divine talisman

Chapter 1408 Planning to Return [Part 2]

In the final analysis, Chen Xi knew very well that the hatred he carried on himself, in the face of Zuoqiu Clan's interests, even if it could attract Zuoqiu Taiwu's sympathy, it could not change Zuoqiu Taiwu's attitude at all.

This can be seen from the opponent's violent killing blow without hesitation at that moment.

The reason why Zuoqiu Taiwu's final attitude changed was also because of Zuoqiu's interests.

Because Chen Xi can take out the spirit of the Dao Fruit, which can guarantee that after eradicating the current Zuoqiufeng clan, not only will the Zuoqiu clan not go into decline, but on the contrary, it will become stronger than before!

Under such circumstances, the agreement made between Chen Xi and Zuoqiu Taiwu was ultimately just an exchange of benefits. In layman's terms, it was called a sale!

A deal regardless of right or wrong, regardless of grievances!

Therefore, Chen Xi could no longer have any good feelings for Zuoqiu Taiwu.

Even though in his heart he admired Zuoqiu Taiwu's character, but when he and Zuoqiu Taiwu became enemies one day, he would definitely kill him without hesitation!


Do not!

Chen Xi had already paid a sufficient price for this. According to his previous concept, if he could kill all the Zuoqiu clans, he would definitely not let one go.

Now for his mother Zuoqiu Xue, he has already made too many concessions!


"Chen Xi."

Just when Chen Xi left that great hall and was thinking while returning to his own cave, a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Accompanied by the sound, Hua Jiankong, dressed in gray and with white hair like snow, appeared out of thin air.

"Meet the seniors."

Chen Xi was startled, and hastily bowed to salute.

"You are welcome, I have seen everything you have experienced just now." Hua Jiankong's expression was still as indifferent and cold as usual, but when he faced Chen Xi, he obviously relaxed a lot, "You did a good job."

Chen Xi's heart moved. Doesn't this mean that Hua Jiankong had already noticed all of this when Zuoqiu Taiwu brought him into that great hall?

In other words, when Zuoqiu Taiwu suddenly attacked him, even if he didn't take out the spirit of Daoguo, Hua Jiankong would help him?

Thinking of this, an unspeakable emotion suddenly surged in Chen Xi's heart, and he cupped his hands seriously and said, "Thank you for your care, senior."

Hua Jiankong said: "Now you have obtained the inheritance of the Dao Emperor. In this Dao Emperor Academy, there is nothing that can be concealed from the principal, so no one can kill you. This time...you saved it." Zuoqiu Taiwu dies."

Chen Xi was stunned: "It turns out that the old dean has already seen all this?"

Hua Jiankong nodded: "More than that, outside the main hall, Zhao Taici and Ao Jiuhui were always there, if Zuoqiu Taiwu hadn't stopped at the last moment..."

The words are not finished, but the meaning has been expressed undoubtedly.

That is to say, Zuoqiu Taiwu's seemingly secretive actions this time have actually been noticed by the headmaster. In order to rescue Chen Xi, obliterate Zuoqiu Taiwu's preparations!

This is why Hua Jiankong would say that this time it was Chen Xi who saved Zuoqiu Taiwu's life.

After thinking through all of this, Chen Xi was already extremely moved. How lucky was he to be so favored?

However, he does not regret the agreement he made with Zuoqiu Taiwu, nor does he regret the Dao Fruit Spirit that he paid for it, because some things are more meaningful only after he has personally experienced them.

Those help may be able to take care of myself for a while, but they cannot take care of myself for a lifetime.

"These are the three spirits of Dao Fruit, seniors please accept them, seniors please pass on the other two to seniors Zhao Taici and Ao Jiuhui." Suddenly, Chen Xi took out three jade boxes and handed them over.

He couldn't let Hua Jiankong and the others help him in vain. Most importantly, he hoped to take this opportunity to win more help for him to avenge the Zuoqiu clan in the future.

Regarding all this, Hua Jiankong couldn't help being slightly startled, and after a long silence, said: "Actually...you don't have to be like this."

"This is just the junior's wish." Chen Xi looked at the other party seriously.

A strange curvature suddenly appeared on the corners of Hua Jiankong's lips. He stared at Chen Xi for a long time before saying, "Okay, I will convey your thoughts to the two of them one by one."

"Then thank you senior."

Chen Xi laughed and said, obviously he was the one who gave the other party three unrivaled opportunities, but he showed an expression of gratitude. If it were someone else, he would definitely not understand this kind of approach.


In the same great hall, it was empty and deserted.

Zuoqiu Taiwu sat alone on the main seat in the center, with a hint of self-mockery on his extremely old face, he murmured: "So, that little guy saved my life?"

"That is for sure."

Opposite him, there is a graceful and dignified figure, with white hair in a bun like snow, but a face as smooth, radiant, and fair as a girl, skin as thick as fat, eyes as deep and calm as an abyss, and wisps of golden flames surging .

She was wearing a dark gold embroidered black-edged palace dress, holding a two-foot-two golden Luanfeng walking stick, and she exuded a noble and majestic aura.

This person is indeed Zhao Taici, the Patriarch of the Huang Clan!

Beside her, there is a lone man with his hands behind his back, his brows are wide and wide, his shoulders are like a sacred mountain, and his majestic body seems to be able to cover the sun and the moon. Although he stands quietly, he gives people a compelling feeling The terrifying pressure is like facing a dark dragon that has been dormant for endless years.

There is no doubt that this majestic man is Ao Jiuhui, the ancestor of the Dragon Realm who lived in seclusion in the Sutra Library for an unknown number of years!

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Zuoqiu Taiwu pondered for a long time, finally raised his cloudy eyes, and quietly glanced at the two of them. At this moment, he seemed to be getting older.

"There are some things that cannot be repeated. This place...is Daohuang Academy after all."

Looking at the old face of the other party, Zhao Taici sighed quietly, and said, "Old man, I really never thought that one day I would become an enemy of you. Fortunately, none of this happened."

"Hmph, I think this guy is old-fashioned! You should have understood when you got the Dao Emperor's inheritance from that kid Chen Xi. If you don't sleep, you will just watch him being killed, including the dean!"

Ao Jiuhui on the side snorted coldly, looking extremely displeased.

Zuoqiu Taiwu smiled bitterly and sighed: "Why am I willing to do this? You probably don't understand how important the Zuoqiu family is to my heart. If it weren't for that, why would I have been hiding here for so many years?"

"Blindly escaping is not the answer after all, you... just do it yourself."

Zhao Taici finally shook his head, and turned to leave with Ao Jiuhui.

For a moment, only Zuoqiu Taiwu was left alone in the hall, sitting in the empty and deserted hall, lost in thought.


"The headmaster said that when you fully grasp the Dao Emperor's inheritance, you will meet with me. Before that, you have to work hard." Hua Jiankong sent Chen Xi all the way to the front of the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion before stopping. He stepped down and opened his mouth slowly.

Summoned by the dean?

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, he was looking forward to it, but soon there was another wry smile in his heart. The jade slips imprinted by the Dao Emperor's inheritance are still in his sea of ​​consciousness, but because of the fragments of the river chart, he couldn't touch them at all. As a result, I don't know when and what month I will be able to meet the dean.

"By the way, what are your plans next? Going out to practice, or continue to cultivate?" Hua Jiankong asked suddenly.

When this topic was mentioned, Chen Xi remembered something, and asked, "Senior, if I want to return to the human world, what preparations do I need to make?"

"The human world?"

Hua Jiankong was startled for a moment, and then thoughtfully said, "I forgot, you ascended from the lower world, but with your current cultivation, it is extremely difficult to return to the human world."

As he spoke, he told Chen Xi the reason.

It turns out that the laws of heaven in the human world and the fairy world are completely different. Not only is it extremely difficult for cultivators in the human world to ascend to the fairy world, but it is also extremely difficult for all beings in the fairy world to return to the human world.

Because the power mastered by the beings in the fairy world has long exceeded the scope of the power of the human world, once they come to the human world, they will be directly obliterated by the way of heaven!The purpose is to maintain the stability of the human world, otherwise, if the descendants of the fairy world are allowed to descend, no matter how many interfaces there are in the human world, I am afraid that they will all be shattered.

It's like Chen Xi is now in the Saint Fairyland, if he appeared in the human world, the great power generated by every gesture would be enough to disintegrate and destroy a small world!

Even if he takes a step back, even if he doesn't do anything, he can absorb all the spiritual power in a small world in just one breath!

Under such circumstances, in order to maintain the operation of the three thousand big worlds and hundreds of millions of small worlds in the human world, the law of heaven will never allow more powerful forces to appear in the human world.

"Of course, if you want to repent in the human world, there are ways."

Hua Jiankong changed the subject and said, "Generally speaking, if all beings in the fairy world want to descend to the lower realm, there are roughly two paths to choose from. One is to obtain a piece of immortal world talisman from the fairy court. With the power of the talisman, you can use a clone Coming to the lower realms, the power of the avatar is generally weaker than that of the heavenly immortals, but higher than that of the earthly immortals."

Immortal World Talisman!

This made Chen Xi couldn't help but think of one thing. Didn't the Bing Shitian who came to Xuanhuan Realm holding the Immortal World Talisman back then?

However, Chen Xi would not choose the Immortal Realm Talisman, because he has already learned that the current Central Immortal Court is in the hands of the "Immortal Emperor Ziheng" from the Supreme Sect, so as to avoid any accidents when returning to the human world, he will Will not choose this way.

Seeing that Chen Xi was not interested in this method, Hua Jiankong directly mentioned the second method, "The second method requires the use of some taboo secret methods, and such secret methods are generally mastered by the top powers in the fairy world. Of course, our Daohuang Academy also has them."

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, and a strange look appeared in his expression, and he said: "If you want to return to the human world, you can come to me in a month. Remember, don't let other people know about this matter." Got it."

Chen Xi hurriedly said: "Then I will trouble seniors then."

Hua Jiankong waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, I have something urgent to do, so I'll take my leave first."

After all, he hurriedly moved away out of thin air.

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