divine talisman

Chapter 1418 Ji Yu's Identity [Part 2]

Chen Xi couldn't possibly care about Yue Wenting, he smiled and said, "Whoever doesn't know is innocent."

After chatting, Chen Xi finally figured out that the little girl named Yunyun was named Chen Yunzhi. She was the daughter of Chen An and his wife Wei Zitong.

The little boy named Chen Baojing, named Chen Baojing, is the son of Chen Yu and Yue Wenting. He is three years old, eccentric and quite mischievous.

Chen An's wife, Wei Zitong, and Chen Yu's wife, Yue Wenting, were both acquainted by Chen An and Chen Yu when they were traveling in Xuanyuan, and they gradually fell in love with each other and became Taoist couples.

Knowing all of this, Chen Xi was also extremely happy in his heart. He never expected that he would hug his grandson and granddaughter when he came back after hundreds of years. This feeling is so amazing.

While teasing Chen Baobao and Chen Yunyun, he asked Chen Yu: "What about An'er, I didn't seem to sense his breath after I entered the house."

"He and his younger siblings have gone to the frontier to fight against the foreign army, and they will be back in a few days."

Chen Yu answered casually, and excitedly invited Chen Xi, "Uncle, my father is in retreat, if he finds out that you are back, he will definitely be overjoyed, let's go, I will take you to the clan hall, and meet some younger generations of our clan See you."

Chen Xi thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's meet An'er and the others when they return."

"That's right, uncle has just returned, so naturally he has to catch up with my father and Senior Ji Yu first." Chen Yu nodded, "Come on, I'll take you to meet them."

Chen Xi laughed and said, "Could they still be on the island in the middle of the lake in the deep mountains of Nanman?"

Chen Yu grinned: "Exactly."

As he said that, he told Yue Wenting, "Wenting, you stay in the clan with your baby and Yunyun, and don't leak the news of Uncle's return."

Yue Wenting nodded repeatedly, and was still a little cautious when facing Chen Xi.

No way, she is from the Xuan Huan domain, so she is naturally very aware of how frightening Chen Xi's prestige is. She can be called a legendary giant who has been unmatched in the past and present for nearly ten thousand years. Regarding Chen Xi's brilliant deeds in the Xuan Huan domain, she can now Say it without thinking.

So facing Chen Xi at this moment, how could she not be nervous?

"No, I want to go with Grandpa!" Baobao Chen disagreed with his father's arrangement and yelled loudly.

Chen Yunyun didn't speak, but she also looked at Chen Xi expectantly. Now she knew clearly that the man holding her in front of her was the grandfather her father often mentioned, and she didn't want to be separated from Chen Xi just because of this. .

Chen Xi smiled and said, "Okay, okay, let's go together."

Now he finally understands what it feels like to be a grandfather. Looking at his grandson and granddaughter, he is like a jewel in the palm of his hand.

In the past year, when he treated his son Chen An and nephew Chen Yu, he had never been so pampered.

Seeing this, Chen Yu could only nod his head in agreement, who made this decision made by his uncle Chen Xi.

"By the way, Yu'er, there is one more thing I need your help with."

Chen Xi suddenly remembered Doudian. When he entered Songyan City, he temporarily left Doudian in a restaurant. At this time, he had already returned home, so he couldn't ignore the little girl.

Knowing all this from Chen Xi, Chen Yu's eyes suddenly became a little weird, as if he remembered something.

Chen Xi glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

Chen Yu shook her head again and again: "It's nothing."

As he said that, he winked at Yue Wenting and said, "Wenting, then please go and bring that Doudian girl back, um, arrange it in Wenyuan Pavilion first."

Yue Wenting was stunned, then smiled and said, "Well, hurry up and take uncle to meet father and senior Ji Yu, and leave this matter to me."


Nanman Mountains, Lake Island.

Back then when Chen Xi left the Great Chu Dynasty, he used to meditate here for several years, and even met three senior brothers here, and was given a Kunpeng natal bone as a gift, from which he cultivated the Xingxuan Thunder Body and Devouring Dao Intent.

At this time, the sky was full of clouds and the breeze was blowing. Ji Yu with a clear face was lying in the rocking chair as usual, slightly closing his eyes and looking at the distant sky.

He has lived for too many years, and he is used to seeing strong winds, heavy rains and catastrophes. It is rare that his life has been peaceful all these years, so he cherishes the present time very much.

There was a sound of footsteps from a distance, and a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes and an extremely majestic face walked over. It was Chen Hao, the current master of the Chen family.

Ji Yu didn't look back, and asked calmly, "What's wrong?"

"When I was retreating for the past few days, I was always restless. I always felt like something was going to happen." Chen Hao frowned, and sat down next to Ji Yu.

Ji Yu was stunned, his slightly closed eyes opened suddenly, his eyes were as deep as cold electricity, and he looked into the distance. After a while, a smile with an inexplicable meaning appeared on the corner of his lips, and said: "There is indeed something about to happen .”

Chen Hao was taken aback.

At this moment, a shout came from a distance: "Senior Ji Yu, who do you think I brought to see you? Hey, my father has also left the customs?"

Accompanied by the sound, Chen Hao suddenly saw his son Chen Yu approaching from a very far away, and beside him, there was a man with a handsome face and an indifferent demeanor, holding Baobao Chen and Yunyun Chen in his arms.

In an instant, as if struck by lightning, Chen Hao lost his voice and said, "Brother!"

"Finally home……"

Ji Yu also smiled faintly, and there was a touch of joy on Qing Huang's face, as if he had already expected this day.

"Senior Ji Yu, Xiao Hao."

At this time, Chen Xi and Chen Yu had already arrived on the island in the middle of the lake, and he handed over the two little guys in his hands to Chen Yu. Then he bowed to Ji Yu, and then nodded to Chen Hao.

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, without saying anything.

But hearing the word "Xiaohao", Chen Yu was amused. In the past, his father, who was extremely majestic in the past, was called Xiaohao by his uncle. If he was heard by the Chen clan, he would have to laugh.

"very funny?"

Chen Hao turned his head abruptly, and glared at Chen Yu, which made the latter smile shyly in fright, and immediately tightened his cheeks.


The island in the middle of the lake is still the same as it was back then, with only one simple palace preserved as Ji Yu's habitat.

In the palace at this moment, there is a case, on which there is a display of light wine and light tea, melons, fruits and snacks, Chen Xi, Chen Hao, Ji Yu, and Chen Yu are sitting around the case, drinking and tasting, talking and laughing.

Reunion after a long absence, naturally there are endless words.

Chen Xi talked about some of his experiences in the fairy world, and Chen Hao also talked about the changes in the Chen clan over the years, and there was a lot of emotion in the words.

Baby Chen was running around in the main hall. This little guy, even though he was only two or three years old, didn't stop for a moment and was extremely energetic, while Chen Yunyun sat obediently beside Chen Xi, holding her fair and delicate cheeks in her small hands, quietly Listening to the conversation between grandfather Chen Xi and second grandfather Chen Hao.

The peace and happiness of the atmosphere at this moment made Chen Xi feel very warm. The only regret was that his son Chen An and his daughter-in-law Wei Zitong were not here...

Of course, it would be even better if Qing Xiuyi, mother Zuo Qiuxue, and father Chen Lingjun were all there.

This conversation lasted until [-] minutes after sunset. Chen Hao and Chen Yu brought the two little guys back to the Chen clan without staying any longer.

They had to make some preparations and notify their clansmen, relatives and friends to meet Chen Xi in a few days. After all, it was really not easy for Chen Xi to return from the fairy world once, so the people who should be seen naturally also had to meet.

For a moment, only Ji Yu and Chen Xi were left in the hall.

"Come with me."

Ji Yu got up and walked out of the hall.

Chen Xi also had a lot to ask Ji Yu, so he immediately followed him out.

At this time, the sky is filled with sunset, the setting sun hangs slantingly, sprinkled with rouge-like red, and there are bursts of birds and beasts singing from time to time in the distant mountains, making it extraordinarily empty and quiet.

"When you were in the Realm of the Conferred Gods, have you seen the 'Eye of Heaven's Punishment' and the 'Banquet of the Conferred Gods'?" Standing in front of the green lake, Ji Yu was silent for a long time, and broke the silence with his mouth.

Chen Xi was startled, as if he didn't expect that Ji Yu would be the first to ask this question, so he nodded immediately: "I see, those are two very mysterious existences."

"It is indeed very mysterious and powerful, representing the power above the heavens in the three realms. Back then, I was expelled from the three realms and became a sinner in the three realms, thanks to the 'Eye of Heaven's Punishment'."

If Ji Yu didn't open his mouth, it would be fine, but if he opened his mouth, it would break the sky.

Chen Xi's heart was shocked. He never expected that this existence who had guarded the Xingchen Cave Mansion for countless years had also been persecuted by the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment"!

When Chen Xi wanted to know more, Ji Yu stopped mentioning this topic and asked, "Did you do well in Daohuang Academy all these years?"

Chen Xi nodded: "All the seniors in the academy have taken good care of me."

Immediately, he keenly discovered that even though he had advanced to the realm of Saint Immortal, he still couldn't see how far senior Ji Yu's cultivation had reached.

Even if he perceives it carefully, he can't find out its depth, coupled with a certain cognition that he has already speculated in his heart, so at this moment he can't help asking: "Senior, how far have you... Would it take so much effort to take away a Xuanci Mountain back then?"

What he was talking about was that in the deep mountains of Nanban, in order to obtain the first fragment of the river map, Ji Yu took the Xuanci Mountain at his own expense.

Ji Yu was startled, then remembered this incident, pondered for a while, and said: "I was the same as you now, not even as much as you, my cultivation was sealed ninety-ninety percent, just to avoid Naturally, there is very little power that can be used for the investigation of the power of heaven."

After a pause, he said softly: "Now that you have advanced to the Holy Immortal Realm, and have seen the power of the 'Eye of Heaven's Punishment' and the 'Banquet of Conferred Gods', can't you still guess my cultivation level?"

Chen Xi had an idea: "You...couldn't have already become a god?"

However, Ji Yu seemed a little surprised by Chen Xi's reaction, and frowned, "Didn't you say that you had already entered the ancient land of the Dao Emperor and obtained the inheritance of the Dao Emperor from the Blood Pond?"

Chen Xi was stunned. Does this have anything to do with Senior Ji Yu's cultivation?

But immediately, he looked at Ji Yu in front of him, and inadvertently flashed through his mind the stalwart figure he had seen when he passed away to the blood pond. He felt a little familiar at that time, but he couldn't remember where he saw it. At this moment, compared with Ji Yu in front of him, he felt a storm in his heart, "Could you be..."

Ji Yu smiled, and said with emotion: "You little guy, have you only realized it now?"


ps: When uploading this chapter, Chapter 3 was originally written for a little while, but it was deleted in the end. Goldfish wondered, is the chapter returning to the human world really watery?Then do a questionnaire survey. You can leave a message in the book review area for the children's shoes you like and dislike. I will take a look and modify the writing process tomorrow. As far as Goldfish itself is concerned, it does not want to be influenced by various opinions when writing a book. Yes, but I still want to hear what everyone has to say this time, and please leave a lot of comments, thank you, see you tomorrow.

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