divine talisman

Chapter 1401 Star Value from the Sky [Part 2]

three days later.

Chen Xi opened his eyes from meditating, his eyes were deep, like an ancient well without waves, full of tranquility.

Feeling the fullness of the immortal power and the lively spirit all over his body, Chen Xi couldn't help but get up long, and stretched his waist long, feeling comfortable all over his body.

Compared with the past, although there has been no breakthrough in this retreat, his state of mind has improved again, and he has an immeasurable and unshakable aura in every gesture.

This kind of momentum can only be possessed after going through a lot of tempering, just like a scholar who writes articles, who is well-versed in world affairs, and his words have their own majestic spirit.


Chen Xi casually sensed the Purple Ribbon Star, but the line of numbers that entered him stunned him. What's going on?


At the same time, the star value hall.

Today's star value hall is different from the past, it seems to be extremely popular, many teachers and disciples crowded in front of the bidding platform, looking forward to it, as if waiting for something.

Xiao Ping is a professor in the outer academy, and his qualifications in the academy are extremely old, but his cultivation has been stuck at the level of a saint.

The reason was that when he went out to practice, he was unfortunately attacked by a strange poison in a secret place, which caused severe damage to his soul, and he could not completely repair it even after exhausting all means.

It is also because of this that his cultivation base has been stuck in the Holy Immortal Realm, unable to break through for a long time. This is undoubtedly a serious blow to a cultivator.

If not, by virtue of his aptitude, he might have advanced to the half-step Immortal King level and entered the inner court as a chief instructor. How could he have been hanging around in the outer court all the time?

Fortunately, for thousands of years, he has been looking for a way to cure the spirit, and his hard work has paid off, and finally he found a glimmer of hope, that is "Nine Soul Return Pill"!

But even though the method was found, the elixir for refining the Lingpo Jiuhuan Pill has been unable to be assembled for a long time. The reason is that there is a lack of a taste of Xiezhi Xiancao!

Xiezhi, one of the most famous sea beasts in ancient times, its roar can shatter the sun and the moon, its strength is infinite, and it can overwhelm the sea. It is rumored that it inherits the blood of a real dragon, and its power can be overwhelming.

It is said that when the Xiezhi beast is about to die, its body will turn into a piece of blood and its soul will turn into a seed, which will take root in the blood and grow, and after a long period of time, it will give birth to a kind of rare treasure. ——Xiezhi Xiancao!

This rare treasure can be called a peerless elixir, the most important thing is that it can gather the power of the seven souls and six souls, and strengthen the inner and outer souls, which is beyond words.

It is a pity that with the passage of time, the Xiezhi fairy grass has almost become extinct in the fairy world.

If not, with Xiao Ping's means, how could it be impossible to find it after thousands of years of hard work?

Originally Xiao Ping had already despaired of this, and planned to stay in the outer courtyard as an ordinary teacher for the rest of his life. Who would have thought that a few days ago, he would actually see a bid for Xiezhi Immortal Grass on this bidding platform!

To him, this was no less than a great surprise, so these days he waited almost all the time in front of the bidding stand, in order to exchange for this Xiechi Immortal Grass in one fell swoop.

And today is the day when the bidding ends!

Thinking of this, Xiao Ping took a deep breath, fixed his eyes on the Xiezhi fairy grass on the bidding platform, and said in his heart: "A fairy medicine with a reserve price of 300 million stars has now been bid for 1000 million stars by myself." Worth it, I want to see who dares to compete with me!"

Yes, he is determined to win this treasure, so if he doesn't make a move, he will offer a sky-high price of 1000 million stars. This price is enough to discourage most people, but Xiao Ping is still a little worried. It's similar to a mind that worries about gains and losses.

For a long-established Saint Immortal, it would obviously cause people to laugh if his temperament is still so unstable, but Xiao Ping couldn't care less about it, because this Xiezhi Immortal Grass was too important to him. When it comes to whether he can restore his spirit, whether he can advance to the half-step immortal king, whether he can enter the inner courtyard as the chief instructor... under such circumstances, how could he remain calm?

"Oh, the competition is too fierce. There are more than 30 people competing with me for the piece of Linghu chalcedony iron. The pressure is so great, I don't have any confidence at all." Someone nearby said with emotion.

"Hehe, be content, you, among the 100 treasures that Chen Xi sold, your competition is fairly small. Didn't you see that there were more than 100 people competing for that piece of Kui Niu natal bone, and the price was even raised to [-]?" [-] million stars! Not surprisingly, the final price may be even higher."

"Speaking of Chen Xi, not only does this guy make big noises in the academy, he even has such a wealth of wealth, and he can actually produce five hundred rare treasures at once. Compared to him, I feel that life is too suffocating bent."

"Yeah, it's best not to compare with him, or you'll only make yourself sad."

There were bursts of noisy discussions nearby, and Chen Xi's name became the most discussed topic among the people. Some people were envious, some admired, some were jealous, and so on.

Xiao Ping didn't care about all of this, but he also knew that the "Xiezhi Immortal Grass" he was bidding on at this time was made by Chen Xi, and it was rumored that he found it from the Boundless Sea.

Not only that, almost all of the [-] treasures he took out this time came from two places, one is the extraterritorial battlefield, the other is the boundless sea, and it is the kind of treasure that has almost disappeared in the fairy world.

It was also for this reason that the bidding was so sensational, attracting many teachers and disciples to bid.

"In another thirty breaths, the bidding will end!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the crowd, which stopped all the uproar and the atmosphere suddenly became dead silent. All eyes fell on their favorite treasures, holding their breath and concentrating on it, eagerly looking forward to it.

It can be seen that most of the people are a little nervous, some tightly pursed their lips, some clenched their fists, and some of their cheeks became a little hideous.

This can also be seen from the side, how attractive the five hundred treasures Chen Xi sold to them were.

Xiao Ping couldn't help getting nervous at this moment, his mouth was dry for a while, and his heart couldn't help beating. That feeling was even similar to his first date with a Taoist companion, nervous and anticipating.

There was a complete silence in front of the bidding stage.

Everyone is waiting, but many more are just around the corner.

Thirty breaths?

It seems extremely short, but it is enough to do too many things, such as bidding again at the most critical moment to win the baby in one fell swoop!

"Damn it! Don't wait, I will offer another [-] star points!"

In this silence, a rough middle-aged man's cheeks were flushed, and he couldn't bear it anymore and yelled loudly, completely breaking the silence of the hall.

This is like a fuse, as soon as it falls, there is a mess of bidding.

"Hmph, since that's the case, I'll add another 50 star points! Let's see who will compete with me!"

"Hey, this treasure must be in the pocket of this old man!"

"You...you are so ruthless. I just wanted to increase the price, but you have increased so much all at once..."

The bidding stage suddenly fell into an unprecedented uproar, many people were shouting, nothing more than expressing their desire to win and let others retreat, but many people were secretly exerting their strength, although they did not say a word , but the added price is even more ruthless than those yelling guys.

Stimulated by this atmosphere, Xiao Ping's heart suddenly reached his throat, his pupils widened, his fingers were tightly clenched, and his whole body became stiff with tension.

ding ding ding...

A burst of clear and pleasant fluctuations resounded, and on the bidding platform, the [-] treasures that were floating quietly suddenly trembled, and the next moment they turned into rainbows and disappeared.

This also means that the bidding is over, and the five hundred treasures are already in their own right, and will be distributed to those who finally win the bid.


Seeing this scene, the audience erupted.

"I really succeeded, hahaha!"

Someone laughed ecstatically.

"Damn it! It's only a thousand stars, just a little bit!"

Someone beat their chests and stamped their feet.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity."

Someone sighed.

"It actually succeeded? I...why am I a little unbelievable?"

Someone is stuck there.

And in this atmosphere filled with joy, anger, sorrow and joy, a loud cry suddenly sounded, which immediately shocked all the voices.

They looked over at the same time, but saw that it was Xiao Ping, the teacher of the outer court, but at the moment he was crying and laughing, his expression was either happy or crazy, as if he was insane.

Everyone was amazed, Xiao Ping taught such a strict and rigid person in the past, how could he make such a fuss?

Only Xiao Ping knew that he succeeded!He will soon be able to repair the injury of his soul, advance to the level of the half-step Immortal King, embark on the path of chief instructor in the inner courtyard, and set foot on another pinnacle of life!

He has waited for thousands of years for this, and has suffered countless ups and downs and hardships. Now that it is finally about to be realized, how can he not be unhappy and not crazy?

Yes, he was just going crazy with joy!

For a cultivator who is dedicated to seeking the Dao, what could be more gratifying than this?

"Sigh, this guy Chen Xi is really good at making troubles. No matter what, as long as he has something to do with him, there will always be all kinds of disturbances."

Some people can't help feeling so emotional when they see this.

When the others heard the words, they also looked concerned.

A bidding that was casually set up by Chen Xi a month ago came to an end amidst all this emotion.

But at this time, in the Jianlu Cave Mansion, Chen Xi's expression was also a little dazed.

"I was still having a headache on how to earn star points. Who would have thought that there would be more than 4000 million star points all of a sudden... plus the original 900 million star points, now, I actually have a star point. More than 900 star points! In other words, if the difference is less than [-] million star points, I can exchange for fragments of the river map? This...is this not a dream?"

At this moment, Chen Xi felt that his head was not working well...


ps: The third update is after 12 o'clock in the morning, please ask for a monthly pass to encourage and encourage~~

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