divine talisman

Chapter 1403 Forbidden Path Secret Pattern [Part 1]

Chen Xi, who had just obtained the Dao Emperor's inheritance, entered No.1 in the Doutian Saint Ranking three days later!

As soon as this news came out, one stone stirred up a thousand waves, causing a great commotion in the entire Dao Emperor Academy, and pushed Chen Xi's reputation to an unprecedented height, and discussions about him were everywhere.

However, this kind of argument seems to have turned into another argument.

"What? You still want to target Chen Xi? Wake up young people, it's not good to be too ambitious! The road of cultivation still needs to be down-to-earth!"

A teacher in the outer courtyard taught his students who wanted to fight for Chen Xi in this way.

"Silence! The old man is teaching, but you keep discussing the topic of Chen Xi, it is simply unreasonable!"

A professor who was teaching was heartbroken, and he yelled loudly at him, his teeth itching with hatred. Ever since Chen Xi returned to the academy, the entire academy has been messed up. He is simply a troublemaker!

"What? You still want to pursue Miss Ben, save yourself, even if Senior Brother Chen Xi doesn't like me, I will never become a Taoist partner with you in my life, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you can catch up with Senior Brother Chen Xi!"

"God! It's so cruel and inhumane for you to say that, you might as well say let me die!"

A young man and a woman had an argument because of Chen Xi, and Chen Xi became a powerful weapon for the young girl to reject her suitors, causing many suitors to cry without tears.

"Oh, how long do we have to wait in line?"

"Calm down, do you think Chenmeng is so easy to join now? Didn't you see that those brothers and sisters in front of you have been waiting in line for a day and a night? Do you think any of them complained?"

"Uh, that's true."

"So, later on, you must go all out and strive to pass the assessment of the Chen Alliance. In the future, with senior brother Chen Xi covering you, your future is boundless!"

"But...how did I hear that Senior Brother Chen Xi and the Zuoqiu Clan are in the same situation, just in case..."

"Hmph, Zuoqiu clan? This is the Dao Emperor Academy! With the prestige of senior brother Chen Xi now, who would dare to touch him? If you don't want to join the Chen League, then we two should dissolve the relationship between the Taoist couple!"

"Don't, don't, I'll join, can't I join?"

Along with Chen Xi's fame, the Chen League he established has also become a student force that many disciples of the academy want to join. All of them are eager to get close to the water and establish some friendship with Chen Xi.

There are still many things like this, and even a lot of jokes are made, but there is no doubt that Chen Xi's prestige in Daohuang Academy has indeed reached a terrifying height. No one in China can match it.


In this turmoil and sensational atmosphere, only a very few people noticed that the fragment of the river map in the star value hall was exchanged for it on the day Chen Xi entered the list of fighting heaven saints.

It goes without saying that Chen Xi must have done it.


In the world of stars.

A piece of tortoise shell-like piece that was dark and mottled, shaped like an axe blade, and about the size of a baby's palm was suspended in front of Chen Xi, exuding an ancient and primitive aura.

These are the fragments of the river chart that he had just exchanged from the star value hall. Even though he had spent 8000 million star points all at once, Chen Xi didn't feel any pain at all.

Because the fragments of the river map are not of any value!

According to the rumors, this treasure is extremely mysterious and has a long heritage. Back then, the master of Shenyan Mountain used the complete river map to deduce the essence of heavenly secrets, and finally set foot on the top of the road.

For this, Chen Xi felt even more profoundly, because he has obtained too many benefits from the fragments of the river map since he practiced so far. It can even be said that without the help of the fragments of the river map, even if he can practice till now, he will never be able to replace them. Such an achievement today.

The fragment of the River Map in front of him is the seventh piece that Chen Xi obtained!

"I don't know what kind of surprise it will bring me this time..."

Looking at the fragment of the river map in front of him, Chen Xi's eyes gradually became scorching hot. Immediately without hesitation, he took a deep breath and touched it with his finger.


In an instant, there was a strange fluctuation in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he ingested the seventh fragment of the river map in an instant, completely merging with the fragments of the river map suspended in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The whole process was almost completed in a blink of an eye. When Chen Xi reacted, he keenly sensed a majestic and ancient aura that spread from the fragments of the river map and permeated the entire sea of ​​consciousness!


Familiar fluctuations, familiar ancient and obscure patterns, exploded in Chen Xi's mind like a fleeting image, and in an instant, as if reincarnated through the ages, after hundreds of millions of years, it was traced back to the origin of chaos.

This feeling is so ancient, vast, mysterious, as if returning to chaos, I have become a passerby, I have seen the changes of the universe, I have gone through the changes of the ages, and I have been ups and downs in the endless years...

In front of this feeling, he was so insignificant, as insignificant as sand, which made Chen Xi feel a sense of bewilderment and emptiness from the bottom of his heart.


This feeling became more and more intense, shaking his heart like a thunderbolt, and attacking his soul like a hurricane. At that moment, Chen Xi felt his three souls and six souls, his internal and external perception, as if being captured by an invisible beast. Grab it with your big hands, as if you want to peel it off from your own body.

Then, he felt a majestic and obscure force covering his soul, making his soul tremble and vibrate violently.

This impact force was so huge that Chen Xi froze and completely lost consciousness.


I don't know how long it took.

As though time had passed by, and as if he had just blinked his eyes, Chen Xi woke up leisurely, his gaze was dazed, as if his soul had come out of his body, and it took a long time before he gradually regained his clarity bit by bit.

Then, he found himself silent in the sea of ​​consciousness.

As for my cultivation of qi refining, mental strength, holy way, and even my spirit... nothing has changed in any way!

How is this going?

Chen Xi was stunned. Didn't he get any benefit from the fragments of the river map this time?

He still felt a little unwilling, took a deep breath, carefully felt the aura in his body, and didn't let go of any corner, but he didn't get nothing, because he found that the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness compared with the past, had a trace of traces on the surface. The faint luster became clearer and clearer, as clear as glass, floating quietly, casting a blurred and void luster.

Other than that, there is nothing to gain.

This made Chen Xi feel a little disappointed, and murmured, "How could this be? Before, I clearly remembered that an obscure force enveloped the soul... eh? That's right, the soul!"

All of a sudden, Chen Xi suddenly realized that he had neglected the power of the soul. Without any hesitation, he began to perceive the soul quietly, investigating bit by bit...


When Chen Xi's tentacle-like perception was about to penetrate into the deepest part of his soul, a strange and obscure wave suddenly spread out, and immediately turned into a vortex!

Soul vortex!

The vortex swirls endlessly, deep and mysterious, blooming with brilliant light, and an indescribable mysterious power gushes out from the eyes of the vortex, covering his entire soul.

At that moment, Chen Xi felt in a trance that his soul seemed to be covered with a layer of mysterious armor, even if the power of the heavenly power descended, it would be difficult to arrest his soul!

"Forbidden path secret pattern!"

A kind of enlightenment suddenly appeared in Chen Xi's heart, but it was only a few words. It was really hard to describe the wonderful use of this kind of power.

But at this moment, he fully understands that the vortex generated in the depths of his soul must be the "Forbidden Dao Secret Rune"!


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi suddenly noticed that the fragments of the river map floating quietly in the sea of ​​consciousness also had a clear and clear luster at this moment.

These lusters turned into a mysterious pattern, and strands of mysterious handwriting still flowed in the pattern, but unfortunately it was extremely blurry. No matter how hard Chen Xi tried, he could only vaguely make out the four words "Desolation, Ruin, God, and Ancient." ancient characters.

But such a scene disappeared in just an instant, and the fragments of the river chart also returned to silence, except for the "Forbidden Dao Secret Light" that turned into a vortex, spinning in the soul, and the light and rain were flying, colorful.

what is this?

Why did such a mysterious pattern appear in the fragment of the river map?

Desolation, ruins, gods, ancient... What kind of secrets are recorded in those mysterious ancient writings?

At that moment, doubts welled up in Chen Xi's heart, and he couldn't figure it out even if he broke his head.

But soon, an indescribable exhaustion surged into his soul, causing him to thump in his heart, and quickly withdrew his own perception. In this way, the vortex formed by the "Forbidden Dao Secret Pattern" also disappeared, and that wave The feeling of fatigue also disappeared.

"It seems that this secret pattern of the forbidden path consumes a lot of power of the soul... It is a pity that there is no way to control it, and I don't know what magical effect it has..."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart. The harvest this time is not insignificant, but compared to the past, it seems too obscure and mysterious, whether it is the secret pattern of the forbidden path, or the mysterious pattern floating on the fragments of the river map , seems to be a power that he can't grasp at all today.

"Perhaps, when the nine fragments of the river map are gathered together, it will be enough to clarify everything in it?"

Chen Xi muttered, vaguely feeling that when he gathered the complete river map, all these doubts would be easily resolved. As for now, he can only keep these doubts in his heart.

Without thinking about it, he got up and left the world of stars.

"Chen Xi, you came out just in time, we were looking for you."

As soon as Chen Xi's figure appeared in the Jianlu Cave Mansion, he was blocked by Ling Bai, Ah Man, Bai Kui, and Xiao Xing, who looked at Chen Xi eagerly.

Chen Xi said: "Aren't you guys together with Axiu? You're so happy eating, drinking and having fun all day long, why are you willing to come back?"

These four little guys have become Axiu's little followers since they came back from Axiu, and these days they are even more reluctant to leave, and they don't come back to visit him, which makes Chen Xi feel a little bit smug.


ps: The second update is around 10:[-].

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