divine talisman

Chapter 1421 Beauty is Gracious [Part 3]


Then Chen Xi stopped decisively, not daring to move a step.

Seeing this, Fei Lengcui outside the main hall covered her mouth and smiled, and turned away with Chen Hao, who was gloating at the side.

Then, the atmosphere in the hall fell into silence again.

The five delicate and attractive beauties all pursed their lips and remained silent, their eyes filled with resentment, their gazes made Chen Xi feel chilly in his heart, and finally smiled embarrassingly, and retreated to his seat.

But even if he sat there, he still felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, feeling uncomfortable all over, like a prisoner on trial.

"After so many years, are you willing to come back?"

In the end, it was Yaqing who spoke, her eyes were bright and her teeth were white, her hair was like a waterfall, and her beautiful and beautiful face was peaceful and calm.

Chen Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it's good if someone speaks, at least it's more reassuring than silence.

But before he could calm down a bit, the other four girls stared at him with a swipe, one after another resentful like knives, which made Chen Xi tremble with fear.

It took him a while to touch his nose with a wry smile, he opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again, Yaqing's question made him not know how to answer.

"Oh, you can't give us an explanation, even if it's false, it's at least an attitude, right?" Yaqing sighed.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the other four girls also spoke one after another.

"I think he has a guilty conscience."

Du Qingxi pursed her lips, her face as cold as ice was full of disappointment.

"Brother Chen Xi, I remember that you used to be very good at coaxing girls, but now you are silent. Could it be that hundreds of years have passed, and you also regard us as strangers?"

Mu Yao opened her mouth pitifully, tears glistening in her crescent-like starry eyes, ready to shed tears.

"I knew it, we wasted hundreds of years in vain, look, I'm speechless."

Yan Yan groaned, with a look of resentment, dissatisfaction, anger, and disappointment.

"Fanghua is gone in an instant, and the beauty is old in the blink of an eye. Alas, I think we can't wait for him to change his mind even if we have gray hair."

Yunna sighed sadly.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi's head was as big as an ox, and he kept smiling wryly, how did these women become like this, can they still chat like before?

Of course, he could only slander, because he knew very well that he had failed too many friendships, and he had never given them a clear answer.

Now that hundreds of years have passed, they have been thinking about him all the time, which made him feel more and more guilty. Under such circumstances, he knew that he was wrong, so how dare he defend himself.

Fortunately, after a while, Fei Lengcui led a group of servants into the main hall, and immediately shut up the five grieving beauties, making Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Fei Lengcui directed the servants to set up a table of sumptuous dishes and drinks, then smiled and turned to leave.

With this little episode, Chen Xi took the opportunity to say, "Let's chat while eating. It won't be long. Maybe I will leave again. It's really not easy to get together once."


All the girls were startled, their hearts tensed, and their expressions changed slightly. Ever since Chen Xi left the Great Chu Dynasty, they had stayed in the Chen Clan, thinking nothing but wanting to meet Chen Xi again.

After waiting for hundreds of years like this, they finally hoped for the return of this "heartbroker" Chen Xi, so how could they helplessly watch him disappear again?

Immediately, they also ignored their grudges, and got up and sat down at the dining table, serving tea and water, and distributing the cups, as if they didn't intend to argue with Chen Xi anymore.

This made Chen Xi feel more relaxed, and felt that he was a bit despicable. Is it really good to use leaving as an excuse?

But soon, he could no longer think wildly, because——

"Chen Xi, try this. I prepared it specially for you when you came back. I remember that when you were an apprentice spirit chef at Qingxi Restaurant, the first dish you learned was this dry fried squid."

Du Qingxi, who was as cold as ice, was smiling brightly at this moment, and helped Chen Xi pick up a chopstick of white shrimp meat that exuded a tempting fragrance.

"Brother Chen Xi, do you still remember this dish? You prepared it for me back then. I learned how to cook this dish when I had nothing to do these years. Try it and see if it suits your taste."

Mu Yao's white and tender face flushed red, she lowered her head in embarrassment to pick up food for Chen Xi, she didn't dare to look at Chen Xi, she was completely different from her previous behavior.

"Chen Xi, this is the fermented rice we drank when we met for the first time. Do you still remember the taste? Taste it quickly to see if the taste has changed."

Yaqing generously filled Chen Xi with a glass of wine, stretched out her slender hand like a green onion, and handed it over, her bright eyes were smiling, with a hint of emotion surging.

"Chen Xi..."

"Chen Xi..."

Yan Yan and Yun Na also joined in, pouring food and wine for Chen Xi, with affectionate eyebrows and a gentle attitude, and the quick change of attitude made Chen Xi a little flattered.

There is a saying that it is hardest to bear the grace of a beauty, and it aptly describes Chen Xi's mood at the moment. The five delicate beauties are shy and timid, serving attentively.

But Chen Xi was a little uneasy. The contrast was too great, which made him a little nervous, so he could only act as a mute, holding chopsticks, eating whatever he came for, and burying his face in the rice bowl...

As for the drinks, they never refused to come, and even withdrew all the power in their bodies, only to get drunk, so as to escape from the charming and slightly weird atmosphere.

Outside the main hall, Chen Hao, who secretly saw this scene, opened his eyes wide, secretly admiring and envious in his heart, the elder brother is very good at protecting girls!

But soon, he was dragged away by the ears of the cold-looking Fei Lengcui...


Early the next morning.

Chen Xi woke up from his drunkenness, his head was still a little dazed.

He was indeed drunk last night, as drunk as mud. Although it is impossible to get drunk with his cultivation base, he did it on purpose...

Don't get drunk!

Can one get out of the nest of beauties who harbor grievances without being drunk?

Obviously not.

Chen Xi circulated his immortal power, and in an instant, he dissolved the remaining alcohol power in his body, and his whole body was refreshed and comfortable, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Sitting on the bed, recalling the scenes of last night, Chen Xi still couldn't help but smile wryly. The word love really hurts people!

"Grandpa, you're awake, towel."

A little girl wearing a floral skirt came over, her black eyes were clear, her skin was fair and tender, and there was a slight smile on her delicate and quiet face.

It was Chen Yunyun. She was holding a wrung wet towel in both hands, and handed it to Chen Xi prettyly. She was well-behaved and sensible.

Seeing this little girl, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing, turned over and sat up on the bed, then hugged Yunyun in his arms, kissed her affectionately on the cheek, and said, "It's better to be good to grandpa, Yunyun."

"Grandpa, let me wipe your face."

Chen Yunyun said crisply, with a hint of expectation in her big star-like eyes.

Of course Chen Xi wouldn't refuse, he immediately stretched out his face with a smile, enjoying his granddaughter's care for him, his heart was filled with warmth, and that feeling was truly indescribable in words.

How should I put it, that is the feeling of being a grandpa!

Yunyun wiped very carefully, very carefully, after wiping Chen Xi's cheeks, she stretched out her small white hand and stroked Chen Xi's forehead, feeling extremely intimate.

But Chen Xi felt a little weird, and couldn't help asking, "Yunyun, do you often wipe your parents' faces like this?"

Yunyun shook her head: "I only wiped it for Xiao Hui."

Chen Xi was startled: "Who is Xiao Hui?"

Yunyun suddenly covered Hong Ling's small mouth with both hands, buried her head in Chen Xi's arms, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Hui is a pet that Daddy gave me. It's a purple-eyed white mink. It's very cute."

Chen Xi's forehead darkened, and he actually enjoyed the treatment of a pet!

For a moment, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile wryly. He hugged Yunyun and walked outside: "Come on, grandpa will take Yunyun to eat breakfast."

"Grandpa, Sister Qingxi, Sister Muyao, Sister Yaqing, Sister Yanyan, Sister Yunna asked me to ask you a few questions when you wake up."

Yunyun lay on Chen Xi's shoulder, and said crisply into his ear.

elder sister?

Chen Xi's face darkened: "Yunyun, those are all you..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized that he didn't know how to make Yunyun call Du Qingxi and the others, auntie?No, it's one generation lower, grandma?No, they are not their Taoist companions yet.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi was immediately speechless, and thought, forget it, Yunyun is still young, so let her scream...

"What's wrong with them?" Chen Xi asked casually.

Yunyun tilted her head and thought for a while, then quickly said: "Those sisters actually only have one question, that is, Su Qingyan, Xia Wei, Bei Ling, Cui Qingning, Liang Bing, Axiu, Diandian..."

After continuously reporting a series of names, Yunyun took a breath and asked a series of questions: "They asked me to ask you, who are these women, where are they from, and what relationship do they have with you? , Zhen Liuqing and Fan Yunlan look good..."

The corners of Chen Xi's lips could not help twitching fiercely, completely speechless.

After a long time, he sighed: "Yunyun, you are still young, so you don't understand."

Yunyun opened her clear and pure eyes and said, "Grandpa, are you unhappy? Then I won't ask."

Chen Xi pampered her little nose, and said, "I know Yunyun is the best for grandpa."

Yunyun giggled: "Anyway, grandpa just needs to be nice to grandma."


Naturally it was Qing Xiuyi.

Otherwise, there would be no Chen An, and of course there would be no Yunyun.

It's just that when thinking of Qing Xiuyi, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing again, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have caused too many love debts, but he never seemed to have faced these problems directly...

"Brother, it's ready, you can follow me to meet our clansmen and friends later." At this moment, Chen Hao came from a distance.

Chen Xi immediately woke up from his chaotic thoughts, and nodded.

At this moment, he had already made up his mind that after seeing the clansmen, he would start to act, and when everything was settled, he would directly return to the fairyland.

What happened in the past is the past after all, and he is destined to have a longer way to go. Perhaps when he reaches the extreme of the avenue one day, he will choose to live as carefree as he is now.


ps: The progress will be accelerated tomorrow. Some of the people and things that Chen Xi made friends with before will be selected and written as side stories after Fu Huang finishes the book. Otherwise, it will take up a lot more space and will inevitably affect the future plot .This is also a way that Goldfish came up with after thinking hard and hard. By the way, don't forget to vote for the monthly ticket. Children's shoes, let me struggle for so long, give me some encouragement.

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