divine talisman

Chapter 1420 The Resentful Beauties [Part 2]

Ji Yu didn't deny it, and kept silent.

The shock in Chen Xi's heart gradually calmed down, and he vaguely understood from Ji Yu's words just now that maybe it was because of the unstoppable turmoil in the Three Realms that Ji Yu had the idea of ​​leaving.

But he was puzzled, should Ji Yu return to Shenyan Mountain or Daohuang Academy?

If it was the latter, then he would naturally return to the Immortal Realm with him, because Daohuang Academy is in the Immortal Realm, but if it was the former, there was no need for Ji Yu to say that he would leave, he could just say that he would return to Shenyan Mountain.

Ji Yu suddenly said at this time: "There is no need to make wild guesses. The senior brother had to leave alone to save me, and now I am going to follow in his footsteps."

Follow the footsteps of Fuxi!

Chen Xi suddenly remembered that little senior sister Li Yang kept saying that Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, floated away from Shenyan Mountain a long time ago and has not returned yet. Where did he go?

Now Ji Yu is leaving too, and he wants to follow Fuxi's footsteps. Could it be that he already knows where Fuxi has gone?

At this moment, Chen Yu's voice suddenly came from a distance: "Uncle, my father... asked you to go back to the family first."

Accompanied by the sound, Chen Yu's figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, and came to Chen Xi, but at this moment, his expression was a little weird, as if hesitating to speak, unable to laugh or cry.

Chen Xi was slightly startled: "What's the matter?"

Chen Yu hesitated for a while, then smiled and said: "Hey, how should I put it, I will understand when you go back."

"You kid, what do you need to cover up?" Chen Xi glared at Chen Yu angrily, and finally agreed.

"Uncle Ji Yu, I will visit you again some other day." Speaking of this, Chen Xi added, "You must never leave without saying goodbye."

Ji Yu was speechless, waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, it's not too late."

Chen Xi nodded, and immediately left the lake center island with Chen Yu, and flew towards the Chen clan in Songyan City.


Chen clan.

The night was dark, but in a courtyard deep in the Chen's mansion, the lights were like fire, bright as day.

Chen Hao and his wife Fei Lengcui stood outside the courtyard, as if they were waiting for someone.

"Oh, it's all the fault of the little guy, Bao Bao, who leaked the news of the elder brother's return." Chen Hao sighed, looking helpless.

Fei Lengcui pursed her lips and smiled: "I don't blame the baby, anyway, the news of Big Brother's return will be known sooner or later, it's just..."

Speaking of this, her graceful and elegant face also showed a look of dumbfounding, and she said after a long while, "It's just that the eldest brother is going to suffer."

Chen Hao looked up into the courtyard, and then said in a low voice: "Actually, it's also my elder brother's fault, who made him get so many romantic debts back then."

When it came to the end, he didn't know what he thought of, and the corners of his lips couldn't help showing a look of gloating and a hint of envy.

Unfortunately, his envious look was caught by his wife at the side, and Fei Lengcui immediately snorted, "What's the matter, is it because I have been too strict with you all these years? Want to have a taste?"

Chen Hao coughed dryly and said seriously, "Leng Cui, am I that kind of person? Only the eldest brother can do this, I don't have that kind of life to suffer."

Only then did Fei Lengcui smile in satisfaction: "You are wise."

"Hmph, what can only I do?"

At this moment, a clear and clear voice sounded, causing Chen Hao to shut up immediately. When he looked up, he saw Chen Xi's figure walking step by step from the mid-night void.

"Uncle." Fei Lengcui hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Chen Xi waved his hand, and then looked at Chen Hao with a half-smile, "I never thought that after so many years, you would dare to speak ill of me behind my back."

Chen Hao smiled bitterly: "How dare I."

"Uncle, let's hurry up and get down to business." Chen Yu, who followed closely behind, quickly rescued his father.

"That's right, let's get down to business first." Chen Hao cast a grateful look at his son, and quickly led Chen Xi towards the middle of the courtyard. , Well, I won’t go in later.”

Chen Xi was startled: "Isn't it because you have something to do with me?"

Chen Hao's expression was a little weird, and he scratched his head, "Hey, how should I put it, you'll know when you go in."

This courtyard is not big, and there is only an exquisite and beautiful pavilion. In front of the pavilion, a stream surrounds it, and a white jade arch bridge is built on it. The surrounding flowers and trees are luxuriant, and the environment is quite quiet.

When he was speaking, Chen Xi had already arrived in front of the pavilion, and he was about to use his sense of immortality to find out who was in the pavilion, but this made his younger brother look helpless while hesitating to speak.

At this moment, Chen Hao, who was behind him, stepped forward and opened the gate of the pavilion, and the scene in the main hall was suddenly reflected in the field of vision.

When he saw everything in the hall clearly, Chen Xi's pupils suddenly shrank, and he was stunned as if struck by lightning, his body stiffened, like a puppet.

The main hall is brightly lit, with simple and elegant furnishings, a scarlet carpet is spread on the floor, and a row of red sandalwood seats are lined up on both sides of the main hall.

But at this moment, there are graceful figures sitting among them, they are five beautiful women, Yingying Yanyan, their auras are completely different, just like a hundred flowers blooming, each has its own look, each has its own beauty.


Delicate and cute.

Elegant and demure.

Coquettish like fire.

It is as beautiful as a painting.

Five beautiful women who are all over the country and the city, five unique temperaments that are good at each field, under the illumination of the lights, they exude various charms, which make people fascinated.

Du Qingxi, Mu Yao, Ya Qing, Yun Na, Yan Yan!

Chen Xi recognized the five beauties at a glance, and it was precisely because he saw them appearing together that Chen Xi was so shocked. He stood stiffly outside the hall, and he was about to suffocate no matter how hard he moved.

Even if he is used to strong winds and waves, even if his Dao Xin cultivation has already reached the level of a baby, how can he remain calm when he sees these five beauties who have had various entanglements with him in the past?

At this moment, he finally understood why Chen Hao had such a weird look of hesitating to speak, and why Chen Yu hurriedly called him back from Huxin Island...

But when he understood it, he was still in a trance. After hundreds of years, why did they all appear in his family together? Could it be... for himself?

Chen Xi's heart trembled suddenly, all kinds of feelings surged up, and he inadvertently remembered all kinds of things in the past.

He recalled the scene when he met Du Qingxi by chance when he was working as Ling Chef in Qingxi Restaurant when he was young.

He remembered the rescue operation when he met the Mu Yao siblings before stepping into Longyuan City for the first time.

He remembered the process of getting acquainted with Yaqing when he arrived at the Tianbaolou auction in Maple Leaf City.



I think of too much, in every experience, there is a shadow of a beautiful woman, lingering in my heart, thinking about it until now, it is still vivid in my memory, as if it was yesterday.

He even thought of Qing Xiuyi, Fan Yunlan, Huangfu Qingying, Su Qingyan...

It is true that during these years of practice, he has met too many magnificent women, but for many reasons, he is unable to give any woman a definite promise or answer because of many reasons.

Therefore, he can only bury all kinds of emotional fluctuations in his heart, don't think about it, and don't dare to think about it, because he has too many things to do, because he is worried about disappointing too many people...

But Chen Xi still didn't expect that after hundreds of years of baptism, when he returned to his hometown today, he would meet the beauties from the past again, and all of them would be there all at once. An opening was opened, allowing the torrent of emotions that had been squeezed for many years to flow out.

So, he was stunned, his expression in a trance.

"Brother, hurry up and go in!" Chen Hao pushed Chen Xi without a trace.

Chen Xi suddenly woke up from all kinds of racing thoughts. He opened his mouth, wanting to say hello, but he didn't know what to say.


In the main hall, there was a unison humming sound, which was from the five beauties.

The moment the door opened, and the moment they saw Chen Xi's familiar figure appear, their eyes lit up together, and a flash of excitement and surprise flashed across them. They also had mixed feelings in their hearts, and many memories flooded up.

But soon, as if they had made an agreement, they all moved their eyes away and stopped looking at Chen Xi, with more or less resentment in their expressions.

However, when they noticed that Chen Xi was standing outside the hall like an idiot and hadn't come in for a long time, they felt annoyed again in their hearts, so Qiqi groaned to express their dissatisfaction.

Falling into Chen Xi's ears, it immediately made his heart tremble. In the end, he bravely walked into the hall, like a walking dead, his muscles all stiffened.

But when they saw Chen Xi coming in, the five beauties all pursed their lips and remained silent. They looked left and right, but they didn't look at Chen Xi, but the resentment in their expressions became more and more intense.

This made Chen Xi's scalp tingle and his heart tremble with fear. It was more stressful than facing an immortal king. He couldn't explain why this happened, it seemed that he owed too much in his heart?

Or were you caught off guard by those emotional entanglements back then?

Chen Hao, who was outside the main hall, saw this scene and was very happy. If the occasion was not suitable, he could not help laughing out loud. Who has ever seen No.1, the younger generation of the Great Chu Dynasty, show such an embarrassing and stiff appearance?

"Okay, don't laugh, if you are discovered by the elder brother, you must be punished!"

Fei Lengcui at the side gave Chen Hao a hard look, and immediately called softly into the hall: "Brother, how about I help you prepare some banquets?"

This was regarded as a relief for Chen Xi.

Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, coughed dryly, and said, "This is the best, um, today's banquet must be more grand, and I will organize it myself. I haven't seen you for so many years, so let everyone taste my craftsmanship. .”

As he said that, he was about to go out in a hurry. There was no way, his mind was in a mess, and he wanted to calmly think about how to face such a scene.

But before he walked out of the hall, the five beauties Du Qingxi, Mu Yao, Ya Qing, Yun Na, and Yan Yan became anxious. If they let him escape, would they have to wait hundreds or thousands of years?

So they almost tacitly said, Qi Qi scolded loudly: "You dare!"

Chen Xi's body froze immediately.

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