divine talisman

Chapter 1411 Returning to the Human World [Part 2]

The divine flame flows down the mountain, and the flame dances in the sky.

Suiren Ting suddenly stood up, with a murderous look on his brows.

"This son repeatedly sabotaged our actions in the Conferred God Realm, not only made us miss the Dao Fruit Spirit, but also almost died in it. He really deserves to be killed!"

The indifferent and stern voice was like a thunderbolt stirring between heaven and earth, breathtaking.

Hearing this, Jiang Lingxiao's water-like eyes also showed a hint of hatred, recalling the scene in the Conferred God Realm.

"Fortunately, it's not too late."

After a moment of silence, Suirenting took a deep breath, and a stern light flashed in his eyes, "Junior Sister Jiang, just now you suggested that I deal with this son from the Zuoqiu family, is there something in it?"

Jiang Ling nodded with a smile: "This son killed the eldest son of the current head of the Zuoqiu family, and has completely broken with the Zuoqiu family. Brother, do you still remember that when the previous head of the Zuoqiu family fell, our Supreme Master also intervened in?"

Suirenting was startled, and pondered: "You mean that Zuoqiu Beiyong?"

"That's right, it's him. This old guy wanted to join me as the Supreme Master, but was blocked by the previous Patriarch of the Zuoqiu Clan. You know what happened later. As punishment, the previous Patriarch of the Zuoqiu Clan executed him, and his heir Zuo Qiuxue was usurped, and was imprisoned in Iris Immortal Prison by the 'Shackle of Misfortune'."

Jiang Ling smiled and revealed an astonishing secret, "Without the support of our Zuoqiu clan, Zuoqiu Feng, the current patriarch of the Zuoqiu clan, would definitely not be able to control the Zuoqiu clan."

Speaking of this, she smiled lightly, and said in a secretive way, "This is a pawn that the leader personally buried in the past, so that one day, he can use the Zuoqiu clan for his own use. After all, the Zuoqiu clan can be regarded as the ancient seven One of the great families."

Suiren stroked his chin thoughtfully and said: "The seven great academies in the fairy world and the seven great families in ancient times are all the objects that my grand master has been trying to win over. Now three of the seven great colleges have joined my grand master, and this ancient Among the Seven Great Aristocratic Family, it seems that only the Jiang Family has completely trusted us, and the other six Great Aristocratic Families all have reserved attitudes, now that you say this, it seems that the Zuoqiu Family has already been targeted by the leader and his old man?"

A look of sincere admiration appeared between Jiang Ling's smiling brows: "That's right, the master's power of deduction is unparalleled in the world, and his means of planning and layout is even more impressive. After so many years, with his ability as an old man, I'm afraid he has already infiltrated the power into the world." Every corner of the fairy world, but I just don't know."

Suirenting nodded, deeply convinced, he also admired the ability of the Supreme Leader, and he didn't even dare to have any blasphemy and disobedience.

In his heart, the Supreme Leader seems to be omnipotent, and nothing in the heavens and myriad worlds seems to be difficult for him.

"Since that's the case, Junior Sister Jiang, go and contact the Zuoqiu clan, and wait for the opportunity to take action against this son of Chen Xi. If necessary, you can also provide him with some help."

Suirenting pondered for a long time, and then ordered. "But junior sister, you have to remember that this is not the time for my Supreme Master to make a full comeback, so if it is not necessary, I will leave it to those believers to handle it, so as not to cause any trouble for myself."

"Brother, don't worry."

Jiang Ling nodded with a smile. Of course she knew that the current fairy world regards the Supreme Master as a public enemy. Once her whereabouts are leaked, too much danger will inevitably arise.


Suirenting waved his hand, and after watching Jiang Lingxiao leave, he fell into deep thought again.

"The sword of Dao'er, the fragments of the river map, Shenyan Mountain... This son is of ordinary strength, how can he have so many supreme opportunities? Could it be that he is the direct disciple of the Chaos God Lotus, or the Shenyan Mountain? Personal disciple?"

After pondering for a long time, Suirenting suddenly said in a deep voice, "Decree to serve disciple Bing Shitian, let him come to see me quickly!"

The sound boomed and spread, pouring into the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

After half a sound.

A ray of light emerged out of thin air, and a handsome figure was reflected, bowing to the Suiren Court on the top of the mountain and saluting: "Servant disciple Bing Shitian, pay homage to Suiren Master."

This person has a delicate face, and his eyes are full of illusory brilliance. It is Bing Shitian!

"I still remember that when you entered the sect, you mentioned that you had old grievances with the disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. I wonder if you know about Chen Xi?"

Suirenting asked directly.

Chen Xi!

Hearing this name, Bing Shitian's heart was shocked, and a trace of resentment sealed up in his heart uncontrollably emerged, making his face a little gloomy.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, bowed and said, "Report to Master Suiren, this disciple's enemy is none other than Chen Xi!"

"Oh?" A look of surprise flashed in Suiren Ting's eyes, and he said with great interest, "Talk about the specific reason."

At the moment, Bing Shitian didn't hide anything, and told all the grievances and grievances between him and Chen Xi without reservation at all. He even detailed about his love for Qing Xiuyi.

After all, he secretly thought in his heart, Chen Xi must have offended Master Suiren, right?If so, that would be great!

Hearing all these past events, Suirenting pondered for a long time, and said: "So, he ascended to the Immortal Realm from the Nine Flowers Sword Sect of the Xuanhuan Region?"

Bing Shitian nodded quickly: "Exactly."

"I have something to ask you to do. If it can be completed, when you return to the church, I promise to let you out of the ranks of disciples serving the Tao. Are you willing?"

Suddenly, Suirenting fixed his eyes on Bing Shitian and asked in a deep voice.

Bing Shitian's heart was shocked again, the joy was beyond words, and he said without hesitation: "Disciple is willing!"

Ever since he entered the Supreme Master Sect, he has been serving as the top disciple of Daoist disciples, which has made him bored. Now facing such a great opportunity, how could he refuse it.

Suirenting nodded, and threw out a jade tablet: "Take it, go to the Central Immortal Court to meet Immortal Emperor Ziheng, and ask him to help you obtain a piece of Immortal Talisman, and then you will return to Xuanhuan Realm."

As he said that, he took out another jade slip and handed it to Bing Shitian: "The things I want you to do are in it."


Could it be that I want to deal with the Jiuhua Sword Sect?

Doubts flashed in Bing Shitian's mind, but he did not act slowly. He quickly took the token and the jade slip, bowed and said, "Don't worry, Master Suiren, this disciple promises to complete the task!"

Suirenting waved and said, "Go, be careful, don't reveal your identity."


In the secret place deep in Daohuang Academy.

A quaint roulette is suspended in the air, reflecting billions of light spots, like the stars shining in the boundless starry sky, shining brightly and dazzingly.

"When you return to the human world from the Xingluowanxiang chessboard, about [-]% of your strength will be sealed. At that time, you should be more careful, and don't sacrifice some too powerful fairy treasures and methods, otherwise it will only cause the killing of the power of heaven. cutting."

Hua Jiankong quickly explained to Chen Xi some restrictions on returning to the human world, "Also, if you want to return to the fairy world, you only need to set up this formation, and you can open the portal to the Star Luo Wan Xiang Chess."

As he spoke, he handed a jade slip to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi quickly took it, then looked at the Xing Luo Wan Chess curiously, and asked: "Senior, if I want to bring some monks from the human world back to the fairy world, is it feasible?"

Hua Jiankong glanced at Chen Xi, as if he had already guessed that he would ask this question: "When cultivators from the human world enter the fairy world, they will also be regarded as heretical and ruthlessly obliterated by the heavenly dao, but to you, all of this seems to be nothing question."

Chen Xi was startled, a little confused.

"If I remember correctly, didn't the Kyushu Yuhuang Ding fall into your hands during the foreign battlefield?" Hua Jiankong reminded him.

Chen Xi suddenly understood, nodded and said, "Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Hua Jiankong smiled, swiped his fingers parallel to each other, and condensed an obscure fingerprint, which lightly tapped on a light spot on the star-studded chessboard.


A bright light flashed, turned into a passage, and spread out from the void.

"Go early and return early."

Hua Jiankong gave an order.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, nodded, and immediately stopped hesitating, and stepped up that passage. In an instant, stars moved, lights and shadows flickered, and Chen Xi disappeared completely.

Immediately, that passage also disappeared inch by inch.

Seeing this, Hua Jiankong pondered for a long time, and finally sat cross-legged on the ground, meditating quietly in front of the star-studded chessboard.


woo woo woo~~ woo woo woo~~~

Chen Xi felt like he was flying in the long river of time, he couldn't see anything, he couldn't feel anything, but during this process, he could feel his own power being sealed bit by bit.

He tried to resist in the past, but he couldn't stop the power of the seal at all, which made him feel at ease, at least it proved that he was on the way from the fairy world to the human world.

Great Chu Dynasty!

Southern Xinjiang!

Pine Smoke City!

Familiar picture scrolls popped up in his mind uncontrollably, making Chen Xi's heart unstoppably filled with anticipation, brother and the others, are they all right?

To what level have the two little guys, Yu'er and An'er, reached in their cultivation now?

Where is senior Ji Yu?

Du Qingxi, Song Lin, Duanmuze, Xuanjing Old Turtle King, Qingqiu Fox King, Brother Beiheng, Mu Yao sister and brother, Yan Yan... Are they still there?

Familiar faces appeared in his heart like a horse watching flowers, and the memories of the past flowed past like a spring, making Chen Xi feel mixed and in a trance.

Time flies, so many years have passed in a hurry.

The boy back then has now grown into the most dazzling star in the fairy world, and those people back then, do they still remember him?


After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi only felt his whole body tremble, and the force enveloping him suddenly disappeared, and his body made a plop, as if he had fallen into the river.


A scream came from beside his ears, with a look of shock and anger that completely woke Chen Xi up. He just opened his eyes when he saw a bright sword light slashing towards him.

However, this sword light is really weak...

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