divine talisman

Chapter 1393 Breaking the Prohibition and Going [Part 3]

When Chen Xi and the others began to break the last hundred restrictions, outside the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land, Hua Jiankong had also been paying attention to this scene.

Even, he appeared more serious and solemn than before.

Because he also knows how powerful the last one hundred restrictions are. It is the divine talisman restriction arranged by the Dao Emperor himself. The current dean has been trapped here for half a month and almost failed to pass.

Not only that, after every opening of the Daohuang Ancient Land, ninety-nine out of ten disciples who entered the Comet Tunnel were defeated by the last hundred restrictions.

There is no way, that kind of restraining power is too difficult, full of the power of gods, not to mention the holy fairyland, even if the fairy king enters it, it cannot be destroyed by brute force, and it can only be found in the restraining place honestly. The eye of the formation, with the power of deduction to break it.

It can be said that whether it is the Tomb of the Immortal King or the Blood Pond, both are more dangerous than the Comet Tunnel, but when it comes to tricky and troublesome ones, the Comet Tunnel is the most dangerous.

Because it not only requires tacit cooperation between disciples, but also is full of three thousand prohibitions, just like three thousand barriers, if you can't pass one step, you will completely miss the Dao Emperor's inheritance.

Under such circumstances, Hua Jiankong couldn't help worrying that Chen Xi and the others would fall into it. If that happened... it might have an adverse effect on the entire Daohuang Academy!

The reason is very simple, the Dao Emperor's inheritance is too important, it involves all aspects of the entire Dao Emperor Academy, if no disciples can get the inheritance this time, I don't know how many years it will be until the next time.

As we all know, the Hongmeng Remains has long since been destroyed, and the turmoil in the Three Realms will break out completely at least for a hundred years, and at most for a thousand years. At that time, there will be no talk of the Dao Emperor's inheritance.

"The number of days is unpredictable, move with the movement."

Inadvertently, this sentence flashed in Hua Jiankong's mind.

This was what his master casually told him before presiding over the Daohuang Ancient Land. Now that he thinks about it carefully, Hua Jiankong can't help but sigh in his heart. Indeed, no matter how worried he is, everything depends on the number of days and luck ...

But at the next moment, Hua Jiankong couldn't care about these anymore, his mind was suddenly attracted by the scenes that happened on the comet corridor.

As time passed, his pupils shrank a little bit, and he could vaguely see a color of astonishment gradually welling up between his brows, becoming more and more intense.

At this time, he seemed to be in a daze, like a sculpture.

"What happened?"

"Could it be that Chen Xi and the others encountered some danger?"

Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu both noticed the change in Hua Jiankong's demeanor, couldn't help but thumped in their hearts, and hurriedly asked.

They are also aware of everything on the Comet Corridor, and even the current dean was trapped in it for seven days, so one can imagine how powerful the last hundred restrictions are.

It would be regrettable if Chen Xi and the others encountered any accidents.

Hua Jiankong didn't say a word, his mind was focused on the comet corridor.

Seeing such a scene made Wang Daolu's heart hang.

With the passage of time, five days have passed, and from the beginning to the end, Hua Jiankong has never said a word, and from his expression alone, there is no clue at all.

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene also began to become silent.

Could it be that Chen Xi and the others were also trapped in it?

If they fail, the meaning of the Dao Emperor's ancient land opening this time will be in vain...

Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu were thinking like flying.

Not only the two of them, but even those old and antique thoughts who are concerned about the changes in this place are talking with each other, and there is a touch of surprise in their words.

"There should be nothing wrong..."

On this day, Hua Jiankong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly murmured, which attracted the attention of others.

"How? Can they make it to the end?"

Wang Daolu hurriedly asked.

Hua Jiankong was startled, and glanced at Wang Daolu with a strange expression.

This look made Wang Daolu's heart tense, he gasped and said, "Could it be that...they have already failed?"

Seeing this, Hua Jiankong immediately understood that the other party had misunderstood, and the corner of his lips couldn't help showing a touch of emotion: "If it fails, I will be more than surprised."

Wang Daolu and others are all at a loss, what does this mean?

"There is no need to guess, they are only three restrictions away, and they can pass through the comet tunnel." Hua Jiankong said casually, "No accident, at noon today, they will be able to leave the comet tunnel and see the coffin of the underworld. "

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

Whether it was Wang Daolu, Zuoqiu Taiwu, or those old antique minds who had been paying attention to this place, they were all worried about how long Chen Xi and the others would be trapped in it, but who would have thought that the other party would pass through the Comet Tunnel smoothly soon!

This strong contrast made them all stunned, and it took a long time for them to come back to their senses.

"You mean, during these five days, they successfully broke the last one hundred restrictions without encountering any obstacles?" Old Antique asked in shock.

"In five days, it's actually slightly better than the dean back then!"

"Fantastic, I think this little guy Chen Xi is really extraordinary."

There was a burst of exclamation, but more doubts.

There is no way, Hua Jiankong can only tell everything that happened in it.

It turned out that during these five days, he had been observing Chen Xi's actions, but he was surprised to find that after reaching the last hundred restrictions, their actions did not encounter any obstacles, even though it took a long time to break the restrictions each time. It lasted for a while, but never hit a wall.

And they have been advancing step by step at this speed, which shocked Hua Jiankong and kept thinking about the mystery.

Until now, he could finally roughly distinguish that it wasn't that the last one hundred restrictions had become weaker, but that Chen Xi's Talisman attainment was too strong!Powerful beyond imagination!

He seemed to be aware of the power of the divine talisman, and he behaved unusually calm and calm. Ever since he began to break the restriction, he had never stopped to think about it.

All of this made Hua Jiankong realize a problem. The sword talisman that he took away from Chen Xi back then was probably made by this kid himself!

Because this sword talisman is currently in his hands, based on his knowledge of the sword, it is not difficult to discover the mystery inside the sword talisman. Not only the five elements of the talisman sit in it, but also the other four kinds contain wind, thunder, Yin and Yang, the mysterious gods of the four avenues sit in town.

Originally, he thought that this Talisman Weapon Dao Treasure was refined by Chen Xi's sect, but now it seems that he was obviously wrong in his judgment.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

After learning all this from Hua Jiankong, all the old antiques were amazed.

However, Hua Jiankong didn't dare to reveal his conjecture and everything about the sword talisman, because this was an order from his master, and it involved a certain supreme orthodoxy.

Although he had already guessed who the sacred orthodoxy was, he didn't dare to speak up.

"No, even if the six of them passed through the Comet Tunnel successfully, only three of them will be able to obtain the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance. In this way, there may be another dispute between them."

An old antique suddenly spoke, which attracted the attention of others.

"Let's wait and see, after passing through the Coffin of Immortal Underworld, there will be the Blood Pond of Rebirth. Although the test in it is simple, it is the most dangerous of all tests. Perhaps after this test, the result will be known. "

Hua Jiankong said.


On the comet tunnel.

Chen Xi is currently concentrating on breaking the last restriction.

At this moment, everyone else couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts and looked forward to it endlessly, and the exhaustion all over their bodies seemed to be swept away all at once.

Because after passing this last restriction, they will be able to see the real Coffin of Immortal Underworld, and then enter the last test place, the Blood Pool of Rebirth!

This also means that they are only one step away from meeting the Dao Emperor's inheritance!


A burst of restricted fluctuations resounded, and the last restriction was successfully cracked, but it was different from the past, this time the power of the restricted fluctuations was extremely grand, going straight to the nine heavens and ten places, spreading across the wilderness and the six.

In an instant, the entire burning starry sky swayed together, and the bright comets suddenly stopped in the starry sky, spewing out billions of meters of colorful divine splendor, immeasurably vast.

Those scenes were extremely shocking, as if the starry sky woke up from a deep sleep at this moment.

But before Chen Xi and the others were amazed, they felt that the field of vision in front of them changed for a while, and their body was moved uncontrollably by a huge force, and the next moment, it disappeared on the last meteorite.


This is an empty and cold palace, the ground is paved with ancient blue bricks, the walls are dark and empty, without any decorations.

Only an ancient bronze coffin is displayed in the center of the hall!


A burst of void fluctuations appeared, and the figures of Chen Xi and others suddenly appeared in the hall, and then, their gazes were almost unanimously attracted by the bronze coffin in the center of the hall.

The bronze coffin was nine feet nine feet high, three feet three feet wide, and ninety-nine feet long.

There are ten days in the sky, there are gods and demons hunting, there is the distinction between yin and yang, and there is the movement of all things... Every pattern is mysterious and magnificent, which makes people look at it from afar, as if they have returned to the wild years when the chaos first opened. .

The Coffin of Immortal Underworld!

In an instant, everyone judged together that this must be the legendary ancient god that claims to be able to bury nine heavens and ten earths!

According to the rumors, this fetish is extremely against the sky, able to restrain the two worlds of the immortal and the underworld. Unfortunately, in the middle of the sacrifice, it was not tolerated by the law of heaven, and the punishment was imposed, and it was almost completely destroyed. It was also found by the emperor by chance later. stored here.

"Come and take a look, this seems to be..."

At this time Ling Qingwu had come to the side of the coffin of the underworld, as if she had discovered something, a look of astonishment could not be suppressed in her expression.

Chen Xi and the others trembled in their hearts, and they all came to Ling Qingwu's location together. When they raised their eyes to look at the surface of the Immortal Underworld's Coffin, they also immediately discovered a shocking scene!


ps: I would like to say a few words at the end of the month. This month, for the monthly ticket competition, my friends have tried their best. Goldfish sees it, and I am really grateful, because everyone knows that Fuhuang has entered the late stage, and he can still have such a big The appeal is definitely beyond the imagination of goldfish.

Especially the friends in the v group, such as Xhao, Lemon Boy, Qingtian, I am a bad guy, etc., have contributed a lot this month, and the mud pudding children's shoes even gave me their accounts for rewards, which made the goldfish feel a little terrified , I am really moved.

This month has been updated to the present, with an average of about 3 updates per day. The ability to update so many is absolutely inseparable from everyone’s support. Next month, we will continue to add updates. This month’s rewards will be added one by one next month. There will definitely be no fewer updates.

Goldfish can only repay my friends for their continuous support in this way. Finally, thank you again~~

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