divine talisman

Chapter 1422 Overwhelmingly Cold at High Places [Part 1]

Chen Xi is back!

This news spread like a storm throughout the entire Chen clan, and then spread in all directions at an astonishing speed.

Songyan City, Southern Border, Great Chu Dynasty...

In less than a day, the entire cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty knew that the No. 1 young generation, the No. Xi - back!

All of a sudden, the entire world was in an uproar, every street, alley, tea house and wine shop... almost every corner was discussing Chen Xi's name.

It is true that Chen Xi has been away from the Great Chu Dynasty for hundreds of years, but the miracles he created in the cultivation world back then have not been broken by anyone so far.

To the cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty, Chen Xi seemed to be a legend that could only be admired. Although he had left for hundreds of years, his deeds were still talked about with great enthusiasm and passed on by word of mouth.

Now, such a legendary figure who shocked the past and present came back to the Great Chu Dynasty, and one can imagine how terrifying the sensation it caused.

Even when the army of cultivators who were fighting against foreign races on the border battlefield heard the news, their morale was boosted, and as if by divine help, they forcibly defeated their opponents!

In short, now that Chen Xi, who has reappeared in the human world, has become the focus of attention of the entire Great Chu Dynasty in less than a day, it is boiling.

After hearing the news, countless monks came all the way from all directions to Pine Mist City in order to pay their respects to this legendary figure.

Even other dynasties outside the Great Chu Dynasty learned the news, so they were all overjoyed and came to the Great Chu Dynasty to flee.

Why flee?

Because in today's small world of the ancient court, there are turmoil everywhere, alien armies from outside the region appear, and many dynasties have been destroyed in the flames of war. Under such circumstances, the news of Chen Xi's return to the Great Chu Dynasty immediately made those practitioners Seeing hope, he knew that as long as he entered the Great Chu Dynasty, he would definitely be blessed by this legendary figure.

Under such circumstances, how could they be indifferent?


Compared with the bustle of the outside world, the inside of the Chen family is also bustling at this time.

Those servants, maidservants, clansmen, guards... were all beaming with joy and excitement. If it wasn't for the rules, they would have rushed to visit their legendary ancestor who was like a legend!

"After so many years, Patriarch Chen Xi has finally returned!"

"I heard that the ancestor Chen Xi descended from the fairy world this time. Even if Patriarch Xi is in the fairy world, he must be a remarkable figure."

"Hmph, you ignorant bastards, my grandfather was fortunate enough to serve Patriarch Chen Xi back then. I heard from my grandpa and his old man that our Songyan Chen family can become a first-class family in the Great Chu Dynasty. Patriarch Chen Xi Contributed to it."

"Yeah, you guys don't know that all the top figures in the cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty have gathered in our clan hall, and I heard that even His Majesty the Emperor of Chu has come here for the purpose of meeting with our patriarch Chen Xi. Let's meet."

Even as servants of the Chen family, those servants are extremely proud. Today's Chen family is prosperous and prosperous, and looking around the world, Wuyou can stand shoulder to shoulder with it. Under such circumstances, even if they are members of the Chen family The servants are all honored and respected wherever they go.

At this time, in the clan hall, there were many big figures in the cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty sitting in a black crowd, and the huge space appeared crowded.

Among these great figures, Old Turtle King Xuanjing, Fox King Qingqiu, Grand Elder Beiheng of the Liuyun Sword Sect, Ling Kongzi, the head of the sect, etc. are all existences who have extremely deep ties to the Chen clan.

In addition to these great figures, there are other masters from the northern barbarians, the East China Sea, the Central Plains, and other territories, all of whom have cultivation levels above the Earthly Immortal Realm.

And the most prominent among them is the tomb of Huangfu Zhong, the current emperor of Chu!

It can be said that the current clan hall seems to gather the top figures in the practice circle of the entire Great Chu Dynasty, and those with a slightly lower status are not qualified to participate in it at all.

"Ancestor Chen Xi arrived—"

Just when the great figures in the hall were discussing a lot, a voice suddenly resounded outside the hall, causing the noise in the hall to disappear and become completely silent.

These big figures of the Great Chu Dynasty all stood up at the same time, and all looked out of the hall in unison, with more or less excitement and awe in their expressions.

It is indeed awe, even if they can dominate the cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty, call the wind and rain, and stand in the top ranks, but in the face of an existence from the fairy world like Chen Xi, they can only maintain respect and awe. Can stand up and greet like a junior.

In the final analysis, all of this is nothing more than four words - the strong are respected!

In addition, many important figures in the field had no connection with Chen Xi before, and Chen Xi had been away from the Great Chu Dynasty for hundreds of years, so they even showed more respect for Chen Xi's return than others.

As for Qingqiu Fox King, Xuanjing Old Turtle King, Beiheng Patriarch, Ling Kongzi, and the others, because they haven't seen Chen Xi for many years, they feel that their identities are too far from Chen Xi's now, and they dare not neglect them. other side.

So when Chen Xi entered the clan hall with his granddaughter Yunyun and Chen Hao in his arms, he saw everyone standing up to welcome them there. The atmosphere was silent and spectacular.

This couldn't help making Chen Xi slightly startled, and he felt a little blaming his younger brother Chen Hao for making such a grand gathering.

"Brother, I didn't arrange this."

As if seeing Chen Xi's intentions, Chen Hao smiled wryly at the side and transmitted the voice, "Isn't it because you are so famous, who would dare to sit and wait for you to come in? In that case, even if you don't care, others do care!"

Chen Xi thought about it for a while, and it was indeed such a truth. He could only sigh lightly in his heart, feeling a little bored. He didn't like this solemn and awe-inspiring atmosphere very much.

At the same time as Chen Xi came in, those big figures from the Great Chu Dynasty in the main hall were also sizing up Chen Xi. The other party was still wearing a green shirt, and he was still as handsome as before. The only thing that changed was his temperament, which became more restrained and calm. , There is a unique atmosphere that is boundless and encompasses the world.

Although Chen Xi had already restrained his whole body momentum, when everyone looked at him from a distance, he still couldn't help but feel a small ant-like feeling in his heart. It was like meeting a supreme holy king and feeling it from the inside out. A wave of awe.

Originally, there were quite a few important figures who had a close relationship with Chen Xi in the past and wanted to say hello, but when they actually saw Chen Xi, they found that there was a sudden pressure of awe in their hearts, and they were speechless!

This also made the atmosphere more silent, solemn, and silent.

Sensing such a scene, Chen Xi sighed again in his heart, but a smile appeared on his lips, and he took the initiative to say hello: "His Majesty Chu, Brother Xuanjing, Brother Qingqiu, Brother Beiheng... you guys They're all there."

The voice was clear and clear, with a hint of warmth that made people feel like a spring breeze. As soon as it resounded, it swept away the aura of solemnity and awe in the hall.

Especially Huangfu Zhongling, Xuanjing Old Turtle King, and other important figures whose names were called by Chen Xi, felt relieved for a moment, and their faces beamed with joy. After noticing that they hadn't seen each other for hundreds of years, Chen Xi's aura became even more unfathomable. , nothing has changed in other places, and it is still as calm, humble, and sincere as it was back then.

"These comrades must be seniors in various regions of the Great Chu Dynasty." Chen Xi glanced at the unfamiliar faces in the hall, and greeted them with a smile.

The sound of "senior" immediately startled the big shots, and they spoke in a panic.

"Don't dare to dare, the ancestor Chen Xi can't help it."

"There is no priority in learning, and those who have mastered it are teachers. Ancestor Chen Xi, you don't need to call me senior anymore, otherwise I won't be able to bear it."

"Yeah yeah."

Chen Xi smiled, and didn't say much. He just ordered Chen Hao to prepare the banquet, and then he sat down on the main seat in the center. There was no other way. This entanglement.

When the banquet was served, Chen Xi didn't put on any airs of the great figures in the fairy world, and opened his mouth with a smile, drinking and chatting with all the great figures of the Great Chu Dynasty present, reminiscing about the past.

The other important people were also mature and sophisticated, and quickly adjusted their mentality, and started laughing and drinking cups with Chen Xi, talking high-spiritedly, and the atmosphere quickly became lively.

However, Chen Xi was keenly aware that whether it was the current Emperor Chu, or the Xuanjing Old Turtle King, Qingqiu Fox King, and others, when chatting with him, there was more or less a hint of caution.

But when chatting with his younger brother Chen Hao, they didn't behave in such a "cautious" manner, which made Chen Xi feel quite uncomfortable and somewhat dispirited.

But Chen Xi also knows that this is the power of time. He has been away for hundreds of years, and his identity, cultivation, and strength are all different from before. People in the fairy world will unconsciously feel awe of themselves.

What does it mean to be too cold at a high place?

This scene is the best interpretation of this sentence.

When the identities and status of each other are too different, some things are destined to be unable to be transferred by one's own will.

This gathering lasted for three full days. Chen Xi greeted and sent him off, and received an unknown number of great figures from the Great Chu Dynasty, but his heart became more and more depressed, and he suddenly wanted to return to the Immortal Realm with some urgency.

Until three days later, Chen Xi decided not to meet any guests, but asked his younger brother Chen Hao to prepare and choose an occasion for him to meet all members of his own Chen clan.

Then, start preparing for the return to the Immortal World!

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