divine talisman

Chapter 1424 Like a God [Part 1]

If you want to take away a small world, you must first leave this world.

Two days later.

Chen Xi and Ji Yu started the operation together, and no one was alarmed from the beginning to the end.


The two flickered out of thin air, went straight to the Nine Heavens, crossed numerous space barriers, and suddenly arrived outside the small world of Guting.

This is a vast starry sky, and countless stars revolve in it, releasing bright lights one after another.

Looking back, the small world of Guting is like an eggshell, lying in front of a galaxy, slowly rotating, driving a wave of power from the universe.

According to Chen Xi's understanding, there are hundreds of millions of small worlds like this in the entire human world, as vast as a boundless galaxy, and the operation of each small world is inseparable from the power of the world.

And the source of the power of the world is the law of heaven!

However, compared to the fairy world, the laws of heaven shrouded in a small world are extremely fragile, even incomplete, and incomplete.

In the past, Chen Xi was not clear about this, but now that his cultivation base has reached the level of a saint, he has embarked on the path of seeking the sacred, and he himself controls the divine pattern of the highest space. Around the world, there is a layer of heavenly power that seems to have substance, like a light curtain.

It was not complete, and cracks could be seen everywhere, making it extremely fragile. Chen Xi was even confident that even if he only recovered half of his strength, it would be enough to destroy the entire small world of Guting in one blow!

"This is the small world of Guting. Back then, my senior brother had a ten-day discussion with the third Emperor Youming here, leaving many opportunities."

Ji Yu sighed on the side, with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes.


Chen Xi was stunned, and immediately understood that he might have obtained such a chance, because he not only inherited the mantle of Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, but also inherited the Nether Record and Execution Pen of the third Nether Great Emperor.

It's just that he never thought that the reason why he was able to obtain such an opportunity would be related to a discussion that happened that year.

"Get started."

Ji Yu's expression tightened, and he became indifferent and serious.


Chen Xi was no longer negligent, and with a casual move, nine incomparably ancient bronze tripods emerged out of thin air, exuding thousands of thick and majestic auras, and they were none other than Yuhuang Kyushu tripods.


As soon as this divine object appeared, a light flashed, and a jade tripod like suet emerged from one of the bronze tripods, dripping and floating in the air, diffusing billions of divine brilliance.

This is naturally Xiao Ding, the daughter of Emperor Yu of the ancient times.

"Huh, Miss Lin?"

Ji Yu glanced at the small white jade tripod, and immediately sensed a ray of spirit stored in it, and couldn't help but cry out in surprise.

Chen Xi was startled for a moment, Master Ji Yu seemed to recognize Xiao Ding?

But soon he realized that Ji Yu was the Taoist emperor of the ancient times, and Xiao Ding's father, Emperor Yu, were both among the five emperors of the ancient times. In this way, it is reasonable for Ji Yu to recognize Xiao Ding's identity .

"Uncle Ji Yu?"

A pleasant and clear voice came from the small cauldron, with a trace of surprise, completely unlike the voice without a trace of emotion that Chen Xi heard before.

Accompanied by the sound, a graceful figure suddenly appeared in the jade cauldron. It was so magnificent that it looked down on the world, but it quickly restrained itself and disappeared, so that Chen Xi didn't even have time to spy on her true face.

"Sorry, I can't reveal my real body." A voice came from Xiao Ding.

Ji Yu nodded, frowned and said, "I understand, it's just that I haven't seen you for so many years, I didn't expect you to..."

"Uncle Ji Yu doesn't need to say more, all this is just to save his life." Xiao Ding interrupted Ji Yu's speech.

Chen Xi was listening to the conversation between the two, and originally thought that he could find out some of Xiao Ding's secrets, but he never thought that Xiao Ding would not want to say more.

He looked at Ji Yu, and before he could speak, Xiao Ding said first: "If you want to ingest that small world, hurry up, once the law of heaven discovers the existence of Jiuzhou Ding, it will be a catastrophe!"

"That's right, let's get down to business first." Ji Yu glanced at Xiao Ding thoughtfully, then nodded and said.

Chen Xi could only nod his head in agreement, but in his heart, he secretly remembered that the name of Xiao Ding should have the word "Lin", and the reason why she turned into a Jade Ding must not be simple.

It's a pity that neither Xiao Ding nor Ji Yu obviously intends to explain it to him, so he can only bury this doubt in his heart.



Soon, the nine ancient bronze tripods soared into the sky, bursting with brilliance. Under the control of the small tripod, one of the bronze tripods suddenly expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it stretched across the starry sky, like a sacred mountain with no top. The stars are less than one-thousandth of their volume.

Immediately, the bronze tripod suddenly moved in the universe, covering the small world of Guting in the distance.

This scene is too grand, it is a small world, spanning the galaxy, its size is so huge, but now it is completely shrouded in the shadow of the ancient bronze tripod, it looks extremely small.

"Huh? That's..."

"Damn it, someone wants to take away this small world of Guting first!"

"Hurry up!"

Seeing that the ancient bronze tripod was about to cover the small world of Guting, at this critical moment, a violent thought wave suddenly resounded in the distant universe.

The next moment, a terrifying big hand came covering the sky and covering the sun, across the starry sky, and grabbed the ancient bronze tripod.

This scene was so unexpected that Chen Xi couldn't help being slightly startled. He never expected that at such a moment, someone would actually interfere.

But Ji Yu seemed to have noticed it a long time ago. His eyes turned cold, and a terrifying aura suddenly surged out of his body. With a wave of his sleeve robe, a terrifying wave of divine power surged out, like a cosmic wind, with a bang. Block that big hand.

In the starry sky with a radius of [-] miles, a violent and terrifying fluctuation suddenly appeared in this collision. The stars were shattered and the meteorite was pulverized, which was truly terrifying.

After this blow, Xiaoding didn't dare to continue absorbing Guting's small world, so he stopped his movements and put himself on full alert.

And at this time, Chen Xi finally saw clearly that there were two figures in the distant universe, one in a high crown and ancient clothes, with a thin face and eyes as terrifying as fire.

The other is a short and fat middle-aged man, wearing a black and yellow brocade robe, with a mustache, and a cold and gloomy look on his fat cheeks. His aura is even more terrifying than the skinny man beside him.

"Zuo Qiuhong!"

Chen Xi recognized at a glance that the pudgy middle-aged man was Zuo Qiuhong, the vice president of the Outer School of Daohuang Academy!

In an instant, Chen Xi's expression became gloomy. This guy is from the Zuoqiu clan, and now he appears here again. The purpose is obvious, and he is here for his Chen clan!

"If I'm one step late, I'm afraid this guy will get his way!" Thinking of this, an uncontrollable murderous intent surged in Chen Xi's heart.

It is true that this Zuoqiu Hong is a half-step immortal king, but this is the human world, his strength must have been sealed long ago, and the power he can display is no different from what Chen Xi is now.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi didn't mind fighting with him, so he captured and killed him in one fell swoop!

"Uncle Ji Yu, that guy is Zuoqiu Hong from the Zuoqiu clan, and his companions must also be from the Zuoqiu clan." Chen Xi quickly transmitted his voice to Ji Yu.

Such a character as Ji Yu, when he heard the word Zuoqiu, he immediately understood the other party's plan to come.

"Chen Xi—!"

And when he saw Chen Xi, Zuo Qiuhong also shrank his pupils, obviously he didn't expect to run into him here, but soon his expression became serious.

"Brother Bo Yun, did you see that, this little thing is that evil son who shouldn't have been born!" Zuoqiu Hong said coldly, every word was as cold as a knife.


The skinny man in the high crown and ancient clothes next to him looked at Chen Xi expressionlessly, then set his eyes on Ji Yu. Immediately, his expression changed slightly, and he couldn't perceive the depth of the other party's strength.

You know, this is the human world. Even if there is a huge difference in strength between the two in the fairy world, after coming to the human world, they will all be restrained and balanced by the power of heaven, and they can only exert the power comparable to the heavenly fairyland.

But Ji Yu's aura made this skinny man feel that he was not as simple as a fairy!

This is a bit surprising. Could it be that the opponent's strength is so powerful that it can ignore the power of heaven?

"Girl Lin, you continue to absorb the small world of Guting, Chen Xi, these two guys are entrusted to me, and they will be a present for you before parting."

Ji Yu opened his mouth suddenly, and the aura around him became stronger and stronger, almost rising steadily, and in an instant, the entire Zhouyu starry sky vibrated like a whine.

It was as if a sleeping ancient god had awakened within his body. At that moment, even Chen Xi was startled.

When he looked up at Ji Yu next to him again, it was as if he had become another person, with divine brilliance transpiring all over his body, blazing like the scorching sun, exuding a supreme majesty.

Like a god!

This is the aura of the master and younger brother of Shenyan Mountain, the Immemorial Daoist Emperor!

This momentary change made him seem to be the supreme god who ruled this piece of universe, with immeasurable power!

"This... this... this is the power of God!"

"What are you still doing, run away!"

Sensing the earth-shaking changes in Ji Yu's aura, Zuo Qiuhong and the skinny man changed their faces, and they couldn't restrain a wave of fear in their hearts.

Under such circumstances, how could they dare to hesitate, and almost subconsciously tried their best to flicker away out of thin air, wishing that their parents would have two more legs.

It's a pity that no matter how fast they escaped, they couldn't escape Ji Yu's eyes. He stretched out his arm lightly, and a big old hand stretched across the starry sky, suddenly descended on the top of Zuo Qiuhong and the two of them, and grabbed it.


With Chen Xi's immortal consciousness, he could only perceive that there were two terrifying roars in the extremely distant universe. Immortal light soared into the sky, pulverizing an unknown number of stars, like a space-time storm in the sky. It was staged, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"Dead?" Chen Xi gasped.

"Dead." Ji Yu said, with a relaxed voice, as if he had just done something trivial.

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