divine talisman

Chapter 1425 Almost Crazy [Part 2]

Zuo Qiuhong is a half-step immortal king, and he is even more famous in the fairy world as the vice president of the outer courtyard of the Dao Emperor Academy. The thin man who can accompany him to the human world must have the same identity and cultivation level as Zuo Qiuhong. Zuo Qiuhong was roughly equivalent.

But it was such two big figures in the fairy world who were wiped out in a single blow, so neatly and without any room for maneuver, Chen Xi couldn't help being shocked.

From this, we can also know how terrifying Ji Yu's strength should be.

But the next moment, Chen Xi didn't dare to think any more, because he suddenly felt an aura that made his heart palpitate, and it was spreading from the universe!

That is the power of heaven!

Different from the law of heaven that maintains the small world of Guting, this kind of power of heaven is extremely terrifying, and it is the real power of heaven in the three realms, immeasurable and full of endless majesty.

"I should leave..."

Ji Yu raised his head, his clothes fluttered, and a look of disdain suddenly appeared on his clear cheeks, as if he was mocking the power of that day with disdain.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi understood that although Ji Yu's previous blow killed Zuo Qiuhong and his companions, it also exposed Ji Yu's aura and was sensed by the power of heaven in the three realms.


In the distant universe, strands of terrifying thunder of the heavenly law emerged, turning into obscure gray arcs, running madly in the universe. Wherever they passed, thousands of stars collapsed, the void broke, and time and space reversed, causing everything to panic. In a state of collapse.

From a distance, the entire universe starry sky seems to be about to collapse.

"Girl Lin, what are you doing in a daze, act quickly!"

Ji Yu suddenly yelled, and jumped up, his thin body stood proudly in the starry sky, with his arms stretched out, hundreds of millions of divine aura burst out from his body, like a bright scorching sun suddenly shining brightly, reflecting the nine heavens and ten earths .

In just a split second, the Thunder of the Heavenly Dao that was constantly rushing forward was forced to be unable to move forward!

This is no different from confronting the power of heaven in the three realms head-on!

Shocked, Chen Xi opened his eyes wide. There was no time to stop him. He could only watch this scene. He was very clear that Ji Yu had already decided to leave, and the reason why he killed Zuoqiuhong and the others was just a matter of convenience. That's all.

But even so, when he saw Ji Yu fighting against the power of the three realms of heaven, Chen Xi still couldn't suppress the shock in his heart, as if he had witnessed a miracle of fighting against the sky, and felt an unparalleled impact from the inside out .

This... is Ji Yu's real strength!

Chen Xi couldn't help being in a trance when he thought that such an ancient figure who ruled the three worlds and was as powerful as the heavens was always by his side before.

For these years, senior Ji Yu might not be willing to just dormant here, right?

And has he been preparing for today's departure?

While Chen Xi was in a trance, Xiao Ding had already controlled Yuhuang Jiuzhou Ding, and collected the small world of the ancient court in one fell swoop, and then turned into a streak of light, which penetrated into Chen Xi's body.

This time in the lower realm, Chen Xi's aura was sealed with [-]% of his power by the "Cosmos Chessboard", thus avoiding the possibility of being obliterated by the power of heaven.

But Xiao Ding doesn't have such ability, and it's impossible to confront the power of heaven like Ji Yu. He can only hide on Chen Xi's body, and only then can he avoid the detection of the power of heaven with the help of the breath of the fragments of the river map. .


Suddenly, Ji Yu in the starry sky turned his head and took a deep look at Chen Xi. Then he waved his sleeve and his divine brilliance roared, forcibly opening a passage in the void.

"Boy, take care!"

In the grand and vast voice, Ji Yu's figure flashed suddenly, stepped into that passage, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


And just as Ji Yu's figure disappeared, the raging Heavenly Dao arc in the universe suddenly stagnated, and finally disappeared with a bang.

From the beginning to the end, they never "talked to" Chen Xi at all.

Of course, this also proves from the side that Chen Xi, who has sealed [-]% of his power, is not yet qualified to be regarded as a threatening heretic by the power of heaven in the three realms.


Everything fell into silence, and Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little sad. Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, had disappeared for so many years, so where would Senior Ji Yu go to follow his footsteps?

"Where are we going next?"

Xiao Ding said suddenly, "I don't want to stay in the human world anymore, it's too dangerous."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, got rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, and said, "I can't go back now, I want to take this opportunity to go to Xuanhuan Region."

"Heh, shouldn't you be going to Xuanhuanyu to take in a few confidante friends and return to the Immortal Realm together?" Xiao Ding sneered, with a hint of irony in his voice.

Chen Xi's expression froze, and he said in embarrassment, "This time I'm going to deal with business. The Jiuhua Sword Sect still has a disciple of mine and many senior brothers. I can't bear to leave them alone, let alone..."

Xiao Ding interrupted directly: "You don't need to explain to me, I'm not one of those women who obsess over you."

Obsessed with...

This is simply naked sarcasm.

Chen Xi rubbed his nose, and was speechless for a while, Xiao Ding is a little abnormal today, what kind of trouble is this going to do?


Since ancient times, the human world has had the titles of three thousand big worlds and hundreds of millions of small worlds.

In the final analysis, no matter the big world or the small world, they are actually just fragmented world planes, just like fragmented and disconnected glass, there is a way to connect between the big and small worlds.

Like the Primordial Battlefield that Chen Xi passed through when he left the Great Chu Dynasty and entered the Xuanhuan Realm, it was a path connecting the big world and the small world.

However, for the current Chen Xi, it is actually too simple to reach the Xuanhuan Realm. He already knows the exact location of the Xuanhuan Realm in his heart, and he only needs to perform spatial teleportation and step over multiple spatial barriers to reach it smoothly. There is no need to resort to those inherent channel paths at all.


Chen Xi's figure flickered in the virtual space again and again, and he didn't know how many space barriers he had crossed, how many world planes he had gone through, and after a stick of incense, he finally arrived safely in the Xuanhuan Realm.

This is a low mountain area, less than three thousand miles away, is a city.


As soon as Chen Xi arrived, he immediately felt that his sealed strength had loosened a lot, at least about [-]% had recovered!

This also means that the current him can fully display the power beyond the Xuanxian Realm, and is only a little short of the Da Luo Realm!

This change caused his immortal consciousness and strength to increase suddenly, and his whole body's aura also changed, which was incomparably frightening.

"Xuanhuanyu is the big world closest to the fairy world. Since ancient times, many ancient orthodox and heaven-like giants have been born, and the laws of heaven here are also the closest to the fairy world. Generally speaking, unless the Da Luo Jinxian comes, otherwise it is impossible to deal with it. This big world poses any threat."

Xiao Ding seemed to see Chen Xi's doubts, and quickly explained, "Like the Ascension Holy Land and Unknowable Land, the reason why they can be called the Little Immortal Realm is because of this reason. Of course, the power of the Great Luo Jinxian has surpassed that of Xuan Huan The domain of the power of heaven and earth, so it is absolutely impossible to come to the Xuanhuan domain."

Knowing all this, Chen Xi finally understood. He recalled the time when Liang Bing and Liang Bing returned from the Talisman Realm to the Xuanhuan Realm. , the power of the whole body has not been restricted by the laws of heaven in Xuanhuanyu.

And when Bing Shitian came to Xuanhuan Realm with the Immortal World Talisman in hand, because he was only a clone, he could only possess the power of the Celestial Immortal Realm.

"Frozen Sky?"

At the thought of this name, Chen Xi suddenly had a wave of loathing in his heart, like a choke in his throat, "I don't know where this guy has gone now, after so many years in the fairy world, I haven't heard any news about him... ..."


Jiuhua Mountains.

This is the place where the Jiuhua Sword Sect, one of the top ten immortal sects in the Xuanhuan Territory, occupies.

Over the past few hundred years, with the continuous invasion of alien armies from outside the region into the Xuanhuan Realm, endless bloody storms have been set off in the practice world, and the entire practice world has been caught in a continuous and massive war.

In the face of such a large-scale war, those small sects and factions were almost powerless to protect themselves. They were either uprooted and their orthodoxy destroyed, or they simply abandoned the mountain gate and attached themselves to the top powers to seek protection.

Under such circumstances, the Jiuhua Sword Sect, as one of the Ten Great Immortal Sects, naturally recruited many small forces to attach them to. Until now, the size of the Jiuhua Sword Sect has more than doubled.

Not only the Jiuhua Sword Sect, but also other top immortal sects are like this. In order to fight against the invasion of alien armies from outside the territory, the major forces in the Xuanhuan Domain had to stick together and fight against it together.

On this day, a young man with a handsome face and illusory eyes like stars appeared in front of the Jiuhua Sword Sect out of thin air. He had his hands behind his back, his face was like a crown jade, and his imposing manner was like a towering green mountain.

This person is obviously Bing Shitian!

He looked far into the depths of the mountain range, his expression was icy cold, and he murmured softly: "Even Master Suirenting, the second-ranked true disciple of the Supreme Master Sect, has his eyes on Chen Xi, your Jiuhua Sword Sect deserves to suffer ..."

Inadvertently, Bing Shitian remembered the last time he came to the human world, the confrontation between Tianyan Taoist Sect and Chen Xi. At that time, Chen Xi obliterated a clone in one fell swoop, and he was so angry that he wanted to go crazy.

But now, when he came to Xuanhuanyu again, his state of mind was different from last time. Apart from the engraved hatred in his heart, it was more of a violent emotion longing for revenge.

He has endured too long!

His beloved Senior Sister Qing Xiuyi was taken away, and Chen Xi, who he looked down upon back then, is now famous all over the world and has become the No. 1 disciple in the inner courtyard of the Dao Emperor Academy, and he is still only a disciple of the Supreme Master...

All of this is like a poisonous thorn, piercing deeply in his heart, irritating him almost to the point of going crazy, he needs revenge, needs to vent!

Otherwise, he suspects that if he continues like this, he will really go crazy!

"Chen Xi, oh Chen Xi, now even the Grand Priest wants to kill you and then hurry up. Who in the world can save you?" Bing Shitian took a deep breath, his blood was boiling, and the desire for revenge in his heart was like The ferocious beast was roaring.


ps: I’m gone tonight, I’m tired, see you tomorrow~

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