divine talisman

Chapter 1436 Seeking and Asking [Part 2]

Immortals and demons are changed, the holiness cannot be shaken!

This is the evaluation of the Iris Immortal Prison in the Immortal World, and it can be called a well-known Prison of the Great Dao in the Immortal World.

Chen Xi had learned from Bai Wanqing a long time ago that his mother, Zuo Qiuxue, had been imprisoned in the Iris Immortal Prison ever since she was captured and brought back to the Immortal Realm.

At the same time, Chen Xi already knew that there are still some members of the Zuoqiu Clan who are secretly taking care of his mother Zuoqiu Xue, so he is not overly worried about her safety.

However, he also won't take it lightly, because from the moment Xuanyuan's declared his support to the entire fairy world, Zuoqiu's reaction will inevitably be caused.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi would not dare to take it lightly.

His reaction was very simple, he asked Axiu to help him to keep an eye on Zuoqiu's internal movements at all times, and if any internal conflicts occurred, he would take immediate action!

If it does come then, it will mean a complete declaration of war with the Zuoqiu clan!

Of course, before that, Chen Xi could only stay quietly at Daohuang Academy, seize all the time to improve his strength, and prepare for rescuing his mother Zuo Qiuxue.


Axiu left in a hurry with Chen Xi's instructions, and Chen Xi was the only one left in the cave. He took a deep breath, without any hesitation, and walked into the world of stars.

"Above the holy way is the Great Way of the Immortal King. If you want to hit the half-step level of the Immortal King, you need to start with the three highest ways of time, space, and life and death..."

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated, the starry sky above his head was vast, filled with clear star brilliance, peaceful and quiet, while around his body, wisps of holy aura began to evaporate, shining brilliantly and shining for nine days.

After returning from the human world last time, he spent 15 years in the star world, and finally integrated the last indestructible divine pattern into the power of the holy way, and completely opened up his own "sacred way of talismans"!

In other words, the current Chen Xi, in terms of cultivation alone, has already reached the peak of perfection in the Holy Immortal Realm, taking control and opening up his own holy way!

At this time, he acted like a saint, and his words and deeds were filled with the power of enlightenment. In the ancient times, he was enough to establish a sect and spread the word to the world.

And among his peers, the current Chen Xi is no longer afraid of any opponents. In layman's terms, Chen Xi can already be called an existence of the same level that crushes everything.

This is not an exaggeration. You must know that your cultivation roots are almost a hundred times stronger than those of your peers, and you have mastered the supreme inheritance of Shenyan Mountain's Promise Gods. The holy way, all of these combined, one can imagine how powerful the fighting power is.

This kind of dazzling combat power can even be described as unrivaled in the past and the present, astonishing the world, but Chen Xi's vision is different from the past, and he has already set his sights on the road to becoming a god, so he will not be complacent because of it.

In the final analysis, in the eyes of today's Chen Xi, the Holy Fairyland is only the first step on the road to seek the sacred, and there are still half-steps to the Immortal King Realm, Immortal King Realm, Conferred God Realm and other peaks to climb.

And whether it was for revenge on the Zuoqiu Clan or against the Supreme Master, Chen Xi couldn't be satisfied with the status quo, and even in all his plans, his cultivation had become his only shortcoming.

If not, he might have entered the Zuoqiu family already.

Of course, the only thing Chen Xi has to do now is to improve his cultivation, and hit the half-step Immortal King level!


The half-step Immortal King is a watershed between the Holy Immortal Realm and the Immortal King Realm. It seems that it is only half a step away from the Immortal King Realm, but the meaning is completely different.

But even so, it is not so easy to advance to the half-step Immortal King level from the Holy Immortal Realm. On the contrary, the Houtian Saint Immortal has no hope of advancing to this level at all.

In other words, in the Holy Immortal Realm, only the Xiantian Saint Immortals are eligible to aspire to the half-step Immortal King Realm, and the difficulty is not ordinary.

The reason is that when entering the Half-Step Immortal King Realm, the three mountains of time, space, and life and death are first faced!

Only by comprehending the subtle truth of these three supreme laws can one enter the hall and step into the threshold of the half-step Immortal King Realm, otherwise, even if you practice hard for countless years, you can only stop at the Holy Immortal Realm.

Chen Xi knew nothing about the law of time.

Chen Xi also knew nothing about the law of life and death.

Only in terms of the law of space, Chen Xi has already mastered it to a certain level, like the power of the space god pattern that he has now mastered, has reached the level of "space ripples", which is comparable to that of a half-step fairy king.

Therefore, for the current Chen Xi, if he wants to advance to the half-step Immortal King Realm, he only needs to comprehend the two supreme laws of time and life and death, and then he can break through the realm.

But even if it is just to comprehend the two laws of time and life and death, it is not so easy to fully grasp.

Just like now, Chen Xi sat cross-legged in the world of stars and began to constantly deduce his cognition of time, life and death, but he didn't have any clue at all, and he couldn't even touch the threshold of comprehension, let alone comprehend the essence of it. .

"No, if this continues, it will only be a waste of time. Let alone advance to the half-step Immortal King level within a hundred years, no matter how much time is spent, I'm afraid it won't help."

After a long time, Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes, frowning tightly.

In his plan, no matter what, he must step into the half-step Immortal King Realm within a hundred years.

Because in his deduction, the contradictions and conflicts within the Zuoqiu Clan may completely erupt within a hundred years. Helping to avenge the Zuoqiu family, in the end, he can only be reduced to a spectator, unable to intervene at all.

This is not what Chen Xi is happy to see.

In the end, Chen Xi still decided to ask the old antique in Daohuang Academy for advice, after all, it was too time-consuming to work behind closed doors.


Daohuang Academy, Grinding Sword Peak.

This place is where Hua Jiankong lived and cultivated.

Mojian Peak is lonely and towering above the sky, like a peerless sharp sword piercing the sky, flowers and grass on the mountain peak, rocks and gravel... even the air is filled with a sword intent, which is extremely compelling.

Ordinary disciples would not be able to set foot on this peak at all. There was no other way. The sword intent was too terrifying.

"You want to hit the half-step Immortal King Realm?"

On the top of Grinding Sword Peak, Hua Jiankong who was sitting cross-legged suddenly got up, and glanced at Chen Xi in surprise.


Chen Xi nodded. After making a decision, he left the Jianlu Cave Mansion straight away and found this place.

Hua Jiankong's temperament has always been lonely and silent. Seeing that Chen Xi came to ask him for advice, he didn't ask why Chen Xi didn't find someone else but him, and he didn't ask why Chen Xi had only been promoted to the Holy Immortal Realm for a few years. In other words, he didn't talk nonsense from the beginning to the end, and after getting Chen Xi's confirmation, he said directly: "Follow me."

After all, he turned and teleported away.

Such a straightforward and neat style made Chen Xi startled, and immediately chased after him, but he couldn't help feeling in his heart: "Who said that Senior Hua Jiankong is not easy to get in touch with? He is cold on the outside and hot on the inside... ..."


At the same time, in Yuanwei Xianzhou, in the Zuoqiu clan.

"What a Xuanyuan clan! For the sake of a damn scoundrel, you don't hesitate to fight against my Zuoqiu clan!"

In the magnificent clan hall, Zuoqiu Feng was so angry that his teeth were almost crushed, and the jade slip in his hand was crushed into powder, which shows how angry he is at the moment.

"Patriarch, Mr. Wei is here."

At this moment, an old man with the appearance of a butler appeared outside the hall and said in a low voice.

Zuoqiufeng squinted his eyes, then took a deep breath, his expression regained his composure in an instant, and waved his hand: "Please come in, Mr. Wei."

As soon as the voice fell, Wei Xing, who was wearing a purple robe and elegant, floated into the hall, smiled and said, "Patriarch Zuoqiu is so angry, it must be because of Xuanyuan's announcement?"

"Hmph, Mr. Wei, are you here for a joke?" Zuoqiufeng snorted coldly.

Wei Xing Shiran sat in one of the seats, then smiled and said: "Patriarch Zuoqiu misunderstood, I just came here to solve problems for Zuoqiu family."

"Oh? How do you say that?" Zuo Qiufeng glanced at the other party.

"To be honest, I have already persuaded a senior in the sect to mobilize some strength to help the Zuoqiu family overcome the current difficulties!"

Wei Xing looked confident, "As long as the Zuoqiu family is willing to continue to cooperate with me, let alone a Xuanyuan family, even if there are a few more forces like the Xuanyuan family, it will be nothing to you and me."

Zuoqiufeng narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes burst open, he stared closely at Wei Xing for a long time, and then asked tentatively: "Mr. Wei, could it be that the masters in your sect want to intervene in this matter?"

Wei Xing shook his head: "Patriarch Zuoqiu doesn't need to speculate too much, I just want to ask you, would you like to continue to cooperate?"

Zuoqiufeng snorted: "Cooperation is also fine, but I would like to know, Mr. Wei, what is your plan?"

Wei Xing stretched out a finger: "I only have one condition, within a hundred years, take down this son of Chen Xi!"

"It's that simple?" Zuoqiufeng raised his eyebrows.

"To put it bluntly, if it wasn't for capturing and killing this son of Chen Xi, do you think I would take the initiative to come to the door and ask for cooperation with the Zuoqiu family?" Mr. Wei said slowly.

The implication is that no matter how great your Zuoqiu family is, I can't take it seriously. The reason why we cooperate with you is just because we have a common enemy.

These words were indeed not pleasant, which made Zuoqiu Feng's face darken slightly, but he immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I can agree to this condition, but I advise you not to try to get something you don't deserve!"

There was a hint of warning in the words, but Mr. Wei laughed heartily as if he hadn't heard it: "Patriarch Zuoqiu's choice is undoubtedly the most correct."

As he said that, he flipped his palm, and there was an extra simple token, and he said proudly, "Patriarch Zuoqiu must also know that there are many chess pieces in the fairy world in Xiashimen, and now, these chess pieces will become our biggest chess pieces." Reliance! May I ask, if this is the case, what fear does the Xuanyuan family have?"

Hearing these words, Zuoqiufeng immediately lifted his spirits, and the restlessness in his heart was swept away.


ps: Tomorrow Christmas Eve, 3 updates are guaranteed, and there may be 5 updates. I will try my best to fight more~

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