divine talisman

Chapter 1429 Calamity Rebirth [Part 2]

In an instant, the fairy world talisman that he had entrusted with endless hopes was scratched to pieces!

How can this be?

That represents the heavenly way of immortality. No matter how strong Chen Xi is, how can he fight against the heavenly way?

Bing Shitian was completely stunned as if struck by lightning, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, this was his greatest strength, but it didn't help at all, and he was caught and destroyed. Now, whoever it is, I'm afraid I can't believe it.

He didn't know that Chen Xi, who was carrying a fragment of the River Map, dared to shake it with the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, let alone a mere piece of the Immortal World Talisman.


It's abominable!

Bing Shitian's face was distorted, completely crazy, and he jumped up suddenly, his hands were intertwined with complicated handprints, and a force that shook the world was boiling in his hands: "I don't believe that I can't kill you bastard!"

Amidst the roar, countless violent forces swirled around him, and those air currents turned into all kinds of catastrophic visions, the sun fell and the moon fell, the sky was destroyed, the earth was destroyed, and the world was destroyed... It was extremely terrifying.

All of these were integrated into the immortal sword in his hand, generating an infinite killing aura, making him like a demon god who masters punishment and judgment, releasing infinite coercion, making the world groan, tremble, and explode every inch of it. , producing one piece after another of nothingness cracks and black holes.


This piece of heaven and earth has changed suddenly, and a catastrophic vision has come, which seems to destroy the sky, the earth, and the latitude.

This is the inheritance of the Supreme Master, the power of calamity, ruthless killing, like a catastrophe, enough to penetrate through the ages and shatter the universe, the sun and the moon!

And at this moment, Bing Shitian was obviously trying his best, wanting to fight Chen Xi at all costs.

"I don't know how to live or die, so I will let you understand how big the gap is between you and me!"

For this, Chen Xi had no fear at all, and his figure remained motionless, while in his hands, the Dao'e sword groaned, suddenly producing billions of surging sword intent and bloody light.

Inheritance of the Five Elements Sword.

Inheritance of the Wind and Thunder Sword.

Inheritance of the Yin-Yang Sword.

Inheritance of Star Annihilation Sword.

... All kinds of supremely inherited powers from the Promise Divine Talisman, under Chen Xi's Sword God Perfection Sword Dao cultivation base, all exploded in an instant!

laugh!laugh!laugh! ...

The sword qi is like a torrential rain, covering every inch of space in the world. Those sword qi are myriads of auras, each with its own supreme meaning, roaring between the heaven and the earth, and seeing the magnificent scene, everyone in the Jiuhua Sword Sect is stunned. I was dumbfounded, I dare not imagine that there is such a supreme swordsmanship in this world.

And all of these are assisted by the sword of Dao, how terrifying is the deterrent force it produces?

At this moment, no one can describe the damage caused by Chen Xi's blow.

Bing Shitian's desperate blow was crushed and shattered every inch of it as soon as it was released, and the force suddenly flowed backwards, turning into chaotic waves.

Chen Xi's hundreds of millions of sword energy did not hit his body, but the force did shatter the opponent's sword and incinerate his clothes.

"It's impossible! It's impossible..."

Bing Shitian, a disciple of the Supreme Sect serving Taoism, finally felt a great fear at this moment. His body was injured by the billions of sword qi, tearing out bloodstains, and even the veins of the Dao on his skin appeared Collapsed, bleeding from the seven orifices, disfigured.

His hair and eyebrows were all shaved off, and he turned into a bald head. His whole body was covered in blood, and he completely lost the arrogant and domineering temperament he had before.


And at this moment, Chen Xi really unleashed this blow!

No words can describe it, and no trump card can withstand this blow. Bing Shitian's whole body was chopped into a mass of rotten flesh in an instant!

Just one hit!

Bing Shitian, an unrivaled genius who entered the Supreme Sect to practice with the Immortal Talisman in hand, was beheaded!

This kind of destructive means of destroying the enemy may be difficult to resist even against the real Daluo Jinxian. Of course, this is the power Chen Xi displayed in the human world. It is also necessary to drink hatred on the spot.

When Wen Huating and other high-ranking figures and those Jiuhua disciples saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded, and their hearts became more and more shocked.

Before Chen Xi appeared, they had already deeply understood the horror of Bing Shitian. Even the three old antiques, Deng Chen, Feng Ting, and Fei Ling, were not his enemies in one blow. The Jiuhua Sword Sect was destroyed.

But now, these characters have been wiped out by Chen Xi!

Comparing the two, they naturally clearly realized that the combat power that Chen Xi possessed now had reached an unimaginably terrifying height.

But before everyone could wake up from the shock, an incomparably shrill cry resounded—"Chen Xi, do you think you've won? Don't be delusional! If reincarnation doesn't exist, who can do anything to get this seat? Calamity Rebirth Pill, plastic version Guiyuan!"

That Bing Shitian who had been chopped into rotten flesh turned into a dazzling black light again at this moment, condensed again, and unexpectedly came back to life again!

Such a scene is even more shocking than the method of body training by gods and demons!

You know, Chen Xi's blow chopped Bing Shitian into rotten flesh. It was obvious that his body had perished and his soul had collapsed, but in the blink of an eye, he came back to life again. Even stronger than before.

"Damn it! He's not a demon body refiner, how could he be resurrected?"

"Even the god-fiend body-refining flow, under the blow of Elder Chen Xi, would definitely die. All of this must have come from the Calamity Rebirth Pill."

"What should we do? If we continue in this order, we won't be able to kill him at all!"

Witnessing the scene of Bing Shitian's resurrection, everyone in the Jiuhua Sword Sect was in shock.

"Catastrophic rebirth pill? What kind of pill is this? Could it be that without the power of reincarnation, everyone in the Supreme Sect can be reborn instantly with this pill, and it can't be completely wiped out at all?"

Chen Xi's heart was also trembling, and he frowned endlessly. Based on his knowledge, if this kind of elixir is really as he guessed, it would be too heaven-defying.


The re-condensation and resurrection made Bing Shitian even more intimidating, and his whole body was full of disaster, like a peerless overlord looking down on the sky.

And the eyes he looked at Chen Xi were full of madness, cruelty, bloodthirsty, and malice.

"Calamity rises to the sky, ruthless forbidden law, gangsters, and all Taoists bow their heads!" He let out a long roar, and struck again with a sword. The sword was terrifying, as if the heavens and all Taoists really bowed their heads in front of him.

This sword is indeed extremely powerful, causing the avenues between heaven and earth to retreat one after another, possessing unrivaled power.

Regarding this, Chen Xi's eyes were cold, and he said: "It seems that for this lower realm, the Supreme Master has prepared many life-saving means for you, but if you think that I can't obliterate you, you are too naive!"

While speaking, Chen Xi went forward with his sword, and struck Bing Shitian with a forceful blow.


Chen Xi's whole body was like a god in the sword, the sword intent was boiling, the wind and clouds were spinning outside his body, fish and dragons were spreading, and the sword light was radiating from his whole body, immeasurably vast.

And even if Bing Shitian's aura became stronger, he would be oppressed again after a while, like a trapped animal, powerless to contend with Chen Xi.

"You can swallow as many Calamity Rebirth Pills as you want, but death is your final destination."

Chen Xi strode forward, displaying a suppressive attitude, stepping on the Mystery of Gang Fighting, permeated with a sword like constant sand, the eternal meaning, countless sword intents, lingering around his body, flickering and fading, flashing and disappearing, and It was a sword that killed Bing Shitian.


Bing Shitian couldn't hide in time, and his entire body was split into a ball of flesh and blood again, leaving only a head floating in the flesh and blood. A pair of hateful eyes stared at Chen Xi, filled with endless flames of hatred.

Seeing this scene, Wen Huating and the others breathed a sigh of relief again. This battle was full of twists and turns, extremely thrilling, and the methods used by both sides in the battle were beyond the scope of the human world and beyond their imagination.

Because this is the method of the fairy family, it comes from the fairy world, and it is not something that practitioners in the human world can guess!

And obviously, in this kind of duel, Chen Xi clearly had the upper hand, and his skills were superior.

As soon as he reached out, Chen Xi grabbed Bing Shitian's head. After careful perception, he found that although his head was broken and his soul was shattered, there was a strange force repairing and condensing him at an inconceivable speed. His blood and soul, if you think about it, that is the power of the "Calamity Rebirth Pill".

It's a pity that Chen Xi couldn't find out what the medicinal power was, because that strange power was extremely obscure, beyond his cognition, and it seemed that it was not possessed by the Three Realms.

"Chen Xi, you can't kill me! Not only that, even if you are alive today, you will eventually be killed by the Supreme Sect, and anyone related to you will also die!" Bing Shitian's only remaining head was hideously big Roar.


The corners of Chen Xi's lips curled into a cold arc, "I will be threatened even when I am about to die, but don't worry, one day I will crush this sect and eradicate its orthodoxy!"

As he said that, he exerted strength in his hands, and crushed Bing Shitian's head with a bang, and then made a series of obscure seals with both hands, sealing all the thoughts, methods, blood essence, soul, and laws left by Bing Shitian. , turned into a huge golden ball.

Even so, Bing Shitian's voice was still conveyed from it, with an extremely venomous voice: "Chen Xi, you wait! Wait—!"

"What I'm waiting for is the day when the Taishang Sect will be leveled, not your threat. The grievances between you and me are destined to end today!"

Suddenly, an imperceptible wisp of terminating Dao intention gushed out from Chen Xi's palm, and it penetrated into that golden ball. With a bang, the golden ball suddenly shattered, annihilated, and completely turned into nothingness. All vitality was shattered. end!


For many years, this unrivaled talent who had been hailed as the arrogance of Xuan Huanyu, this disciple who resolutely entered the Supreme Master Sect for revenge, was completely obliterated by Chen Xi!

The grievances, hatred, and karma between Chen Xi, him, and Qing Xiuyi in the past years... also came to an end at this moment. From now on, there will be no ice in the world!

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