divine talisman

Chapter 1412 Doudian Girl [Part 3]

Dou Dian is a casual cultivator in Nanyun City in the Song Dynasty. He is twenty-eight years old and has the age of a cardamom.

Doudian's original name was not Doudian, but she has been called so many times that she almost forgot what her name is. She is also pretty and pretty, with a cheerful and optimistic disposition, so even if she is a casual cultivator, she is very popular. good.

Optimistic girls always have better luck.

But today, she found that she was a little unlucky. She managed to find a hot spring with strong spiritual power and planned to take a bath comfortably, but found that she had just untied Luo Chang lightly, and put her graceful and graceful white body into her body. While in the hot spring, it was suddenly destroyed by a guy who fell from the sky!

This is a desolate country, empty and deserted. Doudian never thought that such a thing would happen. She was so shocked that she didn't even care about wearing clothes. A sword cut in the past.

This guy didn't show up sooner or later, but he just showed up at this time. He's obviously a pervert!I came here to spy on myself to take a shower!

It was based on this kind of mentality that Doudian's sword slash was unceremonious, and he wished he could split the pervert in half at once.


Chen Xi, who was misunderstood as a pervert, opened his eyes. When he saw this sword light, he subconsciously stretched out his finger and flicked it lightly.


The sword weapon with the highest level of mysterious power was like paper paste, it crumbled inch by inch, turned into powder, and fell into the clear hot spring water.

But suffering from such a blow, Doudian felt his wrist snap off and fell into the hot spring with a thud, letting out a cry of pain.

In the empty and quiet canyon, the clear spring water with curling white mist, and a young girl bathing with her naked, white and graceful carcass, this scene was originally extremely beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

But now, following Chen Xi's bullet, the empty canyon is no longer quiet, filled with the girl's screams of anger and pain, the gurgling spring is no longer calm, and there are waves of water puffing, the girl's delicate body Struggling in it, it seemed quite embarrassing and miserable.

Chen Xi couldn't help being stunned by this. He glanced at the neatly folded clothes beside the hot spring, and the girl crying in pain in the hot spring. Only then did he finally understand his current situation.


On his first step back to the human world, he actually fell into the hot spring where other girls take a bath!

No wonder the girl slashed at me with a sword, without even saying hello. The way I descended into the human world was indeed a bit reckless...

Once he figured this out, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and hurriedly stepped forward to save the other party: "Are...are you alright?"

"Don't come here! Otherwise, I will die, and I won't let you defile my body!" Doudian panicked and poked her head out of the water, screaming, her pretty fair face was full of anger.

Immediately, she gasped again, but it was caused by the severe pain caused by the broken right wrist, but even so, she still did not relax her vigilance, the "pervert" opposite her was obviously stronger than her, which made her dare to have any A little carelessness.

In addition, this place is in the wilderness, desolate and uninhabited, if the opponent uses force, maybe his innocent body will be defiled today...

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, the more helpless, and the more disordered Doudian felt. Chen Xi couldn't laugh or cry when he saw that small appearance.

I was misunderstood!

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, his figure flashed, and he had already arrived at one side of the shore, and drifted away: "Girl, get dressed first, don't worry, I'm not interested in you at all."

In the end, he stopped in a lush and verdant forest and sat cross-legged.

Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, feeling the incomparably thin spiritual power in this world, Chen Xi finally became convinced that he had indeed descended into the human world.

"If you think about it, this is the small world of Guting..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful. According to his previous understanding, his hometown, the Great Chu Dynasty, was in this small world called "Guting".

He began to carefully feel the air of heaven and earth, and found that it was indeed different from before. He could even clearly feel that the power of heaven above the sky was not perfect, covering the sky like fragmented glass.

At the same time, the spiritual power in the world was extremely weak and muddy, and there was no trace of fairy energy to be found. Even the power of the void in the world was extremely weak. Chen Xi suspected that even if he flicked his finger lightly, Can destroy this piece of heaven and earth.

"Sure enough, everything in the human world is indeed different from the fairy world."

Chen Xi knew very well that it wasn't that the spiritual power in the world was thinning out, or that the laws of Taoism were not strong that day, it was just because he had already possessed too much power beyond this world, that's why he felt this way.

At the same time, Chen Xi began to feel the power he possessed, and found that his cultivation in the Holy Immortal Realm had been sealed by about [-]%, and he could only use the power of the Dao Law, but he was unable to display the Great Luo Divine Pattern, or even The power of the holy way, even the sense of immortality is restricted, and can only perceive the scene within a range of one hundred thousand miles.

"Fortunately, the fighting experience and fighting will are still there. If there is a fairyland facing the heavens in the human world, then the opponent must die..."

Chen Xi pondered for a long time, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. After returning to the human world, he found that he had transformed from a tiger into a sick cat.

But this is just a feeling. If you compare this feeling with the cultivators in the human world, no matter how high or low the cultivators are, they are no different from ants and have no deterrent power.

This is not an exaggeration, one must know that Chen Xi is already at the peak of the Holy Immortal Realm even though he is in the Immortal Realm, even if he descends to the Human Realm and is sealed with [-]% of his power, the strength he possesses is still beyond the reach of a cultivator in the Human Realm .


While Chen Xi was contemplating, he suddenly discovered that the girl whom he had disturbed was already fully dressed at this moment, but she ran away to the other side in no time!

"It seems that this little girl misunderstood me quite deeply..."

Chen Xi rubbed his nose, and finally chased after him. There was no way, he had just destroyed a magic weapon and broke his right wrist. If he didn't express it, he would feel a little bit sorry in the end.


"Damn it, it's really hateful! I peeped at this girl's bath and said she's not interested in her! You bastard! When this girl's cultivation level becomes stronger, I'll chop you up as a pervert!"

While speeding, Doudian was thinking in his heart, cursing the pervert, his fair and beautiful melon-seeded face was full of embarrassment and anger.


A figure appeared in front of her out of thin air, causing her to almost fall into his arms.

"Ah——! It's you! What are you going to do again! Aren't you not interested in me!?" Doudian was taken aback, backing away and screaming.

Chen Xi shrugged helplessly: "I said that all of this is a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

"Misunderstanding? Bah! It's no wonder this girl believes you are a pervert!" Doudian opened her eyes wide, took a sip, turned her head and ran away, exerting all her strength.

It's a pity, with a swipe, Chen Xi stopped in front of her again. This time, Chen Xi stopped talking nonsense, and said directly, "Hand over your right hand."

Doudian was startled, and immediately stared at Chen Xi with fire in his eyes, and shouted, "Die your lust! I, Doudian, would rather die than submit!"

"Oh, so your name is Doudian?"

Chen Xi laughed, and suddenly realized that the little girl was quite cute. This time, he didn't speak again, and raised his hand to grab the other's right wrist, using his immortal power to connect the other's bones.

But Doudian misunderstood. Seeing that his right hand was caught off guard by this pervert, he was so frightened that his left hand slapped Chen Xi's cheek.

At the same time, she raised her right foot and kicked Chen Xi's lower body fiercely.

It's a pity that his slap and kick seemed to be thrown into an invisible quagmire, limp and without a trace of strength, they were stopped within a foot of Chen Xi's body.

Seeing this, Doudian was stunned again, and finally realized that the strength of this pervert was far superior to hers. For a moment, her heart was filled with grief and anger, and she burst into tears: "Asshole! Asshole! This girl..."

At this moment, Chen Xi let go of her right wrist, looked at Doudian who was crying like a kitten, and said angrily, "Quickly try it, is the right wrist healed?"

"What a fart!"

Doudian was crying and cursing, but her voice stopped abruptly, she opened her eyes in disbelief and looked at her freely functioning right hand, unexpectedly... it's really good!

All of a sudden, Doudian stopped crying, and with red and swollen clear almond eyes, he looked at Chen Xi vigilantly: "You said... this is all a misunderstanding?"

Chen Xi said helplessly, "Of course it's a misunderstanding. Which pervert have you ever seen treat your injury so kindly?"

Doudian twitched her pink and tender lips, and snorted, "That's not necessarily true, some perverts like to play hard to get, and they're rotten."

"This little girl is really vigilant." Chen Xi sighed in his heart, and he didn't bother to explain anything to her, turned around and left.

But he wanted to leave, but Doudian was not happy, and yelled crisply: "Hey! Big pervert, you ruined my treasure and you are going to leave! That's because I have worked so hard to save up the spirit stone for several years. The treasure you bought, you...you actually destroyed him..."

At the end, she pursed her lips, her jewel-like dark eyes were already filled with tears, and her voice was a little choked up.

A "Hello" reminded Chen Xi of Axiu for no reason. He stood and turned around to look at the pretty cardamom-like girl on the opposite side. Seeing her choking with love for the magic weapon, he couldn't help feeling soft, and sighed: " It was my fault, how about I compensate you with a better magic weapon?"

As he said that, he was about to take out some fairy treasures to compensate the other party, but immediately his movements froze, and he remembered that he was full of fairy artifacts, and there was no magic weapon suitable for this girl at all!

Doudian originally hoped that this big pervert would kindly compensate her for a treasure, but when she saw his appearance, she was so annoyed that she burst into tears. Choked up and said: "You are not only a big pervert, you are also a big liar! I hate you, I hate you to death—"


ps: Relax the chapters to adjust the atmosphere, and please ask for the monthly pass, there will be more updates for the monthly pass, please everyone~~

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