divine talisman

Chapter 1414 Sword Fright 8 Desolation [Part 2]

Ruined walls and ruins, corpses everywhere.

Such a huge city has now been turned into ruins, full of scars, stumped limbs, broken arms, pools of blood, and rotten corpses can be seen everywhere... There is a strong bloody and evil spirit in the air.

The setting sun shines at night, and the twilight is like blood, adding a sense of sadness and desolation.

This is Nanyun City!

But now, it has changed beyond recognition, and its vitality is dead!

When seeing such a scene, Doudian froze there, his pupils dilated, his hands were tightly clenched, and his spirit seemed to be out of his body.

"How could this be... I just left for less than a day... how could..."

Doudian trembled all over her body, whimpered with great sadness, and two lines of hot tears fell uncontrollably, so sad that she seemed to have lost all her strength, and she squatted on the ground, speechless.

Chen Xi watched all this with ice-cold eyes, but suddenly regretted in his heart that he shouldn't have brought her here to witness such a scene.

"Huh? There are still indigenous people who are still alive!"

"Come on! Go and kill those two little natives!"


"Don't grab it! I'm only two heads away from completing the task today!"

At this moment, a burst of loud shouts resounded from the ruined Nanyun City in the distance, and then figures came through the air.

These figures are all strange in shape, some have many tentacles, some are covered with layers of scales, some have four pupils, and some have beast physiques. Obviously, these are from alien races outside the territory member.

There were about dozens of these alien races outside the region, and when they found Chen Xi and Doudian, they all had bloodthirsty expressions on their faces, and rushed towards this side to kill each other.

Doudian's crying stopped abruptly, and she stood up abruptly, her sad expression was replaced by a touch of panic, she quickly grabbed Chen Xi's sleeve, and said in a trembling voice: "Senior, let's run away!" appearance.

"Want to escape? It's too late! Hahahaha, this native chick looks pretty good, and it's not too late to kill her after she's had a good time playing with her!"

A strong man from a foreign race who was nine feet tall and covered in snow-white spikes came through the air.

He was holding a blood-colored sledgehammer in his hand. Before anyone arrived, the sledgehammer had already pierced through the sky, and the strong wind howled, wrapped in a thick blood-colored evil light, which was very frightening.

But in Chen Xi's eyes, this guy is like an ant, no matter how much he shows his teeth and claws, he has no power.

He didn't move, he just raised his head, glanced at the other person, and then——

The figure of the alien race from outside the territory suddenly stagnated in mid-air, motionless.Looking from a distance, he looked like a bedbug frozen in the ice, with a ferocious smile on his face, which seemed indescribably weird.

Doudian was terrified at first, but when he saw such a scene, he couldn't help being stunned, what's going on?

"Old Jiu, you idiot! Why don't you do it?"

Seeing this, a foreigner who came from behind couldn't help pushing him angrily, and with a bang, the body of the foreigner called "Old Nine" suddenly exploded, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood. It fell to the ground with a flutter.

Even the bloody sledgehammer in his hand turned into dust and scattered!

All of this happened in just an instant. When other members of the foreign race came over, they happened to see such a shocking scene.

How could this be?

This scene was so weird that they also felt a kind of inexplicable panic, and their actions became sluggish. Finally, they fixed their eyes on Chen Xi, wondering whether it was caused by this native?

"Damn native, you killed Lao Jiu?"

A foreigner with four pupils boldly shouted loudly.

It's a pity that Chen Xi was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party at the moment. With a wave of his sleeve robe, he nodded at Dou, "Let's go."


Doudian was at a loss, and immediately her pupils shrank.

Because she saw that Chen Xi just waved his sleeve robe, and the dozens of foreign races facing him were like paper paste, their bodies were all torn apart, turned into powder, blown away by the wind, completely dispersed without a trace!

This scene even made Doudou's skin tingle with shock. Those dozens of foreign races turned into powder and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye?

Doesn't this mean that the cultivation of the senior beside him has already reached an unimaginable height, and these foreign races are no different from ants in front of him?

Doudian was shocked again, who is this senior?How can he be so powerful?Why does an expert like him not understand the current situation in the practice world?

At this moment, in Doudian's eyes, Chen Xi seemed to have become a mysterious existence, and there was an unfathomable smell all over his body.


Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't think there was anything wrong with it. After thinking about it, he finally reached out and grabbed a sword from a ruin, and raised his hand to insert the sword into the ground.

Then, he turned and left with Doudian.


"Huh? What about people?"

"What about Lao Jiu and them?"

Not long after Chen Xi and the others left, a group of foreign races from outside the region roared over, all of them had a hint of doubt in their expressions. In broad daylight, a group of their companions actually disappeared. This is too weird.

"Huh? This sword seems a bit unusual..."

A foreigner discovered the sword left by Chen Xi, and immediately stepped forward, raised his hand and pulled it out.


With a sound of Qingyue sword chant, it rushed straight to the nine heavens and ten earths, shattering the wind and clouds in all directions!

All the foreign races from outside the territory changed their faces and became terrified.


Before they could react, a terrifying sword aura exploded, like a hurricane sweeping through. Those alien races from outside the territory had no time to howl, and they were wiped out and evaporated completely!

Then, that terrifying sword energy spread at an astonishingly fast speed, sweeping across the entire Nanyun City that had been turned into ruins in an instant.

This Nanyun City was originally stationed with tens of thousands of alien troops from outside the region, but at this moment, they were all wiped out by that wisp of sword energy as if they were dissolved in water, leaving no armor or bones left!

When that wisp of sword energy completely dissipated, the entire Nanyun City was completely silent, only the howling of the whimpering wind, as if terrified by the shocking scene that happened just now.



Between heaven and earth, a stream of light flickered in the void, moving out of thin air.

"It's a pity that the space in this human world is too fragile, which greatly limits my teleportation speed. Once I use too much force, I'm afraid it will leave space cracks. This is undoubtedly a disaster for the creatures living here. a catastrophe..."

While teleporting, Chen Xi sighed softly in his heart.

If it was placed in the fairy world, with his current strength, it would only take a short time to cross millions of miles, but now in this human world, he needs to spend a cup of tea.

This is not his limit, but the limit of the power of this world. Once it is surpassed, Chen Xi will be fine, but there will be drastic changes in this world, creating many space cracks, which will harm other people in the world.

"Are you OK?"

Chen Xi turned his head inadvertently, but saw that Doudian was stunned, with a foolish look on his face.

"no no……"

Doudian quickly shook his head and regained his senses. Immediately, a look of awe and admiration appeared on his delicate and fair face, and he said, "This is teleportation, senior, you...are you an ancestor of the earth immortal?"

Before Chen Xi could answer, she continued on her own: "No wonder you are so powerful. By the way, do you have any apprentices? What do you think of my aptitude? Although I am a bit stupid, I am very good at cultivation. Diligent."

As she said that, she looked at Chen Xi expectantly.

Chen Xi was stunned, and it took him a while before he said, "I have too many things to do, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept you as my apprentice."

This was tantamount to a refusal, and the look of hope in Doudian's eyes gradually dimmed, before he smiled and said, "Senior, I'm sorry, I was a little abrupt just now."

After that, she fell into silence.

Both of her parents died since she was a child, and she was displaced. The reason why she can grow up alone is nothing more than a strong and optimistic attitude.

Because she firmly believed that since God let her live, she would definitely not leave her alone, so she always thought that she was lucky.

Although... Sometimes it is inevitable to encounter some setbacks.

"When I arrive at the Great Chu Dynasty, I will introduce you to a famous teacher. I guarantee that it will be no worse than the Chen Yu and Chen An you know."

Chen Xi's voice came from beside her ear, revealing a soothing and warm power, which made Doudian's whole body stiffen, and an indescribable warmth gushed out of her heart, she took a breath, and laughed crisply: "Mm, Thank you, senior."

Seeing the girl's bright, strong, and optimistic smile, Chen Xi also smiled. He met this little girl just after he came down to the human world. Isn't it a kind of fate?

He had already made up his mind that before leaving the human world, he would at least help this little girl settle down.

While talking, there was a sudden burst of shouting and killing in the distance.

Chen Xi stopped suddenly, his eyes were like lightning, and he glanced away coldly.

This is a vast plain, and a majestic city stands far from the ground line. At this time, a large-scale battle is taking place on the plain in front of the city.

The dense army of foreign races, like a tide, rushed towards that majestic city like a tide, with evil lights soaring into the sky, bloody lights, and the momentum was extremely frightening.

And the opponents of the alien army from outside the territory are a group of cultivators. They stationed on the city and tried their best to fight the alien army from outside the territory.

Chen Xi looked carefully, and found that the inside and outside of the city were densely covered with large-scale formations. In addition, the strength of those cultivators were all good. Not surprisingly, this war will not be won by that foreign race. .

"It turns out that this is Shuguang City located on the northern border of the Great Chu Dynasty... finally arrived..."

Chen Xi's immortal consciousness suddenly spread, covering a radius of one hundred thousand miles, and he collected some useful information for himself from those incomparably noisy voices.

The next moment, with a flash of his figure, he galloped towards the distant battlefield with Doudian.

"Senior, you... are you going to join the alien army?" Doudian opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise.

"Are you scared? If you're afraid, close your eyes. Don't worry, it will be over soon..." A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Xi's lips, but his eyes looking towards the battlefield in the distance were already filled with coldness.

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