divine talisman

Chapter 1433 Xuanyuan Poxiao [Part 1]

Chen Xi shook his head and smiled, "It's fine."

For the current Chen Xi, it is really nothing to lose Zuoqiu Ting's right arm, even if he kills Zuo Qiuting, he will not have any psychological burden.

But obviously, his answer made Axiu unsatisfied, so she directly pulled a waiter to the side to ask the reason of the matter.

How could the waiter not recognize the little princess of the Xuanyuan family, and immediately told everything that happened just now respectfully.

"You... actually let Xiao Yu serve the guests?"

Knowing all this, Axiu's eyes widened immediately, and she said angrily, "Who arranged this?"

The waiter thumped in his heart and was too scared to speak.

Chen Xi was wondering before, how could Qi Xiaoyu be reduced to a role like a servant and maidservant because she was arranged by herself in the Xuanyuan Clan?If this is true, Chen Xi will only feel even more uncomfortable.

Qi Xiaoyu explained in a low voice at the side: "Don't blame them, it's because the clan lacks people to welcome guests. I came to help when I had nothing to do, but I didn't know what to do, so... just... like this gone."

Chen Xi suddenly came to a sudden realization, and patted Qi Xiaoyu's shoulder with his hand, sighed dumbfoundingly and said, "You girl is too kind, don't do that again in the future."

Qi Xiaoyu nodded quickly.

But even so, Chen Xi secretly decided that after the birthday banquet this time, he would take Qi Xiaoyu and Liu Jianheng away, and place them together in Yuhuang Jiuzhou Cauldron. Send those disciples to meet each other, and I will never "stay under the fence" again.

"There is also that Zuoqiu Ting, who is really courageous enough to act wildly on my Xuanyuan's territory, and we will settle accounts with him later!"

Axiu was still angry, this time she invited Chen Xi to attend the birthday banquet, but this happened on her own land, how could she not be angry.

"Okay, this is senior Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet, don't let such a small matter affect your mood." Chen Xi was dumbfounded, and took the initiative to comfort Axiu.

Axiu groaned a few times before giving up.


This little storm was fleeting.

Chen Xi brought Qi Xiaoyu and Axiu to a corner of the main hall and sat down, drinking wine and tea, and it was quite leisurely.

However, Chen Xi could still notice that many eyes in the hall were sizing him up intentionally or unintentionally, and there was not much malice in the eyes, most of them were curious.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi has long been calm. Even if he is unwilling, he has to admit that there is probably no one in the current fairy world who does not recognize him.

This is prestige, especially after Chen Xi beheaded Zuo Qiukong and completely broke his face with the Zuoqiu family, one of the seven great ancient families, his reputation in the fairy world has reached the peak of the sky, and no one in the world knows you the point.

When seeing him appearing at Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday banquet, it would naturally attract the attention of the big shots from all sides.

In particular, he broke Zuo Qiuting's arm with his hands before. Although his original intention was to vent his anger on Qi Xiaoyu's behalf, but in the eyes of others, the meaning became a bit intriguing.

In other words, most people believed that it was precisely because of the bad relationship between Chen Xi and the Zuoqiu family that they took this opportunity to severely humiliate that Zuoqiu Ting.

Of course, Chen Xi would not admit this.

"The auspicious time has come—!"

Soon, a clear voice resounded in the hall. Accompanied by the sound, a group of people filed out from one side of the hall, attracting all eyes.

The head of the group was a thin and tall middle-aged man with thick eyebrows like knives and eyes like lightning. He was wearing a simple black robe, and his gestures exuded a forceful aura of killing iron and blood. Dazed.

This person is surprisingly Xuanyuan Poxiao, an old antique from the Xuanyuan clan who holds the title of "Iron Blood King"!

When they saw him appear, all the guests present all looked solemn, and looked carefully at Xuanyuan Poxiao and left.

For these guests, the purpose of coming to Mingmian this time is to celebrate Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday, but in fact, it is also to see Xuanyuan Poxiao, who came out of retreat for 8000 years. What kind of motivation.

"Sure enough, this old guy has advanced to the Immortal King Realm..."

Among the crowd, a short middle-aged man in a yellow robe squinted his eyes, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart, "Among the three brothers Xuanyuan Poxiao, Xuanyuan Potian, and Xuanyuan Pojun, there finally appeared a fairy king existence. It is enough to shock the fairy world if it spreads."

The middle-aged man in the yellow robe was named Zhongli Chen, and he was an elder from the Zhongli clan, one of the seven great families in ancient times. He also came here to celebrate Xuanyuan Poxiao's birthday this time.

At this moment, not only Zhong Lichen, but also many big figures present also judged from Xuanyuan Poxiao's aura that after 8000 years of retreat, the other party has reached the realm of the Immortal King!

All of a sudden, the way they looked at Xuanyuan Poxiao became different.

Chen Xi also noticed that although he is only in the Saint Immortal Realm now, don't forget that he has been in contact with the highest beings in the Immortal King Realm more than once, and he is extremely sensitive to that kind of aura of supreme majesty, so he can tell it at a glance.

If there were other holy fairylands, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to see all of this.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a sentence: different vision, what can be seen is also different.

Chen Xi's current vision had already set his sights above the level of the Conferred God Realm, and it was reasonable to be able to tell that a big man like Xuanyuan Poxiao had advanced to the Immortal King Realm.

"No wonder this birthday banquet is so grand. It turns out that Xuanyuan Poxiao has advanced to the Immortal King Realm..." Chen Xi was thoughtful, and vaguely understood the purpose of Xuanyuan's birthday banquet, which was to silently show off his background and muscles , so as to achieve the effect of deterring other forces.

Of course, this is just Chen Xi's speculation.

"Hahaha, I haven't appeared in the world for 8000 years. I didn't expect to get so many comrades to celebrate today. I would like to thank you all."

At this time, Xuanyuan Poxiao stood in the center of the hall and laughed loudly, quite boldly.

Seeing this, the other guests hurriedly bowed and stepped forward to congratulate Xuanyuan Poxiao one by one.

Since it is a congratulation, it should be a birthday gift, and the birthday gift has to be announced loudly by the master of ceremonies. It is not for showing off, but just to add some festive atmosphere.

Just like now, there are already piles of birthday gifts piled up on one side of the main hall, most of which are presented in various exquisite jade boxes. A middle-aged man who looks like a master of ceremonies stands aside, announcing the names and sources of various birthday gifts one by one.

"The Ji family of the ancient family, a pair of Long Ruibao and Wang Yupei!"

"The Jiang family of the ancient family, a bottle of Mingguang Wanmiaosan!"

"Mu Clan, an ancient aristocratic family, Tai'a Jiuli Zhong Yizun!"


Every time the master of ceremonies recites a birthday gift, it will inevitably arouse a wave of enthusiastic discussion and envy in the audience. Those treasures are all rare treasures and rare treasures in the world. come out.

Just like the pair of Dragon Ruibao Wang Yupei brought out by the Ji family in ancient times, they are rare auspicious treasures. Wearing them on the body can gather the luck of the world and attract auspiciousness to the body, which is extremely magical.

This is the background of the ancient aristocratic family, and of course it is also because the protagonist of this birthday banquet is Xuanyuan Poxiao, an old antique who has the title of "Iron Blood King". Congratulations.

"The backgrounds of these ancient aristocratic families are indeed more profound than each other."

Chen Xi was stunned when he heard it. He didn't recognize many of those birthday gifts, but there was no doubt that the value of those treasures was absolutely astonishing.

"May I ask, what kind of birthday gifts did little friend Chen Xi give you this time? Can you open my eyes?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side, and Chen Xi looked up, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a black robe and a feather crown looking at him with a smile.

Not only the middle-aged man in Xuanyi, but also many nearby guests looked at him curiously, as if they wanted to see what kind of birthday gift Chen Xi, a junior, had prepared this time.

Why is it said that Chen Xi is a younger generation? It is very simple. Those who can come to this hall are almost all big figures from the top forces in the fairy world, and there are only a few people from the younger generation like Chen Xi.

Chen Xi didn't recognize the other party, but he said with a smile on his lips, "I'm sorry, but my birthday gift has already been given out. If senior wants to know, maybe the master of ceremonies will announce it later."

He was telling the truth, when he arrived here with Axiu, he put the birthday gift in a jade box and gave it to Axiu, and then Axiu handed it to the Xuanyuan clan.

But his answer caused many guests to be amazed, and even... suspicious.

The reason is simple. The birthday gifts that can be announced must be carefully selected and can be carried on the stage. If the birthday gift is too ordinary and announced, it will be like a slap in the face, and it will cause a lot of unhappiness.

The guests next to Chen Xi were said to be big figures from the top forces in the fairy world, but many of the birthday gifts they presented had no chance to be announced.

This is not because the birthday presents they presented were not precious, but compared with the birthday gifts presented by those ancient families, they immediately seemed ordinary. If they announced it in public, they themselves would lose face.

That's why when they heard Chen Xi actually say that the master of ceremonies would announce his birthday later, the reaction of these guests was so astonished, even a little suspicious.

"Oh? So little friend Chen Xi spent a lot of money for this birthday gift." The middle-aged man in Xuanyi smiled, but there was already a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

It seems to be saying, is it necessary for young people to fight so hard in order to show off?

"Little friend Chen Xi, even though we didn't know each other before, this old man still has to remind you that birthday gifts come from your heart, so don't be taken for granted by others just for a moment's sake."

Another guest spoke, as if giving advice to the younger generation.

Chen Xi was stunned, and couldn't help touching his nose. It was just a birthday gift, was it necessary to go online like this?


ps: The second update is around 10:[-].

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