divine talisman

Chapter 1441 The Heart of the Holy Path [Part 1]

Outside the limitless barrier.

Hua Jiankong looked solemn, sitting cross-legged like a stone statue.

He has been stationed here for 50 years!

This also means that 50 years have passed since Chen Xi entered the boundless barrier, and there has been no movement so far.

The 50 years of ups and downs did not bring any impact to Hua Jiankong, like the five decaying qi incident that broke out in the ancient man Xianzhou half a year ago, it also failed to bring much touch to Hua Jiankong.

After reaching his level, he has already discovered the impermanence of life and death, and he will not be trapped by foreign objects. Even if the catastrophe that is about to sweep the Three Realms is about to come, it is nothing more than a "catastrophe" to him.

After passing, continue to search for the road.

If you can't get over it, why not?

Nothing more than life and death ears.


On this day, Hua Jiankong, who had been meditating quietly, felt something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, a humming sound was conveyed from the boundless barrier, and accompanied by fluctuations, a figure suddenly walked out of it.

This person is Chen Xi!

"Finally out..."

Hua Jiankong stood up, looked at Chen Xi, and immediately discovered that compared to 50 years ago, Chen Xi's temperament had undergone an astonishing transformation at this moment.

He was wearing a green shirt, with a clear and handsome face, a pair of eyes as deep and quiet as the stars, and his whole body was filled with a calm and calm temperament of "the moon is full and the blue sky is pure and round".

Every inch of his skin is naturally filled with mysterious dao rhymes, and even his thick black hair is full of dao light and heavenly charms. Standing casually, it gives people a sense of returning to the original, returning to the original Tian Cheng's momentum.

Looking at his whole body from a distance, it was as if he had seen the place of the Great Dao, which was miraculous.

"Thank you, Senior Protector."

Chen Xi cupped his hands with a smile, every word, every action carried an aura of Dao.

"Already enlightened?"

Hua Jiankong couldn't help asking, with a look of surprise on his brows.

There are a total of eighteen life-and-death entrances in the boundless barrier, each of which represents a reincarnation of life and death. I think it took him hundreds of years to comprehend the power of life and death in the boundless barrier, and even almost Get lost in it and never return.

And now that only 50 years have passed, Chen Xi has actually walked out of it. This has to make Hua Jiankong feel emotional. The evildoer of this son really cannot be measured by common sense.

"It's clear in my heart."

Chen Xi replied with a smile. He inadvertently recalled everything he had experienced in the past 50 years in his mind, and felt a little dazed for a while.

For 50 years, he experienced eighteen different lives in the boundless barrier, representing eighteen completely different reincarnations of life and death.

It is worth mentioning that in every reincarnation, Chen Xi's original wisdom, cultivation, strength, and even temperament were all blinded.

To put it simply, in the eighteenth rebirth entrance, he had already forgotten that he was Chen Xi...

Like the first life, he turned into a poor scholar in the secular world of mortals, read a lot of poetry and books, and devoted himself to being named in the gold list. When he grew up, he resolutely bid farewell to his elderly parents and went to Beijing to take the exam. In the temple, I met a young girl who was transformed by the soul of Qianhun. She was unparalleled in beauty and virtuous, so she fell in love with her all at once.

It's a pity that people and ghosts have different paths, his beloved girl was finally ruthlessly subdued by an old monk because of her role as a ghost, and because he was too persistent in love, the first time he was stimulated by this, he suddenly became crazy , reduced to a beggar on the street, ignorant all day long, talking gibberish, living with ease, not knowing the meaning of life.

Until he was old and frail, he happened to witness a pair of couplets. The first couplet is "Consider yourself at ease, nothing comes from nothing, in the dust of the world". Heart, in the big dream of life".

Since then, the scholar had an epiphany, laughed three times, and passed away suddenly.

In the second life, Chen Xi turned into a swordsman who hated evil like a vengeful, and vowed to wipe out the world's injustice.

In the third life, he turned into a stupid and honest little monk, seeking the Buddha with all his heart.

In the fourth world, he became an iron-blooded and ruthless emperor...


Eighteen rounds of reincarnation, eighteen different life and death changes, experienced eight hardships and eight difficulties, experienced great joy, great compassion and great terror, and experienced another round of life and death.

The taste of it, only Chen Xi knew it.

It was precisely because of breaking through the obscurity of life and death, and seeing through the impermanence of life and death, that Chen Xi finally had an epiphany, and grasped the true meaning of life and death.

However, unlike comprehending time and space, the two supreme avenues, this power of life and death is extremely special, imprinted in the heart like an origin, but it cannot be controlled by people.

This is called not seeing but seeing, not knowing but knowing, not knowing but being clear, not being enlightened but being enlightened, mysterious and indescribable.

After receiving Chen Xi's affirmative answer, Hua Jiankong couldn't help admiring in his heart, saying: "This power of life and death is like the foundation of cultivation, what controls is not the life and death of others, but the life of oneself."

After a pause, he continued: "In other words, only when you truly grasp the will of life and death can you be said to have mastered your own destiny!"

Chen Xi nodded, and now he finally understands that the power of the will of life and death is not reflected in combat power, but a kind of control over his own life.

Before mastering the will of life and death, life and death are like drifting with the tide, subject to the manipulation of the long river of fate, but mastering the will of life and death means that my life is truly up to me!

"Now that you have comprehended the three supreme meanings of time, space, and life and death, when are you going to attack the half-step Immortal King Realm?"

Hua Jiankong asked.


Chen Xi replied without hesitation. After he finished speaking, he put his hands behind his back, and suddenly looked up to the sky with a smile, and a blazing divine light burst out of his eyes, as if he wanted to explore all the mysteries of the nine heavens and ten earths.


Hua Jiankong was startled.

Just when he was dazed, Chen Xi suddenly turned his finger into a pen and swiped it in the air.

It was such a simple movement, so casual, so understated, but when the stroke fell, a mysterious symbol gushed out from his fingertips.

This symbol seems extremely simple, but it is actually obscure and mysterious. If you look carefully, you can even see the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, the latitude and longitude of the earth, birds and beasts, vegetation and rocks... and even the changes of the world, the changes of history, the vicissitudes of time...all of them can be observed.

A few symbols, but it contains hundreds of millions of mysteries!

Chen Xi fixed his eyes on this symbol, and thought, "The way of a saint is to spread the word to the world. I hope that once this method is born, all people in the world who are predestined by fate can enter the way of the Tao by virtue of it!"

After thinking about it, he raised his hand and clicked on the symbol!

In an instant, Chen Xi felt a mysterious feeling in his heart, and it flooded his whole body.

At this moment, Qi Qi produced a magnificent and immeasurable sound of the Holy Way, which spread throughout the world, and all the existences in the Holy Immortal Realm in the entire Three Realms felt it. Qi Qi looked in the direction of the Dao Emperor Academy.

"Heart of the Holy Way!"

On the side, Hua Jiankong witnessed all this, his eyes burst into radiance, and his expression was already filled with shock.

What is the Heart of the Cause?

Stand up for the holy way!

Live for the common people!

For the sake of the pilgrimage to the saints!

For the eternal tradition!

As long as one of the above is achieved, it can be said to have the heart of the Holy Way.

The Holy Immortal Realm is a sage, who can preach the world, establish a sect, and have the heart of the holy way, but there is no one in a million, and it is rare in ancient times.

Because the appearance of this "heart of the holy way" means that there will be another way to comprehend the way in the three realms. As long as the cultivator keeps searching, he can finally come across this kind of way, which can be called infinite merit!

But now, Chen Xi has established his own heart of the holy way, which can be called "preaching the Taoism for all generations"!

This is the same as the vows made by the powerful people in the Buddhist world. It represents a wish, a goal on the sacred path, and a firmness and promotion of the self-righteous way.

For example, in the ancient times, there was a Buddha who made the great wish of "If I don't go to hell, whoever will go to hell", so he became famous in the three worlds and was respected and admired by all generations.

And just when Hua Jiankong was shocked, as soon as Chen Xi pointed out the symbol containing the heart of the holy way, his whole body suddenly seemed to have broken the shackles all over his body, and stepped forward in one step!



In an instant, a vast, blazing, immeasurable and incomparable black golden fairy light came out through the body, straight to the sky, soaring all the way, breaking through the blue and dark sky abruptly, rushing out of the universe, shaking billions of stars!

This qi moves horizontally and horizontally, gathering the aura of an immortal king. Its shape is like a void, boundless and boundless.

And under the impact of this qi, the clouds in the sky broke through the mist, and the stars from all over the sky poured down, illuminating the world and bathing Chen Xi in it.

At this moment, Chen Xi stood facing the sky, the air around his body roared through the heavens and the earth, swallowing both heaven and earth energy, and his aura suddenly rose steadily!

In just a few breaths, the aura Chen Xi possessed was completely different from before, and he possessed the aura of a king who swallowed everything up and down, and the emperor descended on the heavens.

Half step to Immortal King Realm!

In an instant, Hua Jiankong had judged it, and couldn't help marveling again: "The stars of the sky respond to their momentum, and the two qis of heaven and earth surround him. This is clearly the aura of an immortal king, and the road can be expected!"

He finally understood that just now when he asked Chen Xi when he would hit the half-step Immortal King Realm, Chen Xi would answer "now" without thinking.

From Chen Xi stepping out of the boundless barrier to stepping into the half-step fairy king realm, it was only a cup of tea!

what does this mean?

It meant that Chen Xi had already possessed the ability to break into the half-step fairy king realm as early as in the boundless barrier, but now, with just a flick of his mind, he breaks through the realm and advances, soaring upwards!

And carefully recalling the time when Chen Xi entered the half-step Immortal King Realm, it has only been seventy years since he entered the Realm of Time to comprehend the law of time.

70 years!

Looking at ancient and modern times, it can definitely be called an amazing and unparalleled promotion speed!

As for all of this, Chen Xi was not very surprised, because being able to reach this step was already within his expectations, and everything he had done before was merely done according to his will.

However, after being promoted to the half-step Immortal King Realm, Chen Xi still couldn't help feeling a tinge of joy in his heart when he felt the earth-shaking transformation that had taken place in his whole body.


ps: The second update is around 10:[-].

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