in his heart, but he was more moved. He knew very well that the reason why Gu Yueru worked so hard was to allow them to be recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance.

But such a sacrifice is a bit too much...

"It's all these three guys. If they didn't appear here, why would we be like this?"

However, Zhong Liluo transferred all his resentment and pressure to Chen Xi and the others, and his words were extremely dissatisfied and angry.

"Nonsense! We are both academy disciples, and there is already a competitive relationship in entering the Dao Emperor's ancient land this time. Junior brother Zhongli, don't talk such nonsense again."

Nie Xingzhen frowned and reprimanded the other party. He had never looked down on the three of Chen Xi, and even regarded them extremely highly. After all, in the huge Dao Emperor Academy, not everyone can be among the scorching suns of the fairy world, and not everyone can be like Chen Xi. So, just entering the academy, there were so many shocking disturbances.

Even in his opinion, whether it is Ling Qingwu, Ye Tang, or Chen Xi, the achievements of these three people in the future will be absolutely limitless, if they resent each other because of the competition at this time, then the gain will not be worth the loss.


Zhong Liluo snorted coldly, but he didn't take Nie Xingzhen's words seriously.

For this, Nie Xingzhen couldn't persuade him much, shook his head and ignored it, and began to concentrate on resisting the comet that kept coming.


After reaching above the [-]th meteorite, Chen Xi's speed of breaking the restriction did slow down, but it was only slowed down by about thirty breaths.

In other words, if they used to move forward step by step, the current situation is to take a step and pause for thirty breaths before moving forward.

But even this speed is astonishing enough, at least when Nie Xingzhen and the others arrived here before, they would never be able to maintain such a speed.

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi didn't consume much mental energy, and it didn't even have any influence on his actions.

The reason is that his current cultivation of mental strength has already reached the level of "heart baby", which is a realm that can only be achieved by the existence of the Immortal King Realm!

If only one compares mental strength and cultivation bases alone, Chen Xi can definitely crush ninety-nine percent of the holy fairylands in the fairyland, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is unique in the past and present.

Regarding this, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang had long been numb from the shock, but they were not as startled as they were before, and began to cooperate with Chen Xi to concentrate on defending against the comets that were constantly rushing around.

However, after arriving here, the power brought by the comets coming through the sky became more and more powerful. Ling Qingwu was fine, but Ye Tang felt a little overwhelmed.

Even if he can "strike with strength", when the power of the comet is too strong, he will inevitably be impacted and collided when "borrowing strength".

This also made his face at this time extremely solemn, and his breath also began to become a little short, showing faint signs of becoming chaotic.

Ling Qingwu keenly noticed the change in Ye Tang's breath, she didn't say much, and started to help Ye Tang resist the pressure with actions.

In other words, if it is said that those comets brought [-]% of the attack power, Ling Qingwu alone took [-]% of it, and the remaining [-]% was borne by Ye Tang.

This made Ye Tang feel very grateful to Ling Qingwu. Who said that Senior Sister Ling is not easy to get in touch with?People are cold outside and hot inside!

However, this situation did not last long.

When she reached the [-]th meteorite, Ling Qingwu also felt a heavy pressure, but she pressed her cherry lips to hold on, not wanting to disturb Chen Xi's action of breaking the ban.

And although Ye Tang only resisted about [-]% of the comet attacks, as he stepped onto the higher-level meteorites step by step, the attack power of the comets became stronger and stronger. Although the number was small, it shocked him so much that his blood was rolling stand up.


ps: Around 3 o'clock in the third update, I'll have dinner first, I'm hungry~ Don't forget to vote for the monthly ticket~~~~

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