divine talisman

Chapter 1427 Meeting Again [Part 2]


As soon as the two ancestors Deng Chen and Fei Ling were dispatched, they launched the strongest blow, with a mighty divine power, shattering the situation in all directions.

At the same time, the head teacher Wen Huating also rushed out, but he led a group of other elders to tear open the void and plundered towards the depths of the mountain gate.

"act recklessly!"

Facing the pincer attack from the two ancestors Deng Chen and Fei Ling, Bing Shitian's face turned cold, his eyes were full of violence, he jumped out suddenly, stepped on the gangster, pointed at the sky and hit the ground, and shook his palms violently , The immortal gang shook the sky and destroyed the earth, tearing apart yin and yang, it was extremely terrifying.


Deng Chen was hit on the chest, his seven orifices bled, and he fell to the ground like a tattered sandbag. Fei Ling was even more miserable, his bones were shattered by Bing Shitian abruptly, and he was almost killed on the spot.

But even so, Fei Ling was on the verge of being seriously injured and dying.

Almost in an instant, the outcome is determined!

This Deng Chen and Fei Ling Patriarch have been in the Jiuhua Sword Sect for an unknown number of years, and looking at the entire Xuanhuan Region, they all belong to the kind of existence that stands at the peak of the pyramid.

But Xuan Huanyu is Xuan Huanyu after all, it is a part of the human world, facing Bing Shitian from the supreme Daoist sect, it is simply not enough to look at.

That kind of gap, like the difference between a sick cat and a tiger, is not at the same level at all, so it is reasonable to say that Deng Chen and his two failed.

"Two old dogs! You want to kill yourselves and win a little life for others, but this seat will not let you do so! This seat will let you see with your own eyes, what will happen to those who dare to disobey this seat!"

Bing Shitian snorted coldly, with a domineering look on his delicate cheeks, he grabbed Deng Chen and Fei Ling who were seriously injured and dying, and then, with a flash of his figure, he swept towards the depths of the Jiuhua Sword Sect's mountain gate out of thin air.

He naturally noticed the scene of Wen Huating and the others running away just now, but he didn't care, now that the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect is locked in his Qi mechanism, it is absolutely impossible for them to escape even if they want to!


Bing Shitian's pace was unhurried, like a seasoned hunter, but as he entered the Jiuhua Sword Sect step by step, mountain peaks collapsed, various ancient buildings crumbled, and those rare and strange things that hadn't had time to escape None of the beasts were spared, and they were suppressed and killed on the spot before they could howl miserably.

Welcome Hall.

True five peaks.

Zongmen Hall.

Daozang Mountain.


The huge foundation of the Jiuhua Sword Sect fell apart and collapsed in the midst of Bing Shitian's gestures. The holy place for cultivating Taoism that was originally like a fairyland has turned into devastation and ruins everywhere.

"Bing-shi-tian-you will die!"

Deng Chen and Feng Ting, two old antiques, were seriously injured and dying, and they were controlled by Bing Shitian. When they saw this scene, they were so angry that their eyes were tearing apart, the corners of their eyes were bleeding, and their voices seemed to be squeezed out from between their teeth. anger.

In their hearts, the Jiuhua Sword Sect is like a part of themselves, but now it has been destroyed by Bing Shitian all the way, how can they not make people angry?

Regarding this, Bing Shitian chuckled endlessly: "Didn't Chen Xi treat my Tianyan Dao Sect like this back then? The blame can only be blamed for you getting involved with Chen Xi, you deserve to be implicated."

When he was speaking, his figure suddenly turned straight, his eyes looked at a building like cold electricity, he stroked his chin thoughtfully and said: "Isn't that the blood soul sword hole of your Jiuhua Sword Sect? I heard that this sword hole attacked The 99th floor is transformed from a part of the remains of the Chaos God Lotus, so it is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is not known whether it is true or not."

When Deng Chen and Feng Ting heard the words, their expressions changed, they never expected that Bing Shitian would find out about this.

"They... are all hiding under it now?"

Bing Shitian glanced at the two of them, and then smiled, but the smile was cold and chilling, "You kindly asked you to surrender, but you just didn't want to. It seems that I have no choice but to send you all on the road."


When he was speaking, he stretched out his arm and pressed it from afar. The ancient building collapsed, revealing an entrance to a secret realm, which was shrouded in a layer of restriction.

That was the entrance of the Blood Soul Sword Cave.

"you dare!"

Deng Chen and Fei Ling roared angrily, with ferocious faces.

"Hehe, why don't I dare? Even if Chen Xi returns from the fairy world, I will still be able to kill you!"

A hint of disdain appeared on the corner of Bing Shitian's lips, he could feel that the hatred and resentment that had been suppressed for a long time in his heart were venting, but this was far from enough!

He wants to completely wipe out the Jiuhua Sword Sect!Only in this way can the hatred in my heart be relieved!

"You two old dogs watch carefully, do I dare to destroy your Jiuhua Sword Sect!" Bing Shitian suddenly raised his head to the sky and laughed, and sacrificed a fairy sword casually, purple light transpired, filled with immeasurable divine power.


With a wave of his hand, a majestic purple sword energy slashed down with terrifying and catastrophic power, just like the purple galaxy revolving backwards, smashing into the void, cutting off yin and yang, the momentum is extremely terrifying.

In the Blood Soul Sword Cave, the head teacher Wen Huating and other high-level officials suddenly changed their expressions, and their eyes showed despair.

"Ice! Shi! God!"

At this moment of urgency, a bone-chilling voice suddenly resounded through the heaven and earth. Accompanied by the voice, a tall figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, and with a casual grasp, the purple sword energy was crushed inch by inch and turned into powder.

This person was dressed in a green shirt, and his handsome face was covered with endless cold murderous intent. It was Chen Xi!

"Chen Xi!"

Under the Blood Soul Sword Cave, when they saw the familiar figure of Chen Xi appearing, Wen Huating and the others, who were originally in despair, suddenly lifted their spirits, and they were all extremely excited.

"Elder Chen Xi is back!"

"God, we're finally saved now!"

Not only Wen Huating and the others, but even the group of Jiuhua disciples who had been hiding in the Blood Soul Sword Cave earlier saw Chen Xi, and they all cheered and were extremely excited.

They had suffered a catastrophe before, and their hearts were truly terrified to the extreme, but the appearance of Chen Xi was no less than a ray of dawn that tore through the darkness, allowing them to see hope again.

"Don't be too optimistic. Thinking back then, what Chen Xi killed was just a clone of Bing Shitian. The situation is a bit different now."

After Patriarch Feng Ting calmed down, he couldn't help frowning.

When Wen Huating and other high-ranking figures heard the words, their hearts also thumped. Yes, Bing Shitian was already a leader in the fairy world back then, and Chen Xi had only entered the fairy world for hundreds of years. Will it be Bing Shitian's opponent?

All of this is hard to say!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became rather dull, and many elders couldn't help but feel worried for Chen Xi.


It was too late to say, but it was so fast at that time. It was only an instant from Chen Xi's appearance to the crushing of that wisp of sword energy. When Wen Huating and the others recognized Chen Xi, Bing Shitian also noticed Chen Xi.

"Chen Xi!"

Bing Shitian saw the sudden appearance of this opponent whom he had hated for hundreds of years, and his heart skipped a beat. He wasn't Wen Huating and the others, and he didn't know about Chen Xi's prestige in the fairy world.

On the contrary, he was extremely clear about every sensational deed that Chen Xi had done in the fairy world, and he understood that if it was left in the fairy world, he might not be his opponent at all.

But now...

This is the human world!

He came with Bing Shitian holding the Immortal World Talisman issued by Immortal Emperor Ziheng in the middle, and what about Chen Xi?I'm afraid that he used some kind of taboo secret method to descend to the world privately!

And he has already noticed that the aura that Chen Xi possesses now, like his own, is only at the level of the Da Luo Jinxian. If this is the case, why should he be afraid of Bing Shitian?

Thinking of this, Bing Shitian suddenly lifted his spirits, his eyes were extremely violent, as if he had caught prey.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that your damn thing would come to your door. It is true that you are known as a peerless figure in the fairy world, and you are highly valued by all the old antiques in Daohuang Academy. Unfortunately, this is the human world! Whatever you want If there is great power in the fairy world, it must be restricted by the power of heaven in the human world!"

Bing Shitian stood with his hands behind his back, his clothes fluttering, calm and composed.

"Aren't you the same?"

Chen Xi's eyes were as cold as electricity, and he locked on to Bing Shitian from afar, his voice overflowing with murderous intent.

Before, along the way, he saw the broken mountain guards, collapsed mountain gates, collapsed mountain peaks, palaces, dojos...

At first he thought it was an invasion by foreign troops, how could he think that all this was actually done by Bing Shitian?

As soon as he saw this guy, Chen Xi couldn't help but think of all kinds of grievances in the past. Witnessing this devastated scene made him completely furious, and he made up his mind to destroy this bastard no matter what!

"You are wrong, today's meeting is different from the past!"

Bing Shitian spoke slowly, and as he spoke, he glanced at Deng Chen and Fei Ling who were controlled by him, "Look, they are in my hands, will you just watch them die in my hands?"

At the end, he couldn't help but sneer, full of threats.

This is exactly what made Chen Xi fearful. If it wasn't for this, how could he have had the patience to chat with Bing Shitian, and would have done it as soon as he came up.


"This damn thing, I didn't expect it to be so shameless!"

Wen Huating and the others also witnessed this scene, and they couldn't help but burst out in rage, extremely resentful.

And Chen Xi was silent!

He was suppressing the murderous intent and hatred in his heart until it took a long time before he said expressionlessly: "Let them go, I will let you leave safely."

"Hahaha, at this time, you are still so brazen!"

Bing Shitian wanted to hear a big joke, so he couldn't help laughing out loud, and it took a long time before he restrained his smile, and said leisurely, "Chen Xi, don't wishful thinking, if you want them to live, you can kneel to me now Please, beg me to let them go, maybe it will move my compassion, so let them go."

kneel down?

As soon as Chen Xi heard this humiliating word, the murderous intent in Chen Xi's heart was almost uncontrollable, and his gaze became extremely cold for a moment.

Seeing this, Bing Shitian's heart became more and more happy, but he yelled sharply: "Why, don't you want to watch them die? Hurry up and kneel down to me! Otherwise, I will kill you within ten breaths." These two people!"

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