divine talisman

Chapter 1432

Xuanyuan breaks the dawn!

A legendary old antique from the Xuanyuan family, one of the seven great families in ancient times, has gone through countless bloody battles in his life, killing with iron and blood, shaking the entire fairy world.

Among them, the most famous battle took place 8000 years ago on the battlefield outside the territory. Xuanyuan Poxiao raged alone and angrily beheaded twelve alien leaders who were equivalent to the half-step fairy king level outside the territory, and earned the title of "Iron Blood King". Shaking the universe, it is talked about by countless living beings.

But it was also after that battle that Xuanyuan Poxiao lived in seclusion, until now 8000 years have passed.

The reason Axiu came to find Chen Xi this time was to invite him to attend Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet.

Because this birthday banquet is different from the previous ones, it indicates that Xuanyuan Poxiao will return to the world after 8000 years of retreat. Such a big man with the title of "Iron Blood King" set up a birthday banquet as soon as he broke through. How many eyes have attracted the attention of the fairy world.


Douxuan Immortal City,

The place where Xuanyuan's forces are entrenched.

Ever since the news spread that Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet would be held in Douxuan Immortal City, in recent days, figures from many top powers in the fairy world have all come to hear the news.

And today is the time for Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet.

In the incomparably magnificent hall, guests gathered, and the top dignitaries from all over the fairy world had been waiting here for a long time.

Lines of beautiful maidservants serve tea and water, and courteous attendants shuttle around the hall, serving every guest warmly.

Due to the large number of guests this time, which greatly exceeded Xuanyuan's expectations, and the venue for the birthday banquet was held in Douxuan Immortal City, not Xuanyuan's headquarters, the children of Xuanyuan's welcome this time The number is not enough.

Under such circumstances, Qi Xiaoyu, a girl living in the Xuanyuan family, also temporarily acted as a welcoming guest.

She was Liu Jianheng's adoptive daughter. After being brought back to Douxuan Immortal City by Chen Xi, she and Liu Jianheng were arranged by Chen Xi to live in the Xuanyuan Clan, and her life was extremely fulfilling and peaceful.

However, Qi Xiaoyu grew up in the mining area since he was a child. Although he has lived in the Xuanyuan family for many years, he has never played the role of welcoming guests. She was also a little nervous.

Even, she didn't know exactly what kind of role she was playing. In desperation, she could only do whatever she saw, not just welcoming guests. She was supposed to be serving tea and serving guests, etc. She is doing her best to help with her work.

Qi Xiaoyu didn't feel aggrieved, because she and Liu Jianheng lived in the Xuanyuan Clan these years, and received a lot of protection and care, which made her very grateful, and she never found a chance to repay.

At this time, she was fortunate enough to welcome and send off the guests with those Xuanyuan disciples, and she was extremely happy in her heart.

However, it was the first time for her to do such a thing, and she was in a hurry for a while, and almost broke the teacup and wine glass in her hand several times.

"Miss Qi, let me come."

Seeing that Qi Xiaoyu almost knocked over another wine glass while serving a guest, a beautiful maid hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"I'm fine, just go ahead and get busy."

Qi Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue, said a little embarrassedly, and turned around to pour tea for another guest who had just entered the hall.

But just as she turned around, she bumped into a guest, and the hot tea that was just filled in her hand spilled. If the other party hadn't dodged in time, it would have almost spilled on the other party.

"Bad maid! You don't have eyes when you walk?"

The guest was a young man in Chinese robes, seeing a maid bumping into him so clumsily, he immediately became displeased and scolded in a cold voice.

This young man in Chinese robes is called Zuoqiu Ting, he is a descendant of the Zuoqiu family, and also a disciple of the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy.

The relationship between the Zuoqiu family and the Xuanyuan family is not very good, but after all, they are all among the seven great families of ancient times. This time Xuanyuan Poxiao is holding a birthday banquet, and the Zuoqiu family will still send someone to congratulate .

And Zuoqiu Ting came to attend the birthday banquet on behalf of the Zuoqiu clan. The reason why he was sent alone is because the internal conflicts in the Zuoqiu clan are serious and chaotic. Attending Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet, so Zuoqiu Ting was sent to make up for it.

And Zuoqiu Ting also knew that the relationship between Zuoqiu and Xuanyuan was not good, so when he came to the birthday banquet this time, he was quite reluctant in his heart. Now seeing a maid bumping into him, he almost made himself look ugly. How could he be in a better mood?

"My lord, I'm sorry, please calm down."

Qi Xiaoyu quickly apologized in a low voice.


Zuoqiu Ting frowned and spit out a word with a look of displeasure.

Being scolded as a lowly maidservant, and scolded unceremoniously with the word "scroll", Qi Xiaoyu couldn't help but turn pale with anger, no matter how good her temper was, but in the end she didn't dare to say anything more. Today is Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet, She didn't want to spoil the festive atmosphere because of herself.

In addition, for the other party to be able to participate in the birthday banquet, his status must be extremely noble, so how could Qi Xiaoyu dare to argue with the other party?

"Young master, Miss Qi is not a servant of the Xuanyuan family, please be careful with your words." A servant next to him couldn't stand it, and couldn't help reminding him in a low voice.

Zuoqiu Ting's face darkened, he never expected that even a servant would dare to refute him, he couldn't help asking Qi Xiaoyu with a sneer: "Are you from the Xuanyuan clan?"

Qi Xiaoyu pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Then you are the distinguished guest invited by the Xuanyuan Clan?" Zuoqiu Ting continued to ask.

Qi Xiaoyu shook his head again.

Seeing this, Zuoqiu Ting couldn't help feeling an evil fire in his heart: "Since this is the case, is it wrong for me to let you go?"

"My lord, you misunderstood..."

Seeing this, the attendant at the side wanted to explain Qi Xiaoyu's identity, but before he finished speaking, Zuoqiu Ting scolded him: "Go away too, my son is here to attend the birthday banquet, not with you guys The scumbags grind their teeth!"

"Who is the scumbag?"

Although Qi Xiaoyu forbears, but she will never allow others to slander her, seeing Zuoqiu Ting insulting her again and again, if she doesn't resist, then she will have no integrity at all.

Zuo Qiuting was stunned for a moment, seeing the guests around him looking at him, he suddenly felt like a monkey being watched, when did Zuo Qiuting lose such a person?

This is a servant of the Xuanyuan clan!How dare you bully yourself?If this is the case, then Zuoqiu's face will be lost!

As soon as he thought of it, he slapped Qi Xiaoyu fiercely, and cursed: "Bitch! There are no rules!"

None of the nearby guests expected that Zuoqiu Ting would have such a big reaction, that he would fight a girl in front of so many people regardless of his demeanor.

And Qi Xiaoyu subconsciously wants to dodge, but how can the other party dodge the attack without warning?The shadow of the hand was getting closer and closer, and she could feel the airflow from the palm of her hand on her face, making her skin as painful as a needle prick.

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, firmly grasping Zuoqiu Ting's wrist, and the angry slap stopped abruptly, only an inch away from Qi Xiaoyu's face.


Zuoqiu Ting let out a muffled snort, his wrist was almost snapped off, his face immediately changed, he turned his head to look fiercely, and when he saw the appearance of the person coming, he suddenly lost his voice: "Chen Xi?"

The person who came was dressed in a green shirt and had a handsome face. It was Chen Xi.

He originally didn't intend to attend this birthday banquet, but he couldn't pass Axiu's hard work, and this birthday banquet was held in Douxuan Immortal City, so he finally agreed.

But he still didn't expect that when he arrived here, Qi Xiaoyu, the righteous daughter of his master Liu Jianheng, would suffer such humiliation, and his expression turned cold all of a sudden.

Chen Xi!

Zuoqiu Ting's voiceless exclamation also attracted the attention of many people nearby. There is no way, this name is so popular in today's fairy world, and it is well known to everyone. How could it be possible that many important people present have not heard of it?

Knowing that the handsome young man in front of him was Chen Xi, he naturally attracted many eyes.

Zuo Qiuting also knew that he had lost his composure just now, so he calmed down and said to Chen Xi coldly: "Chen Xi, what do you mean?"

His wrist was still being grabbed by Chen Xi, his bones ached, no matter how much he struggled, it was useless, which made him both shocked and angry.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Xi patted Qi Xiaoyu's shoulder next to him, "She is my younger sister. My younger sister has been bullied. As an older brother, I should help her get justice."

younger sister!

Zuoqiu Ting's complexion changed suddenly, and he didn't even think that the girl in front of him who was serving tea and water for other guests could be Chen Xi's younger sister.

Not only him, but also other guests around were a little unbelievable. When did Chen Xi have an extra younger sister?

Only Qi Xiaoyu was at the side, feeling moved and nervous at the same time, and said in a low voice, "Brother Chen Xi, today is Senior Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday, you...don't bother with him."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chen Xi nodded, but then changed the topic, "But capital punishment is inevitable, and living crime is inevitable. Since he dares to do something, then let's use this hand as punishment."

As soon as the words fell, there was a click, Zuoqiu Ting's right wrist was directly twisted, and the bones exploded inch by inch!


Zuoqiu Ting gasped in pain, and was about to let out a sound when Chen Xi said indifferently, "If you dare to call out, I'll kill you right away. If you don't believe me, you can try."

The words were calm, but there was an unquestionable flavor.

Zuoqiu Ting immediately restrained himself, his complexion turned ashen and ferocious, he gritted his teeth and said, "Very good! I'll see if you, Chen Xi, can still dance for a few more days!"

After finishing speaking, he glared at Chen Xi with incomparable resentment, then turned around and left.After such a big scandal, he naturally has no face to stay any longer.

In addition, he was also extremely worried that Chen Xi would kill him regardless of everything, so he didn't dare to linger any longer. You must know that even Zuo Qiukong, the heir of the Zuoqiu Clan, died in Chen Xi's hands.

Compared with Zuo Qiukong, Zuoqiu Ting was far behind, so naturally he didn't dare to challenge Chen Xi.

And when everyone around saw this scene, they were all astonished in their hearts. To actually do something at Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet, this Chen Xi really had the guts.

"Chen Xi, what happened?"

At this time, Axiu also heard the news from afar.


ps: The condition is stable, and the update will be back to normal tomorrow. I have received many friends’ concern in the past two days, and Jinyu is very touched. Thank you everyone, thank you~~

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