divine talisman

Chapter 1413 Traces of Aliens [Part 1]

Big satyr?big liar?

Chen Xi had no choice but to glance around, and suddenly reached out to grab it.

Near them was a stretch of rolling hills, emerald hills, rivers and lakes. With Chen Xi's palm stretching out, one of the ten-thousand-foot mountains suddenly rose from the ground with a bang.


Immediately, a spirit vein as thick as a dragon flew out from the ground below the ten thousand zhang mountain peak like a ray of brilliance, and was firmly controlled by Chen Xi.

Chen Xi touched it with his hand, and that thick spiritual vein began to burn and melt crazily, and finally turned into an incomparably pure spiritual liquid, which he put into a jade bottle, which weighed tens of thousands of catties.

"Here, is this spiritual fluid enough to compensate you?"

Chen Xi handed over the jade bottle.

Doudian was stunned for a long time, and opened her clear and dark jewel-like star eyes, her expression was full of shock, and she felt that everything she saw just now was like a dream.

One must know that she is only cultivated in the Huang Ting realm, who has ever seen such amazing methods of moving mountains and filling seas, turning decay into miraculous methods?

All of this has gone beyond her cognition, so much so that at this moment, like a stupid little fool, she is speechless.

"Hurry up and take it."

Chen Xi gave the other party a funny look, and stuffed the jade bottle into the other party's hand.

Doudian woke up with a start, looked at the ten thousand catties of psychic liquid in the jade bottle, and couldn't help but take a breath in his heart, darling, this amount of psychic liquid is enough to buy dozens of top-grade mysterious swords!

Immediately, she couldn't help raising her head, staring at Chen Xi, Qi Qi Ai Ai asked: "You... you... who are you?"

"Didn't you call me a big pervert? Oh, and a big liar."

Chen Xi teased the other party.

Doudian's fair and delicate face immediately turned red, and she stuck out her tongue: "Adults don't remember villains, senior, stop teasing me."



Chen Xi was dumbfounded, and said, "Okay, I'm leaving soon, can you tell me where this place is?"

Doudian didn't cry at this time, and replied in a very obedient and crisp voice: "The Fulong Mountains outside Nanyun City in the Song Dynasty."

Great Song Dynasty?

Chen Xi suddenly remembered that the Great Song Dynasty seemed to be located to the north of the Great Chu Dynasty, and the two dynasties were probably separated by millions of miles.

However, this distance is obviously nothing to the current Chen Xi.

"Where is the predecessor going, why not let me guide you?"

Doudian excitedly introduced himself, and looked at Chen Xi with a pair of bright eyes, with a hint of expectation.

"A bottle of spiritual liquid bought you?"

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but teased the other party again.

Doudian is no longer coy this time, and said in a bold and crisp voice: "I didn't do it to please you, but I just saw that you seem to be a stranger to this place, and I just can't bear to see you get lost."

Chen Xi laughed. If it was the way other people saw him, they would have to be scared to death, but this little girl looked familiar, her demeanor and demeanor did not show fear, she seemed quite different .

But immediately, his expression froze, and he frowned and asked, "Is the Nanyun City you mentioned located three thousand miles away?"

Dou Dian was stunned, then nodded: "Yes, senior, but you are going to Nanyun City? I grew up there since I was a child, and I am very familiar with it."

Hearing this, Chen Xi's brows furrowed even more fiercely: "Isn't the current practice world a bit unbalanced?"


Doudian seemed to think of something, and suddenly lost his voice: "Could it be those alien troops?"

A cold light flashed in Chen Xi's eyes, as expected!

With a sweep of his sense of immortality before, he instantly covered an area of ​​[-] miles. Naturally, he detected the Nanyun City mentioned by Doudian, which had already been reduced to ruins, and figures of foreign races could be seen from time to time.

He had killed those foreign races in the Nine Nether Land and the Immortal Realm, but in comparison, the strength of those foreign races that appeared in Nanyun City was relatively weak, and they could not be compared with those in the Immortal Realm. .

But think about it, this is a small world in the human world, and the alien races that can appear here are not very powerful.

According to Chen Xi's knowledge, the strength of foreign races outside the region is generally divided into black iron level, bronze level, silver level, gold level, amethyst level, general level, and princely level.

These levels roughly correspond to the Purple Mansion, Huangting, Jindan, Nirvana, Minghua, Earth Immortal, and Heavenly Immortal realms of the monks of the Three Realms.

At this time, the figures of alien races from outside the territory that appeared in Nanyun City were mostly at the silver level, that is, equivalent to the golden core monks, and there were only a few gold level powerhouses equivalent to the nirvana level.

This kind of power is simply not enough for Chen Xi, but in a small world and a small dynasty in this human world, it is enough to destroy a city!

You know, the most powerful cultivator in Songyan City in southern Xinjiang back then was no more than Huang Tingjing!

"Aliens from outside the territory have started to wreak havoc in the small world..."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart. As early as when he was in Xuanhuan Territory, he had seen many scenes where foreign armies from outside the region were rampant. But Xuanhuan Territory is a big world after all, and it is not very rare for foreign races to appear in Xuanhuan Territory.

But now even in the small world there are figures of alien races from outside the territory, this problem is a bit serious.

Chen Xi even wondered whether all of this indicated that the turmoil in the three realms had already begun to spread and spread to all heavens and myriad realms...

Thinking of this, he asked Doudian directly: "When did the foreign army appear?"

"It was more than 100 years ago. I don't know the details, but since I was born, those damned aliens have already started burning, killing and looting everywhere in the Song Dynasty."

Speaking of foreign races, Doudian's bright cheeks showed an unconcealable hatred, and he said angrily, "My parents, relatives and friends all died at the hands of foreign races, those guys are simply heinous! If I hadn't been killed by a kind People fled to Nanyun City with them, I am afraid they have already been killed by them..."

At the end, Doudian was so angry that he trembled all over.

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder as a sign of comfort, and asked, "Then do you know how many foreign troops there are?"

"I don't know, anyway, I heard other comrades say that the cultivation world of the seven dynasties including Datang, Dayan, and Dahan...has been captured by alien races from outside the territory. ..."

Doudian took a deep breath, with a hint of sadness in his voice, "If this continues, it won't be long before our Great Song Dynasty is about to be destroyed..."

Chen Xi also sighed in his heart. He never thought that so many things would happen during the years he left. Immediately, his heart tightened and he asked, "What about the Great Chu Dynasty?"

Doudian seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Are you going to join the Great Chu Dynasty too?"

Chen Xi was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Seeing that he didn't even know this, Doudian felt very strange, how could he not even know the situation in the Great Chu Dynasty with such great strength?

"Haven't you heard that only the Great Chu Dynasty has been invincible in the struggle against foreign armies?" Doudian couldn't help asking.

"No, you continue talking." Chen Xi shook his head.

"Actually, I don't know very well. I just heard people say that most of the cultivators from other dynasties fled to the Great Chu Dynasty in order to survive. It is said that there are many powerful figures in the Great Chu Dynasty, and there is no way for foreigners from outside the region to do anything."

Doudian quickly said everything he knew, "By the way, you should have heard of the names of Chen Yu and Chen An, right? They are now the mainstay of the Great Chu Dynasty. It is because of them that the Great Chu Dynasty has been invincible."

When mentioning Chen Yu and Chen An, these two great figures, Doudian's eyes lit up, with a trace of admiration, and he didn't even notice when he spoke, the expression of Chen Xi beside him became a little weird.

"I heard from friends that the two seniors, Chen Yu and Chen An, are both big figures who descended from Xuan Huan. It would be great to practice under the sect of two great figures!"

After all, Doudian couldn't help but look forward to it.

Knowing all this from a little girl, Chen Xi was also in a trance. These two little guys, Chen Yu and Chen An, have grown to such a level now?

"How about it, are the two seniors Chen Yu and Chen An very powerful? Now the entire practice world is spreading their reputation. I heard that they are still cousins, and they have a very deep relationship."

Seeing Chen Xi's stunned look, Doudian thought he was captured by the prestige of Chen Yu and Chen An, so he couldn't help comforting him, "But you are not bad, although you are not as good as Chen Yu and Chen An, But of all the people I know, there is no one who can do it better than you."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, nodded and said, "From what you've said, they seem to be really powerful."

"What is it like?"

Doudian glanced at Chen Xi in disbelief, and immediately let out a chuckle, and said crisply, "You have such a sour tone, are you also jealous of them?"

envy?Chen Xi smiled wryly, would I be jealous of my son and nephew?

Immediately he shook his head and said directly: "I'm leaving, by the way, I forgot to tell you that Nanyun City has been destroyed by aliens from outside the territory, I advise you not to go back."

"What?" Doudian was startled, caught off guard by the news, and dared not reply, "You...don't lie."

There was already a touch of bewilderment and fear in the voice.

"I'll take you to see it and you'll understand."

Thinking of how hard it was for a little girl from Huang Tingjing to survive in the troubled times, and now that she was about to lose her place of shelter, Chen Xi couldn't bear to leave her alone.

When he was speaking, he waved his sleeve robe, leading the other party to perform the teleportation method, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.


ps: The second update is around 10 o'clock, and the third update is around 12 o'clock.

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