divine talisman

Chapter 1438 Time Vortex [Part 2]

Thank you brother "Good Rain in September" for your support~


Another day passed, summer came to an end, autumn came, the leaves were rustling, and the world was withering.

Chen Xi was still moving forward, unaware of fatigue and exhaustion, and his mind was letting go, until after the autumn and the cold winter, he finally stood still.

Looking back, in an instant, the scene in front of me completely changed.

It's still the same peach blossom forest, burning brightly, the vegetation is luxuriant, and the wind is about to be intoxicating. It's spring.

And the place where Chen Xi was standing was impressively the place where he had just stepped into the "Realm of Time". Looking around, the spring scenery was picturesque, just like what he had seen before.

"Going all the way, the years stretch in the boundless, and when I look back suddenly, the scene goes back to the beginning... The changes of time are indeed the most elusive."

Chen Xi was stunned for a long time, and the scene in his field of vision suddenly changed. The scenes of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter were constantly changing and overlapping.

This kind of change is between eternal night and day, reflected in the changes of landscapes, either full of vitality, or flourishing, or bleak and withered, or dead and barren...

The blooming of the peach blossoms, the blooming of the summer lotus, the peeling of the autumn leaves, the withering of the winter trees...all are filled with a trace of time.

In ancient times, there was a saying that "the youth dies in a moment, and the beauty grows old at the flick of a finger".

But at this moment, in Chen Xi's mind, the alternation of the four seasons, the cycle of day and night, the prosperity of all things... and even the vicissitudes of time and the vicissitudes of history all came to mind at this moment.

Then, he began to close his eyes and meditate, release his mind, soar through the changes he felt at this moment, and feel the invisible trace of time filled in it.

where is the time

It's everywhere!

Birth, old age, sickness and death, all things change, prosperity overlaps... everything contains traces of time.

Therefore, there is no need to capture time, Chen Xi can feel it, but his consciousness cannot reach it, so he cannot comprehend it.

However, Chen Xi was not in a hurry, enlightenment was the most important word.

The heart is in me, and what I feel in my heart is "enlightenment".

In layman's terms, the enlightenment of the Tao is the perception of the Tao by the heart. When the heart has a feeling, the Tao belongs to me, and this is enlightenment.

Gradually, Chen Xi's Taoist heart returned to silence, his heart was condensed and released, empty and clear, and he was completely immersed in the search for the strands of time power.

This day, this place, everything around this place seems to have stopped.

Similarly, everything in this world has been forgotten by Chen Xi, he even forgot the time and himself.

It was in this wonderful situation that his whole body suddenly seemed to fall into an endless abyss of time, and all his consciousness, strength, even energy, life... were all passing away quickly!

Throughout the ages, there have been countless amazing and stunning people who found nothing when they comprehended the power of time, but turned their heads into ashes overnight.

The reason is that time is the supreme power of the Dao of Heaven. Once you touch it, if you cannot comprehend it, you will be backlashed by the power of time, and the risk is extremely high.

Chen Xi had fully realized all this when he sensed the traces of time, but now he can no longer turn back.

In front of him is an endless abyss of time. If he can realize it, the great way can be achieved. If he can't, his life and life are destined to pass away in the abyss of time...

In other words, Chen Xi at this moment has already touched the threshold of the power of time, and comprehension has only just begun!


Beyond time.

The gray-clothed and white-haired Hua Jiankong stood silently, but his pair of eyes were extremely deep and bright, as if he could spy on everything in the "Realm of Time".

The moment Chen Xi started to touch the power of time, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and his divine light exploded, "What an astonishing comprehension!"

But immediately, Hua Jiankong couldn't help becoming slightly nervous.

Beings at his level had already controlled the power of time, so they knew that Chen Xi's comprehension of the power of time had just begun, and this process was bound to be extremely dangerous.

Because that is the power of time!

In an instant, people can turn from prosperity to decline, their lifespan is exhausted, and they can be wiped out, or in an instant, people can return to the past and lose everything they have now!

In other words, the horror of time is that when it stretches infinitely, it can exhaust the lifespan of an immortal, and when it goes back to the past, it can return a supreme being to the state of a child!

These two terrifying powers are also called "Boundless Time" and "Retrospective Time".

Like the existence of the Immortal King Realm, one thought can exhaust a person's lifespan in an instant, and it can also make a person "rejuvenate", but in this way, the power and cultivation they have will also be deprived. It's like letting a strong man return to the origin of the road!

With this, we can know how terrifying the power of time is.

However, if the two Immortal Kings confront each other, because they both control the power of time, they will not have such a miserable end.

"It's really amazing. It's only a few days of hard work, and it has already touched the threshold of the power of time."

Just when Hua Jiankong was slightly nervous, a gentle voice suddenly rang in his ears. He suddenly turned his head, and at some point, he saw Meng Xinghe, the head of Daohuang Academy, standing beside him.


Hua Jiankong cupped his fists in salute.

Meng Xinghe was as usual, his face was as young as a youth, but his eyes were full of the vicissitudes of time, his whole person was like a vast starry sky, standing there casually, people couldn't help looking up at him.

"Jiankong, how many years do you think it will take Chen Xi to comprehend the power of time?" Meng Xinghe asked with a smile.

Hua Jiankong thought for a while and said, "I can't tell."

He really didn't dare to speculate, the reason was that through these years of cognition, in his mind, he was completely unable to use common sense to judge Chen Xi.

This guy is too monstrous, what he did was unexpected, under such circumstances, how could Hua Jiankong dare to speculate again.

Meng Xinghe smiled, seeming to understand Hua Jiankong's thoughts, and said: "I planned to wait for him to completely control the Dao Emperor's inheritance, and then meet him again, but unfortunately, the time is not with me, so I have to do it in advance." Some are ready."

Hua Jiankong's heart shuddered, are you not with me?Could it be that something major has happened in the Three Realms?

However, Meng Xinghe didn't say much about it, he just instructed: "Within a hundred years, no matter whether Chen Xi can advance to the half-step Immortal King level or not, he must be brought to see me."

After all, he turned and left.

Hua Jiankong was stunned there, a hundred years?Why do you want to do this?Could it be that after a hundred years, the catastrophe of the Three Realms will break out early?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes.


The realm of time.

The invisible power of time shrouded Chen Xi, and his life and longevity seemed to have passed a thousand years at this moment.

His long hair hangs down to the ground, growing crazily, and his face has gradually matured, with a weather-beaten look. As a saint, he can look young forever, but under the rapid passage of his life, he is not at all. Can't hide it.

His hair began to turn from black to gray, and then to gray...

On his skin, the fine lines of the years began to be imprinted, and the face has become vicissitudes.

All this is because, at that moment, the power of time is flowing inside and outside his body and mind, passing away his longevity and life at a terrifying speed.

Immortals claim to live as long as heaven, but after all, they do not exist forever, and they also have their limits. Although Chen Xi has not cultivated for a thousand years, but with his cultivation in the holy fairyland, his longevity is long enough to make him carefree It has been preserved for tens of millions of years.

But if calculated based on his current life essence loss rate, his life energy will be completely overdrawn, exhausted and die within a hundred years!

This is the horror of the power of time.

If Chen Xi couldn't comprehend the mystery, then his path of cultivation would probably stop here.

But Chen Xi didn't seem to realize it.

The power of time is surging, the white hair is falling, and the face is vicissitudes, like a sculpture eroded by the wind, sitting quietly, silent, but unable to stop the polishing of the years.

In this way, 20 years have passed.

20 years, to an ordinary immortal, is just a snap of the fingers, but to Chen Xi who is comprehending the power of time, nearly half of his lifespan has been lost!

At this moment, his white hair was like frost and snow, and his face was still handsome, but he was covered with a thick and mature aura of vicissitudes. If there was someone who was familiar with Chen Xi at this moment, he might not be able to believe this scene.

But to Chen Xi, even if 20 years have passed, he still seems to be unaware of his own changes, silent and comprehended.

"It's been 20 years, how can there be no movement at all?"

Beyond Time, Hua Jiankong frowned, remembering that when he comprehended the law of time, it only took him ten years to comprehend the power of time, "the overlapping peaks of time".

Although this "Mountain of Time" is only a branch of the Supreme Avenue of Time, just like the "Flowing Shadow of Time" controlled by Yun Fusheng, it is not a complete Avenue of Time, but after all, it has already entered the threshold of the Avenue of Time.

And Chen Xi spent 20 years, and there was no movement until now, which made Hua Jiankong feel a little bad.

One must know that in his cognition, Chen Xi is a monstrous and peerless figure, but now he seems to have encountered difficulties in comprehending the power of time, and has made no progress, which has to make Hua Jiankong worry.

"Could it be that he was a little too hasty?"

Hua Jiankong frowned more and more, but he knew that Chen Xi had just been promoted to the Holy Immortal Realm for a few years, and before comprehending the power of time, Chen Xi had just developed his own law of the holy way.

If it were someone from the ordinary Saint Immortal Realm, they probably wouldn't be so eager to charge towards the Half-Step Immortal King Realm, but Chen Xi did just that.

Now that he thought about it carefully, Hua Jiankong had to doubt whether it was right or wrong for Chen Xi to be so eager to comprehend the power of time.


At this moment, Hua Jiankong's eyes shrank suddenly, and he suddenly sensed that Chen Xi in the Realm of Time was suddenly enveloped by an invisible vortex of time!

The vortex is invisible, but it is full of the mystery of time. During the rotation, it changes into a magnificent and clear luster like glass. It is the trace of time, if it has substance!

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