divine talisman

Chapter 1444 All Actions [Part 2]

After Meng Xinghe finished speaking, he sat cross-legged, and was about to meditate, but there was a strange movement in his heart, and he couldn't settle down for a long time.

He frowned, opened his eyes suddenly, and his expression gradually became serious, even with a touch of dignity.

"It's hard to decide the ups and downs of the heart, and the fate will not fail according to the law. Among them...is there another variable?"

Meng Xinghe stood up, pacing with his hands behind his back, a pair of deep eyes filled with wisdom-like brilliance, looking carefully, the infinite mystery was disillusioned, obviously, he was silently deducing something.

"This catastrophe is so strange that no one can peek at it!"

After a long time, Meng Xinghe suddenly stopped, his eyes were filled with cold currents, and billions of divine lights were transpiring, as if he wanted to probe through nothingness and gain insight into the ages.

"Kalpa, kalpa, kalpa, often sit in immeasurable contemplation, the truth is not comfortable, since you can't deduce it, it's better to go out for a walk!"

Reaching Meng Xinghe's level, he has already read through ghosts and gods, and his mind has been through the ages. He can deduce the changes in the three realms, and he is very clear that there are often many terrible mysteries hidden behind any abnormal signs.

Maybe it's robbery, maybe it's luck, maybe it's the fetters of cause and effect, maybe it's... murderous intent!

Based on this cognition, he immediately decided to go out for a walk!

But just as Meng Xinghe started to take steps, his movements stopped abruptly, a look of bewilderment appeared between his brows, and he suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that there is no need to go out, as a distinguished guest has arrived."

The voice just fell.

A slender figure, like a stream of clear light, was gradually reflected in the secret realm like a dream, and then a young man in brocade clothes, Shi Shiran, with red lips and white teeth, came out with a natural flair.


too classy.

The turbulent volcano flows lava, which lasts forever and lasts forever.

On the top of the mountain, Suirenting sat cross-legged, surrounded by billions of flames, burning the sky, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"Old Ancestor, this disciple has mobilized the nine core chess pieces and 69 important chess pieces that have been placed in the fairy world. Now we are only one step away from setting the world apart!"

Mr. Wei Wei Xing, who had been taken by Zuoqiu Kong as his arm, fell to his knees on the ground at this moment, and spoke respectfully.

"Oh, you are so courageous! You dare to move the core chess pieces placed by the leader himself!"

Suirenting opened his eyes, his eyes were full of fire, and he glanced coldly at Wei Xing on the ground. He knew clearly that the so-called important chess pieces refer to those half-step fairy king masters who were placed in the fairy world by the Supreme Master.

And this core chess piece is the master of the Immortal King Realm placed by the Supreme Master among the top forces in the Immortal World!

Every core chess piece was personally arranged by the Supreme Leader in these boundless years. Even Suirenting is not qualified to intervene in this matter. After all, this is the existence of the Immortal King Realm. Let today's fairy world fall into a shocking earthquake!

Like the beings in the fairy world today, they only know the existence of the four great fairy kings. As for how many fairy kings exist in the secret of the fairy world, only a small group of people in the top powers know.

Why is this so?

It's very simple. Immortal King Realm powerhouses are already in the highest ranks of the Immortal Realm. This kind of power is the mainstay of maintaining a top power. Who would dare to expose it easily?

This is like a trump card, the more mysterious it is, the more deterrent it is, once exposed, it will cause many dangerous disturbances.

As far as the Supreme Master is concerned, the existence of those core chess pieces is even less visible. You must know that most of those core chess pieces come from the top forces in the fairy world, and their identities are extremely respected. How about the chess pieces taught?

Seeing Suiren Ting's displeasure, Wei Xing's heart trembled, and he couldn't help sweating all over his body. He hastily said, "I want to report to my ancestor, this disciple also wanted to capture and kill Chen Xi as soon as possible, and brought back the sword of Dao'er and the fragments of the river chart. Anything that goes against your will."

Suirenting suddenly smiled: "I just said that you are bold, but I didn't say that you did something wrong."


This is Wei Xing's evaluation of Suirenting in his heart, but he dare not say it.

"What's the current situation?" Suirenting asked indifferently with a restrained smile.

"Within three days, the overall situation will be settled! At that time, Zuo Qiuxue and those Zuoqiu Clan traitors will all be under the control of my Grand Master, so I don't have to worry about Chen Xi not taking the initiative to send them to my door."

Wei Xing answered quickly.

"Three days..."

Suirenting murmured, and inadvertently remembered the instructions of the leader a few days ago in his mind. After a long time, he came back to his senses, glanced at Wei Xing who was kneeling on the ground, and said: "Okay, you go back and fight for it." Get this done as soon as possible.”

"The disciple accepts the order." Wei Xing quickly kowtowed to accept the order.


But just as Wei Xing got up, a shocking thunderbolt suddenly tore down from the sky, the purple light was blazing, distorted like a startled dragon, and filled with an aura of supreme terror.

This purple divine lightning came so abruptly that Wei Xing trembled in fright, and almost fell to the ground. You must know that he is a half-step fairy king, but he was frightened like this by a flash of thunder. How terrifying is the overwhelming power.

However, this thunderbolt was not aimed at Wei Xing. As soon as it came, it turned into a shimmering purple talisman, suspended in mid-air.

It can be vaguely seen that the purple talisman is full of majestic divine aura, and the divine script inside it is distorted like an earthworm, obscure and ancient, but it releases a power that makes the world eclipse.

Seeing this purple talisman, Suirenting's expression became solemn, he stood up abruptly, and bowed in salute: "Disciple Suirenting listens to the order."

"The time has come, take this order and start acting."

A faint, indifferent and emotionless majestic voice suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

With a thud, Wei Xing was shocked by the supreme aura that filled the voice, and his knees softened and he fell to his knees!

"The disciple is ordered."

Suirenting took a deep breath, put his hands together, respectfully greeted the purple talisman in his hand, and carefully put it away.

At this point, the supreme power that filled the sky and the earth has just disappeared.

Wei Xing also came back to his senses at this moment, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and he couldn't help but panic in his heart, "Master! That must be the voice of the Master! No wonder it's so amazing, no wonder..."

"What are you still doing here?"

Seeing Wei Xing kneeling on the ground in embarrassment, Suirenting couldn't help but frowned and scolded in a cold voice.

Wei Xing's heart trembled, he quickly got up, turned around and left in a hurry, not daring to stay here any longer, but he was a little curious in his heart, what is the so-called action of the leader?


Suirenting also didn't stay any longer, and disappeared in a flash.


Iris Immortal Island.

Like other fairy continents in the fairy world, Iris Fairy Continent also has an extremely vast territory, where hundreds of millions of living beings live, and it is extremely prosperous.

But recently, the Iris Immortal Continent has been in turmoil, with bloody storms and chaos everywhere, making all the living beings living here panic and uneasy, and everyone is in danger.

The reason is that the Zuoqiu family, one of the seven great families in ancient times, has now completely broken out into civil strife!

This is the most powerful, oldest, and most powerful top force in the Iris Immortal Continent, just like the master of the Iris Immortal Continent, and now there is a complete civil strife, one can imagine how amazing the destructive power it has caused.

Even, this civil strife continued to spread, affecting many forces in Yuanwei Immortal Continent, causing countless bloody killings, and terrifying battles broke out almost every day, and immortal cities were destroyed everywhere. The number of casualties has long been impossible to count.

In short, this conflict that broke out in the Zuoqiu Clan can be said to affect the whole body, causing the current Iris Immortal Continent to be plunged into a major earthquake.

And this kind of earthquake is still going on, getting stronger and stronger!

No one knows that until today, this civil strife has reached the most tragic critical moment.


Iris Desert.

The desert, which was originally golden, has now turned into a thick blood color. The sky, the earth, and the gravel... all seem to have been soaked in blood, and the blood has stained everything red.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a bloody purgatory!

At this moment, a terrifying war is breaking out.


A big hand with bulging veins rose out of thin air, covered the sky and the earth, and slapped it away fiercely, smashing, smashing, and pulverizing the void, which was extremely terrifying.


Thirty-six scarlet-like fire-like fairy swords rushed straight to the sky, attracting hundreds of millions of gods and fire gangsters, and slashed fiercely on this big blue-veined hand. It was crushed, the spine of the void shattered, and turned into countless black hole fragments!

"Sixth brother, why are you so stubborn?"

On the other side, amidst the thundering shouts, a blood-colored saber wrapped in monstrous power, crushed the void, and slashed away. The blade was filled with the Xuanjin Immortal King Qi, like a horse training, cutting the universe into pieces, splitting Yin and Yang !

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense! You'd rather be the teacher's dog than me!"

A golden and thick iron rod pierced the sky, and smashed down fiercely!Xuanguang is berserk, with sticks and shadows everywhere, and his power is immeasurable!

Such fierce peak battles took place in almost every area of ​​the Iris Desert, and the people who fought were all high-ranking figures in the Zuoqiu Clan.

Even the weakest one in this battle has a half-step Immortal King Realm cultivation!

All of a sudden, this piece of heaven and earth was filled with the turmoil of war, the void collapsed everywhere, the avenues were shattered, and the endless torrent of divine light spread around. , In the Great Collapse.

Looking from a distance, it seems that the ancient battlefield has reappeared, where gods and demons are fighting, and the spirit of war is stirring the nine heavens and ten earths.

This scene is too terrifying, and a confrontation of this level is too terrifying. If you come to the Holy Immortal Realm, you can only stay away. Once it is involved, it will inevitably end in death.

And on the outskirts of this battlefield, there is a group of people standing, looking at the tragic battlefield in the distance.

The person at the head has a majestic face and a graceful demeanor, he is the current Patriarch Zuoqiu Feng of the Zuoqiu Clan!

He looked indifferent at the moment, staring at the distant battlefield with his hands behind his back, waiting quietly.

Because he knew very well that according to the development of the situation in front of him, it might not take long for the tragic battle in front of him to end...

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