divine talisman

Chapter 1428 Chapter Winning [Part 1]

Within ten breaths, if Chen Xi doesn't kneel down and beg for mercy, he will definitely kill Deng Chen and Fei Ling!

Seeing the majestic and majestic Bing Shitian standing proudly above the sky, and hearing such a humiliating threat, Wen Huating and the rest of the Jiuhua Sword Sect gritted their teeth with hatred.


This Bing Shitian is simply shameless and despicable to the extreme!

Chen Xi's expression was extremely cold and chilling, and the murderous intent in his eyes boiled like molten lava, but he had no choice but to hold back, because Deng Chen and Deng Chen were still in Bing Shitian's hands, and he couldn't just watch the other party get killed!

"Ha ha ha ha."

Bing Shitian suddenly looked up to the sky and burst out laughing. The more Chen Xi behaved like this, the happier he felt, and a strong sense of revenge welled up in his heart.

"Bitch! We, the immortal cultivators, are decisive and ruthless in killing, but you, Chen Xi, have a soft heart and a woman's kindness. I really doubt how a coward like you has cultivated to this level."

Bing Shitian sneered contemptuously, his words were full of sarcasm and sarcasm.

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Deng Chen and Fei Ling's necks and said sharply: "The time for ten breaths will come soon, if you don't kneel down and beg for mercy, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The atmosphere was tense and dead silent to the extreme!

At this moment, even Wen Huating and the rest of the Jiuhua Sword Sect were at a loss, their resentment and powerlessness reached the extreme, and they didn't know how to resolve the immediate crisis.

Everyone's face was as gloomy as water, their eyes spewed fire, and they hated Bing Shitian to the bone.

As for Chen Xi, who was almost unable to contain his murderous intentions, he fixed his gaze on Bing Shitian, watching his indomitable posture.The cold and merciless smile on the corners of his lips makes him want to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

But in the end, he still didn't act impulsively.

He took a deep breath, pursed his lips tightly, and seemed to have made a decision to kneel down to Bing Shixia for mercy.

"Chen Xi!"

When they realized this scene, all the members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect exclaimed in unison and stopped him.

But Bing Shitian's eyes were full of bloodthirsty excitement, and he couldn't help laughing up to the sky: "Chen Xi, Chen Xi, you also have today? When you snatched away my senior sister Qing, how could you?" Have you ever thought that you will be reduced to where you are today? Get down on your knees, and quickly kneel down and beg for mercy! Hahahaha..."

At this moment, Bing Shitian felt extremely joyful in his heart. The resentment and aggrievedness that had been suppressed in his heart for many years were vented like a flood. The joy of that feeling is simply indescribable!

"Chen Xi, kill him!"

"kill him--!"

However, at this moment, the two ancestors, Deng Chen and Fei Ling, who were held in Bing Shitian's hands, suddenly let out a long and shrill roar, and at this moment, they both blew themselves up!


The self-explosion of the two old antiques was so terrifying. In an instant, a wave of terrifying power surged straight to the sky, spreading across the sky. Wherever it passed, rocks pulverized, the void exploded, and the land with a radius of [-] li was destroyed. into a terrible chaos.

After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, and everything fell into silence.

And everyone was already stunned.

No one thought that Deng Chen and Fei Ling would be so decisive and choose to leave in this way.

"Old Ancestor Deng Chen!"

"Ancestor Flying Spirit!"

The Jiuhua Sword Sect cried out in grief, with endless resentment in their voices.

"Damn! Damn! You are all damned!"

Bing Shitian was in a bit of a panic, if he hadn't dodged in time just now, he was almost affected.

After all, this scene happened too fast, even though he had already been prepared for Deng Chen and Fei Ling to commit suicide, he still didn't expect that the two did not say a word before, but now they committed suicide so resolutely and resolutely, which caught him by surprise !

This made his complexion darken all of a sudden, and Chen Xi was about to kneel down and beg for mercy with him just one last step away. Resentment takes its place.


At this moment, a terrifying aura came through the air, causing Bing Shitian's complexion to change, he didn't dare to think any more, he raised his hand and took out a fairy sword to shake it away.

It was Chen Xi who made the move, holding a celestial sword and slashing across.

At this moment, his expression was extremely calm and indifferent, his eyes were icy cold, and there was no emotional fluctuation. Everyone who knew him well knew that Chen Xi was already determined to kill him!


The confrontation between the two is like the collision of the sun and the moon, creating a terrifying wave that grinds the land within a radius of [-] li into dust. The scene is extremely horrifying.

This is the method of the people of the fairy world. The destructive power caused by placing it in the human world is too amazing. If it is not controlled by the power of heaven, the destructive power produced by this blow will be even more terrifying.


With this blow, Bing Shitian's figure flickered, and he was forced to take three steps back. His face instantly became gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Chen Xi, you damn thing, today is your day of death!"

Chen Xi didn't say a word, and went straight up with the sword, the sword intent tearing apart the void, smashing Yin and Yang!


Bing Shitian was shocked again, his face turned pale, but his heart became more and more furious.

When he was in the fairy world, he thought he couldn't possibly be Chen Xi's opponent, but in the human world, both of them had been bound to the same level by the law of heaven, but he was still knocked back by Chen Xi continuously, which made him totally unacceptable.

"It seems that if I don't use real means, I really can't help you, this damn thing!"

Taking a deep breath, hundreds of millions of black holy flames gushed out of his body suddenly, with a terrifying aura. This is the power of calamity inherited from the Supreme Master's method, which is most ruthless, full of disasters, and catastrophe.

Even indistinctly, behind Bing Shitian appeared a phantom wearing an emperor's crown, the majesty is extremely high, like a resurrected god, looking down on everything in the world.


This time, Bing Shitian took the initiative to attack and swung his sword. The sword intent turned into a torrent of calamity, vast and boundless. Among them was the black tribulation thunder, which covered the sky and the earth, like a doomsday disaster.

This sword is enough to be regarded as shocking and weeping ghosts and gods, it is about to turn the sky into chaos and shatter it!

The power of disaster!

Could it be that this guy has joined the Supreme Master?

No wonder he descended to the human world and killed the Jiuhua Sword Sect. It turned out that there was the Supreme Master behind him!

When he saw this scene, the boiling murderous intent in Chen Xi's heart surged up uncontrollably and became even more violent. The next moment, the fairy sword in his hand disappeared with a clang, and after that, he was replaced with a blood-red sword with four long swords. The inside of the sword body is branded with ancient swords full of lotus flowers.

As soon as the sword is released, huge and bloody visions are transpired in an instant, the gods roar, the holy screams, the sky pours blood rain, and the earth is full of god corpses and bones!

Dao's sword!

In an instant, Wen Huating and other high-ranking members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect recognized this sword. It was the most supreme and mysterious treasure of their sect. It was inherited from the founder of the sect, the Chaos God Lotus, and its power is unpredictable!


In just one blow, Chen Xi crushed all of Bing Shitian's offensives, causing the opponent's whole body to tremble, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, and the power of calamity all over his body was shattered in sevens and eighties.

Seeing that Chen Xi was gaining the upper hand every step of the way, everyone in the Jiuhua Sword Sect was very excited, and many disciples even shouted that they would cut that ice into pieces, and blow their bones to ashes.

"The Sword of Dao'er! As expected, what the Suiren Patriarch said is true, this sword was obtained from a damned thing like you!" Bing Shitian's eyes flashed a trace of resentment, and even more dignified.

The sword of Dao'er is designed to overcome the disaster power of the Supreme Master, as a disciple of the Supreme Master, how could Bing Shitian not know this.


Chen Xi flew over again, without saying a word, his killing was incomparable.

He was no longer in the mood to talk nonsense with the other party, he just wanted to kill the other party completely, so as to pay homage to the dead souls of Deng Chen and Fei Ling!

Bing Shitian tried his best to fight against it, but in less than a moment, he was sent flying by Chen Xi's sword again, his whole body was covered in blood, his face was livid and ferocious, and he was extremely embarrassed.

How could this be?

How can this kid overwhelm me in the human world?

Why! ?

Bing Shitian was filled with endless resentment and unwillingness, his teeth were about to be crushed.

When he met Chen Xi for the first time back then, the other party was just an ant-like existence in the Nirvana Realm, while he, Bing Shitian, was already a Da Luo Jinxian!

But now... the other party not only crushes Bing Shitian with his prestige and strength in the fairy world, but even in the human world, Chen Xi has forced him to lose consecutively. This huge gap almost drives Bing Shitian crazy!

He no longer hesitated, let out an angry roar, waved his hand casually, and a golden talisman suddenly appeared in front of him, reflecting hundreds of millions of sacred and supreme immortal clouds.

"Have you seen the talisman issued by Immortal Emperor Ziheng himself, holding the talisman, this seat represents the heavenly way of immortality, you came to the fairy world privately, thinking that this seat really has no way to deal with you? It's a joke, the power of the immortal way, Kill heresy!"

Bing Shitian roared sharply, his expression extremely ferocious.

That golden talisman emanated light suddenly, and the vast rules of the fairy world were activated at once, as if the heavens descended, trying to obliterate all evils.

"Kneel down to me! Or die!"

At this moment, Bing Shitian seemed to have regained his self-confidence. He was arrogant and laughed arrogantly. In the final analysis, this piece of immortal world talisman is his real trump card!

He never underestimated Chen Xi's ability, but he never thought that Chen Xi would suddenly appear in the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and he never thought that even in the human world, his combat power would be so terrifying.

But all of this is no longer important in front of the talisman of the fairy world. Anyone in the fairy world who comes to the human world privately will also be sanctioned by the power of heaven!

This is the power of the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms, which is supreme and maintains the movement of the Three Realms. Now it is displayed by Bing Shitian with the Immortal World Talisman in his hand, giving him endless self-confidence.

However, regarding this, Chen Xi's expression remained unchanged, and he grabbed at the void, boo!That immortal world talisman was smashed by Chen Xi before it launched an offensive, and it was completely turned into a rain of light and wiped away!

"If it's the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, maybe it can still make me afraid, but this little fairy world talisman can also restrain me? What an idiot!"

At this point in the battle, Chen Xi finally opened his mouth, and in conjunction with his movement of crushing the talisman of the fairy world, every word of his was like a giant hammer, smashing hard into Bing Shitian's heart, causing his pupils to dilate, and he couldn't believe it All this happening before my eyes!


ps: This is a revised and simplified version, some unnecessary specific battle plots have been deleted by me, please feel it.

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