divine talisman

Chapter 1402 Top of the Holy List [Part 3]

Once he woke up, he suddenly had 4000 million star points out of thin air. Such a windfall, even with Chen Xi's current state of mind, he couldn't help but be shocked.

This value was too astonishing, but the most important thing was that all of this happened so suddenly and unexpectedly that Chen Xi was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

"The 4000 treasures that I took out randomly that day, and the final bid was taken away by [-]% by the academy. It is really surprising that I can still reach [-] million star points in my hands."

Chen Xi was filled with emotion, this is the benefit of bidding, for those who urgently need a certain treasure, they will definitely take it at all costs.

After all, star points can still be earned in the future, but if the treasure is gone, I don’t know when I will meet it again next time.

"Now there are still about 900 million star points left before you can exchange for the fragments of the river map. Maybe you can take advantage of the time to get some talisman missions?"

Soon, Chen Xi turned his attention to earning star points.

Regrettably, he carefully checked the talisman missions in the mission area of ​​the Purple Ribbon Star, but he didn't find many missions that could obtain 700 million star points in a short period of time.

"After waiting for less than a month, you can get a lot of star value by virtue of your ranking on the customs clearance stone tablet in Fantasia Wonderland. Unfortunately, the time is still a bit too slow."

He accidentally obtained 4000 million star points in one day, and he was only a small step away from exchanging for river map fragments. This made Chen Xi already a little impatient, wishing he could exchange them now, how could he endure another month of suffering? It's time.

"Huh? Why did I forget that although my ranking on the Purple Ribbon Gold List has disappeared because of my advancement to the Saint Immortal Realm, I am already qualified to compete for the Doutian Saint Ranking!"

Suddenly, Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and he thought of an excellent way to earn star points, that is to hit the Doutian Sacred List!


Inner courtyard, Snow Dragon Fairy Mountain

It is covered with snow, thousands of miles frozen, and covered with snow everywhere, just like a world of ice and snow.

Looking from a distance, Xuelong Xianshan stands above the sky, its whole body is silvery white, just like a snow dragon soaring into the sky, shaking the world, it is extremely majestic and lonely.

On the top of the Snow Dragon Fairy Mountain, stands a white jade stele full of holiness, soaring into the sky, filled with billions of feet of white mist, it is really magnificent.

Only the disciples of the Holy Immortal Realm in the inner courtyard are eligible to compete and compete for the Doutian Saint Ranking, which is recorded on the white jade tablet, with a total of thirty places.

As we all know, there are more than [-] disciples in the Da Luo Realm and more than [-] disciples in the Saint Immortal Realm in the inner court. One can imagine how powerful the disciples who can make their names among the [-] rankings on the Doutian Saint Ranking are.

Of course, just like the Daluo Gold List and the Purple Ribbon Gold List, as long as one's name can be included in the Doutian Saint List, it is not only an honor, but also a considerable amount of star rewards can be obtained every month.

And compared to other lists, the rewards of the Doutian Saint List are more generous!


In the world of ice and snow, a majestic figure came out of nowhere, and in an instant, he had already landed on the top of the Snow Dragon Mountain, standing in front of the soaring Heaven Fighting Sacred List.

This person was none other than Chen Xi.

He came here this time to rely on his current strength to be on the Doutian Saint Ranking in one fell swoop. The purpose is not to make a name for himself, but just to get together the star points that can be exchanged for Hetu as soon as possible.

However, to Chen Xi's surprise, when he arrived here, he suddenly found that Ye Tang, Ling Qingwu, Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, and Zhao Mengli were also here, and depending on the situation, they had been here for a long time.

Apart from the five of them, there are quite a few other inner court disciples nearby.

"Huh, Chen Xi?"

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist coming."

"Why, Junior Brother Chen Xi, you also want to hit the Doutian Saint Ranking?"

Seeing Chen Xi arrive, Ye Tang and the others were all startled for a moment, and then greeted them with smiles.

Chen Xi immediately greeted him with a smile. He had a good relationship with Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, and Zhao Mengli before, so he was naturally quite happy to see the three of them there.

As for Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang, let alone, they had fought side by side three days ago, experienced a lot in the Dao Emperor's ancient land, and forged a deep friendship.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of other people nearby, they were all filled with envy and admiration. The lineup formed by Chen Xi and his group was too dazzling. There were the heirs of the Ji family, one of the seven great families in ancient times, the descendants of the real phoenix of the Phoenix clan, and the others. The leaders of the younger generation of the Buddhist world, more famous figures like Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang, plus Chen Xi, who is now famous in the entire fairy world, such a luxurious lineup can't be imagined. It's hard to stand out.

Through chatting, Chen Xi immediately understood that it turned out that the three of Buddha Zi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, and Zhao Mengli also had their own opportunities in the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, and now their strengths have all entered the realm of saints, so they came together, Each of them hit the Doutian Saint Ranking.

But unfortunately, because they have just advanced to the realm of Saint Immortals, the combat power they have shown has not allowed them to set foot on the list of Doutian Saints in one fell swoop.

The same is true for Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang, but Ling Qingwu is not interested in this kind of list, otherwise she would have been qualified to hit the Doutian Saint list long before she entered the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land, and there is no need to wait until now.

The reason why she came this time was because of Ye Tang's strong invitation, and she agreed to come with him.

The two had just hit the Doutian Sacred List. Ling Qingwu ranked No.6 in one fell swoop, which was extremely dazzling, while Ye Tang was slightly inferior to No.15.

The reason for this gap is that Ye Tang was one step behind Ling Qingwu when he set foot in the Holy Fairyland. Although it was only one step, the distance between them had already been widened.

This is just like when Chen Xi first entered Daohuang Academy, what Chen Xi had heard from Zhou Zhili, the dean of the outer courtyard, said that on the way of cultivation, one wrong step, one wrong step, and every step made a huge difference!

What made Chen Xi very interested was that Ye Tang obviously had some interest in Ling Qingwu, but Ling Qingwu didn't seem to notice it, and the relationship between the two seemed to be a relationship of "the love of falling flowers, the ruthlessness of flowing water", which could be seen in Chen Xi's heart Can't help but smile.

Having said that, Chen Xi still quite hoped that Ye Tang and Ling Qingwu could form a Taoist couple, but it was not easy for him to push the flames. For immortal cultivators like them, everything had to be about fate, and everything could not be forced. Look at the good fortune of the two.

"Don't be mother-in-law, Chen Xi, you should rush to hit the list, let us see what ranking you can reach."

Seeing Chen Xi chatting endlessly with them, Ling Qingwu couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and spoke impatiently, her temperament was still as straightforward as usual, very straightforward.

"Yes, Junior Brother Chen Xi, hurry up and let me see if you can bring everyone another surprise this time." Ye Tang also booed from the side.

Chen Xi almost couldn't hold back and said, "You haven't become a Taoist couple yet, Senior Brother Ye Tang, are you planning to follow your husband and wife?"

"Go, go, go!"

"You bastard, you're so anxious to death, you still act like you're okay, I really don't know if you're here for the Doutian Shengbang."

"I am looking forward to your performance, Chen Xi."

Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu also spoke one after another, urging Chen Xi.

Chen Xi actually wanted to say something, he really didn't come here for the Dou Tian Sheng Bang, but he was also very clear that if he said this, he would definitely get a roll of eyes.


Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders, and under the gaze of everyone, he went straight to the front of the Doutian Saint Ranking.


Without any hesitation, he stretched out his arm, and slapped it casually. The movement was calm and breezy, without any stored energy, but when this palm was printed on the white jade tablet, it produced an astonishing roar and fluctuation.

In an instant, the entire Xuelong Xianshan was enveloped by this wave of fluctuation, immeasurably magnificent.

Immediately, a clear light suddenly appeared on the Doutian Sheng list, soaring all the way, under the gaze of all the horrified eyes, he reached the top ten in just a few breaths, and the soaring speed slowed down a little , but even so, it is still rising...

"No. 7."

"No. 6."

"No. 5."


Even though they had already guessed that Chen Xi would be among the top ten, when they saw such a scene, everyone present was still unavoidably shocked.

Such a speed, more than a domineering one?

"No. 3!"

Fozi Zhenlu, Zhao Mengli, and Ji Xuanbing all gasped.

"No.2, even Gu Yueru was squeezed out..."

Ye Tang was shocked and muttered to himself.

"No. 1!"

At this moment, when she saw Chen Xi's name leapt to occupy the No.1 position and squeezed out Nie Xingzhen, even Ling Qingwu stayed there.


It's just too bad!

If she guessed correctly, Chen Xi has yet to develop the law of the holy way, but even so, he has become No.1 on the Doutian sage list!

In other words, among the more than [-] disciples of the Holy Immortal Realm in the Inner Court, none of them can stand shoulder to shoulder with Chen Xi in terms of combat power alone. Under such circumstances, Ling Qingwu really cannot imagine that when Chen Xi opens When he came out with his own law of the holy way, how high his combat effectiveness would be.


Not only Ling Qingwu, but everyone else was completely sluggish at this moment. After careful calculation, it was less than half a year since Chen Xi was promoted to the Holy Immortal Realm!

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't feel much. He had seen Nie Xingzhen's strength as early as in the Comet Tunnel, and he believed that he would not lose to him. Being able to do this was within his expectations.

However, when Chen Xi saw the shocked expressions on everyone's faces, he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart. It's over, and he will be treated as a freak again...

The only thing that comforted Chen Xi was that at the very moment when he was promoted to No. 1 in the Doutian Saint Ranking, he suddenly got 1000 million more star rewards in the Purple Ribbon Star!

In other words, he now has more than 8000 million star points, and he can immediately exchange for river map fragments.


ps: 3 changes are complete, please ask for a monthly pass~~

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