divine talisman

Chapter 1435 Finger Pulp for Marriage [Part 1]

Jianlu Cave Mansion.

Chen Xi was looking down at a jade slip, which recorded all kinds of rumors caused by Xuanyuan Poxiao's announcement of that news.

The jade slip was sent by Axiu, and she was sitting lazily beside her at the moment.

"There are still people speculating that you and I have become a Taoist couple?"

Chen Xi put down the jade slip in his hand, and looked at Axiu with a strange expression.

Axiu curled her small moist mouth, and said casually: "It's just a guess, do you still want to take it seriously?" As she spoke, her clear eyes rolled, and she glanced at Chen Xi charmingly.

The amorous feelings in that blink of an eye, don't have a surprising charm.

Chen Xi coughed dryly, and quickly changed the subject: "But this time I have to thank you. To be honest, being able to get Xuanyuan's full support has greatly exceeded my expectations."

"Didn't you also give my grandfather a Dao fruit spirit? If he doesn't express it, it will be too much." Axiu said casually.

"Grandpa?" Chen Xi was stunned, "So Senior Xuanyuan Poxiao is your grandfather?"

Axiu said in a bad mood: "The whole fairy world knows it, but you are the only one who understands it now. It's heartless."

Chen Xi was a little ashamed. He really hadn't paid much attention to Axiu's background, and he only knew that she was the little princess of the Xuanyuan clan. As for who her father, mother, and grandfather were, he had never inquired about it.

It's not that he didn't care about the other party, but that he felt that it was completely unnecessary. The reason why he and A Xiu got along well was not because of how prominent the other party's background was.

"No." Suddenly, Chen Xi shook his head again.

"What's wrong?" Axiu raised her eyebrows.

"When I went to the birthday banquet, you already told me that the Xuanyuan clan would support me, but at that time I hadn't had time to send out the spirit of the Dao fruit."

Speaking of this, Chen Xi looked at Axiu seriously, "Axiu, I have always had a doubt in my heart, can you tell me why you keep helping me?"

This question has been on Chen Xi's mind for too long. It's not that he suspects that Axiu has ulterior motives, but that since he knew Axiu, she has been silently helping him. Until now, she has made the entire Xuanyuan Clan become his own. If he continues to pretend to be confused, he will be more than heartless, and he will be no different from a wolf-hearted dog.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was unprecedentedly serious, and his eyes were so bright that he couldn't help feeling flustered when he saw Axiu, and he didn't dare to look at her.

Axiu lowered her head, her black eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was a look of struggle on her delicate and delicate white cheeks, showing sheer hesitation.

Chen Xi was not in a hurry, and quietly looked at Axiu.

The atmosphere was a little quiet for a while.

After a while, Ah Xiucai gritted her teeth, raised her head, glared at Chen Xi angrily, and said angrily, "Okay, let me tell you the head office."

Chen Xi smiled wryly: "I'm not forcing you, it's just...you've helped me too much, if this continues, I'm afraid I'll have trouble sleeping and eating in the future."

"What's the trouble with sleeping and eating? I think you are too suspicious." Axiu snorted, then bit her moist lips, and finally sighed softly, "Actually... wait until you rescue Aunt Zuoqiuxue then you will understand everything.”

Chen Xi's eyes suddenly widened. Could it be that all of this has something to do with his mother?This was beyond his expectation.

"How should I put it, it happened a long time ago. At that time, my father was not the lord of the Xuanyuan clan, and he once wandered around the fairy world with Aunt Zuoqiuxue..."

Axiu took a deep breath, and finally told everything, her clear and sweet voice echoed endlessly in the cave.

It turns out that Axiu's father, Xuanyuan Shao, the current lord of the Xuanyuan Clan, was also one of Zuoqiu Xue's admirers when he was young. Qiu Xue has been around for hundreds of years.

It is a pity that Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, and Zuo Qiuxue has always regarded Xuanyuan Shao as an elder brother. Qiu Xuefang's heart completely gave up.

But Xuanyuan Shao is also a strange man, after experiencing this love disaster, he has a complete epiphany, no longer infatuated with Zuoqiu Xue, but treats her as a bosom friend.

Until later, he even made an agreement with Zuo Qiuxue that if they had children in the future, they should marry each other and form a marriage, which would be considered a happy relationship.

Zuo Qiuxue naturally agreed. It is worth mentioning that Zuo Qiuxue was still single at that time, and Chen Xi's father, Chen Lingjun, had not yet appeared...

Knowing all of this, Chen Xi was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground: "So, there is still a possibility that there is still a relationship between you and me...in which we are married by fingertips?"

Hearing the word "marriage" on her fingertips, Axiu's pretty face blushed, and she immediately said angrily, "This is an agreement reached between my father and your mother. What does it have to do with me?"

Chen Xi scratched his head: "Uh, I'm just a little shocked. If we are both men or women, what do you think they will do with this agreement?"

Axiu obviously thought about this question a long time ago, and replied without hesitation: "Of course it's a friendship with Jinlan, and I'll be a good brother and sister."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded: "This is a good idea."

"Hmph! Don't think that I'm foolish enough to take a fancy to you and want to become a Taoist partner with you."

Axiu glanced at Chen Xi proudly, "When I learned about this from my father back then, I was very angry in my heart. I was not born yet, so why did you find me a Taoist companion? So I left home overnight He ran away and went to the human world with the help of his uncle."

Chen Xi said in a daze, "Couldn't it be that you came to look for me at that time?"

Axiu snorted: "Of course, I was thinking all the time, what method should I use to punish you severely, so that you can obediently give up this idea, even I have already made a decision, if it doesn't work, I will kill you Murder is over!"

Speaking of this, she glared at Chen Xi viciously, and then couldn't help laughing out loud, laughing so hard that her eyes crooked, "Fortunately, when I saw you, I had a pretty good impression of you, and the dishes you cook are also delicious. , barely dealt with you."

Chen Xi was completely speechless, the cause and effect of the matter would be like this!

Of course, he also knew that Axiu was mostly joking, but that should be the case, which also explained why Axiu would spare no effort to help him when he was in the human world.

And now that the Xuanyuan Clan announced their support, the current Patriarch Xuanyuan Shao must have contributed to it. After all, according to what Axiu said, Xuanyuan Shao had a deep friendship with his mother Zuoqiu Xue.

Realizing this, Chen Xi suddenly felt some admiration for his father whom he had never met. His mother was the heir of the Zuoqiu family in ancient times. To win her heart, and my father, as a monk from a small family in the human world, was able to win my mother's heart, this kind of skill is really amazing.

Seeing that the corners of Chen Xi's lips were slightly upturned, Axiu seemed to see through his thoughts all at once, and couldn't help snorting, "Do you think my father is inferior to your father?"

Chen Xi was startled, and smiled wryly, "Is there anything to compare this to?"

Axiu curled her lips: "Don't think your father is a little monk in the human world. According to what my father said, your father's background is not simple, otherwise he wouldn't just watch your father kidnap Aunt Zuoqiuxue." let's go."

Chen Xi's heart trembled. Xuanyuan Shao was the current Patriarch of the Xuanyuan Clan, yet he actually said that his father Chen Lingjun's background was not simple?What does it mean?

Inadvertently, he remembered the news about his father Chen Lingjun that he had heard over the years.

He remembered that Ling Kongzi, the head teacher of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, once said that there was a Miaohua grand meeting held in Xuanhuan, which gathered the top figures from all the major forces at that time. Team, headed to Beiming Sea together, the purpose is to obtain a sacred object, Xingchen Cave Mansion.

Later, the Xingchen Cave Mansion was acquired by Chen Xi's mother Zuo Qiuxue. Miao Yunji and the others wanted to join forces to snatch it, but Zuo Qiuxue defeated them one by one. In the end, it was Chen Xi's father Chen Lingjun who came forward and let Miao Yunji and the others go.

It was precisely because of this grievance that Miao Yunji and other big figures in the Xuantian Realm owed Chen Lingjun a favor, and it was also because of this that Chen Lingjun later entered the fairyland from a secret place with the help of big shots such as Yuhua Holy Land. things. (See Chapter 748 for details)

At that time, Chen Xi didn't have a clear impression of his father. He only thought that the reason why his father Chen Lingjun was so powerful was largely inseparable from the help of his mother Zuoqiu Xue.

Later, Chen Xi met Bai Wanqing, and from Bai Wanqing he learned more about the past. However, Bai Wanqing didn't know much about Chen Lingjun, and it just made Chen Xi understand that his father, Chen Lingjun, was stronger than he expected. Be stronger.

It wasn't until he entered the Immortal Realm that he learned from Ling Bai that his father, Chen Lingjun, had already entered the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng after arriving in the Immortal Realm, and even the Great Sage Tatian heard a lot of rumors about his father Chen Lingjun.

It's a pity that when Chen Xi arrived at the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng, he missed his father again, and the clues he got were extremely limited. But from then on, he vaguely understood that his father was definitely not simple, but all of this could not be confirmed after all. .

But at this time, when he learned from Axiu that his father Chen Lingjun even made Xuanyuan Shao, the head of the Xuanyuan Clan, think that he was not simple, Chen Xi not only did not feel suddenly enlightened, but became more and more confused.

Father... what kind of person is he?

If he was just an ordinary little cultivator in the human world, how could he win the heart of his mother Zuoqiu Xue?How could it be possible to enter the Hongmeng Remains?How could it be possible for Xuanyuan Shao to think that he is not simple?

"Actually, you don't have to think so much. When you rescue Aunt Zuoqiuxue, you may be able to get the answer you want." Axiu said from the side.

Chen Xi suddenly woke up from his contemplation, and immediately nodded his head and said firmly: "You are right, I will definitely rescue mother from the Prison of the Iris Immortal, very soon!"


ps: Some children's shoes said that the plot of the past few days is a bit dull. Well, it used to be digging a hole, but now it is burying a hole. It will inevitably involve some past grievances and old things, but it will be gone soon, because soon there will be a chapter of revenge on the Zuoqiu family Well, after the grievances are resolved, Chen Xi's road to the great road is destined to be even more exciting~

Chapter 210 around half past.

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