divine talisman

Chapter 1437 Realm of Time [Part 1]

Seeing that Zuoqiufeng was completely moved, Wei Xing strikes while the iron is hot: "Now that I have found out clearly, this son of Chen Xi has been hiding in the Taoist Academy. I am afraid that some special means will be needed to capture and kill him."

Seeing this, Zuoqiufeng restrained his mind and completely calmed down.

Standing behind Wei Xing was the Supreme Master. Even though he had agreed to cooperate with him, Zuoqiufeng still kept a trace of vigilance towards him. After all, the Supreme Master's reputation in the Three Realms was really bad. You have to be careful when cooperating with the Supreme Master.

"May I ask Mr. Wei, what is a special method?" Zuoqiufeng asked.

Wei Xing smiled and avoided answering, but instead asked: "The current Zuoqiu Clan is full of internal conflicts, I wonder what Patriarch Zuoqiu's plan is?"

Zuoqiufeng frowned immediately, and said after a while: "Conflicts can be resolved after all, can't they?"

After a pause, he suddenly smiled and said, "Of course, if Mr. Wei is willing to help me, my Zuoqiu family will definitely remember this kindness."

Wei Xing also smiled: "Since Patriarch Zuoqiu has spoken, how can I not agree?"

Speaking of this, they already understood each other's thoughts. It was nothing more than Zuoqiu Feng wanting to use his power to suppress the disputes within the Zuoqiu clan, and he also took this opportunity to tie the Zuoqiu clan up to the Taishang Sect. On the chariot, in the final analysis, it can be regarded as an exchange of interests.

As for whether the Zuoqiu Clan will be completely controlled by the Supreme Master in the end, or whether the Supreme Master will be kicked away by crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, it will depend on their respective methods.

"To fight against the outside world, we must first secure the internal affairs. Why don't we take action immediately and solve the internal problems of the Zuoqiu Clan first?" Wei Xing asked tentatively.

"Hehe, why is Mr. Wei so anxious?" Zuoqiufeng asked with a fake smile.

"To be honest, I heard that those clansmen who opposed Patriarch Zuoqiu were all related to Chen Xi's son's mother, Zuoqiu Xue. Since this is the case, we should use this as a threat to force Chen Xi to obediently come to our door. "

Mr. Wei said frankly, "This will not only help Patriarch Zuoqiu to quell the civil strife, but also blackmail this son Chen Xi. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. Why not do it?"

Zuoqiufeng was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked: "When my father passed away suddenly, there was also the shadow of your teacher behind him, right?"

Mr. Wei was startled, his eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while he laughed dumbly and said: "Why did Patriarch Zuoqiu say that?"

"Hmph." Zuoqiufeng snorted coldly, "Maybe Mr. Wei didn't know what happened back then, but the master behind Mr. Wei must be very clear. Of course, I don't object to cooperating with Mr. Wei, but Mr. Wei is also the most Don’t think you can keep everything in the dark.”

Wei Xing didn't move, but nodded very seriously and said, "This is what it should be."

"Then I wonder if Mr. Wei can tell you how much power you have now?" Zuoqiufeng asked casually.

Mr. Wei stared at Zuoqiu Feng with a smile for a long time, and said: "There are many, many, absolutely beyond Zuoqiu Patriarch's imagination. At least the old antiques in the three major colleges of Changkong, Dahuang, and Kuji are willing to cooperate with our actions."

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, this is only a part of the forces that have been planted in the fairy world at the Xiashimen. If Patriarch Zuoqiu needs it, there will be more power to help the Zuoqiu family clear all obstacles."

Hearing this, Zuoqiufeng was silent for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, then I won't be polite to Mr. Wei anymore. From today onwards, I will put pressure on those members of the clan who oppose me. Rely on the strength of Mr. Wei."

Mr. Wei nodded: "Happy to help!"


On the same day, Zuoqiufeng took the time to visit the family's old antique Zuoqiu Huanglin for a long time.

In the evening of that day, Zuoqiufeng held a family meeting, gathered all the senior officials and old antiques in the family, and strongly announced that from today onwards, infighting within the family is prohibited, and once discovered, they will be severely punished!At least they will be expelled from the family, and at worst they will be shot to death!

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a shock among the high-level people present.

Zuoqiu Feiming and other high-level figures who supported Zuoqiu Xue were all furious, but in the end they endured under Zuoqiu Feiming's signal, as if acquiescing to Zuoqiufeng's actions.

Everyone knew that what Zuoqiufeng said was nice, but in fact, from today onwards, he was about to launch a suppression operation, and the target of the suppression was obviously a group of people headed by Zuoqiu Feiming.

All of a sudden, the entire Zuoqiu clan was panicked, and there was a sign that civil strife was about to break out completely.

Will Zuoqiu Feiming and the others just sit and wait?

Obviously not.

Zuoqiufeng had already guessed this point. In order to avoid the outbreak of civil strife, on the same day, under Zuoqiufeng's instruction, Wei Xing appeared in the field of vision of the big Zuoqiu clan with a smile on his face.

And it's not just Wei Xing alone, there are also some long-established antiques from the three major colleges of Changkong, Kuji, and Dahuang, as well as some half-step fairy kings in other fairylands.

At this moment, everyone finally understood that the reason why Zuoqiufeng was so strong was that he had already obtained the support of an extremely strong foreign aid!

In the past, it was definitely a big taboo to intervene in clan affairs with the help of outsiders, and it would arouse the resentment of the entire Zuoqiu clan.

But at such a critical moment, no one dared to criticize Zuoqiufeng, because no matter what, Zuoqiufeng was the current Patriarch of the Zuoqiu Clan after all, and behind him stood Zuoqiu Huanglin and a group of senior Zuoqiu Clans People, even they have acquiesced in all this, who dares to criticize?

As for Zuoqiu Feiming and the others, they were originally the targets of Zuoqiufeng's suppression this time, and it doesn't matter whether they accuse them or not.

On the contrary, if they dared to accuse them, they would give Zuo Qiufeng an excuse, and they might have suppressed them all on the spot!

Faced with Zuoqiufeng's series of actions, Zuoqiu Feiming and other high-ranking figures all chose to remain silent in the end, without any resistance, as if they were about to admit defeat.

But Zuoqiufeng couldn't be happy, because in this way, he would have no excuse to suppress Zuoqiu Feiming and the others. If this continues, for Zuoqiufeng, the existence of Zuoqiu Feiming and the others will still be a hidden danger.

"It's better to go all out and completely eradicate these tribesmen!"

This is Wei Xing's suggestion.

But it was directly rejected by Zuoqiufeng, because he thought of a more secure method, first take back the authority held by Zuoqiu Feiming and their elders, deprive them of their position as elders, and then adopt various methods to defeat them. One by one, forcing them to submit.

In this way, an internal crisis can be disintegrated without seeing blood on the soldiers!

Of course, Zuoqiufeng didn't mind showing his ruthless side to those tough people who would rather die than submit.

"If you do this, I'm afraid it will take a long time."

After Wei Xing learned of Zuoqiufeng's plan, he couldn't help frowning. In fact, he also knew that Zuoqiufeng's actions were not just to be wary of himself, worried that he would take the opportunity to infiltrate the power of the master into the Zuoqiu family.

"Mr. Wei, don't be impatient. Didn't your master say that you only need to capture and kill Chen Xi's son within a hundred years? A hundred years is enough time for me to completely clear up the disputes within the clan."

Zuoqiufeng smiled and patted Wei Xing on the shoulder, full of ambition.

Wei Xing sighed, and stopped talking, but said with a sneer in his heart: "Hmph, if my Grand Master wants to get involved with a Zuoqiu family, how can you, Zuoqiufeng, stop it? Forget it, wait until Chen is dealt with." Son Xi, it won't be too late to deal with your Zuoqiu clan!"


In March of Yangchun, the misty rain is misty, the peach blossoms are scorching, and they are as gorgeous as clouds.

Chen Xi looked at everything in front of him. It was a beautiful spring scene. The blue sky was as clean as it was, and the smoke was intoxicating. Peach blossoms were blooming everywhere, and the green grass was luxuriant. It was like a painting.

"This is the 'Boundary of Time' arranged by the dean himself. It is completely refined by the Dao of Time. When I comprehended the law of time, I spent a period of meditation here. If you want to understand the power of time, you may be able to Start."

Hua Jiankong's voice resounded in his ears, but the others had disappeared.

Realm of time!

This is the training ground prepared by Hua Jiankong for Chen Xi. It is filled with the power of time, and it depends on Chen Xi's luck to comprehend it.

The place where Chen Xi is standing at this moment is a peach grove in the "Realm of Time", which represents the "spring" in the four seasons.

Spring is the season when vitality breaks ground and everything sprouts.

Chen Xi stood here contemplating for a long time, finally shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Because he has already tried to search this world with only his celestial sense, dao heart, and soul, but he can't find a trace of the power of time at all, and it's useless to think about it.

Therefore, it is better not to.

With his hands on his back, he raised his feet and walked forward, passing through the peach blossom forest, passing by a bend of the Qingjiang River, and passing by the river with his feet, just in time to witness the afterglow of the setting sun, which dyed the sky.

Soon, the night fell, the stars rose slowly, the rustling insects sounded from the sky and the earth, the night wind was blowing, the shadows of the trees were whirling, and it was very quiet.

This black-like night was empty and silent, and between the heaven and the earth, only Chen Xi walked forward alone.

His heart gradually calmed down, he didn't think about anything, he walked all the way to see the flowers, mountains, waters, and scenery. If he liked it, he would stop and observe it carefully, and if he didn't like it, he would leave in a hurry.

Do what you want, do what you want, and move with your thoughts.

When the interest came, he raised his hand to break a grass stalk, and chopped four taels of peach blossoms to serve with the wine.

Ancient trees, boulders, waterfalls... He can be seen everywhere. Fireflies at night, bees and butterflies in flower clusters, and mayflies in the water have all become the objects of his teasing.

When he lost his interest, he waved his sleeve robe, splitting the mountain and cutting off the water, and thousands of miles of idleness passed by in an instant.

Then, the night faded away, a scorching sun hung in the sky, dispelling the dark night, the sky and the earth entered the day, and the time entered from "spring" to "summer"!

The sun is shining brightly, the heat wave is transpiring, and the lotus is in full bloom.

"In one night, day and night change, and spring and summer change. It's a pity that you can see it, but you can't touch it."

Chen Xi raised his head, took a sip of the strong wine, smiled, with a reckless demeanor, disheveled hair, and continued to walk with big strides.


ps: Happy Christmas Eve everyone~ Goldfish can only code words to celebrate the festival tonight... The second update is at 9 o'clock, and the third update is at 11 o'clock.

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