divine talisman

Chapter 1443 Going out angrily [Part 1]

Watching Chen Xi leave in a hurry, Hua Jiankong couldn't help frowning: "Every time there is a calmness in a big event, you have already advanced to the half-step Immortal King Realm, and you are still so impatient. It seems that the matter of enmity really affects the Dao Heart the most."

Seeing this, Meng Xinghe murmured: "Jiankong, what do you think of the Zuoqiu clan's infighting?"

When he was speaking, there was a boundless ocean surging in his vicissitude-stricken eyes, pure and clear, full of the luster of wisdom, reflecting the vicissitudes of the ages.

Hua Jiankong was stunned, and said: "With the power and potential that Chen Xi possesses now, if he is involved in this battle, he will certainly be able to easily turn things around."

This is not an exaggeration. Chen Xi seems to be only a half-step Immortal King Realm cultivation now, but he has the support of many terrifying forces behind him, like Shenyan Mountain, like Daohuang Academy, like Xuanyuan Clan...

Combining all the forces, just dealing with a Zuoqiu family is enough to show the momentum of crushing and sweep away everything.


Meng Xinghe shook his head when he heard the words: "From the moment the power of the Supreme Sect penetrated into the Zuoqiu clan, this internal strife has long been beyond the control of the Zuoqiu clan, and the meaning has naturally become extraordinary. gone."

"Master, what is the difference in meaning?" Hua Jiankong couldn't help asking.

Meng Xinghe sighed, stood up from the ancient rock, looked into the distance with eyes filled with wisdom, and said, "You also know that the five decaying qi appeared in advance. According to previous speculations, this catastrophe happened at the earliest It's kind of weird that it's going to explode 300 years from now."

Hua Jiankong seemed to realize something, and raised a pair of strong sword eyebrows suddenly: "Master thinks it was the tampering of the Supreme Master?"

"Roughly so."

Meng Xinghe didn't hide it, and said frankly, "The Supreme Sect has been secretly planning for these years, and wants to take advantage of this catastrophe to bring disaster to the world and re-establish the Supreme Sect's control over the Three Realms. Now the spirit of five declines Arrival, this is a sign, I am afraid that it will not be long before the shadow of the Supreme Master will spread in this fairy world..."

Hua Jiankong frowned and said: "But what does all this have to do with the Zuoqiu family?"

Speaking of this, he seemed to understand all of a sudden, and a gleam of light suddenly burst into his eyes, and said: "Could it be that the Supreme Sect took this internal strife that happened in the Zuoqiu clan as the reason for his Supreme Sect to sweep the world?" first step?"

Meng Xinghe didn't deny it, but he stopped talking about this topic, pondered for a while, and finally made a decision: "Jiankong, go and accompany your uncle for a while, when chaos abounds, my Taoist emperor The academy can't stay out of this matter, let alone your uncle is involved in this matter."

"Uncle Master?"

Hua Jiankong was stunned for a moment, no matter how lonely and indifferent he was, he couldn't help being a little dazed, because he had never heard that his master had a younger brother.

Seeing his appearance like this, Meng Xinghe immediately reacted, and immediately laughed loudly and said, "Jiankong, I forgot to tell you that Chen Xi is my junior brother, so naturally he is also your senior uncle."

Chen Xi?

My uncle?

Hua Jiankong's expression was dull for a while again, and he didn't even think that the little guy who has been respectfully calling himself "senior" would actually be his uncle...

This is too ridiculous!

Hua Jiankong couldn't help but gasped. When he thought of calling Chen Xi his uncle in the future, his mouth felt bitter, and he couldn't open his mouth at all.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Meng Xinghe asked with a smile.

"How dare a disciple."

Hua Jiankong hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "If Master has no other instructions, then I will go to Chen Xi...Chen Xi...uncle." He was extremely awkward when he said a word.

Seeing this, Meng Xinghe couldn't help laughing again, and waved his hands: "Go, go, tell that little guy that when necessary, Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng can all help him, so that he doesn't have to worry about it." Let’s run around again.”


Hua Jiankong took the order and left.


"Three days ago, the Zuoqiu Clan's high-level leaders, headed by Zuoqiu Feiming, completely broke up with Zuoqiufeng's forces, and civil strife broke out."

"According to the information I got, Zuoqiufeng had already made full preparations before the civil strife broke out. In other words, Zuoqiu Feiming's resistance had already fallen into Zuoqiufeng's calculations. As soon as it broke out, Zuoqiufeng's forces killed eleven half-step Immortal King Realm beings in a row, and suffered an extremely serious blow."

"So far, Zuoqiu Feiming's team has been completely besieged. If this continues, within a few days, they will all be wiped out by Zuoqiu Feng!"

When Chen Xi came outside the secret realm in a hurry, he learned all this from Axiu. He felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

All of this happened too suddenly. According to Chen Xi's original deduction, at least within a hundred years, the situation of his mother Zuoqiu Xue would not be threatened too much.

But who would have thought that Zuoqiu's civil strife broke out too early, so that before he started to deploy all his forces, it suddenly broke out, catching him by surprise!

After taking a few deep breaths, suppressing all the irritability and anxiety in his heart, Chen Xi regained his composure, and quickly asked, "Axiu, where are they trapped now?"

"Iris Immortal Prison."

Axiu looked at Chen Xi worriedly, and she could also feel that at this moment, Chen Xi was filled with a violent aura from the inside out like a stimulated beast.

"Iris Immortal Prison... Iris Immortal Prison... Isn't that the place where my mother was trapped?"

Thinking of his mother Zuoqiu Xue, Chen Xi felt a heavy feeling in his heart again, his face was already extremely cold, and his eyes were filled with coldness, revealing endless anger, anxiety, and worry.

Can't wait any longer!

A flash of determination flashed across his expression, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Axiu, do me a favor, just activate this token, and you can directly arrive at Nuwa Taoist Palace, and please go and inform Nuwa Taoist Palace disciple Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du, the five of them, are going to help, and just say that I, Chen Xi, have a life-threatening urgent matter to ask for!"

As he spoke, he stuffed a token into Axiu's hand.

This token was exactly what Xiang Liuli gave to Chen Xi when he returned from the Conferred God Realm last time. There is a teleportation array in the token, which can directly reach Nuwa Dao Palace just by activating it, which is extremely miraculous.

But Axiu didn't do what Chen Xi said, instead she frowned and stared at Chen Xi, and scolded, "Chen Xi, I know you're in a mess right now, but things haven't reached the point of no return. If you mess up your position, it will only affect your next actions!"

With harsh words, Chen Xi was reprimanded for the first time ever!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, as if someone had poured cold water on it, the hostility in his heart was suppressed, he became calm, and said, "Don't worry, Axiu, I won't do anything reckless."

Axiu carefully examined Chen Xi for a long time, and saw that there was a silence between his brows, with no emotion visible, her heart was not at ease, but she became more and more worried about Chen Xi.

She also knew the urgency of the situation, nodded and said: "I will send someone to take the token to Nuwa Dao Palace, as for me, I will go and tell my father all this, and let him go with you with the power of the Xuanyuan clan. "

"No, I have to go first."

Chen Xi shook his head, with a firm expression, "I don't dare to wait any longer. If I take another step late, I worry that I will regret and suffer for the rest of my life!"

"Yourself? Are you crazy?"

Axiu raised her brows upright, and she was furious. She had never seen Chen Xi be so messed up before, she was simply stupid!If it were someone else, she would have slapped him on the face to wake him up.

"Don't worry, I won't foolishly try my best, I just want to check the situation, otherwise I can't feel at ease." Chen Xi replied seriously.

"You..." Axiu was so angry that her teeth were about to gnash.

"In that case, let me go with him."

At this moment, Hua Jiankong's figure appeared out of thin air, and he glanced at Chen Xi with a slightly weird gaze, thinking in his heart, this little fellow could blame himself for not calling him uncle, right?

He was obviously overthinking. At this moment, Chen Xi didn't have the mind to care about these things. Seeing that Hua Jiankong was willing to go with him, he felt very grateful. He cupped his hands and said, "Then I'll have to thank you, senior."

Hearing this senior, Hua Jiankong jumped in his heart, waved his hand and said: "It should be, the master has told me everything, and Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng will all come to help at that time, so you don't have to worry about it anymore." Run for it."

Hearing these words, Chen Xi finally calmed down completely. Thinking of his gaffe just now, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. He only paid attention to inviting Shi Yu and the others, but forgot that there were many old antiques in the academy who could help him...

Immediately, he discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind and said, "Senior, let's go then!"

Hearing Chen Xi calling himself senior again, Hua Jiankong felt awkward for a moment, frowned and said, "Don't call me senior from now on."

Chen Xi was startled, and then he slapped his forehead, remembering that he was now Meng Xinghe's junior, and Hua Jiankong, as Meng Xinghe's apprentice, naturally became his senior nephew.

But asking Chen Xi to call Hua Jiankong's nephew... he also felt very awkward!

Then the uncle and nephew in name used teleportation to leave in silence.

Seeing this, Axiu also held the token that Chen Xi had given him, turned around and left in a hurry.

Before leaving the academy, Chen Xi thought about it, and finally returned to Jianlu Cave Mansion, leaving Xiaoding and Xingchen Cave Mansion behind.

Doing so is also leaving a way out for yourself.

It can also be seen from this that Chen Xi has already embraced the determination to fight to the death for this upcoming battle!


"Three, the chaos in the heavens has come, and the opportunity that has been waiting for many years is destined to follow. It is time for you to exercise your muscles and bones."

In that secret realm, Meng Xinghe had his hands behind his back, his eyes as deep as the sea of ​​wisdom pierced through many voids, until after watching Chen Xi and Hua Jiankong leave the academy, he was silent for a while, and then spoke softly.

That plain voice seemed ordinary, but it was like a ray of the voice of the Great Dao, and it was conveyed to three different old antique training places in the academy.

At this moment, Zhao Taici, the patriarch of the Phoenix clan, Ao Jiuhui, the patriarch of the Dragon Realm, and Chi Cangsheng, the head of the inner courtyard, who were in retreat, opened their eyes almost at the same time, as if three gods woke up from a deep sleep...

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