divine talisman

Chapter 1419 The Truth Revealed [Part 1]

Dao Emperor!

When he judged that Ji Yu in front of him was the Dao Emperor who created the Dao Emperor Academy, Chen Xi was completely stunned.




at a loss.

In his cognition, Ji Yu's identity is only a mystery. From the day he got the Xingchen Cave, he thought that the other party was a spirit body guarding the cave, which lived for countless years and possessed supreme wisdom and experience.

Then, he met the third senior brother of Shenyan Mountain. From the conversation between the third senior brother and Ji Yu, he further learned that it turned out that senior Ji Yu was the junior brother of the Lord of Shenyan Mountain. He became a sinner of the Three Realms.

Chen Xi originally thought that he had already found out Ji Yu's identity, but who would have thought that at this moment, Ji Yu's identity would change again, becoming the Dao Emperor!

This was so shocking that Chen Xi couldn't believe it.

Because when he was in the Daohuang Academy in the Immortal World, he had heard a lot of news about the Daohuang. For example, the Daohuang was one of the five emperors in ancient times. Authentic imperial ancient land... wait and see.

But now, this legendary figure has become a person with the junior brother of the Lord of Shenyan Mountain that he knows. The shocking power is not to mention how amazing.

The spirit of the cave, the uncle of Shenyan Mountain, the sinner of the Three Realms, one of the five emperors of the ancient times, the first dean of the Taoist Academy... These identities are superimposed, and no one would have thought that these identities would appear in one person. body.

In a trance, Chen Xi inadvertently remembered a classic that he had read in the Buddhist scriptures institute of Daohuang Academy for the first time——"The Origin of the Great Luo".

This classic book was not written by the Dao Emperor, but it was annotated and explained by the Dao Emperor himself. At that time, he noticed that the time when this book appeared should be before the Taikoo Dao Emperor's enlightenment. The reason is also very simple. Annotations and elaborations are originally a kind of cognition and interpretation of the ancient books of the sages by later generations.

And when Chen Xi saw the name of the real author of the classic, he suddenly discovered that this classic was actually written by Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain!

At that time, Chen Xi suspected that the Primordial Taoist Emperor should have a slight connection with the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, but now it seems that there is not only a connection between them, but also a relationship between seniors and brothers!

At this moment, Chen Xi finally understood that the Primordial Taoist Emperor was Ji Yu, and his other identity was the junior of the master of Shenyan Mountain, Fuxi!

In this way, he finally understood why the little senior sister Li Yang suggested that he should enter Daohuang Academy after entering the fairy world, and finally understood why Hua Jiankong, the disciple of the current dean Meng Xinghe, would suddenly take him away All of this must have something to do with senior Ji Yu!

"No wonder, no wonder..."

Chen Xi murmured, feeling extremely emotional in his heart. It turns out that his cultivation along the way has been blessed by the forces of Shenyan Mountain!

Indeed, no matter whether he entered the Mysterious Realm through the Primordial Battlefield, or entered the Dao Emperor Academy through the Immortal Realm, it all came from the arrangement of the little senior sister, moistening things silently, so that when Chen Xi wanted to understand all this at this moment, he couldn't help but feel all kinds of feelings in his heart .

"I didn't tell you before because your cultivation base is too low, but the most important thing is that your starting point is too high. You became a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain when you were in the Zifu realm. Compared with your starting point? If I told you all this at that time, it would only delay your path, which would be harmful rather than beneficial."

Seeing that Chen Xi's expression gradually regained his clarity, Ji Yu who was on the side said, "After all, a person's path needs to be explored by himself. Without all kinds of hardships and ups and downs along the way, how can we talk about seeking? Without the help and protection of others, he will only become a mediocre talent, and it is absolutely impossible to set foot on the avenue."

Chen Xi naturally understood this truth. As early as the beginning of his cultivation, Ji Yu had warned him more than once, so he also understood this truth better than others.

Yes, practice is destined to be a matter for one person.

The help of others is only temporary, if you want to go longer and further, you can only rely on yourself!

Because as long as you keep going, one day, you will surpass those ancient people, surpass those existences that were high above you in the past, and walk on a higher and farther path. At that time, who can help you?

This is the way, the pursuit is endless, and it varies from person to person!

Relying on the help of family, relatives and friends, seniors, and masters, it is indeed possible to gain strength in a short period of time, but I am afraid that I will not be able to set foot on my own acme in this life!


"Actually, I was the one who made the coffin of the underworld. Unfortunately, halfway through the sacrifice, I was suppressed and killed by the Eye of Heaven's Punishment. In the end, the sacrifice failed, and I became a sinner in the Three Realms."

In the ensuing chat, Chen Xi asked about the matter of the Immortal Coffin, but Ji Yu didn't hide it, and explained the reasons for it one by one.

"In the final analysis, it is only because the way I have sought has begun to deter the power of heaven. Fortunately, my senior brother Fuxi was there back then, which saved me from the danger of being trapped and killed by the eye of punishment. In this catastrophe, I can only hide in the star world and linger."

Speaking of this, Ji Yu's expression was filled with sadness, as if he remembered the past.

Chen Xi was silent. Only then did he realize that the rumors he had heard were [-]% true and [-]% false. The reason for the falsehood was that the rumored Coffin of Immortal Underworld was acquired by the Primordial Daoist Emperor by chance and entrusted to the Daoist Academy. middle.

And according to what Ji Yu said, the coffin of Immortal Nether was originally made in his hands. Halfway through the refining process, he was suppressed and killed by the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, and his success fell short.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi suddenly remembered something, and said with frowned eyebrows, "Uncle Ji Yu, the power of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment that was used to deal with you back then was recruited by the Supreme Master?"

Ji Yu shook his head, with a rare look of disdain on the corner of his lips: "The Supreme Master? It's just a dog in the hands of others."


Chen Xi clicked his tongue in his heart. Even if he didn't want to, he still had to admit that the Supreme Sect is one of the three supreme orthodoxy in the Three Realms, and its background is extremely terrifying. However, Ji Yu unceremoniously scolded this supreme orthodoxy as a dog. If other people hear it, I'm afraid they will be shocked.

When Chen Xi asked who the Supreme Master held the dog in, Ji Yu seemed unwilling to mention this matter again, and said, "You will understand soon."

Then, Ji Yu asked about Chen Xi's return to the human world this time, and Chen Xi didn't hide anything. He revealed his plan of revenge against the Zuoqiu clan. The reason why he returned to the human world was because he was worried that his relatives and friends would suffer. Seeing Zuoqiu's murderous hands, he made himself use the mouse's weapon.

Knowing all this, Ji Yu fell into deep thought, and said after a while, "Do you know how Xingchen Cave Mansion fell into your mother's hands back then?"

This question seemed a bit abrupt, and Chen Xi couldn't help being startled, before he said, "It seems to be obtained from a secret realm called Beiminghai."

Ji Yu glanced at Chen Xi: "That's not the point. The Xingchen Cave Mansion is the inheritance left by my senior brother, and not everyone can obtain it."

The implication is that there are many reasons why your mother was able to obtain this treasure!

Chen Xi keenly grasped this point, but when he asked Ji Yu for an explanation, the latter shook his head and said, "I don't know much about this matter. When you rescue your mother, maybe you can get an answer from her."

Chen Xi is very clear about Ji Yu's temperament, he knows the things he is unwilling to answer, even if you ask him in every possible way, he won't say anything, so he can only keep this doubt in his heart at the moment.

"So, you plan to bring the Chen clan into the fairyland when you return this time?" Ji Yu changed the subject and asked Chen Xi's purpose for returning this time.

Chen Xi shook his head: "It's not just the Chen clan, I want to take away the Guting Small World."

This answer made Ji Yu startled slightly, and said in surprise: "Although there are hundreds of millions of small worlds in this human world, Guting Small World is just one of them, but it is not so easy for you to take it away , the saddest level is the law of heaven in the fairy world."

Chen Xi understood everything Ji Yu said, but he was well prepared for his return this time, so he immediately smiled and said, "Uncle Ji Yu, do you think it is feasible for me to put the small world of Guting into a fairy treasure?"

Ji Yu raised his eyebrows: "It's the Taixu rank fairy treasure, but it is also restricted by the laws of the fairy world. Don't tell me you still carry a god that exceeds the Taixu rank?"

Chen Xi was stunned: "Is the Yuhuang Jiuzhou Cauldron considered a divine object?"

He really doesn't know what grade of treasure Yuhuang Kyushu Ding is, but based on what he has learned from the tripod since he was a child, and what Hua Jiankong said when he was in the lower realm, he can roughly judge that the Yuhuang Kyushu Ding Waiting for the treasure will definitely not be below the Taixu rank.

It was also because of this that he dared to say that he wanted to take Gu Ting Small World with him.

"Emperor Yu Kyushu Cauldron?"

Sure enough, when Ji Yu heard that Chen Xi was actually in possession of the Yuhuang Kyushu Cauldron, he suddenly showed a strange look, and said, "It seems that you have made enough preparations. Before the Three Realms were opened, this treasure was to suppress the great world of Hongmeng." The artifacts are located in the nine poles of the world, and they are so mysterious that they can be called the fetishes of the world. With it in hand, it is indeed possible to accommodate a small world."

After a pause, Ji Yu continued, "In addition, you are carrying fragments of the river map, which can cover the power of the heavenly law, so you can indeed avoid the law of the heavenly law in the fairy world."

Obviously, Ji Yu's understanding of Yuhuang Jiuzhou Ding is better than Chen Xi's, and the reason is also simple. Yuhuang is also one of the five emperors of the ancient times. Kyushu tripod.

With Ji Yu's confirmation, Chen Xi was completely relieved, and said with a smile, "That's what I planned."

However, Ji Yu seemed to be in deep thought. After a long time, he raised his head, looked up at the sky that was gradually being invaded by the night, and said, "That's fine, the turmoil in the Three Realms is unstoppable, and it's time to leave..."


Chen Xi's heart was shocked: "Aren't Master Ji Yu going to return to the Immortal Realm with me?"


ps: I saw everyone’s replies, and it’s as I expected. Thank you for your enthusiastic speeches. It’s not enough to talk about clear ideas. At least I know that what I’ve been insisting on is what most brothers and sisters like to watch. That’s enough.The second update is at 10 o'clock, and the third update is before 12 o'clock.

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