divine talisman

Chapter 1391 Subduing People Without Fighting [Part 1]

On the comet tunnel.

As time passed, Chen Xi and the others pressed forward step by step. When Nie Xingzhen and the others reached the 630th five meteorites, Chen Xi and the others had barely reached the 630th three meteorites.

There is only one meteorite distance left between them!

The atmosphere, which was already tense, was also tense to the extreme at this moment.


At this moment, Zhong Liluo, who had an extremely gloomy expression, couldn't hold back anymore, turned around abruptly, and pointed the two knives in his hands at Chen Xi and the others!

Two swords, one black and one white, shone coldly, and the celestial glow was transpiring, releasing a frightening light.

Seeing this, Chen Xi suddenly woke up from breaking the restriction, and his gaze swept away coldly like electricity.

Almost at the same time, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang's eyes turned cold, their bodies were full of fighting spirit, and they were ready to fight.

"Junior Brother Zhongli!"

Seeing this, Nie Xingzhen's heart tightened, and she yelled at the other party, "Don't play around!"

The sound was like thunder, which made Gu Yueru in front of her wake up. When she turned her head and caught a glimpse of this scene, her pretty face that was already slightly pale suddenly turned pale.

She didn't expect that the speed of the opponent's pursuit would be so fast, which caused her confidence to suffer a lot, especially when she noticed the tense confrontation atmosphere between them, she was also in a mess, and she subconsciously said : "Don't do it."

Seeing this, Chen Xi glanced at the other party thoughtfully, and immediately smiled and said, "Senior Brother Nie, Senior Sister Gu, the restrictions behind the Comet Tunnel are becoming more and more severe, why don't we cooperate together? Even if it's a competition, at least we have to wait until we break through. It’s not too late to get here.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised. Not only Nie Xingzhen and Gu Yueru, but also Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang frowned. They couldn't figure out why Chen Xi suddenly made such a suggestion.

"Hmph, whoever cooperates with you, stop wishful thinking!"

Before anyone else could speak, Zhong Liluo snorted and refused.

Chen Xi smiled, and didn't look at him from the beginning to the end, his eyes kept falling on Nie Xingzhen and Gu Yueru.

This almost ignoring attitude completely enraged Zhong Liluo. He had already accumulated a lot of anger, but when he was so stimulated by Chen Xi, he immediately erupted. The two knives staggered, and suddenly cut out a "娥"-shaped staggered knife light. .


This blow was sharp and chilling, tearing apart the void, making a sharp whistling sound like tearing cloth, and smashing towards Chen Xi head-on.

No one expected that Zhong Liluo would do it as soon as he said he would, and when Nie Xingzhen and Gu Yueru wanted to stop him, it was already too late.


With a wave of the Purple Vault Immortal Sword in Chen Xi's hand, it was like an antelope's horns, without any trace of fireworks, easily erasing the opponent's blow, completely wiped out.

So strong!

Nie Xingzhen and Gu Yueru constricted their eyes and pupils together. Chen Xi's blow was indistinct, but he was able to neutralize Zhong Liluo's smashing blow in an understatement. It is conceivable how powerful his combat power is.

The two of them are ranked first and second in the Doutian Saint Ranking, so they can see that although it is just a simple blow, it is already a difference between the two!

Zhong Liluo was also slightly taken aback, he could have expected that his blow would not be able to hurt the opponent, but he still didn't expect that the opponent would defuse his attack so easily.

"court death!"

"How dare you do it!"

Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang were also irritated. Originally, they thought that they were both from the same family, and they didn't intend to make the relationship too rigid with each other. Who would have thought that Zhong Liluo would be so ignorant.

But before they could make a move, they were stopped by Chen Xi, who shook his head and said, "Be safe and don't be impatient."

As he said that, he extended an invitation to Nie Xingzhen again: "Everyone must be very clear that this place is already in the depths of the Comet Tunnel, and not only is it flooded with many comet attacks, but also the power of restraint is getting stronger and stronger. If we fight at this time, as long as we I'm afraid no one will be able to pass through here."

After a pause, he continued: "After all, the two of us have been here for seven days and seven nights non-stop, and each other's physical strength has been exhausted. Under such circumstances, we should cooperate instead of fighting, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Nie Xingzhen and Gu Yueru pondered endlessly.

It wasn't just them, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang also showed thoughtful expressions, because as Chen Xi said, they had been fighting non-stop for seven days and seven nights, and even their iron bodies were about to reach their limits.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed inappropriate to have a fierce conflict, otherwise it is really possible to stop here, and there will be no chance of the emperor's acknowledgment.

"Junior Brother Chen Xi, don't worry, we won't fight with you."

In the end, Gu Yueru opened her mouth and made a decision, but her next sentence was beyond Chen Xi's expectations, "But since we are competing with each other, it's better to go our own way."

The implication is that we will not fight, but we will not cooperate with you.

Regarding this kind of decision, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang were naturally happy to see it, because they knew very well that with Chen Xi leading them, they would definitely surpass each other's pace.

Nie Xingzhen glanced at Gu Yueru, wanting to say something, but seeing Gu Yueru's determined face, she had no choice but to give up.

As for Zhong Liluo, he was extremely unwilling to accept such a decision, and was about to speak, but was forced by Nie Xingzhen's warning eyes to swallow the words in his mouth again.

"Senior Gu, stop thinking about it?"

Chen Xi frowned. He definitely didn't have any other thoughts. He just thought that both of them were disciples of the inner court, and they didn't have any hatred. Although they were in a competitive relationship, they could still cooperate.

"No need."

Gu Yueru pursed her lips, and said firmly, "If you lose, you lose. It's no big deal, but thank you for your kindness, Junior Brother."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, and vaguely understood that this Senior Sister Gu was probably a woman who was extremely proud in her heart, and would rather fail with pride than admit that she needed help.

Next, Chen Xi stopped talking and started to concentrate on breaking the restriction.

And Gu Yueru and the others also gathered their minds and ignored the others, and the tense atmosphere was dissipated invisibly and disappeared.

However, only an hour later.

Chen Xi and the three of them jumped onto the meteorite where Nie Xingzhen and the three of them were, completely keeping pace with each other.

This made Nie Xingzhen's expression darken, and Zhong Liluo's expression was even more ugly.

"Congratulations to the three of you." Only Gu Yueru smiled and cupped her hands, her face was pale, and there was a faint gloomy look in her eyes that was fleeting.

Seeing this, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang couldn't help admiring Gu Yueru. They knew very well that if Chen Xi hadn't been there this time, the final victor would definitely belong to Gu Yueru and the others.

This is not a compliment, because without Chen Xi this time, whether it is Ling Qingwu or Ye Tang, it is impossible for them to catch up with Gu Yueru and the others.

Even, it is impossible for them to reach this step on the comet tunnel.

Generally speaking, Gu Yueru and the others were a bit unlucky to meet Chen Xi, a guy who couldn't be measured by common sense.

After a cup of tea.

Chen Xi and the three of them took the lead in breaking the next meteorite restriction, and jumped up.

From then on, the situation changed completely, and Gu Yueru and the others were pulled behind by a meteorite distance.

It is worth mentioning that if the two parties do not board the meteorite at the same time, the restrictions on it will be restored for others to break, and they cannot follow others to take advantage of it.

Otherwise, Chen Xi and the others might have already caught up with Gu Yueru and the others.

In the current situation, Gu Yueru and the others were standing on the 630 six meteorites, while Chen Xi and the others were on the 630 meteorites.


However, just when Chen Xi was about to break the restriction of the next meteorite, Gu Yueru, who was on the meteorite behind, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face suddenly became pale and transparent.

This made Nie Xingzhen and Zhong Liluo startled, and hurried forward to support her, fearing that something might happen to her.

"I am fine."

Gu Yueru forced herself to smile, wiped off the blood on the corners of her lips, and continued to break the restriction.

Seeing this, Chen Xi did not continue to break the restriction, and seemed to have fallen into deep thought.

Seeing this, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang exchanged glances, and did not urge Chen Xi to move on, because the two had vaguely guessed what Chen Xi was going to do.

After a full stick of incense, Gu Yueru finally broke the restriction, and led Nie Xingzhen and Zhong Liluo onto the meteorite where Chen Xi and the others were.

In this way, both of them are on the same starting line again.

This made Nie Xingzhen and Zhong Liluo startled, as if they couldn't figure out what the other party was going to do.

But very soon, Chen Xi gave the answer: "Let's go together, if this continues, Senior Sister Gu's cultivation foundation will also be severely damaged, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Gu Yueru was stunned, and she still wanted to refuse, but Chen Xi waved her hand and said, "That's it. If you want to compete, we'll wait until you pass through the comet corridor."

The domineering determination in this sentence reveals a taste that cannot be rejected.

"That's right, let's go together. After all, we are fellow students, not enemies." Ye Tang smiled.

Ling Qingwu pursed her lips and didn't say much.

At this moment, Nie Xingzhen and Zhong Liluo finally fully understood that Chen Xi had never regarded them as opponents, and inexplicably, complex emotions welled up in their hearts, which seemed to be emotional and ashamed.

"Thank you."

Nie Xingzhen said seriously, he answered for Gu Yueru, because he couldn't bear Gu Yueru to go on like this.

"I apologize for the disrespect just now."

At the same time, Zhong Liluo also took a deep breath, cupped his hands and opened his mouth. No matter how arrogant he was, he had to admit that Chen Xi's actions were worthy of his apology.

Chen Xi smiled, no longer hesitated, and began to concentrate on breaking the restriction.

Gu Yueru bit her cherry lips, and finally came to Chen Xi's side, and acted together with him.

As for Ling Qingwu, Ye Tang, Nie Xingzhen, and Zhong Liluo, they naturally acted as guards, defending against the comets that kept rushing from the universe.

After the team members doubled in size, they cooperated quite tacitly.

"Succumbing to others without fighting... amazing!"

Outside the Dao Emperor's ancient land, Hua Jiankong's eyes shone with divine brilliance, like electric lasing, and he did not hide his appreciation in his words.


ps: The last 6 hours at the end of the month is the worst time of the month. Brothers and sisters who haven’t voted for the monthly ticket, hurry up and vote~~ It will be cleared when it expires...

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