divine talisman

Chapter 1417 Identity Change [Part 1]

Seeing Chen Xi laughing, Baobao Chen, who was only two or three years old, felt that his self-esteem had been provoked, so he raised his small fist and punched Chen Xi on the cheek.


This punch actually carried a gust of wind.

Chen Xi was still smiling, grabbed Baobao Chen's little fist, hugged the little guy into his arms, slapped his little butt lightly, and scolded with a smile: "What a boy, you have courage!"

"Let me go! You dare to spank my ass, my mother will chop off your hand if she knows!" Baby Chen yelled, kicking his legs in Chen Xi's arms.

"Is your mother very powerful?" Chen Xi asked with a smile.

"Huh, of course, every time my father wants to hit me, as long as my mother stares at me, he will be so frightened that he will apologize to my mother." Speaking of his mother, Chen Baobao's face is full of complacency, eyes wide open. They all smiled, like a pair of crescents.

Immediately, the little guy's face changed: "No, Sister Yunyun is here!"

Chen Xi was startled, then turned his head to look, and saw a little girl who was about five or six years old, wearing a yellow skirt with light yellow floral patterns, walking over from a distance.

The little girl has a pair of clear and clear eyes, cherry lips and a fine nose, willow eyebrows like ink, skin that is more moist than snow, and there is a compelling spirit between her eyebrows and eyes, she is really beautiful, just like a little fairy walking out of a painting.

"Baby Chen, why are you running around again?"

When the little girl saw Chen Xi, her expression was calm and calm, and she didn't panic. Immediately afterwards, she looked at Baby Chen with a pair of star-like eyes. Her voice was clear and sweet, and it was as peaceful as her expression.

Looking from a distance, this little girl behaved calmly, like an orchid in an empty valley, that quiet and calm demeanor made Chen Xi secretly surprised, and vaguely felt a little familiar.

"Who... who ran around!"

Seeing this little girl, Chen Baobao was like a mouse seeing a cat. He curled his lips and muttered, feeling somewhat lacking in confidence. As he spoke, he struggled violently, wanting to get out of Chen Xi's embrace.

"Let go of me quickly! Otherwise, my mother will really chop off your hand when she comes!" Seeing that she couldn't break free, Baobao Chen yelled loudly with her extremely handsome face flushed.

"Then tell me who your father is first." Chen Xi said with a smile.

"I would rather die than surrender!"

Chen Baobao yelled angrily, not caring about his dignity, and asked the little girl for help, "Sister Yunyun, save me quickly, I just saw this villain enter our ancestral hall!"

The little girl's eyes suddenly turned cold, and only then did she feel that the guy holding her younger brother was not from the Chen clan. There is no way, there are too many members of the Chen clan today, and there are tens of thousands of servants and guards alone. How can a little girl remember so many people.

Originally, she thought that Chen Xi was a new guard beside Chen Baobao, but when she heard that this guy dared to enter her ancestral hall, she immediately became wary, stared at Chen Xi and said, "Who are you?"


As she said that, she had drawn out a short sword. This sword-drawing movement was neat, round and skillful, and it was obvious that it had been honed through thousands of years.


Just as Chen Xi opened his mouth, a dazzling sword light suddenly flashed in his vision.

It wasn't the little girl who made the move, this sword light appeared out of thin air, it was unparalleled, and it was full of a chilling and fierce moral power.

"Not bad, not bad, it's only one step away from reaching the point where the heart of the sword is clear." Chen Xi secretly praised, thinking so in his heart, his figure flashed lightly, and avoided the blow.


A bottomless crack was cut on the ground by this wisp of sword energy, like cutting tofu, quite amazing.

At this time, Chen Xi finally saw the person who came, it was a slim woman with black hair in a bun, revealing a bright and clean face, dark black eyebrows, crimson lips, a fiery red dress set her off perfectly Beautiful and colorful.


Seeing this beautiful woman appear, Chen Baobao cried out loudly.

"So this woman is the little guy's mother." Chen Xi suddenly understood.

"Who are you! How dare you trespass on my Chen clan, quickly let go of my son, otherwise you are doomed to be buried here today!" The bright woman's face was as frosty as she stared at Chen Xi coldly, with a trace of solemnity between her brows.

This handsome young man is definitely not a member of the Chen clan, and he was able to quietly avoid the strict restrictions of the clan. Before arriving at this ancestral hall, his strength must not be underestimated.

What disturbed her most was that her child was still in the hands of the other party!This made her also be cautious, not daring to mess around without authorization, lest the other party get annoyed and hurt her child.

"Auntie, it's my fault that I didn't take care of the baby, so that..." The little girl who looked like a little fairy lowered her head apologetically.

"Don't talk too much, Yunyun, hurry up and hide behind auntie."

The bright woman quickly raised her hand, blocked the little girl behind her, and then looked at Chen Xi with a vigilant expression.

Chen Xi smiled wryly, he was actually misunderstood!Immediately, he gasped with a hiss, but it turned out that Baobao Chen had bitten his hand.

Because he was afraid of hurting the little guy, he had already restrained his immortal power, and he couldn't help feeling a little pain when he was bitten by the little guy's white teeth.

Of course, to Chen Xi, this kind of pain was no different from scratching an itch, he was just a little surprised, this little guy really had courage.

"Don't mess around!"

Seeing Chen Xi's brow wrinkled by his own son's bite, the bright woman's heart skipped a beat in fright, and she hurriedly said, "As long as you let my son go, I will agree to everything you want."

Chen Xi sighed, and said helplessly, "Can you listen to me first?" After speaking, he first put Baby Chen on the ground to show that he had no malicious intentions.

Chen Baobao was also clever, as soon as he landed, he ran to that bright woman, turned his head and said to Chen Xi: "Mother, this is a big villain, he spanked my ass just now, hurry up and deal with him! By the way, he just broke into Our ancestral hall must have done nothing good!"

Seeing that the other party had let her son go, the Mingli woman had already breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression became relaxed, but when she heard Chen Baobao's last words, her face suddenly became extremely cold.

Break into the ancestral hall?

This is the core forbidden area of ​​the Chen Clan!

No matter what the other party is for, it is absolutely intolerable!


Under such circumstances, the Mingli woman didn't hesitate at all, holding a fairy sword, and violently came again out of thin air.

Chen Xi sighed again, is it so difficult to listen to himself explaining his identity?

Just as he was about to dodge, he heard a loud shout from a distance: "Wen Ting, stop!"

The sound was like thunder, shaking the heavens and the earth. Accompanied by the sound, a majestic figure appeared out of thin air, and it was actually ahead of him, blocking the attack of the bright and beautiful woman.

This is a young man with extremely sword-browed resoluteness and awe-inspiring power. Long before, Chen Xi's immortal sense had sensed the other party and recognized the other party's identity, but when he saw the other party appearing in front of him with his own eyes, he still couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion in his heart , this kid looks more and more like his father...

This young man is naturally Chen Yu, the son of his younger brother Chen Hao, and also his nephew of Chen Xi.

"Brother Yu, why did you stop me! This guy just trespassed on the ancestral hall!"

The bright woman widened her almond eyes angrily.

Chen Yu couldn't care less about her at this time, as soon as he appeared, he turned his eyes to Chen Xi, a look of excitement, excitement, and surprise appeared on his awe-inspiring face, and his throat was blocked for a while, I couldn't speak.

"Yu'er, why don't you know Uncle?"

Chen Xi looked at the other party with a smile.

The Mingli woman was stunned. This guy who almost kidnapped her son and trespassed on her ancestral hall called her husband Yu'er?Still calling himself uncle?

"Uncle! Is it really you?"

Chen Yu's cheeks flushed with excitement, she hugged Chen Xi suddenly, and shouted, "You're back, you're back, God, I almost thought I was dazzled!"

Seeing her husband, who is usually extremely majestic, showing such an appearance, the bright and beautiful woman was completely stunned. He...he...he is Uncle Yu, isn't it just...

In an instant, a name appeared in her mind: Chen Xi!

Then, various deeds related to Chen Xi flashed through her mind like a fleeting moment, causing her eyes to widen and her whole body to become stiff.

Just now... I actually started fighting with my uncle?

"Daddy, this guy is a big villain!"

Chen Baobao shouted angrily at the side, he was only two or three years old, how could he understand what his father meant by "uncle".

"What a big villain! Little bastard, this is your grandfather! Quickly kneel down and kowtow to your grandfather!"

Chen Yu turned her head, pulled out Baby Chen and carried it in front of Chen Xi, then waved to the little girl in the distance, "Hurry up, Yunyun, too, and kowtow to your grandpa!"



Chen Baobao and Chen Yunyun both looked at Chen Xi in bewilderment, unable to react.

But Chen Yu didn't care so much, seeing the two little guys hesitated, she immediately wanted to hold them down and kowtow to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi didn't stop him. In other words, he was already overwhelmed with shock, and he didn't even have time to react. He... actually became a grandfather?


This this……

Chen Xi was stunned. Even though his cultivation was as high as the sky, he didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.


Chen Yunyun seemed to be calmer than Chen Xi, or she was only five or six years old, and she still didn't understand what the word "grandpa" meant. After being instructed by Chen Yu, she fell to her knees and screamed loudly. .


Chen Baobao looked very depressed. He was slapped by his father and knelt on the ground.

Chen Xi was awakened immediately. He stretched out his arms, grabbed one of them with each hand, and hugged the two little guys in his arms. He looked left and then again. The more he looked, the happier he felt. The joy was beyond words, and he couldn't help laughing. stand up.

I...become a grandfather!

Chen Yu, who was on the side, was also very happy when he saw this. Seeing his wife standing beside him stupidly, he immediately took her arm and walked to Chen Xi's side: "Uncle, this is Yue Wenting, this is my wife, Wenting, quickly call uncle !"

Yue Wenting woke up suddenly, and saluted shyly: "Wenting has seen uncle, just now I didn't know it was uncle who returned, and I hope to forgive my sin."


ps; The second update is around 10 o'clock, and the third update is around 12 o'clock. Some people say that this episode is procrastinating, but most book friends still strongly request to write more such plots. You guys... make me very entangled!

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