divine talisman

Chapter 1426 Pressing every step of the way [Part 1]

again and again!again and again!again and again!

Bing Shitian finally set off, walking at a steady pace, every step, the void shattered, producing a wave of terrifying power that spread out.

The voice resounded like thunder.

The fluctuations raged like a hurricane.

It can be seen with the naked eye that as Bing Shitian stepped out step by step, the high mountains and mountains were shattered like paper paste, pulverized, trees turned into debris, and the ground cracked.

Wherever it passes, it can be said that everything collapses!

This is the place where the Jiuhua Sword Sect, one of the top ten sects in the Xuanhuan Territory, is entrenched. When Bing Shitian first started to act, it immediately aroused the reaction of the Jiuhua Sword Sect.


"How dare you trespass on my Jiuhua Sword Sect? All mountain guard disciples obey the order and activate the Nine Tribulations Twilight Light Mountain Guard Formation!"

"Quick! Quickly report to the head teacher, there is a big enemy coming!"

In front of the gate of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, when they saw the collapsed mountains in the distance, and saw the man walking step by step out of thin air like a god, the expressions of all the Jiuhua disciples changed suddenly, and some people exclaimed , Some people rushed to notify the middle and high-level members of the door, and some people activated the mountain protection formation without hesitation.

This scene was too terrifying, the man with terrifying aura was clearly not a good person!


The grand formation was activated, the restraining divine brilliance soared into the sky, reflecting the nine heavens and ten earths, covering all the gates of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and filled out waves of terrifying restraining power, just like an ancient beast waking up from a deep sleep.


Seeing this scene from a distance, Bing Shitian's expression remained motionless, but a cold snort of disdain came out of his nostrils. He moved his hands and feet, blazing like the scorching sun, showing a terrifying aura of mastering the sky and controlling the earth.

In his eyes, the Jiuhua Sword Sect's mountain guard formation was nothing more than commonplace, and had no deterrent effect at all.

"Who is Er Nai! Report your name quickly, otherwise you will be killed!"

In the big formation of protecting the mountain, a disciple of Jiuhua yelled sharply.

Bing Shitian's eyes were as bright as lightning, and the disdain on the corners of his lips became more and more intense. How dare a thing like an ant yell at him?

In a trance, he recalled the time when he was in Tianyan Dao Sect, when he invited fellow Taoists from all over the world to participate in the ceremony for him and Qing Xiuyi to form a Taoist couple.

But at that moment, all of this was destroyed by Chen Xi who came suddenly.

At that time, Chen Xi was alone in the Tianyan Dao Sect, stepped into the mountain gate step by step, and killed countless disciples of the Tianyan Dao Sect along the way. An extremely serious blow.

More importantly, even though Chen Xi was alone, no one could stop him, which made him completely destroy the ceremony of Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi forming a Taoist couple!

This was simply a slap in the face, and this slap swept Tianyan Daozong's majesty to the ground, and his reputation was ruined by Bing Shitian, even the clone that came to the human world was beheaded!

How could Bing Shitian forget such a shameful humiliation?


Coming to the human world for the second time this time, Bing Shitian is no longer the same as in the past, regardless of his combat power and cultivation, earth-shaking changes have already taken place.

And today, he wants to take the shame Chen Xi brought to Tianyan Daozong and Bing Shitian back then, and take revenge on the Jiuhua Sword School!


Suddenly, a shocking cry resounded in the distance, awakening Bing Shitian who was drowning in endless hatred.

He stared at it, and saw that the Jiuhua Sword Sect's mountain guard formation was fully aroused, and its divine brilliance soared into the sky, turning into waves of terrifying restraining power, spreading towards this side like a tide, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

But in Bing Shitian's eyes, it's still not worth it!

He stretched out his slender and white right hand, and patted it lightly in the void.


A black handprint covering the sky and covering the sun suddenly appeared on the big formation of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and it slammed down fiercely. The force of disaster was sprayed out between the palms, and the big formation protecting the mountain was shaken with just one blow. Violent fluctuations, almost collapsed.

Many of the mountain guard disciples hiding behind the formation suffered backlash, coughing up blood, and their faces turned pale in an instant, and those who were weaker were directly stunned.

The power of one blow is so terrifying!

"Not good! The enemy is too strong! Hurry up and invite the elders of the sect!"

"God, who is that guy? How could his strength be so perverted? Could it be the Saint Emperor-level existence in the foreign army?"

The Jiuhua Sword Sect's mountain gate was in complete chaos, and many disciples were terrified. Although their strength is not bad, compared with Bing Shitian, they are not enough.


Bing Shitian saw that the strength of his blow did not destroy the mountain protection formation, his face sank, and he struck out with another palm. At this moment, the sun and the moon dimmed, and the void exploded, covering the area in front of the Jiuhua Sword Sect's mountain gate. The big formation suddenly turned into countless streamers, completely collapsed and exploded, and even the mountain gate was destroyed!

Many Mountain Hushan disciples had no time to escape, so they were killed on the spot!

Only then did Bing Shitian smile slightly, his icy eyes flashed with fierce vengeance, and he suddenly raised his head to the sky and shouted: "Listen up, you bastards of the Jiuhua Sword Sect! Surrender quickly, and I can spare you all!" Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying your sect and destroying the Jiuhua Taoism!"

The sound was like thunder, resounding in a radius of one hundred thousand miles.

At this moment, the mountains were silent, the beasts trembled, and the heavens and the earth were filled with murderous intent, which seemed extremely terrifying.


Suddenly, in the distant Jiuhua Sword Sect, the void fluctuated, and a series of imposing figures emerged, and the leader was the head teacher Wen Huating.

Behind him, there are a group of elders from the Jiuhua Sword Sect, there are hundreds of them.

Even the hidden "Three Saints of the Nine Flowers" Fei Ling, Deng Chen, and Feng Ting also showed up. These three are the backbone of the Nine Flowers Sword Sect. That is to say, those high-ranking elders who are in charge of teaching Wen Huating have to be respectful and regard themselves as juniors.

It was obviously because Bing Shitian made such a big commotion that they were able to get these high-ranking figures to dispatch together, and they all smelled a sense of danger.

"Frozen Heaven!"

But when they saw that the invading enemy was actually Empress Bing Shitian, Wen Huating and other high-ranking figures all shrank their eyes in disbelief.

How could it be this guy! ?

Could it be that he came back from the fairyland to avenge what happened back then?

Everyone's hearts sank in unison. Hundreds of years ago, when Chen Xi smashed the gate of Tianyan Dao Sect and killed a clone of Bing Shitian, how could they not know about it.

It's just that they never expected that after hundreds of years, Bing Shitian would come to the human world again and come directly to the Jiuhua Sword Sect to seek revenge!

"It's not good! This guy's strength is unfathomable, and the old man also feels a little palpitating. The power he controls is probably higher than that of Xuanxian!"

On one side, the complexion of Patriarch Deng Chen in the "Three Saints of Nine Flowers" changed suddenly, and he quickly transmitted his voice to everyone.


As soon as these words came out, the hearts of Wen Huating and the others sank again. Even the ancestor Deng Chen said so. Doesn't it prove that Bing Shitian's power has seriously threatened the existence of the Jiuhua Sword Sect?

"Elder Lie Peng, go and tell the disciples in the sect to hide under the Blood Soul Sword Cave. Without orders, no disciples are allowed to show up!"

"Elder Mo Lin, go to the Sutra Library to store all the scriptures passed down in the door, and sneak into the Blood Soul Sword Cave together, hurry up!"

"Other elders, prepare to fight the enemy together!"

Wen Huating is worthy of being the leader of the school, and in an instant, he has already made the worst plan.

He knew very well that Bing Shitian would not let it go, and for the sake of the continuation of the Jiuhua Sword School's orthodoxy, he could only make such a choice!

The other high-ranking figures also knew that the situation was serious, and they did not have any doubts about it, because the current Bing Shitian indeed possessed the power enough to threaten the Jiuhua Sword Sect!

"Depending on the situation, are you planning to draw your salary from the bottom of the pot and try your best with me in exchange for the continuation of the orthodoxy?"

Bing Shitian in the distance suddenly spoke, with a hint of disdain and sarcasm in his voice, "Sure enough, I'm so courageous, even I am about to be moved by you, but unfortunately, no matter how much you struggle, it is doomed to be unable to save the Jiuhua Sword Sect from being wiped out!" I advise you to surrender obediently and follow me to the fairy world, maybe you can live a few more days, otherwise..."

The words are endless, but the meaning has been fully revealed.

Everyone in Wen Huating's face sank, obviously, Bing Shitian had seen through their plan.

"Hmph! Bing Shitian, you are a generation from the fairy world, but you have come to the human world to run amok. Aren't you afraid of being punished by the gods?" Ancestor Deng Chen snorted coldly, his beard and hair were all stretched out, and his expression was extremely powerful.

"God damn it?"

Bing Shitian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly as if he had heard a big joke, "I came here with the Central Immortal Court Talisman in hand, which in itself represents the will of God, but if you disobey this seat, you will be disobeying the will of God! "

These words were overbearing and arrogant to the extreme, as if he was saying that Bing Shitian was the way of heaven, he was acting for the heaven, and regarded Wen Huating and others as thieves who violated the way of heaven.

"Hmph, I want to see who gives you such boldness!"

Suddenly, an old man in black flashed out of thin air, holding a golden halberd in his hand and swept across, the golden light howled, and violently killed Bing Shitian.

It was Feng Ting Patriarch who made the move!

This one of the "Three Sages of Nine Flowers" has the most staunch temper. Once he makes a move, the golden halberd is torn apart, wrapped in monstrous power, and violently kills away.

"Pearls of rice grains, dare to compete with the sun and the moon?"

Bing Shitian let out a cold snort, and flicked casually, a force of calamity swept across, and with a bang, the golden halberd was instantly shattered into powder!

Almost at the same time, with a pop, Patriarch Feng Ting coughed up blood, his figure staggered backwards, his face turned pale, and he was seriously injured by this blow!

Everyone's eyes dilated, and their hearts were shocked, it was too strong!The power shown by Bing Shitian even exceeded their expectations, making people desperate.

"You have also seen that in front of me, you are nothing more than a chicken and a dog. I will say it again, either surrender or... die!"

Bing Shitian snorted coldly, and opened his mouth with the power of a blow, domineering.


"Then give it a try!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard two loud shouts resounding almost at the same time, and immediately, the two patriarchs Deng Chen and Fei Ling attacked Bing Shitian out of thin air!

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