divine talisman

Chapter 1395 Reborn War Puppet [Part 2]

Outside the ancient land of the Taoist Emperor.

Hua Jiankong suddenly opened his mouth and said, "They have entered the blood pool of past lives", then sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and meditated quietly.

The reason is simple, the existence of the Coffin of Immortal Underworld can not only block the penetration of the power of heaven, but also make him unable to perceive everything in it.

Under such circumstances, the only thing he can do is to wait for the final result.

Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu obviously understood this, and immediately sat cross-legged and waited quietly.



There was a strange power fluctuation, and the next moment, Chen Xi and the three of them had already appeared in a strange world.

The black sky, the earth, the mountains... Looking around, this world is full of darkness, as if it has been shrouded in eternal night since ancient times.

Only under the central sky, there is a pool of blood quietly floating. The pool of blood is perfectly round, covering an area of ​​thousands of feet, emitting a strange bloody luster.

In this darkness, a pool of blood floated in the air, the blood light soared into the sky, filled with palpitating and obscure fluctuations, which was extremely eye-catching.

wow~ wow~

As soon as Chen Xi and the three of them appeared in this eternal night-like world, layers of blood-colored ripples suddenly rolled up in the pool of blood, and there was a roaring sound like waves crashing on the shore, breaking the silence of this dark world.

In just a moment, the whole world seemed to wake up from the deep sleep of the ancient years, and there was a strange and obscure atmosphere that made people palpitate.

That kind of aura was extremely mysterious, and brought an unspeakable oppression to people's hearts, as if being stared into the eyes of an unrivaled demon god, causing the expressions of Chen Xi and the three of them to change slightly.

What a horrible smell!

At this moment, all three of them subconsciously circulated their immortal powers, their aura roared, and their energy was like a volcanic eruption, releasing peak power to resist the ubiquitous and terrifying oppressive power.


Just when the three of them finished all this, there was a roar like thunder in the pool of blood under the sky.

And in that monstrous wave of blood, a figure with a height of three zhang, whose whole body was surrounded by strands of blood, stood up from the pool of blood little by little.

The whole body of this figure was filled with blood, making it impossible to see his face clearly, only his eyes were red, indifferent and calm, shining with strange and mysterious luster.

Accompanied by the appearance of this figure, the blood pool that had been roaring and tumbling suddenly became silent, calm and calm, like a pool of stagnant water.

Looking from a distance, the figure standing on the pool of blood seemed to be a god between the heaven and the earth, and his whole body was filled with a terrifying and astonishing aura, which changed the face of all directions.

"The battle partner of the past!"

Ling Qingwu lost her voice, she recognized the origin of that figure, it wasn't the Reborn Beast, but the Reborn Battle Partner that was stronger than the Reborn Beast!

"What is a reborn battle partner?"

Chen Xi and Ye Tang's hearts trembled, and they keenly realized that the scene in front of them was somewhat unusual.

"A monster that has long been annihilated in the Three Realms. It is rumored that it is the supreme inheritance of the Guifang Yanshi clan. These battle partners, because they have obtained the power of the blood pool of the past life, claim to be immortal in the past life. Every time they are killed, they will be revived instantly. , and the combat effectiveness will also increase accordingly, which is extremely terrifying."

Ling Qingwu said quickly, "I also saw it occasionally in an ancient classic. I thought our opponent this time would be the beast of the past, but I never thought it would be this ghost!"

Ghost Fang Yanshi clan!

Hearing this word, Chen Xi's heart shook violently, and in an instant he recalled too many past events.

Back in the human world, Chen Xi and Axiu accidentally entered a secret place, where they saw many soul battle partners from the ghost Fang Yanshi clan.

Especially on the altar in the secret place, Chen Xi obtained the secret method inherited from the Guifang Yanshi clan, "The All Saints of the Imperial Object", as well as a mysterious soul partner—Shang!

Shang is now following Zhen Liuqing's side. Ever since Chen Xi entered the fairy world, he has never seen him again, and he has always carried the "All Saints of the Imperial Objects" with him, but he has almost forgotten it.

After all, this secret method comes from the Guifang Yanshi clan. In the orthodox dispute in the ancient times, the Guifang Yanshi clan was expelled from the Three Realms. Now they have been distributed outside the territory and become a member of the alien race outside the territory. For the entire Three Realms, This secret method is a taboo, once discovered, it will inevitably lead to too much trouble and disputes.

But Chen Xi never imagined that the most mysterious "Blood of Rebirth" in Daohuang Ancient Land would be involved with Ghost Fang Yanshi's clan.

Could it be that the Taoist Emperor back then also had a relationship with the Guifang Yanshi clan?Otherwise, how could there be such a "war partner" in the blood pool of the past life?

These thoughts just flashed in Chen Xi's mind, and he came to his senses completely, and said, "Shouldn't our test this time be to defeat this reborn battle partner?"

Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang obviously realized this, and nodded in unison.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly resounded in this world - "If you defeat me, you can get the inheritance. You three, who will fight?"

The sound was like ice-cold thunder, resounding through the nine heavens, full of great power.

Almost at the same time as the sound resounded, in the pool of blood, the dead partner rose out of thin air, surrounded by bloody light. He was holding a [-]-meter blood gun, and his figure was tall and straight, and a terrifying wave of terror surged from his whole body. The force of human oppression caused the void to collapse inch by inch, surrounding his body.

"It seems to be true..." Chen Xi murmured.

"In this test, only one person is allowed to fight. If we fail, none of us will be able to obtain the inheritance of the Dao Emperor. How about... let me go to fight?" Ling Qingwu was eager to try.

"As far as I know, in this reincarnated battle, I can't die. Every time I am resurrected, my strength will increase. Is Senior Sister Ling sure of winning?" Ye Tang couldn't help worrying.

Ling Qingwu was startled, then shook her head and said, "I'm probably half sure, but after all, I have developed my own law of the holy way. Among us, for the time being, I am the strongest, right?"

When she said this, she couldn't help but glanced at Chen Xi. Along the way, she had discovered that Chen Xi's strength was strong, but she hadn't developed his own law of the holy way.

"Let me do it, I'm fairly familiar with this monster."

Chen Xi spoke directly, and said a sentence that surprised both Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang.

What is familiarity?

Could it be that he had fought with his dead partner before?

This is a bit unbelievable!


But before the two of them could ask clearly, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he moved towards the blood pool out of thin air, and he was actually going to challenge the other party first.

"This guy!"

Having been taken a step ahead by Chen Xi, Ling Qingwu couldn't help being annoyed, her teeth itching with hatred.

But immediately she couldn't help but worry, Chen Xi hadn't developed the law of the holy way yet, even though he was very familiar with his former partner, would he be able to defeat him once he fought?

"Senior Sister Ling, it seems that we can only act as spectators."

Ye Tang, however, smiled casually. He had always been full of confidence in Chen Xi. Although he was worried about the other party in his heart, he still believed that since Chen Xi dared to make such a decision, he would definitely not lose.

"You're still laughing, you're really heartless!"

Ling Qingwu gouged out Ye Tang angrily, and when interrupted by the other party, she relaxed a lot, and couldn't help but look at Ye Tang thoughtfully, thinking to herself, did this guy do it on purpose?

At this time, Ye Tang had already turned his gaze to the pool of raw blood in the distance.


Bloody light flowed, dyeing half of the eternal night sky red.

In mid-air, Chen Xi and that reborn partner faced each other from afar, and their aura was like a startled dragon coming out of a deep abyss, locking on to each other from afar.

Observing closely, although the aura of this reincarnated battle partner is frightening, it only maintains the aura of the holy fairyland, but in Chen Xi's eyes of divine truth, he can find that the opponent's aura echoes with the blood pool of the reincarnated, and they are integrated into one, creating A mysterious connection made the other party's aura somewhat unfathomable.


The Reborn Battle Puppet swung the Zhangba Blood Spear and pointed at Chen Xi in the distance, and a forceful aura surged out of him.


With a sound of a shocking gun, the resonance of the nine heavens, the arrogance of the reborn battle partner is overwhelming, the blood spear pierces the sky, and shatters the void!

When he swung the blood gun, his own blood energy was so high that it shattered the clouds in the ten directions. Looking from a distance, it was like a torrent of chaos releasing blood energy.


At the same time, Chen Xi's eyes were as bright as lightning, and he acted brazenly. His figure rushed forward, carrying thousands of brilliant holy radiances, which stretched for hundreds of miles. Like a comet drawn from the universe, it was so blazing and dazzling that one couldn't look directly at it!

At this moment, he swung the Ziqiong Xianjian, as if the supreme sword god descended, trying to break through the cage of heaven and earth!

It can be seen that his Purple Vault of Immortal Sword seems to be burning, bubbling with holy light, making the world tremble, and making a sharp broken whistling sound.


This blow was like the sun and the moon colliding, the sky collapsed and the earth split, tearing the sky of Eternal Night to pieces, and there were also visions such as the void burst, smoke and dust, blood rain torrential, etc., which made the hair stand on end.

Around the two of them, thousands of large cracks in the void appeared, spreading in all directions like spider webs, criss-crossing and criss-crossing, extremely terrifying.

And in that battle situation, whether it was Chen Xi or the reborn battle partner, they were like the presence of a holy king, swallowing mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, and smashing the world with every gesture.

"too strong!"

Ye Tang was amazed, his eyes did not blink, reflecting the battle in the distance, glowing with astonishment, "Junior brother Chen Xi's combat power is definitely the most tyrannical among the saints I have ever seen, and you must know that he is now But he has not yet developed his holy law, which is unimaginable."

"It's indeed very powerful, but don't forget that every time the Reborn Battle Puppet is killed, its strength will increase by a notch. If Chen Xi can't find the way to completely defeat it, the consequences will be disastrous."

Asking herself, Ling Qingwu also had to admit that Chen Xi's current combat power was indeed extremely tyrannical, which made her feel terrified, and thought to herself that if she were to fight against Chen Xi, the outcome would only be a [-]-[-] split.

But she couldn't care less about these things at the moment, because that reincarnated battle partner was also too terrifying, and she didn't have the heart to compare herself with Chen Xi at all.


ps: I saw some children’s shoes predicting that goldfish may ask for leave tomorrow because of a cold. Don’t worry, the goldfish has already been taking medicine, and will not ask for leave or update. Guaranteed monthly ticket~Guaranteed at the beginning of the month, everyone, don’t let the Fuhuang fall too ugly~??~

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