divine talisman

Chapter 1440 Five Decaying Qi

Thank you x Hao for rewarding 100000!sprinkle flowers~~


Immeasurable enchantment?

What is an infinite barrier?

What are the eighteen gateways of life and death among them?

This was the only ray of doubt left in Chen Xi's mind after being swallowed by that tearing chaotic rift. The next moment, his consciousness was blurred and he fell into darkness.


When Chen Xi was awake, he saw a light door standing upright, blocking in front of him.

There are mysterious symbols floating on the light gate, which are twisted and obscure, so that Chen Xi can't recognize them, and naturally he has no way to peek into the mystery.

Obviously, this should be the boundless enchantment.

And according to Chen Xi's speculation, after this door of light, it might be the first one among the eighteen rebirth entrances of life and death.

He didn't enter in a hurry, but fell into deep thought.

As early as when he was in the ancient land of the Dao Emperor, he had confronted the Sword Master in the Immortal King's Tomb, and after countless life-and-death battles, he finally broke through.

At that time, he had a very deep understanding of life and death.

Between life and death, there is great terror!

As one of the supreme laws of the Three Realms, the law of life and death is not a rebirth after reincarnation, but a real life and death. No matter whether it is the gods and Buddhas in the sky, or the mortal beings, no one can keep calm in the face of life and death. .

The reason why the Immortal King Realm can be almost eternal and not afraid of the invasion of time is that it has mastered the law of life and death.

So what exactly is the law of life and death?

Chen Xi couldn't explain it clearly, because he hadn't realized it yet. When he was fighting Venerable Sword back then, he only let him know that only with persistence in his heart can he not be afraid of life and death.

It's a pity that not being afraid of life and death and understanding the law of life and death are completely different things.

The power of life and death is not destined to be so easy to comprehend.

"I'd like to see how dangerous these eighteen life-and-death entrances are. If I can comprehend the power of birth and death, then no matter how dangerous it is, it doesn't seem to be a big deal..."

It wasn't until his mood completely calmed down that Chen Xi made a decision. Without any further hesitation, he walked into that light door, and his figure disappeared in an instant.


Time flies, flies by.

Ever since Chen Xi entered the boundless barrier, there has been no news.

To be more precise, since Chen Xi entered the "Realm of Time" to comprehend the law of time 20 years ago, he has completely disappeared from people's field of vision.

Except for the current dean of the academy, Meng Xinghe, Hua Jiankong, and a few others, no one knew where Chen Xi had gone, and no one heard any news about Chen Xi's whereabouts.

This abnormality was beyond everyone's expectations, and even caused a lot of discussion and speculation for a period of time.

Some people said that Chen Xi was in seclusion.

It was also said that he had already left the academy and was exploring the way of the Immortal King alone.

Many people even doubted whether the disappearance of Chen Xi was related to the Zuoqiu clan. The reason was well known. After killing Zuoqiukong and Zuoqiu Linghong, Chen Xi had already been in the same situation as the Zuoqiu clan.

But now Chen Xi has not been seen for decades, which makes people wonder if the Zuoqiu clan killed Chen Xi secretly.

Of course, this was just a suspicion, if Chen Xi was really killed by the Zuoqiu Clan, Dao Emperor Academy might not be the first to agree.

The current situation is that the Dao Emperor Academy has not made any statement regarding Chen Xi's disappearance. This attitude also makes many people think that Chen Xi's disappearance may not have any direct relationship with the Zuoqiu family.

Not to mention these discussions and rumors, during the years when Chen Xi disappeared, none was more nervous than his friends and teachers, like Zhao Mengli, Ji Xuanbing, Fozi Zhenlu, Ye Tang, Ling Qingwu...etc. Wait, it also includes those members of Chenmeng.

And the ones who were most proud and happy were those opponents who had entanglements with Chen Xi, but Zuoqiu clan was not included among these opponents.

On the contrary, regarding Chen Xi's disappearance, the Zuoqiu family was even extremely vigilant. If anything goes wrong, there must be a demon. They didn't believe that Chen Xi really disappeared for no reason.

Even Zuoqiu Feng, the current patriarch of the Zuoqiu Clan, thought that Chen Xi was most likely gaining momentum and preparing for revenge against the Zuoqiu Clan!

It was precisely because of this kind of thinking that Zuoqiufeng joined forces with Wei Xing to speed up the action of cleaning up the rebels in the clan. In just a few years, six high-level elders of the Zuoqiu clan disappeared forever...

As for some other rebels with a lower status, they were either bought or eradicated, and the number is so huge that it is impossible to count.

However, what can be confirmed is that the faction of Zuoqiu Feiming, which supports Zuoqiu Xue, has been severely hit by Zuoqiufeng's continuous clean-up, and is even on the verge of disintegration!


But very soon, whether it was Chen Xi's disappearance or the continuous drastic changes within the Zuoqiu Clan, no one cared about it anymore, because in the seventh year of No. 60 when Chen Xi disappeared, the entire fairy world was completely plunged into chaos by an astonishing piece of news. turmoil.

——Five declines of calamity, descended on the ancient barbarian fairyland!

The Ancient Man Xianzhou is located in the extreme west of the Immortal Realm, and it is just an unusual territory among the [-] continents in the Immortal Realm. But now, with the coming of the Five Decays, the Ancient Man Xianzhou has suddenly become the center of the entire Immortal World. focus.

"Five declines are coming, and the Three Realms will be in chaos!"

After confirming the authenticity of this news, many powerful forces in the fairy world almost made a unanimous judgment, that is, the catastrophe of the Three Realms that had been deduced for a long time was about to sweep.

Because these five decaying qi are a sign of imminent catastrophe!

All of a sudden, the entire fairy world was in panic, and the major forces planned various actions overnight, and there was a gloomy atmosphere everywhere.

Almost everyone knows that once this catastrophe of the Three Realms sweeps across, the holiness is like an ant, and the immortals and demons are like grass, no one will be spared!

what does this mean?





Especially for those immortals who are diligently pursuing eternal life, the catastrophe of the Three Realms is definitely a doomsday-like disaster. No one dares to guarantee that they can survive this catastrophe.

No one dared to believe that this catastrophe would not affect him.

It is also because of this that it seems that this catastrophe has become more terrifying and frightening.

At this moment, even those top powers could not maintain their composure, and seized all the time to plan everything and prepare for the catastrophe.


"Miss, we can't drag on any longer!"

Yuanwei Immortal Prison, Zuoqiu Feiming came to meet Zuoqiuxue again, and said worriedly, "Now our power is about to hurt the root, if we don't resist, we will completely lose all opportunities."

Zuo Qiuxue's expression became heavy at the moment, she had heard about what Zuo Qiufeng had done these years, so she naturally understood how unfavorable the current situation was to her.

"Over the years, how many manpower have we lost in total?"

she asked, taking a deep breath.

"Nearly [-]%!"

Zuoqiu Feiming said in a deep voice, "But the only good news is that during this cleansing, our most elite forces didn't suffer much loss, it's just..."

"Just what?"

Zuo Qiuxue asked with a frown.

"It's just that Uncle Beiyong and Aunt Leng Hua...are already on the side of Zuoqiu Peak!"

Zuoqiu Feiming said bitterly.

"Hmph, this was in my expectation. When my father passed away, I knew that one day they would make such a choice, but I didn't expect that they would make such a decision before this struggle came to an end. Huo Liao jumped out to stand in line."

At this moment, Zuo Qiuxue calmed down instead, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Axue, let's do it now. Now that the spirit of the five declines is coming, the catastrophe of the Three Realms is about to sweep across the Three Realms. We can choose to do it at this time and fight hard. Maybe there is a chance to turn things around."

Zuoqiu Feiming spoke in a deep voice, and a decisive look flashed across his brows.

"Where is Xi'er? Is there no news in these years?"

Zuo Qiuxue pondered for a long time, but suddenly changed the subject and asked about Chen Xi.


Zuoqiu Feiming sighed and shook his head, "But I can roughly judge that this little guy should be working hard to prepare something, and it has brought great pressure to Zuoqiufeng, otherwise Zuoqiufeng wouldn't suddenly speed up these years. Cleanse the crackdown."

When Zuo Qiuxue heard this, her eyes glowed imperceptibly, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she said with a smile: "If that's the case, then let's act!"

Seeing her agreeing so happily, Zuoqiu Feiming was taken aback for a long while before nodding: "Okay! Then I'll go get ready." After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Uncle Three."

Zuo Qiuxue suddenly stopped Zuoqiu Feiming, "Actually, if you didn't tell me, I would have already guessed that Zuo Qiufeng had already colluded with the Supreme Master. With our current strength alone, even if we resisted, it would be almost impossible There's no guarantee of winning."

"Axue, you... already know?"

Zuoqiu Feiming said in a daze, he was obviously caught off guard by these words, because he had never told Zuoqiu Xue about the collusion between Zuoqiu Feng and Wei Xing, the supreme teacher, just because he was worried that she would feel hopeless , completely lost the idea of ​​resistance.

But looking at the situation in front of him, Zuo Qiuxue had obviously already guessed this point.

"There's nothing to speculate about. With Zuoqiufeng's cautious temperament alone, it is impossible to make such a drastic action of suppression."

Zuoqiu Xue's eyes were calm, and she spoke slowly.

"then you……"

Zuoqiu Feiming opened his mouth.

"Don't worry third uncle, I won't be disheartened."

Zuo Qiuxue smiled, with a calm and firm expression, "I only hope that after this action, you can all leave the Zuoqiu family safely. This family... is no longer worth everyone's efforts!"

Zuoqiu Feiming's heart tightened, and when he was about to say something more, Zuoqiu Xue said first: "Sir, you don't need to say any more, if you still want to leave a lingering fire for the Zuoqiu family, Just do as I tell you."

Zuoqiu Feiming's expression changed, he stared at Zuoqiu Xue for a long time, finally gritted his teeth and said, "Axue, just wait for our good news!"

After saying that, he walked away, as if he didn't want to stay any longer.

Seeing this, Zuo Qiuxue not only didn't feel at ease, but instead had a worried look on her brows. She knew Zuo Qiu Feiming's temperament very well, and knew that he might not do what she said.

"Could it be... that the fate of the family has really reached an irretrievable point?" Zuo Qiuxue murmured, her expression full of sadness.


ps: Buried like an old woman's foot wrap, smelly and long, everyone didn't enjoy watching it. To be honest, what I wrote was really painful. Today I forcibly cut down seven or eight plots and outlines, just the deleted details. That's enough for 3 chapters to update.

In short, for the sake of refreshment, let's throw away those complicated branches and leaves, and start killing directly. Don't worry, everyone, the catastrophe of the Three Realms is just a transitional plot on the main line, and there are still many plots to be written later, so it will not be unfinished.

Finally, I wish you all a Merry Christmas~


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