divine talisman

Chapter 1410 The Shackle of Forbidden Evil [Part 3]

After Hua Jiankong left, Chen Xi immediately returned to the Jianlu Cave Mansion.

"The only thing I have to worry about now is the safety of my mother, and I don't know if this decision will stimulate Zuoqiu Feng to start the internal conflict of the Zuoqiu clan regardless of everything..."

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Chen Xi couldn't calm down for a long time.

He knew very well that the conversation Zuoqiu Taiwu had with him before must represent a voice within the Zuoqiu Clan, and now that he had reached an agreement with Zuoqiu Taiwu, the other party would definitely react to this.

In this way, it will inevitably affect mother Zuoqiu Xue.

However, Chen Xi is also very clear that the reason why his mother survived to this day is definitely not so easy to suffer. As Zuoqiu Taiwu said, the current Zuoqiu Clan is divided into two factions. One faction is based on the current Patriarch Zuoqiu. Feng is the main faction, and Zuo Qiuxue is the main faction.

The internal conflict between the two factions had already arisen before Chen Xi was born, but Zuoqiu Xue is still alive and well, so she must have the power enough to make Zuoqiufeng's family fearful.

"It seems that the time left for me is getting less and less. I have to get everything ready before the Zuoqiu Clan's internal conflict..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and made a decision in his heart. He will visit Hua Jiankong in a month, return to the human world quickly, and settle down his younger brother Chen Hao and those members of the Chen clan. Only in this way, even if he confronts the Zuoqiu clan, He no longer has any worries.

"As for father..."

Inexplicably, Chen Xi thought of his father Chen Lingjun again, and there was still no news of him until now, which made him sigh again in his heart.

He asked himself that his reputation had already spread in the fairy world. Under such circumstances, if his father Chen Lingjun was still in the fairy world, why didn't he come to Daohuang Academy to meet him?

Could it be that he is no longer in the fairy world?Or is there something else hidden?

In the end, Chen Xi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.


"Chen Xi is still alive!"

In a glorious hall, Zuoqiu Sheng's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth and spoke, his voice seemed to come out of his teeth, there was a touch of surprise, but more anger.

"How could this be? Have you ever met Patriarch Taiwu, how did he explain it?"

Zuoqiuhong's face changed suddenly when he heard the words, and he asked quickly.

"Patriarch Taiwu...has already retreated!"

Zuoqiu Sheng's face was livid, and he said in a deep voice, "This is enough to show that Patriarch Taiwu did not make a correct choice as Patriarch Huanglin said!"

"Damn it! Why is this happening? With the temperament of Tai Wu Patriarch, he would never let Chen Xi go so easily. Could it be that something happened during this?"

Zuoqiuhong was suddenly in a state of confusion. He had been waiting for the news of Chen Xi's death these days, but who would have thought that he would get such bad news!

"More than that, I heard that when Patriarch went to meet Zuo Qiuxue in Yuanwei Immortal Prison, the other party also rejected Patriarch's kindness."

Zuoqiu Sheng had a dignified face, and his eyes shone coldly, "This also means that whether it is Chen Xi or Zuoqiu Xue, they have decided to fight the Patriarch to the end!"

Hearing all this, Zuoqiu Hong was stunned for a moment, and said nothing for a long time, before saying in a deep voice, "What should we do next?"

Zuoqiu Sheng said irritably: "What else can we do? Let's report this matter to the Patriarch first. Everything is up to the Patriarch to decide, but I guess... the civil strife that has accumulated for many years in the family is about to erupt!"

Civil strife!

Zuo Qiuhong narrowed his eyes again, and sighed: "Actually, back then, we should have eliminated each other at all costs..."

Zuoqiu said annoyedly: "That's enough! Don't bring up the past!"


Iris Immortal Prison.

In a strange space in the deepest part, there are green hills, green water, fences, and huts.

Zuo Qiuxue stood in the small fenced courtyard as usual, quietly gazing at the misty green hills in the distance, her delicate brows filled with a touch of tranquility.

If Chen Xi were here, he would definitely find that his expression when he was meditating was [-]% similar to his mother Zuo Qiuxue, both calm and calm.


A hoarse and deep voice resounded, and along with the voice, an old man with bare feet in sackcloth, an ordinary face, and a mountain-like expression came out of nowhere.

He is that old antique Zuoqiu Feiming from the Zuoqiu clan!

Since Zuoqiu Xue was detained here, the faction represented by Zuoqiu Feiming has been fighting against the Patriarch Zuoqiufeng's faction.

In other words, the existence of Zuoqiu Feiming roughly corresponds to the status of Zuoqiu Huanglin, the latter assisted Zuoqiufeng, while the former assisted Zuoqiuxue.

"Third uncle, you are here."

Zuo Qiuxue turned her head and said with a slight smile, "It seems that the conflict within the family is about to erupt."

Zuoqiu Feiming frowned: "You are right, but unfortunately, the time left for us to prepare is too short. Once there is a conflict, the power we have now is still weaker than the other party."

Zuo Qiuxue smiled: "I heard that Xi'er has performed very well these years."

Mentioning Chen Xi, Zuoqiu Feiming also had a rare smile on the corner of his lips, and said with emotion: "Indeed, this little guy's reputation in the fairy world is so high that no one can match it."

Hearing third uncle's appreciation for Chen Xi, Zuo Qiuxue also smiled, with a hint of pride, she blinked her eyes: "Of course, he is the son of Lingjun and me."

Zuoqiu Feiming smiled, nodded and said: "I came this time to tell you not to worry about Xi'er's safety. When I came here before, I got the news that the old Taiwu didn't do anything to Xi'er."

Zuoqiu Taiwu?

Hearing this name, Zuoqiu Xue couldn't help showing a complex look on her lips, both disgusted and admired, before she said after a long time: "If he hadn't been hesitant back then, Zuo Qiufeng would at least have to pay more to usurp the position of Patriarch." With such a heavy price, it is even impossible for Zuoqiu Feng to succeed. It is a pity that in his heart, all grievances and struggles are worthless than Zuoqiu's three words."

Zuoqiu Feiming said calmly: "But we have to admit that it is because of Taiwu's existence these years that we have been able to fight against each other secretly, and we have not only been suppressed by the top."

Zuo Qiuxue nodded: "This is exactly what confuses me. This time, Patriarch Huanglin wanted to borrow the hand of Patriarch Taiwu to kill Xi'er. It was indeed a ruthless move, which made me feel a little bit I underestimated the other party's means, but fortunately, none of this happened, by the way, Tai Wu Patriarch hesitated for so many years, did he make it clear this time?"

Zuoqiu Feiming shook his head: "According to the information I got, Taiwu has already retreated. Perhaps, he has been completely disappointed with the current situation of the family."

At the end, there was a touch of emotion in his voice.

He, Zuoqiu Huanglin, and Zuoqiu Taiwu were all figures of the same era, controlling and influencing most of the affairs of the Zuoqiu family. Unfortunately, the three of them have now gone three different paths.

Zuoqiu Huanglin supported Zuoqiufeng as the head of the family and advocated Zuoqiu clan.

Zuoqiu Taiwu ignored everything, chose to withdraw from the internal disputes of Zuoqiu Clan, and lived in seclusion in Daohuang Academy.

And he, Zuoqiu Feiming, has always supported Zuoqiu Xue, wanting to regain everything he lost back then, and has been fighting against Zuoqiufeng and the others.

Now after so many years, this grievance is on the verge of breaking out, but Zuoqiu Taiwu chose to retreat, which has to make Zuoqiu Feiming sigh, how similar is this scene to that year?

"Third Uncle, what about the old guy in the family who sleeps all day long?"

Zuo Qiuxue asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Zuoqiu Feiming's expression became serious all of a sudden, he shook his head and said: "The situation is not good, I can't get in touch with Uncle Beiyong now, which makes me suspect that Afeng and Huanglin have already met with Uncle Beiyong Some kind of agreement was reached."

Uncle Bei Yong!

Zuoqiu Feiming's seniority in the Zuoqiu Clan was already extremely high, but he called Bei Yong his uncle, so how terrifying would his power and status be?

"Then what about that old woman who only knows how to cultivate?" Zuo Qiuxue also frowned, and asked slowly.

"Aunt Leng Hua didn't make a statement, which is really worrying." Zuoqiu Feiming sighed.

Aunt Leng Hua!

Obviously, this is another existence who can stand shoulder to shoulder with that uncle Bei Yong.

"Hmph, these two old things were like this back then, and they are still like this now. If my father hadn't been too kind back then, what they did back then would be enough to drive them out of the Zuoqiu Clan!"

Zuoqiu Xue's eyes turned cold, revealing an undisguised loathing. When she said this, she was startled suddenly, as if remembering something, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Third Uncle, do you think they will..."

"Hard to say!"

Before he could finish speaking, Zuoqiu Feiming frowned and said, obviously he had already guessed something, "Death is like a lamp going out. I'm afraid they have already forgotten the rules set by your father back then."

Zuo Qiuxue took a deep breath and said, "It seems that we can only make the worst plan."

Zuoqiu Feiming nodded and remained silent for a long time before saying that he looked at Zuoqiuxue worriedly, and said, "Axue, hasn't the power of the 'flail of the curse' weakened?"

Zuo Qiuxue said: "Third Uncle, don't worry, as long as you don't leave this place, the shackle of evil will not help me." Speaking of this, she looked at the other party seriously, and said: "Third Uncle, do you have any news about Lingjun?"

Zuoqiu Feiming shook his head.

Seeing this, Zuo Qiuxue was startled, and pursed her lips and said: "The Remains of Hongmeng has been destroyed, so he must not give up, and went to the outside world to look for the 'Spirit of God', and only that kind of strange thing can open it." The shackle of the ban..."

Zuoqiu Feiming was shocked: "The treasure really exists?"

Zuo Qiuxue shook her head: "I don't know, but I know Ling Jun. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will definitely do it." At the end, her eyes were bright and tender, and that word flashed in her mind inadvertently. familiar figure.

"Axue, I'm leaving first."

After a while, Zuoqiu Feiming said goodbye.

"Third Uncle, if the outbreak of this conflict can be delayed longer, it will be more beneficial to us. Please worry about it."

Zuo Qiuxue said quickly.

"I understand, you have to be careful, Axue, the situation is already chaotic, so don't be negligent..."

Zuoqiu Feiming nodded, and the figure disappeared out of thin air the next moment.

"I must live well..."

Zuo Qiuxue stood alone in the fenced courtyard, muttering softly, her thoughts suddenly flew back to the past years, thinking of her husband, her son...


ps: These are some foreshadowings before the plot of revenge, the plot will be cleared up soon, no surprises, tomorrow will continue to start with more than 3 more~

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