divine talisman

Chapter 1431 The Birthday Banquet Invitation

too classy.

On that ten thousand-zhang mountain peak overflowing with lava and flames soaring into the sky, Suirenting sat cross-legged, like a god in fire, with a majestic and majestic demeanor.

"It's just a small ant, but it has ruined two half-step immortal kings and a Taoist disciple in the sect. Wei Xing, you have disappointed me."

Suirenting spoke in a flat voice without any emotion.

In front of the volcano, Wei Xing, whom Zuoqiufeng called "Mr. Wei", was shocked, his forehead was filled with sweat, and he quickly bowed and said, "To the patriarch of Suiren, when Chen Xi came to the human world, his strength must be beyond However, the reason why this plan failed in the Great Luojin Wonderland may be that Chen Xi had an expert behind him, otherwise with the methods of Zuoqiu's two half-step Immortal Kings, he would definitely not have died in his hands."

"Help from an expert?" Suirenting suddenly opened his eyes, shot cold electricity, and said indifferently, "Is this the explanation you gave me?"

"Disciple is guilty, please punish me!" Wei Xing fell to his knees with a thump, his heart became more and more frightened, and he kept silent like a cicada, not daring to defend himself anymore.

He is just a Taoist disciple, if Suirenting is dissatisfied with him, he can kill him at will, without any discussion at all.

In fact, he was quite wronged in his heart. Who would have thought that in the human world, even two half-step fairy kings would encounter accidents?It's not because of flaws in his plan, but because that little thing named Chen Xi is too weird!

"That little thing is carrying the sword of Dao'er, fragments of the river map, and is related to Shenyan Mountain. It is indeed not so easy to deal with."

Suirenting was silent for a while, before speaking indifferently.

However, before he could say anything more, a loud voice suddenly resounded through the world—"Brother Suiren, come to Biling Palace quickly, the leader has something to ask!"

"Please tell me, Junior Brother Xun."

Suirenting stood up abruptly, clasped his fists in the far distance, and then said to Mr. Wei: "You wait here for now, I will go back when I go."

Wei Xing hurriedly bowed and saluted, until Suirenting's figure disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to himself, what is the purpose of the leader's summoning?


"Within a hundred years, you must not step into the Three Realms again..."

After burning a stick of incense, Suirenting returned, but his brows were frowned, obviously preoccupied.

When he arrived at Biling Palace before, he did not see the Supreme Leader, but he received a voice transmission from the Supreme Leader, telling him not to enter the Three Realms again within a hundred years.

Although the reason for this has not been clearly stated, Suirenting can roughly guess that it must be related to the turmoil in the Three Realms, otherwise the leader would never come to tell him personally.

"It seems... within a hundred years, when a catastrophe strikes..." After a while, Suirenting took a deep breath and confirmed a certain idea.

"Wei Xing." Suirenting said.

"The disciple is here." Wei Xing had been waiting all this time, and upon hearing this, he quickly bowed to salute.

"Originally, I planned to do it myself, but now I have other important matters. Since this is the case, I will give you another chance. Within a hundred years, I must capture and kill Chen Xi! All the chess pieces in the game can be handed over to you."

Suirenting murmured, and said slowly, "I have only one request, to bring back the sword of Dao and the fragments of the river map."

Hearing this, Wei Xing's spirit suddenly lifted: "This disciple will definitely live up to the high expectations of our ancestors!"


Suirenting threw out a token, his expression became serious immediately, and he said coldly: "Remember! If you still can't complete the task within a hundred years, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"


Immortal World, Daohuang Academy.

In a secret place, Hua Jiankong with gray clothes and white hair sat cross-legged.

Behind him, the star-covered pan was suspended in the sky, reflecting billions of clear stars.


Suddenly, there was a strange fluctuation, and then, the light flashed in the star-filled disk, and a passage emerged.

Hua Jiankong, who was meditating with his eyes closed, was suddenly awakened. He stood up, raised his eyes and looked over, and sure enough, he saw Chen Xi's figure walking out of it.

"came back."

Hua Jiankong asked with a smile.


Chen Xi cupped his hands and returned to the familiar fairy world. He breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and could clearly feel that all of his sealed power had recovered.

This feeling of regaining control of power made him very at ease.

"Is everything done?"

Hua Jiankong asked.

Chen Xi nodded. The affairs of the human world can indeed come to an end. The only regret is that he was not able to go to the Bauhinia Bai family to meet Bai Wanqing and the others.

"The dean asked me to tell you that when you have fully grasped the Dao Emperor's inheritance, I will meet you in person. Now that you have returned to the fairy world, let's quietly cultivate in the academy."

For unknown reasons, Hua Jiankong made a suggestion to Xiang.

"Well, this junior understands."

Chen Xi nodded again. In fact, ever since he learned that Ji Yu was the Primordial Daoist Emperor, he already knew that the current dean probably already knew his identity.

As for whether Hua Jiankong knew his identity, he was not sure.

However, Chen Xi didn't bother to pay attention to these things at the moment. Perhaps when he thoroughly grasped the Dao Emperor's inheritance, he would be able to learn everything from the current headmaster.

Afterwards, Hua Jiankong didn't say any more, and took Chen Xi out of this secret realm, and sent him all the way to the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion before leaving.


Call ~

Sitting cross-legged in his own cave, Chen Xi didn't stop for a moment, inspected the Yuhuang Kyushu Cauldron, and found that nothing unusual happened, so he immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

This is the fairyland, and now Yuhuang Jiuzhou Dingzhong not only accommodates Guting Small World, but also the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect senior management and disciples.

"With senior Xiaoding and the second avatar taking care of each other in the Yuhuang Kyushu cauldron, there shouldn't be any accidents..." Chen Xi thought silently.

The Yuhuang Kyushu Ding is the god of the town in the Hongmeng period. It is divided into nine divine tripods, and each tripod has a world in it, which is extremely magical.

The second avatar has been practicing the "Shenming Nine Cauldron Body" technique in it, and it has entered the realm very quickly. Now it has practiced this technique to the third level, and its physical body has been tempered to the realm of Daluo. It is enough to put it in the fairy world. Crush any Da Luo realm to exist.

However, this level of cultivation progress is still not as good as the deity's cultivation level.

Chen Xi didn't extravagantly expect the second avatar to be of much help to him. From the beginning to the end, he regarded the second avatar as a way out for him. If something unexpected happens to the main body, the second avatar can be used.

Now Yuhuang Kyushu Dingzhong has recruited Guting Small World and Jiuhua Sword Sect. The second avatar can not only cultivate in it, but also communicate with relatives and friends in it, which is quite a pleasant thing.

Like now, Chen Xi's second clone is talking with his younger brother Chen Hao in Songyan City.

"Inheritance of the Dao Emperor..."

After a while, Chen Xi shifted his thoughts to the jade slip branded in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was the inheritance of the Dao Emperor, but unfortunately it was shrouded in the power of the fragments of the river diagram, no matter how much he tried to comprehend it, it would be of no avail.

"Forget it, this inheritance will be acquired by me sooner or later. Now I should practice with peace of mind and strive to completely integrate the indestructible divine pattern. By then, I will be able to open up my own holy way of talisman."

Chen Xi pondered for a long time, and finally made a decision.

An experience in the human world made him feel more and more that turmoil in the three worlds would break out in a short time.

What's more important is that when Zuoqiu Hong, Zuoqiu Boyun and Bing Shitian appeared at that time, Chen Xi smelled an extremely dangerous aura, and he deeply understood that the Zuoqiu family and the Supreme Master had obviously been eyeing him for a long time, and he didn't even rule out this. The two major forces are already planning actions against themselves.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi was even more afraid to slack off on himself.

Of course, he is also very clear that if he really goes to war with the Zuoqiu clan now, he is not worried about failure, because he has planned many methods over the years. If he opens his mouth to declare war on the Zuoqiu clan, there will definitely be many Tongtian Characters come to help.

Like Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Dao Yao, Sun Wuhen, and Pang Du of Nuwa Taoist Palace, like Weiyang Immortal King of Weiyang Xianzhou, although they are now in the realm of fairy kings, don't forget that they are all alive. I got a Dao Fruit Spirit, and if there are no accidents, I can step into the Conferred God Realm within a hundred years!

Not only that, but Chi Cangsheng, Hua Jiankong, Zhao Taici, and Ao Jiuhui, four old antiques in Daohuang Academy, each obtained a spirit of Dao fruit from Chen Xi. If they knew that Chen Xi and Zuoqiu's When the war started, he would definitely not stand idly by.

In addition, members of the Chen League, like the Xuanyuan clan behind Axiu...all of them will become Chen Xi's strong supporters.

It can be said that Chen Xi has already managed his own contacts and influence in the Imperial Academy these years. Once it erupts completely, it will definitely shake the entire fairy world.

The only thing that made Chen Xi dissatisfied was his own cultivation, which was only in the realm of Saint Immortal, and it was precisely because of this that he did not declare war on the Zuoqiu clan for so long.

So for the current Chen Xi, the most urgent task is to cultivate, to improve his cultivation with all his strength!Not only to avenge the Zuoqiu clan, but also to fight against the Supreme Master and the coming catastrophe of the Three Realms!

After thinking through all of this, Chen Xi didn't have the heart to pay attention to other things, and immediately retreated in the world of stars.


Flowers bloom and fall, spring goes and autumn comes.

Three years have passed since Chen Xi closed his closed doors, and 15 years have passed in the world of stars.

For people in the fairy world, three years is nothing more than a snap of the fingers. You must know that some old antiques can take thousands of years to retreat even once!

Time, for any ascetic in the fairy world, is extremely long, but it is extremely urgent, because every time they practice, it takes too much time.

On this day, Axiu's sudden visit awakened Chen Xi who was cultivating.

"Invite me to attend Senior Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet?"

When he learned of the reason for Axiu's visit, Chen Xi couldn't help being startled. He didn't know who Xuanyuan Poxiao was, but he thought it was just a birthday banquet, so why would he invite him?


ps: It’s gone tonight, I will continue to be willful when I recover from illness, and thank you for your concern. Goldfish has already caught Chinese medicine and received an intravenous drip.

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