divine talisman

Chapter 1406

Chen Xi's appearance out of nowhere changed the originally restless atmosphere in the Chenmeng Hall. There was no more clamor and discussion, there was no sound, and needles could be heard.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, this is deterrent power!

With Chen Xi's current name and strength, even the teachers from the outer court would not dare to call themselves an elder when they saw him, let alone these disciples present.

And seeing Chen Xi appear, Wang Zipei's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

This time, he and his companions were indeed bribed to take advantage of the chaos to sow discord, so as to achieve the goal of splitting the Chenmeng.

They are also very clear that this kind of action must be fast, otherwise, once Chen Xi appears, all efforts will be in vain, so before this action, they have inquired clearly that since Chen Xi entered the Doutian Saint Ranking, he will It is undoubtedly a great opportunity for them to start a retreat.

So they started to take action, using their three-inch tongues to encourage and encourage other members of the Chen League to gather here, and staged a "force the palace" drama.

Because they were fully prepared and planned for a long time, their action progressed extremely smoothly, but they saw that they were about to succeed, but by chance, Chen Xi appeared, completely destroying their plan all at once!

The reason is very simple. The banner they played this time is Chen Xi, and they want to use this to force Xuanyuanxiu to the palace, to prove that the current Chen League is not Chen Xi's, but Xuanyuan's, so as to drive them away from the other members. purpose of the alliance.

Even if those members who withdrew from the Chen Union knew that the Chen Union still belonged to Chen Xi afterwards, everything would be irreversible at that time.

This kind of calculation can be said to be vicious, but unfortunately, with the appearance of Chen Xi, it is doomed to fail completely.

However, Wang Zipei is not an ordinary person. After his expression changed slightly, he cupped his hands with a smile and said, "Seeing Senior Brother Chen Xi appearing here, I feel relieved, so it seems that the recent rumor in the academy is really true. It's nothing, it's fabricated out of thin air, it can't be taken as real."

What rumor?

Naturally, it was said that the Chen Union was established by the Xuanyuan Clan under the guise of Chen Xi, and not owned by Chen Xi, and it was precisely because of this rumor that Wang Zipei and the others had an excuse to "force the palace" this time to mobilize the crowd and make such a big splash.

"Yeah, I was abrupt before, but it was also for the sake of the Chen Union, and to share the worries of Senior Brother Chen Xi."

Wang Zipei's companions also spoke, but their voices were not as aggressive as before.

"Hehe, the change is really fast. I would like to ask, in order to confirm this, is it necessary to mobilize so many people? Is it necessary to withdraw from the Chenmeng as a coercion method?"

Seeing this, Axiu couldn't help ridiculing, "If it wasn't for Chen Xi's appearance, you would have encouraged other members to quit the Chen League by now, right? Should I suspect that you all came here to harm our Chen League? Come?"

At the end, the voice was already carrying a stern questioning color.

The expressions of many members of the Chenmeng League changed. They also felt a little strange before, but they were bewitched by Wang Zipei and others, so they couldn’t confirm it. Now that Chen Xi appeared, they calmed down and felt that what Axiu said was right.

All of a sudden, the way they looked at Wang Zipei and the others changed.

"Senior Sister Xuanyuan, I know that what I did just now is a little offensive, but I also do it out of justice, without any selfishness."

Sensing the strange glances from the surroundings, Wang Zipei gave a thump in his heart, but said righteously, "Besides, if Senior Brother Chen Xi hadn't shown up in Chenmeng for a long time, what happened today would never have happened."

This last sentence seemed to point the finger at Chen Xi again.

However, this sentence is absolutely true, if not for Chen Xi not showing up for a long time, the other members of the Chen Alliance would not be so easily bewitched and provoked.

Chen Xi had been watching all this with a half-smile, but when he heard Wang Zipei pointing the finger at him, his expression gradually became serious, and he suddenly said, "It's true that I did something wrong, I'm here to tell everyone I'm sorry, I'm ashamed of trusting everyone."

As he spoke, he bowed slightly to the surroundings with a sincere and serious expression.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

No one expected that with Chen Xi's current prestige and status, he would take the initiative to apologize to them, and they were all at a loss for a moment.

Even those members of the Chen League who had complaints about Chen Xi in their hearts were quite touched when they saw this, and all the grievances in their hearts were swept away.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi is serious. Who doesn't know that you have been running around all these years to practice. If it weren't for this, how could you have achieved today's reputation?"

"That's right, senior brother Chen Xi is a person who does great things, and it's impossible to spend all his time on Chenmeng. Everyone understands."

"Hmph, I can't understand those people with ulterior motives, and I don't think about how much benefit you have gained here since you entered the Chenmeng League. Now you are harboring evil intentions and trying to provoke us. Your heart is damnable!"

"Nowadays, wherever members of our Chen League go, they are always respected and treated kindly by others. What is the reason? Isn't it because our Chen League has Senior Brother Chen Xi sitting in command? Some people just don't like others!"

All the members of the Chen League expressed their support for Chen Xi one after another, causing the expressions of Wang Zipei and the others to change slightly. They never expected that Chen Xi could achieve such an effect with just one apology.

"Thanks to everyone's love, I have decided that starting today, I will give a lecture in our Chenmeng hall for seven days, and share what I have learned and realized with you one by one. If you have any doubts on the path of practice, we can all discuss it. Fan. I'm not afraid of your jokes, this is the only way I can express my apology."

Seeing this, Chen Xi smiled, glanced around, and spoke again, with the aura of a leader in his gestures.

Seven days of preaching!

After hearing these words, all the members of Chenmeng present were overjoyed, and if it wasn't for the occasion, they would have already cheered aloud.

Now who doesn't know Chen Xi's prestige?Who can forget the eye-catching miracles he created in Daohuang Academy these years?Even just a few days ago, Chen Xi had just obtained the recognition of the Dao Emperor's inheritance, and was ranked No.1 in the Doutian Saint Ranking!

It can be said that in today's Daohuang Academy, Chen Xi's strength is enough to be a teacher!

But at this time, he actually promised that he would preach and communicate with everyone in the Chenmeng Hall for seven days. Facing such a rare opportunity, who can not be excited?

Why is Chen Xi able to cultivate so quickly?

And why can it create so many miracles?

How did he cultivate?

What is his unique understanding of Dao?

All of this filled the members of the Chenmeng with infinite expectations. They knew very well that if they could get some advice from it, they would definitely benefit enormously.

Even Wang Zipei and the others couldn't help being moved when they heard this, but when they thought of what they had done before, the heat in their hearts suddenly cooled down and disappeared without a trace.

They are also clear that they are probably not qualified to listen to and communicate with this kind of preaching...

Seeing that the members of the Chen League were soothed by Chen Xi's few words, and firmly in control of the situation, Axiu, who was at the side, was also very happy, squinting at Chen Xi's side face with her clear eyes, and secretly said in her heart: "This guy is still It is obviously a lie to say that he has no leadership skills!"

As for Liang Ren, Gu Yueming, and Xuanyuan Yun who were on the side, they were filled with embarrassment in their hearts. Sure enough, people are more popular than others. When will I be able to have the prestige and appeal like Chen Xi?

"You guys, please leave. From now on, there will be no one in my Chenmeng!"

In the midst of this excitement, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly fell on Wang Zipei and the others. His voice was calm, without any emotional fluctuations, but it made the atmosphere of the hall extremely solemn.


All eyes fell on Wang Zipei and the others in unison, there was disdain and contempt in the eyes, but also intolerance and sympathy.

Wang Zipei's complexion changed drastically, and after a while, he suddenly laughed miserably: "Brother Chen Xi is planning to settle accounts after the fall? Hahaha, I originally put my heart into the moon, but now I have such an end, it's all my fault I was too impulsive at the beginning!"

Chen Xi raised his brows. This guy is really ruthless. Up to now, he still planned to provoke him. He calmly said, "I have earned face by myself. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, wait until I find out those who are behind the scenes to instigate you. Don't blame me for really asking you to settle accounts!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Zipei's miserable laughter stopped abruptly, his eyes were a little suspicious, and he immediately threw up his sleeves angrily and said: "We don't agree with each other, let's go."

As he said that, he took the others and strode out of the hall.

"Just let them go like this? You don't know how hateful they were just now." Watching them leave, Axiu sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi with some reluctance.

"It's just a clown. I'd like to see which student force they will join after they leave Chenmeng." Chen Xi quickly replied via voice transmission.

Only then did Axiu suddenly realize that Chen Xi was planning to follow the clues and find out who was behind the scenes. She immediately said, "Leave these matters to me, otherwise I won't be able to swallow this."

Chen Xi was startled, and smiled in agreement.

Next, Chen Xi had no choice but to change his plan, and stayed in the main hall of the Chen Alliance, and began to sit and discuss with a group of members of the Chen Alliance, discussing and exchanging ideas.

Everyone sat on the ground one after another, listening to Chen Xi explain his knowledge of the Dao. In the huge hall, only Chen Xi's clear voice resounded like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening.

The realm of the saints has embarked on the path of seeking the sacred, and every word and deed is full of the wonderful truth of the Dao, which is enough to preach the world and educate all living beings.

In the beginning, some people might have some doubts about Chen Xi’s preaching, but as time passed, everyone gradually became immersed in the truth of the “Tao” explained by Chen Xi.

Or frown in thought.

or if earned.

Or with a smile on the brow.

It is just that Taoism is a family saying, and everyone understands it differently.

It wasn't until after a stick of incense that Chen Xi stopped speaking, and began to communicate with all the members of the Chen League present one by one, to resolve their doubts, and the originally quiet atmosphere also became lively.

Many disciples raised their doubts on the road of cultivation one after another, and Chen Xi also lived up to everyone's expectations, pointing out each other one by one, making the other party often have a blow to the head and a sense of enlightenment.

It's not that Chen Xi's Taoism is superb, but that he has already walked far ahead of everyone present. The so-called learning has no front and back, and those who have mastered it are teachers. This is the truth.


ps: There is only 1 update tonight, the reason, the bottleneck, about the revenge of the Zuoqiu family and the chaos of the Three Realms, I stumbled and wrote a detailed outline for two days, the writing was not smooth, and I completely rejected it. I am more anxious than everyone else, so please bear with me. I take some time, and all my efforts are aimed at not ending unfinished and striving for perfection.

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