divine talisman

Chapter 1415 Meeting an Old Friend [Part 3]

While speaking, Chen Xi's body suddenly stretched out, his whole aura changed suddenly, and a decisive majesty surged out, like an unrivaled holy king, looking down upon the world.

This is the aura he has slain in countless battles. It is like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. He has experienced hundreds of battles and is invincible. He has killed countless powerful beings and naturally cultivated the majesty.

In an instant, he seemed to be another person.

Doudian on the side opened her eyes wide, as if she didn't know Chen Xi, she was shocked.


The aura that emanated from Chen Xi's body was too strong, and the unparalleled murderous aura rushed straight to the sky, disturbing the wind and clouds in the ten directions, causing the space within a radius of one hundred thousand miles to buzz and tremble, as if mourning, calling to a person The supreme king bowed his head and bowed his head.

He stepped into the void step by step, releasing the celestial power all over his body, and his momentum was like gods coming down to the world, just like an ancient heavenly king, distorting the power of Taoism between heaven and earth, and changing with his mind.

In other words, this land with a radius of [-] li has been completely sealed off by his energy mechanism, no one can escape!

This is because Chen Xi's power has been sealed by [-]%. If it was his heyday, let alone this city, let alone the entire Great Chu Dynasty, even the entire small world of Guting would not be able to withstand his blow. !

Even so, the power that Chen Xi possesses now is enough to run amok in the human world and stand above all others.

In an instant, the shouts of killing in the distant battlefield stopped abruptly!

Whether it was the alien army from outside the territory or the cultivators stationed on the city, at this moment, they all felt a terrifying coercion, a cold current gushed out uncontrollably in their hearts, and their complexions suddenly changed.


"Damn it! It's an aborigine!"

"Alert! All alert!"

Feeling the terrifying force of killing and coercion in the air, there was a roar of horror from the tens of thousands of alien troops from outside the region.

"Don't be impatient! Let me deal with this little thing!"

With a swish sound, the void fluctuated, and a strong alien from outside the territory came to kill out of thin air.

He is full of algae-green hair, a huge figure, with a blue gem inlaid between his brows, as soon as he makes a move, he is majestic, vast and majestic. The presence!

"Leader Lantui! Lord Lantui made the move!"

When he was dispatched, there was a burst of cheers from the foreign army, and their expressions were full of admiration for the leader of Lantui.

And the faces of the cultivators on the city changed again. They didn't expect that there was a general level hidden in this alien army from outside the territory. A strong alien of this level was placed in this ancient courtyard. In the world, it is already enough to be ranked at the top and dominate all directions!

Unfortunately, he met Chen Xi this time.


Facing this leader of Lantui, Chen Xi didn't even stop in his steps, and he didn't even look at him.With a swipe of his hand, an understated sword qi slashed away from his fingertips.


At this moment, time seemed to be at a standstill. Under the gazes of all the horrified gazes, Lord Lantui's body was split in half before he approached Chen Xi. The strange thing was that there was still a murderous look on his lips. yelling...


The blue plasma burst out from Lantuyi's split body, staining the void blue, and the picture is extremely coquettish and poignant.

But this scene made everyone present take a breath, and suddenly woke up from the stunned and stunned state.

Lantuy is dead!

This general existed at the same level, and he couldn't even withstand the opponent's blow, so he was cut in half, blood staining the sky!

This scene happened so fast that no one would believe it if they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes.

"grown ups!"

"Leader Lantui!"

"How could this be?"

"Damn natives, kill! Kill them all!"

Suddenly, the alien army from outside the region exploded, and there was a roar of grief and indignation, like a tide, the alien army from outside the region all came to kill Chen Xi.

Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't hold back his hands any longer, he stretched out his figure, and charged away!

At this moment, hundreds of millions of sharp sword energy surged out of him, like a god in the sword. Wherever he passed, enemies were easily wiped out, blood splattered, and howls shook the sky.

Those kinds of scenes can be said to be what Chang Feng pointed out, like entering the land of no one, talking and laughing, the masts and sculls are wiped out in ashes!

Looking from a distance, among the enemy troops like Chao Chao, Chen Xi was alone, his sword was like a startling rainbow, and his aura ruled the world like a king.

Under such horrific killings, the thousands of alien troops from outside the territory were torn apart like a piece of rag, and their corpses were like mountains, soaking the ground with blood.

These scenes were so shocking that the cultivators in the distant city were shocked and speechless, unbelievable, as if they were witnessing a world-shocking miracle.


This is definitely a massacre!

That young man with a handsome face is like the presence of gods, with immeasurable power!

Everyone was shocked and speechless, their expressions dull.

So much so that when this battle was over, they just woke up from this kind of shock, and when they looked up again, there was no trace of an enemy on the vast plain outside the city.

There are broken corpses, pools of blood, and bones everywhere... There is still a disgusting smell of blood in the air, and the smoke of battle still remains in the sky and the earth.

All enemies will be executed!

In the huge battlefield, there is only a tall figure standing there, with a waist like a gun, eyes like lightning, and thick long hair flying in the bloody twilight. The picture is shocking.

The atmosphere was extremely silent, and there was no sound.

There was deep awe and admiration in every gaze that looked at Chen Xi, and no one dared to speak, as if fear disturbed this solemn atmosphere.

When the emperor was angry, millions of corpses were buried!

Although the senior in front of him is not an emperor, he is more terrifying than a secular emperor!Because his opponent was an army of tens of thousands of alien races, because he slaughtered all the enemies in just a moment.

Facing such a great figure, who would dare not to respect him?

Regarding this, Chen Xi shook his head for a while. Even though he has reached the realm of Saint Immortal, he is still not used to being looked at by so many people like this.

Reining in his whole body's momentum, he returned to the calm and indifferent temperament like a breeze. He waved to Doudian in the distance: "Doudian, come here, let's go into the city together."

Doudian woke up from the sluggish state with a bang, her head was buzzing with shock from the scene just now, and when she heard Chen Xi's call, she subconsciously came to Chen Xi's side.

Seeing the startled look on the girl's brows, Chen Xi couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders, held her little hand, and said while walking towards the city, "I told you to close your eyes earlier, but you didn't listen, are you scared now?"

Doudian was submissive and didn't dare to make a sound. Chen Xi held her small hand, feeling the warmth of the other's palm, most of the panic in her heart disappeared for no reason, and her mood gradually calmed down, becoming more at ease.

When the two entered the city gate, no one dared to stop them along the way, and no one even dared to speak abruptly. It wasn't until the figures of Chen Xi and Doudian were about to disappear in the city gate that a voice sounded.

"You...you are...Chen Xi?"

The voice was hesitant, revealing a trace of apprehension.

But when Chen Xi heard this, his heart was shocked. He suddenly turned around, and saw that among those cultivators, a thin and handsome middle-aged man was looking at him, with a look of surprise and disbelief in his eyes.

"Brother Duanmu?"

The more Chen Xi looked at him, the more he felt that the other person looked familiar, so he couldn't help asking tentatively.

Hearing Chen Xi's address, the thin and handsome middle-aged man froze, and a look of excitement suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he shouted, "You... are really Chen Xi!"

A trance also welled up in Chen Xi's heart, the other party was actually Duan Muze!

When he was in Songyan City, he used Du Qingxi's relationship to get to know Duanmu Ze and Song Lin from Longyuan City, and participated in the experience of Nanman Mountain together. Until later, their relationship became extremely deep, and they became infinite A friend who doesn't say anything.

It's just...they haven't seen each other for too long!

Ever since Chen Xi left the Great Chu Dynasty and entered the Xuanhuan Realm, they had lost contact with each other. Now that they suddenly reunited in this Dawn City, one can imagine how excited they felt.

"Patriarch Duanmu, who is this senior?"

"Chen Xi? Which Chen Xi? Could it be the legendary figure who walked out of Songyan City in the southern border? But how did I hear that that big man had already ascended from the Xuanhuan Realm and headed for the Immortal Realm to enjoy himself?"

"God, Duanmu Ze actually recognizes this senior. When will Duanmu be able to make friends with such an expert?"

Seeing that Chen Xi and Duan Muze recognized each other, many cultivators nearby were in an uproar. They couldn't believe that Duan Muze could actually get to know this senior in front of him.

"Brother Duanmu, let's choose another sweet potato and have a good chat!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi quickly calmed down, and greeted Duan Muze. The latter also knew that this place was not suitable for talking, so he left the spot with Chen Xi immediately.


Dawn City, in a restaurant.

Chen Xi and Duan Muze chatted while drinking, while Doudian obediently poured tea and water at the side.

When old friends meet again, there are naturally endless things to say.

At first Duanmu Ze was still a little reserved, but after drinking too much wine, he let go, sighing with emotion, and told Chen Xi all the things that happened in the Great Chu Dynasty in these years.

It naturally includes the changes of the Chen family in Songyan City, Du Qingxi, Song Lin's current life, and other stories of old people...

Chen Xi listened quietly like this. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the past years, and his heart was full of emotions. Hundreds of years passed by in a hurry. Who would have thought that those people and those things back then have happened so much now? Variety.

This is the charm of time, not only people and things are changed, but also the fate of each other.

"By the way, didn't you have already ascended to the fairy world, why did you suddenly descend to the Great Chu Dynasty this time?" Duan Muze asked suddenly, making Chen Xi wake up from his memories.


But upon hearing this, Doudian froze all over, the teacup in his hand fell to the ground, smashed to pieces, and flew up to the fairy world?The senior Chen Xi in front of him... is actually an immortal? !


ps: Rest assured, memories of old friends like Duanmuze will only be tasted and will not be written much, otherwise it will be like Chen Xi’s old memoirs, boring~ In addition, continue to call for monthly tickets~~ I will break my throat Yes, are you really patient~~··~~~

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