divine talisman

Chapter 1407 Thrilling Turning [Part 1]

After the voice fell, the hall was filled with chills!

The oppressive force in the air is like a hundred thousand mountains, oppressing people so hard that they can't breathe.

Change your mind?

In a word, it was undoubtedly Zuoqiu Taiwu's ultimatum!

At this moment, Chen Xi's breathing was suffocated, and he felt an undisguised killing intent and sense of crisis, and the pores all over his body stood up one by one.

But in his heart, there is a trace of sadness, this is Zuoqiu Taiwu, in his heart there is only Zuoqiu family, for Zuoqiu family, he can disregard all grievances, disregard all right and wrong, even... He absolutely dares to be with him at this moment. I will burn myself with jade and stone!

Yes, it is the death of jade and stone!

It sounds ridiculous. If an existence in the Immortal King Realm wants to kill a Saint Immortal Realm, it is as easy as crushing an ant.

But it must be clear that the current Chen Xi is no longer comparable to the usual ones. He is a descendant of Shenyan Mountain, has a lot of friendship with Nuwa Dao Palace, has obtained the inheritance of the Dao Emperor, and is placed in high hopes by all the old antiques of the Dao Emperor Academy.

If Zuoqiu Taiwu killed him, it would be equivalent to digging a grave for himself. At that time, no one would just watch Zuoqiu Taiwu continue to survive.

This is the death of jade and stone!

Obviously, Zuoqiu Taiwu already understood all of this, but he still made such a decision. Such an act of "sacrificing himself for benevolence" was what made Chen Xi feel sad.

Standing on the other side's standpoint, Chen Xi would certainly admire him endlessly.

But from one's own standpoint, the other party's actions are undoubtedly a kind of sadness.

"I've heard that the internal conflicts within the Zuoqiu Clan are not on me, but on my mother and the current Patriarch Zuoqiu Feng."

After being silent for a long time, Chen Xi suppressed the various emotions in his heart, and said slowly, "Similarly, no matter whether you admit it or not, senior, this kind of contradiction cannot be completely eradicated with your strength."

Zuoqiu Taiwu narrowed his eyes, his old and indifferent face did not produce much emotional fluctuations, but in his heart, there was a long sigh.

Because what Chen Xi said was not bad, if it wasn't for this kind of contradiction that he couldn't erase, why would he live in seclusion in the Dao Emperor Academy all year round, ignoring everything inside the Zuoqiu Clan?

In the final analysis, this is an escape mentality!

He is very aware of this, but he can only do so. This is his sorrow. He only thinks about Zuoqiu's family, but the internal conflicts of Zuoqiu's family cannot be diverted by his will.

"This kind of contradiction can be covered up, but sooner or later it will explode."

Chen Xi didn't pay attention to whether Zuoqiu Taiwu's expression changed, and said to himself, "But this junior can guarantee that as long as senior supports me and my mother, the Zuoqiu clan will never perish because of this. The future Zuoqiu family is destined to be stronger than before!"

Hearing what Chen Xi said, Zuoqiu Taiwu's face darkened: "Is this your choice?"

The killing atmosphere in the hall is getting stronger and stronger!

With Zuoqiu Taiwu's experience, how could he fail to understand that Chen Xi still insisted on taking revenge on the Zuoqiu clan and eradicating the current patriarch Zuoqiufeng's clan in that passage, which he absolutely did not want to see.

Others may not understand, but how could he, Zuoqiu Taiwu, not know that the force represented by Zuoqiu Feng controlled nearly [-]% of the Zuoqiu clan's power. What qualifications does the Qiu family have to be included in the ranks of the ancient seven great families?

Maybe after suffering such a heavy blow, not only will it not be able to recover, but it will even decline completely, or even perish!

Because the decline of the Zuoqiu Clan is destined to be like a piece of fat with all its fangs removed, other forces will only take the opportunity to take a bite!

The dangerous atmosphere became more and more intense, and the piercing oppression became more and more suffocating, but at this moment, Chen Xi's expression was still calm, as if he didn't realize that the danger was imminent.

"Senior, don't you want to know why I said that the Zuoqiu Clan will not perish, but will become stronger than before?" Chen Xi asked back.

Zuoqiu Taiwu said indifferently: "I admit that if you and your mother control the Zuoqiu family, with the various powers you have now, you may be able to maintain the safety of the Zuoqiu family for a short time, but if the Zuoqiu family wants to become more It has been stronger in the past, and it is absolutely impossible to rely on these external forces alone."

After a pause, he continued: "The rise and fall of a family ultimately depends on its own strength. What's more, the chaos in the Three Realms is imminent, and the Zuoqiu family can no longer afford it!"

The implication is that, if it were normal, maybe I would be persuaded by you, but at the moment of turmoil in the Three Realms, he would never allow such a thing to happen.

Chen Xi asked directly: "Dare to ask senior, is there any Conferred God Realm in the current Zuoqiu clan?"

Conferred God Realm!

Zuoqiu Taiwu shrank his pupils, his eyes locked on Chen Xi coldly like a sharp blade, and he didn't say a word, but it brought great deterrence and warning to the latter.

It seems to be saying, how could this old man tell you the family's supreme secret?

"It seems that within the Zuoqiu Clan there should be those in the Conferred God Realm, but the number...maybe there are only a few." Chen Xi got a clue from Zuoqiu Taiwu's silence, and spoke softly.

Zuoqiu Taiwu frowned: "Little guy, my patience is running out."

Chen Xi nodded: "This junior understands, but before making a decision, I want to tell senior one thing, if you support me and my mother, I guarantee that the Zuoqiu Clan will have no less than three more existences in the Conferred God Realm, including... …you."

As soon as these words came out, it was no less than thunder on the ground, and Zuoqiu Taiwu's heart was also shaken, but immediately the corners of his lips couldn't help revealing a hint of sarcasm, and he looked at Chen Xi indifferently: "Oh?"

There are no less than three Conferred God Realms! ?


How could he dare to say such absurd words like a little guy from the Holy Fairyland!

Did he think that the Conferred God Realm was a rotten cabbage?

If it were someone else who dared to say that, Zuoqiu Taiwu wouldn't be bothered to listen to the other party's nonsense, and would have slapped him to death with a slap!

Even so, Chen Xi's absurd behavior at the moment made Zuoqiu Taiwu really angry. In order to insist on taking revenge on Zuoqiu, this little guy would actually be so unscrupulous, it's a bit frenzied!

It is precisely because of this mentality that he will not hide his ridicule and... distrust!

For this, Chen Xi's method was very simple, he took out a jade box.

During this process, Zuoqiu Taiwu's eyes suddenly became icy cold, his whole body roared, and the murderous aura enveloped every inch of the entire hall.

He thought that Chen Xi was going to use some kind of secret treasure to seek escape, so he was ready to kill with one blow!

When the fairy king is angry, the universe changes!

Just the undisguised murderous intent shown by Zuoqiu Taiwu at this moment made Chen Xi feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his entire body seemed to be frozen, and his face turned pale.

But in the end, he still opened the jade box.

At this moment, Zuoqiu Taiwu's murderous intent erupted completely, and he disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, his big old hand appeared three inches above Chen Xi's sky cap. Once Jie Lei Ting is suppressed, let alone Chen Xi, even if it exists in the Immortal King Realm, it will be difficult to dodge it.

But at this moment, Zuoqiu Taiwu's big old hand couldn't move a little bit!

Because his gaze was completely attracted by the items in the jade box.

It was a round body densely covered with cyan radiance, about the size of a baby's fist, quietly resting in the jade box like a bright cyan sun, releasing strands of pure divine aura.

As the divine aura continued to permeate and evolve, mysterious and mysterious vision patterns appeared in the nearby void, with gods singing, hype falling, auspicious birds and beasts galloping, and ancient Taoist sounds floating in the sky...

It is so sacred, as if it came from the legendary kingdom of God.

The Spirit of Dao Fruit!

Only such a sacred and supreme treasure can evolve such a grand and mysterious vision.

It was precisely because he recognized the spirit of the Dao Fruit that Zuoqiu Taiwu's violent attack stopped in a ten-thousandth of an instant, and he was unable to strike again.

His pupils dilated little by little, and his eyebrows gradually raised. In that indifferent but resolute expression, there was an uncontrollable look of shock, bewilderment, and disbelief, and the whole person was stunned there.

The Spirit of Dao Fruit!

It is really the spirit of Dao Fruit!

He finally understood that it turned out that... everything Chen Xi said just now was not ridiculous, nor was it out of desperation...

He also finally understood why Chen Xi dared to say such big words, why he dared to threaten that Zuoqiu clan would have no less than three more existences in the Conferred God Realm!

All because of this treasure in front of me - the spirit of Dao Fruit!

As an existence in the Immortal King Realm, how could Zuoqiu Taiwu not understand the importance of the spirit of Dao Fruit?Since ancient times, I don't know how many fairy kings have paid their lives for this, but in the end they never had the chance to obtain this treasure!

The reason is that the spirit of Dao Fruit is too rare, too precious, and too rare. For any Immortal King Realm who is looking for the Conferred God Realm, this thing is like a rare treasure that can't be found!

But Zuoqiu Taiwu never expected that such a treasure would appear in front of his eyes...

At this moment, the hall was silent.

As for Chen Xi, he heaved a long sigh of relief secretly, and there was still a trace of throbbing in his pale expression, as if he had just walked through the gap between life and death.

After a cup of tea time.

Chen Xi walked out of that empty and cold hall.

At this time, it was noon, and the sky was dazzling and gorgeous, just like Chen Xi's mood at this moment, clear, calm, and without a trace of gloom.

He had already made an agreement with Zuoqiu Taiwu before, and it was naturally Zuoqiu Taiwu who changed his mind in the end, and he would no longer interfere in the grievances between Chen Xi and the Zuoqiu family.

And the price Chen Xi paid was naturally the spirit of Dao Fruit.

"Because of the Zuoqiu family, he almost killed me... Such a thing, even if it falls on anyone, I can't let it go, right?"

Staring at the sky in a daze, Chen Xi couldn't help but think of the scene that happened in the hall before. He knew that even though he had made an agreement with Zuoqiu Taiwu, he... could no longer forgive him...


ps: The second update is at 10 o'clock, and the third update is around 12 o'clock.

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