divine talisman

Chapter 1394 The Last Three Days [Part 3]

On the side of the coffin of the underworld, there are also mysterious and grand ancient patterns engraved in seal seals.

There are ancestor sacrifices, gods chasing the sun, fierce birds tearing up the sky, the sun and the moon moving sideways, latitude and longitude interlaced, and all things sprouting... all kinds of things vividly depict the ancient scenes of the chaos in the early days.

What attracted Chen Xi's attention was that there was a pattern in the center, on which the universe was burning, and the stars were like fire, and a meteorite corridor spanned the universe in the sea of ​​flames, leading directly to the infinite depths... It was the "comet corridor" "Inside the scene!

"Before... we must have broken the ban in this fairy coffin, right?"

Zhong Liluo spoke tremblingly, with a touch of shock in his voice.

The hearts of the others were also shocked, and they vaguely guessed that perhaps what Zhong Liluo said was true, and their various experiences before might be a world contained in the coffin of the underworld.

This world is the Comet Tunnel!

This is indeed too shocking. You must know that there are no fewer than a thousand mysterious and grand patterns on the surface of the coffin of the underworld. If the "Comet Tunnel" is one of the worlds, doesn't it mean that In the sacred object of the coffin of the underworld, there are thousands of similar worlds?

All this is not recorded on the jade slips.

Although Chen Xi and the others were skeptical, no one dared to jump to conclusions.

"Take advantage of this time to take a rest before it's too late to act. I heard that after passing through the Coffin of Immortal Underworld and entering the Blood Pool of the Past, the test in it will be more dangerous than the Tomb of the Immortal King and the Corridor of Comets."

Ye Tang sat cross-legged on the ground, took a deep breath, and began to adjust his breath.

He had just been promoted to the Holy Immortal Realm, and he had endured the greatest pressure on the Comet Tunnel, and his body and mind had been in a tense state. Now that he relaxed, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he couldn't hold on any longer.

Not only Ye Tang, but also everyone else.

"That's right. According to the Jade Slip, the test in the Blood Pond of Rebirth is extremely simple, but it is the most dangerous. Now that we are all at the end of our strength, it is better to take advantage of this time to quickly recover our physical strength."

Chen Xi immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, and calmly adjusted his breath. He broke three thousand restrictions in a row, which also exhausted his mental energy, and he was on the verge of exhaustion.

"Chen Xi, we don't intend to go to the Blood Pool any longer."

To Chen Xi's surprise, Nie Xingzhen suddenly said that he decided to withdraw from this operation, and depending on the situation, he had obviously obtained the unanimous approval of Gu Yueru and Zhong Liluo.


Chen Xi didn't care about adjusting his breath anymore, and asked in a daze.

"The three of us were able to get here, it's already a piece of luck, if we go down again, we will obviously be a little overwhelmed."

Nie Xingzhen spoke with a smile, her expression was calm, without any melancholy or loss.

"That's right. I'm already very satisfied after gaining a lot of holy auras. As for the pool of blood, I'll leave it to you to experience it."

Zhong Liluo also followed suit. At this moment, he seemed to be a different person. He no longer had the sternness, resignation, and anger that he had before. The reason is actually very simple. After acting together with Chen Xi, Chen Xi's every move has changed. It completely convinced him that he would not hate Chen Xi as much as before.

And without Chen Xi's help, it would be impossible for them to reach this place through the comet tunnel.

Although Zhongliluo was aloof, he also had a temperament of distinguishing between love and hate, and of reciprocating kindness. At this moment, he would never compete with Chen Xi and the others for the final inheritance of the Dao Emperor.

"I think so too. There are only three places for Dao Emperor inheritance, and we don't want to compete with you anymore, so it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to stop here."

Gu Yueru didn't hide her words, expressing the thoughts of the three of them.

Seeing the resolute appearance of the three of them, Chen Xi knew that he could no longer persuade him, but an unspeakable emotion inadvertently welled up in his heart. Sometimes, competition doesn't necessarily mean fighting to the death. They will turn against each other and become enemies.

In this world, there are still invisible forces such as friendship, kindness, integrity, and dignity, which subtly affect everyone.

The choice between good and evil often depends on what kind of temperament you are.

At least at this moment, in Chen Xi's eyes, the three veteran disciples of the inner court, Nie Xingzhen, Gu Yueru, and Zhong Liluo, all possess a kind of integrity and quality that is admirable.

Of course, this is also because they are both senior brothers and members of Daohuang Academy, and they have no enmity with each other. Even though they were not familiar with each other in the past, after having this experience of fighting side by side, they have become strangers invisibly. People become friends.

This is called not knowing each other without fighting.

In the spacious hall, the coffin of immortality is placed in the center.

Chen Xi, Ye Tang, and Ling Qingwu all sat cross-legged on the ground, hurrying to recover their physical strength.

But Nie Xingzhen, Gu Yueru, and Zhong Liluo had already left.

The way to leave from this place is extremely simple. Before entering the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, they each had a jade slip in their hands. If they want to leave the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, they only need to crush the jade slip.


"How long will it be before the closure of Daohuang Ancient Land?"

Outside the Daohuang Ancient Land, Hua Jiankong, who had been paying attention to the changes, suddenly asked.

"Three days."

Wang Daolu was startled, and quickly replied.

"Indeed, it's time to end..."

Hua Jiankong nodded, "I think that Nie Xingzhen, Gu Yueru, and Zhong Liluo, after returning from the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, may have a breakthrough in their cultivation, and it is possible to advance to the half-step Immortal King level. "

After a pause, he continued: "As for the four of them, Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Ao Zhanbei, they have also obtained a lot of opportunities in the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land, and they will definitely be able to easily advance to the Holy Immortal Realm."

Speaking of this, Wang Daolu next to him couldn't help interjecting: "What about Chen Xi and the others, can they be recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance?"

Obviously, what he is most concerned about is the issue of Dao Emperor's succession.

In fact, it's not just him, other old antiques nearby are also most concerned about this issue.

Hua Jiankong couldn't deduce this, and said: "Now that they have arrived in front of the coffin of the underworld, the next step is the Blood Pond of Rebirth. It depends on how they defeat the 'Beast of Rebirth'."

Reborn Beast!

Mentioning this name, Wang Daolu and other old antiques also stared at it, remembering an allusion that happened in the ancient times. Now that incident has already become a taboo in the Three Realms, and it is kept secret. I am afraid that no one in the younger generation will know.


after one day.

Chen Xi and the others all woke up from the meditation, their spirits were radiant, and their physical strength had completely recovered.

"Unexpectedly, cultivating here can have such miraculous effects. One day's strength is equivalent to ten days' effort outside." Ye Tang stood up and exclaimed in amazement.

He had just advanced to the Holy Immortal Realm, and he had consumed too much energy. He didn't expect to recover much physical energy in a day. Who would have thought of practicing in this mysterious and spacious hall, but it had an unimaginable effect, making his whole body full of energy and energy. A full and consistent peak state.

The same was true for Chen Xi and Ling Qingwu, and they finally attributed all of this to this mysterious hall.

"Let's go, there are only two days left before the closure of the Dao Emperor's ancient land. According to the records on the jade slips, the path to the Blood Pond is hidden in the Immortal Coffin."

Chen Xi made a decision right away, stood up and came to the coffin of the underworld, looked it over for a while, took a deep breath, flipped his hands, and condensed a mysterious and obscure handprint of the formula.

This is the method taught on the jade slips, and it is the secret method to open the coffin of the underworld. The jade slips in the hands of every disciple have this secret method, but not everyone can use it.


Wisps of celestial power lingered in the handprints, emitting blazing brilliance, illuminating the entire hall. When this obscure handprint was pressed on the coffin of the fairy world, there were circles of strange power fluctuations.

click click...

The coffin of the fairy world seemed to have never been opened for many years, and there was a dull friction sound, resounding in the empty hall, and then under the surprised eyes of Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang, the ancient bronze coffin lid seemed to be covered An invisible big hand pushed away...

And the internal scene of the Immortal Nether Coffin, which has been sealed up for a long time, is also gradually revealed to everyone.

But what is disappointing is that it is empty and dark, without any noteworthy place, just like an empty shell.

When the bronze coffin lid was completely opened, they finally saw that at the end of the bronze coffin, there was a mysterious entrance!

That must be the path to enter the "Blood Pond" without a doubt!

"Let's go."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and took the lead in rising out of thin air, step by step into the coffin of the fairy world, and walked towards the deep and dark entrance.

Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang followed closely behind.


The moment his body entered the coffin of the underworld, Chen Xi keenly noticed that it was as if he had stepped into another world.

If he was in the fairy world the moment before, then at this moment, he has stepped into the nether world!

In other words, the inside and outside of the Underworld Coffin are two completely different worlds, and even Chen Xi can clearly distinguish that the power of heaven in the three realms cannot penetrate into the Coffin of Underworld!

This is shocking enough. One must know that the laws of heaven are everywhere, maintaining the movement of the three realms, and being able to isolate such forces from the outside, one can imagine how powerful this fairy coffin is.

"It's true that I can't feel the breath of heaven."

"Fortunately, the power of the law under our control is still there."

Almost at the same time, Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang also felt this change, and they were all surprised.

"Let's go, maybe the reason why the 'Blood Pond of Rebirth' can exist until now is because the Coffin of Immortal Nether has helped it resist the infiltration of the power of heaven. I am very curious, what kind of place it is."

Chen Xi's eyes were burning, he stared at the dark and deep entrance of the bronze coffin, there was a touch of expectation in his voice, and when he spoke, he was already striding towards it.

"I don't expect it. According to the Jade Slip, the blood pond is the most dangerous of all tests. If it wasn't for the Dao Emperor's inheritance, I would rather not come to this ghostly place. I actually entered the coffin. What if I was buried alive? manage?"

Ye Tang shrugged and joked.

"Crow's mouth, you're the only one who talks too much nonsense!"

Ling Qingwu's clear eyes rolled, and she gave the other party a vicious glance. Ye Tang was stunned for a moment by the anger.


ps: The second is more safe, I just woke up from a cold, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~~

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