divine talisman

Chapter 1392 Rune God Realm [Part 2]

Thanks to xhao, Yiyeqingzhu, kankancq for their support~


Subdue others without fighting?

Hearing this, both Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu were slightly taken aback, but when they learned from Hua Jiankong what happened on the comet corridor, the two couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion.

This kid, at such a young age, has already possessed such a mind and vision. When he sets foot in the realm of the Immortal King in the future, he may be able to lead the tide of an era!


On the comet tunnel.

Without competition, Chen Xi and the six of them cooperated extremely tacitly.

Chen Xi and Gu Yueru broke the restriction in front, while Ling Qingwu and the four of them resisted the comet's attack together, and they entered the territory quite quickly.

The 640th meteorite.

The 690th meteorite.

The second thousand 750...


Three days later, they stepped onto the [-]th meteorite in one fell swoop, and they were only a hundred meteorites short of passing through this comet tunnel!

And in this process, every time they break a meteorite restriction, they can each get a ray of holy way breath, which can be said to be a continuous harvest.

Like Chen Xi, after merging the five elements and the wind and thunder god patterns, he once again merged the two rare god patterns of Taiji and Xingyan, and now even the god pattern of Nirvana has also merged about [-]%!

This kind of harvest was definitely something that Chen Xi could not have predicted before, and it could be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

It is conceivable that after passing the last hundred restrictions, the Nirvana God Rune may be completely integrated, and then there will be only one Immortal God Rune left, and he will be able to open up his "Holy Way of Talismans" .

But at this moment, Chen Xi obviously didn't pay attention to these things.

"I heard that the restriction on the last one hundred meteorites is the most terrifying existence on the comet tunnel. Even the dean and the others were trapped here for seven days, so we can't be careless."

Chen Xi quickly ordered.

When the other people heard the words, their expressions were all solemn, and they raised their spirits.

In fact, after arriving here, they all felt more or less exhausted for a while. They had no choice but to fight almost without a break during the process of breaking the ban.

If they hadn't all prepared enough pills, they might not be able to hold on as early as halfway.

Even so, fatigue is inevitable.

With Ling Qingwu and the others like this, it is conceivable how much Chen Xi and Gu Yueru consumed when they were breaking the restriction. What was consumed was not only physical strength, but also mental strength!

Even Gu Yueru often had to rely on the "Tianxin Luoshen Pill" to supplement her mental strength, which was tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, but in order to break the heavy restrictions, she had to do so.

But later, when Chen Xi learned about all this, he immediately rejected Gu Yueru's help, and let her watch from the side, and let him break the ban by himself.

Gu Yueru couldn't resist Chen Xi, so she could only accept this decision.

And in the process, she also finally realized why Chen Xi's Talisman Talisman was not only a little stronger than hers, but was too much stronger. She even suspected that Chen Xi had already attained the realm of "God Talisman" !

Not only that, the strength of Chen Xi's mind was also beyond her expectations, until now, she has not noticed any abnormal changes in Chen Xi's breath!

Could it be that his mental cultivation has reached the level of a "heart baby"?

Gu Yueru was taken aback by her own guess, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that her guess was not exaggerated, because Chen Xi's performance was really too strong, and it had already exceeded the scope of the Holy Immortal Realm.

But soon, Gu Yueru stopped thinking about it, because Chen Xi began to crack the [-]th and one restriction!

Her gaze locked on the meteorite restriction all of a sudden, she didn't deduce it, she was just observing the restriction pattern on it, wanting to see how Chen Xi would crack it.

Gu Yueru has been secretly observing Chen Xi's ban-breaking techniques ever since he and Chen Xi and the others started their operations together. Such extraordinary accomplishments have amazed her more than once, and she often has the feeling of being enlightened and eye-opening.

It can be said that just trying to figure out Chen Xi's method of breaking the ban on this journey has greatly benefited her, and she feels a kind of joy from the inside out.

She is also obsessed with talisman Tao, and has been unswervingly walking on the road of talisman Tao since the beginning of her practice, until now talisman Tao has already become a part of her life.

Because she was too obsessed with talismans, she was nicknamed "little talisman idiot" by her master, and this nickname was gradually known by the entire academy.

A grand master of Taoism like her naturally has reason to be proud. No matter where she goes, she will receive countless admiration, appreciation, and admiration.

But now...

But like an apprentice who has just stepped into the Tao of Talisman, she became serious and focused, lest she miss any details of observing and learning the Tao of Talisman.

Surprise, joy, surprise, shock... and other emotions appeared in my heart from time to time, just like a little girl, without a trace of the power of the No. 2 disciple on the Doutian Saint List.

Chen Xi didn't realize at all that he had subdued a grand master of talisman without knowing it, but all of this clearly fell into the eyes of Ling Qingwu and the others.

Regarding this, Ling Qingwu just curled her lips, while Ye Tang was a little secretly surprised. The charm of his junior brother Chen Xi is too strong, right?

On the other hand, Nie Xingzhen and Zhong Liluo exchanged a look, and they both sighed in their hearts, but they couldn't help admiring that a proud and arrogant woman like Gu Yueru could show such an almost devout look, one can imagine Chen Xi What an astonishing achievement in Talisman.

Even if they lose completely this time, it's really not wrong to lose!



The restriction on the [-]st meteorite was broken, and without hesitation, Chen Xi led everyone onto that meteorite and began to break the next restriction.

Seeing this, Gu Yueru couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Junior Brother Chen Xi, in that kind of restriction just now, there seemed to be fluctuations in the power of gods, how did you find the eye of the formation?"

Chen Xi was startled, turned his head to look at Gu Yueru's curious gaze, smiled without hiding it, and said, "That kind of restriction can already be called a divine talisman, and it can communicate with the power of heaven, earth and gods. It is indeed extremely troublesome to break it, but It's not that there is no trace..."

As he spoke, he explained the tricks one by one.

Divine talisman!

After hearing all this, Gu Yueru's heart trembled, and she finally understood that Chen Xi's talisman dao attainment had indeed reached the realm of "talisman god"!

Because she once heard her master say that the highest state of talisman restriction is the divine talisman. Once it is laid, it is like the help of a god. It can communicate with the power of the gods of the heavens and the earth.

And those who can arrange divine talismans all have the level of "God Rune"!

For example, Gu Yueru's master, Bu Ping, is an existence with the attainment of "God Fu". For Bu Ping's statement, Gu Yueru certainly believes in it.

It turns out that my junior brother has actually reached such a level of talisman...

Unknowingly, Gu Yueru admired Chen Xi even more in her heart.

Perhaps her cultivation base is deeper than Chen Xi's, and her ranking in the Doutian Saint Ranking is also extremely prominent, but these are not as important to her as Fu Dao.

And Chen Xi was able to surpass her in talisman dao, how could she not be in admiration?

After a stick of incense.

Chen Xi once again broke a restriction. Taking this opportunity, Gu Yueru seemed to have made some decision, looked at Chen Xi expectantly, and said, "Junior Brother Chen Xi, I heard that you have established a celestial alliance? I wonder if I can joined it?"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Qingwu and the others were immediately startled, as if they didn't expect Gu Yueru to make such a decision at such a moment.

"Senior Sister, do you want to learn the Dao of Talismans with me?" Chen Xi was also taken aback, and immediately asked with a smile.

"It's not about sparring, it's about learning." Gu Yueru said truthfully.

Chen Xi was a little flattered, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister, you can beat me to death. If you want, you can come to Jianlu Cave Mansion to find me at any time to exchange talisman knowledge. How can you use it to join the Chen Alliance?"

Gu Yueru was slightly disappointed: "So, are you refusing me to join?"

Chen Xi hastily said: "How dare you, I welcome Senior Sister Gu to join me anytime, Junior Brother!"

It's a joke, like Gu Yueru, who ranks second on the Doutian Saint Ranking, is also a great master of talisman, he can't wait for the other party to join the Chenmeng, how could he refuse?

Gu Yueru suddenly smiled brightly, "Then it's settled."

Seeing her so happy, Ling Qingwu and others all looked incredible. It's unreasonable to be so happy when she took the initiative to deliver it to her door.

Of course, this incident also made them more and more aware of how crazy Gu Yueru's attitude towards Fu Dao is. Have an attitude of seeking Tao like her?


Thousands and hundreds of comets galloped from the sky, and streaked down with glaring rays of light. They were majestic and frightening, and Ling Qingwu and the others were so startled that they didn't dare to think about it.

And Chen Xi continued to break the restriction.

Indeed, as he told Gu Yueru, the prohibition on the last [-] layers of the Comet Tunnel, May Day is not filled with the real power of the gods.

That kind of power is grand, mysterious, supreme, and is the power of gods. With his current attainment of talisman, he can only decipher it, but cannot control it.

This is also thanks to the fact that Ji Yu used the method of refining sword talismans to come into contact with various mysteries of the Five Elements talismans as soon as he embarked on the road of cultivation. The texture, trajectory, and array of the divine talisman are all clearly understood by him.

The Five Elements Divine Talisman is the foundation of all Divine Talismans. In addition, when he was in the Dayan Pagoda of the Fujie, he had been in constant contact with various formation patterns and secret patterns of the Divine Talisman, which made him familiar with the existence of the Divine Talisman for a long time. It's extremely familiar, although it can't be said to be in control, but if you try to crack it, you can still do it, it's just a little troublesome.

Because the power of the gods in it is not so easy to be deduced and deciphered.

Of course, if he can control the power of the gods in it, it will definitely be easier for him to break it, instead of spending nearly an incense stick of time every time he breaks a restriction like now.


ps: I was stuck in my thoughts for a long time, the second update was a bit late, and the third update was before 12 o'clock.

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